Ch. 11: Play Date Turned Bad

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Luz was at the Owl House, getting ready for bed. Ever since she got home, she began bonding more with Amethyst after she used the dragon to fly home. It was so exciting, Luz was another step closer to becoming a real witch. She felt like nothing could stop her now that she had a palisman partner to go with the Monado. Luz heard a chirp coming from her bag.

"Ame, did you make that sound?"

The dragon shook her head no as she sniffed the air, looking towards Luz's bag. The dragon palisman went to the bag and went inside, before coming out with a red cardinal caught in her teeth.

"Another palisman?" Luz asked in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

If Luz remembers correctly, this palisman is rather rambunctious and always going off without permission.

"Did you tag along me just to visit your friend?" Luz asked as Amethyst let it go.

The palisman chirped and Luz laughed.

"Alright, let's take you back."

Grabbing both palismen and her witch's wool cloak, Luz left the owl house as Amethyst transformed into a staff with her tail as the base so they could fly back to Hexside.

"Alright little buddy, we'll get you back."

The cardinal chirped at Luz as she flew them back to Hexside, a trip that took about 5 minutes thanks to Amethyst. They landed in the grudgby field, where the nest of Palismen was surrounded by an energy field.

"How do we get in?" Luz asked as she landed, letting Amethyst retract and sit in her shoulder.

The cardinal palisman walked to the field and tapped it, making it fade away.

"Woah, that's cool!"

Luz walked to the door and opening it, letting the cardinal palisman enter to rejoin his friends.

"There you go, little guy." Luz said before Amethyst flew off her shoulder, greeting the Palismen. "Oh? You want to play for a bit, girl?"

Amethyst nodded to Luz as the human decided to come inside and watch them play.

'It'll be fine for a few minutes, then we'll head home.' Luz thought.

Luz smiled as her palisman played. Alas, the few minutes turned into a few hours as Luz fell asleep with the Palismen around her in the nest. Nothing could disturb them... until they all felt the nest jolting.

"What was that?!" Luz said, waking up.

Luz rushed the the door and outside, falling from the nest as they were airborne!

"Aaah!" Luz said before quickly summoning the Monado and going into fire mode, making it fly like a broom. "What the heck?!"

Looking back to the nest, Luz saw that it was being carried by a blimp with the Emperor's Coven symbol on it!

"The Palismen! Amethyst!" Luz said as she flew after them, gripping the Monado. "Time to see what I can do with this." Luz said.

Standing on the Monado, Luz stumbled before she rode it like a surfboard to the blimp! As Luz flew up to see who was driving, Amethyst and the cardinal palisman flew out of the nest to Luz!

"Stop this blimp!" Luz shouted as she saw who was driving, The Golden Guard, "You!?"

"Human?!" The guard said in shock.

Luz jumped on and held her sword out.

"I don't know why you want the Palismen but you're not getting them!" Luz said, switching the Monado to ice mode.

'That can't be! The Monado!? Wielded by a human?!' Golden Guard thought as he grabbed his staff, ready to fight.

Luz slammed the blade on the ground, sending an ice spike at Golden Guard's staff. G.G. dodged the spike but his staff was knocked out of his hand and off the blimp!

"No!" He screamed, reaching for his staff but just missed it as it fell to the ground.

He growled and turned around, only to be met with the energy blade of the Monado! He was held near the controls as Luz glared at him.

"Land this blimp, now!" Luz said as Amethyst and the cardinal palisman landed on her shoulders. "Guys! You're alright!"

Before Luz could be happy about them, a roar called out and the blimp shook.

"What was that?!" Luz asked, "Another one of your tricks?"

"No! It's not me!" G.G. said before the blimp suddenly began falling to the group! "The balloon's been damaged, we going down!"

"Oh man! Hang on, guys!" Luz said, switching the Monado to plant mode and stabbing the ground to make a cocoon around her, Amethyst, and the cardinal palisman.

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