Ch. 104: The Fruits of Labor

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Later, Boscha was planted in the backyard of Triplet manor, while the group took Willow to a glass smith.

"This sucks." Boscha said, "They said I would be stuck like this for an unknown amount of time."

"It's not that bad, sweetheart." Elizabeth said as she and Mavic came out to her.

"How is it not that bad?" Boscha asked.

"Well... your baring fruit." Mavic said, "That's something no other tree in the yard has."

Mavic reached up and took a fruit from Boscha's branches, making her flinch a bit from the sensation.

"Just looking at them they seem fresh and juicy. They could see well in the market." Mavis said before taking a bite.

"Dad! Could you not!?" Boscha asked.

Elizabeth also took a fruit and took a bite.

"It does taste amazing, we could plant some of these and grow more." Elizabeth said, "We could sell them at the restaurant."

"Great, my fruit is going to be sold at the restaurant." Boscha said, "Can you not take my fruit? It feels like you're pulling my hair out."

"Sure but no promises sweetie." Elizabeth said as she ate her fruit quicker than before, finding it SO good!

'Great, this is going to be a LONG three days.' Boscha thought, 'At least I'm a hot tree, maybe Luz and Amity will take some time to admire me before turning me back.'

She was so distracted that Boscha missed her parents taking one more fruit each!

"OUCH!" She screamed in pain, "Would you stop that!"

She was ignored. As Boscha was being picked for her juicy fruit, everyone else was at the glass smith and watching as the smith looked over Willow in the small bottle.

"Hmm, this is a VERY common bottle but with how stuffed this young girl is within it, it's been reinforced to withstand her completely." He said to them.

"Can you get her out?" Luz asked.

"Yes, but it will take a while."

"Can you explain more?" Gus asked him.

"I'll need a diamond tipped spike, complete silence, and a calming pot of tea. In your terms, about 2-3 hours." The glass smith explained.

"Well, it's not like I'm going anywhere." Willow said.

"I don't either." Gus said with his hand up.

"I should call to see how Eda and King are." Luz said as she pulled out her school.

"I'll go to Triplet Manor to see how Boscha's doing." Amity said.

The two went separate direction. But came back for a quirk kiss before continuing in their ways. Amity flew via staff back to Triplet Manor and checked on Boscha but say she was whimpering a bit and a lot of her fruit was gone.

"Boscha?" Amity said as she landed before her.

"Amity! It was horrible! They nearly picked me clean of my fruit!" Boscha said as she cried a bit.

'Oh boy.' Amity thought.

Amity moved to her tree girlfriend and hugged her, caressing her head softly.

"Shhh. Shhhh. It's alright, they'll grow back." Amity said to her.

"But what if it's like my hair? It felt like they were ripping it out with each fruit! I can't handle being bald!" Boscha cried.

"Boscha... you're a witch, I've seen you magic your hair back after burning it off in your potions class."

"It could work differently when I turn back! Also, what's the status on Willow?" Boscha asked as Amity pulled back.

"2-3 hours with a diamond tipped spike." Amity said to her.

"Oh, those are hard to come by." Boscha said.

"Hopefully he has one." Amity said to her before noticing one of Boscha's fruits in the ground. "Is this the fruit that your parents kept picking?"

"Yes, that's one of them." Boscha said as Amity picked it up.

"Is it good?" Amity asked.

"They seem to think so." Boscha said, "They plan on selling them."

Amity was curious and surprised by this, deciding to try the fruit itself to see if it was as good as they say it is. She took a bite and the flavor exploded on her tongue, surprising her greatly and almost making her scream at how good it was.

"Damn, that's pretty good. Really good." Amity said as she looked to Boscha. "I think they were right to sell these but they may have to keep some seeds since you'll be turned back soon."

"Yeah, they said the same thing." Boscha said, "Now kiss me."

"Damn, you're really not the giving tree, you're the demanding tree."

"I had my fruit picked painfully. I earned that!" Boscha shouted at Amity.

"Okay, okay, just don't give me splinter." Amity said to her.

"Well it better be a good kiss and there won't."

Amity rolled her eyes before moving closer and kissing Boscha on her tree lips.

'Okay, this is weird.' Amity thought.

'This is pretty good.' Boscha thought.

Boscha didn't realize it, but she was so happy she started blooming flowers. Once Amity pulled away, not getting splinters, she looked up and saw the blooming flowers. She gasped as she found them so beautiful, unlike any floor she's ever seen before.


"What, what is it?" Boscha asked, "I can't move my head so I don't know what you're looking at."

Taking out her scroll, Amity took a picture of the flowers before sending one to Luz and showing the picture to Boscha.

"You're growing these." She said.

"I'm... doing plant magic?"

"I guess you are." Amity said as she continued to look over the beautiful flowers. "Willow would be proud."

If Boscha could cry, she would. Crying was what Luz was doing as she found her tree girlfriend looking so beautiful on her scroll. Like she was the Mother Nature of the demon realm, so natural and so beautiful.

"Luz, you're crying on my bottle." Willow said.

"And on me." The glass smith said as he paused his work.

After she received the photo from Amity, Luz couldn't help but show Willow.

"Look, she's blooming!"

"I know and it is impressive. Maybe she'll finally be good would plant magic when she turns back, now that she's had e experience being a tree." Willow said as the glass smith went back to work.

'She also has amazing fruit.' Amity texted.

'Fruit? She made fruit?' Luz texted back.

'Yeah, very good. But it hurts Boscha a bit, her parents picked her clean and said they would sell her fruits.' Amity texted.

'Well, it is a great marketing idea.' Luz texted, 'No one else would have that fruit, so it could work well.'

'Until they ran out but hopefully they'll keep the seeds from the fruits so they won't pick Boscha anymore.' Amity texted.

'Imagine they plant them and trees shaped like Boscha grow.' Luz said.

Amity and Luz imagined it as Boscha was back to normal before the tree. It had a strangely curvy figure and Boscha glared with self-jealously for some reason.

'I'm chopping it down.' Imagination Boscha said.

Luz chuckled at this as she replied it would be funny.

'How's Willow doing?'

'The glass smith is working on her right now.' Luz texted as she looked to Gus, who was sitting in the lobby to wait. 'Gus is still here too. It's taking a long time.'

Luz looked at the timer of her scroll, seeing it was at 2 hours, 51 minutes left.

'Oh boy.' Luz thought, 'This will be a long day.'

"I'm going to get some lunch. Do you want anything, Gus?" Luz asked him.

"Nachos please." Gus said to her.

"You want anything Willow?"

"A bigger bottle." Willow said with a deadpan look.

"....Large bottle of soda it is!" Luz said before taking her leave, leaving Gus to stay and keep watch.

'Alright, it's a good thing I have Boscha's credit card.' Luz thought.

Luz may have swiped it from her room before they went camping on the Knee. But she had the best intentions for it. Nothing more.

"Alright, where to get food."

Luz looked around the area before finding a small fast food place nearby.


Luz went to the fast food place and got in line, luckily it was short so it was just 2 people ahead of her.

"That'll be 27 snails, cash or card is acceptable." The cashier said, holding his hand out for the demon in front of Luz to give him the money.

'Still can't believe credit cards exist here.' Luz thought.

"Next." the cashier said.

Luz stepped forward and gave a friendly smile to the demon.

"What would you like, ma'am?" He asked.

"I'll have some octopus tentacles, half fried and half raw, an order of medium spicy nachos, and 3 large bottles of hex cola." Luz said to him.

"Okay, that'll be 39 snails." He said as Luz gave him the credit card.

'Ah, the perks of having two rich girlfriends.' Luz thought.

The cashier took the card and let it be eating by a living cash resister before it was spat out.

"Your meal will be ready in a few minutes." He said as he gave the card back to Luz.

"Thank you." Luz said

Luz went off the side and waited for their food to be done, going through her scroll to see the picture of Boscha's flowers and fruit once again.

"So pretty."

She quickly made the picture of Tree Boscha in bloom her wallpaper before she heard her order was ready. Luz quickly claimed it and thanked the demon before returning to the glass smith shop.

"I got food."

"Sweet. They're not so spicy, right?" Gus asked as he got his nachos.

"Mild, just the way you like them." Luz said, "So, Willow, feeling cramped yet?"

"You know, after a while it starts feeling pretty cozy in here." Willow said, "That being said, I still want to get out of this bottle as fast as possible."

"Don't worry, little girl. You'll be out in about 1 hour and 40 minutes at the least." The Glass Smith said. "I'm making good progress."

"That's good."

Luz sat down Gus and pulled out some hex cola, offering him his bottle before drinking some of her own.

"So what did you get, Luz?" Gus asked.

"Octopus tentacles, half fried and half raw." Luz said as she opened her meal.

She began to think that being here that long was changing her, but she didn't care. Luz may or may not have been getting weirder but as long as she has friends and girlfriends that loved her as she is, she'll deal with it.

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