Ch. 105: Out and About

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At the Triplet House, Amity sat on one of Boscha's branches.

"You know, your branches feel surprisingly comfortable." Amity said as she leaned back.

"Thanks, I guess." Boscha said to her girlfriend.

"Boscha, I thought you liked being turned into stuff."

"Inanimate things and a tree isn't exactly inanimate. It's differently, I don't move yet at the same time I move slowly. Like I can feel the fruits I made growing back and it's kind of odd." Boscha explained.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I'll turn you into my chair after you turn back." Amity said.

"Really?" Boscha asked with a smile.

"Yep." Amity said with a nod, "It won't be for that long though."

"Damn it." Boscha said, "Fine."

Amity smiled at her and kissed her bark a bit before relaxing once more.

"If your parents do plant your seeds, then I'm going to put a hammock on one for the three of us enjoy." Amity said.

"Why not turn me into the hammock?" Boscha asked.

"A chair is enough after this." Amity said to her, "Besides, I want to cuddle with my girlfriends in one. It's like a dream for me."

"Don't we do that already?" Boscha asked.

"Yes but it's never enough. It's like a drug, but a good one." Amity said, smiling.

"Ah... Cocaine." Boscha said.

"....Not that but how do you-" Amity asked.

"Don't worry, I never did it. I just read about it." Boscha said to Amity.

"You know I'm more of a drinker." Boscha said.

Amity smirked and made a water spell, letting it splash on the ground for Boscha's roots.

"There, you can drink that."

"That's not what I meant.....but that water taste really good. Like more than normal." Boscha said.

"I'm glad." Amity said.

Amity looked to her branches and saw the flowers in bloom changing color, possibly reacting to Boscha's emotions.

'Oh, that's cute.' Amity thought.

Amity pulled out her scroll and took a picture of them before sending it to Luz.

'And it will also be blackmail for when she refuses to turn me back after transforming me.'

Amity sent the picture and went back to relaxing. At the glass smith, Luz got the picture and smiled.

"And I just found a new home page wallpaper." Luz said as she ate another tentacle, "So, how's it going, Willow?"

"Slow but good. But I'm also hungry." Willow said.

"Don't worry, when you're out, you'll get some food." Luz said.

"In just another hour or so." Gus said with a mouthful.

Willow rolled her eyes. The least they could do was not eat in front of her.

'When I get out of here, I'm going to eat at an all you can eat buffet.' Willow thought.

Soon enough, she was out. She popped a few joints and stretched.

"Oh, it feels good to be out of there." Willow said, "Next time I'm shoved into a bottle, I hope its bigger."

"As big as this one?" Luz joked as she held up Willow's Hex Cola to her.

"Not funny but thank you." Willow said as she took the soda and opened it, drinking it all in one go.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Gus chanted.

Willow finished it with ease and looked at the bottle.

"Do you think I could fit in this?"

"Yes./No." Luz and Gus said before looking to each other.

"...I'm just going to ignore that and head to her a BIG lunch." Willow said as she turned to leave the glass smith shop.

"Here's my bill." The glass smith said as he gave the bill to Luz.

"You can forward that to Boscha Triplet." Luz said, "Since it was kind of her fault for this."

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind." He said as Gus and Luz followed Willow.

"So, where you thinking, Willow." Luz said, "Keep in mind I have Boscha's credit card with no limit so anywhere is an option."

"I have the PERFECT place in mind." Willow said with a TINY devilish smile.

"I don't like that look." Gus said.

"Too bad. Let's go." Willow said as she grabbed their arms and rushed them towards the place she had in mind.

'We may be friends now but this is my last act of being against Boscha.' Willow thought.

Luz looked at the place.


"Yep." Willow said with a smirk. "My dads only take me here on rare and special occasions, I think this qualifies as one."

"An all you can eat rib place." Luz said, "Yeah, that's fitting."

"How good and how expensive is it?" Gus asked, being cautious.

"Amazing." Willow said.

"And paid for by Boscha." Luz said, "She's probably going to turn me into something for a month after this, but it'll be worth it."

Willow agreed as the trio entered the rib restaurant, the biggest of the trio planning to eat them out of half of the buffet at least.

'I sense my wallet is crying.' Boscha thought.

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