Ch. 83: Homework and Chat

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Later, Luz was heading to Blight Manor with Amity and Boscha. They decided to have a little date in doing their homework together.

"This is going to be fun, I haven't been to Blight Manor without someone plotting to kill me." Luz said.

"Yeah. Things have been a lot better since Odalia left. Especially for Edric and Emira." Amity said to them.

"What do you mean?" Luz asked, confused as they seemed to always do what they wanted.

They walked in the mansion and were greeted by Emira and Edric who... looked different.

"Hey mittens and girls." They said as they stood before the trio.

Edric's overall appearance was completely different, more unkempt and having pulled-back hair, thin beginnings of a mustache, and visible leg hairs while he wore a yellow t-shirt with a campfire on it, gray sweatpants, and brown flat shoes. He also wears a set of black-rimmed glasses.

Emira's appearance wasn't much different, except her hair was down and unkept with spots of acne on her face and lacks her beauty mark.

"Whaaaaaaaaaa?" Luz asked with a dropped jaw.

"Oh, my Titan." Boscha said softly with wide eyes.

"Like I said, they've been happier since Odalia left."

"B-B-B-But-" Luz stuttered out.

"We used concealment charms because mom wanted use to be perfect in appearance." Edric said as he held up his left. "I had one as a bracelet."

"Mine was the gem on my chest." Emira said as she pointed to her shirt, which now lacked a diamond gem.

"Seriously? A charm just for that?" Boscha asked as she shook her head.

"I know right. Plus, I can enjoy my hobby more with mom gone." Edric said as he pointed to himself.

"What hobby?" Luz asked.

"Beast Keeping!" He said.

To make his point, Edric drew a spell circle to summon a small cyclops bat to his shoulder and perched on it.

"Wow, that's so cool, Ed! And if you want, you can ask Bump if you want to switch to dual tracks like Jerbo, Viney, and Barcus." Luz suggested.

"Might as well ask Emira to do that as well." Ed said, "She's quite the Healer."

"Shut up, Ed. I'm not that good." Emira said as she rolled her eyes.

"Me and Mittens say otherwise." Edric said with a playful nudge.

"As eye opening as this is, we should head up to Amity's room for our homework date." Boscha said.

Boscha leaned into whisper into Luz's ear.

"The sooner we get done, the sooner we can get back to Triplet Manor and get working on the weapon."

Luz nodded to this, eager to help and see how the weapon making process of Boscha went. The trio went up to Amity's room. Once inside, the trio headed to her bed and pulled out the homework they all had to do. Luz's stack was a bit bigger than Amity's and Boscha's but that was due to studying all tracks.

"How are you able to do that?" Boscha asked, "I can barely handle to do the One Track I'm in and I have above average intelligence."

"That's because I love learning about magic! It's never a chore if you enjoy doing what you love." Luz said as she opened a beast keeping book.

"Okay, Miss 'I'm failing Potions'." Boscha said.

"Stirring potions is not my best subject, okay? My arms get sore." Luz said, rubbing her left arm.

"You just need to build up more muscle." Boscha said as she poked Luz's arm a bit.

"Geez, it's like jello, don't they give you construction patches or something?" Boscha asked.

"I am only allowed to use those during class." Luz said.

"And yet you can swing the Monado with ease." Boscha commented.

"That's different." Luz said to her, focusing on her book.

"How? You also lifted me with ease after our grudgby match." Amity added.

"That was also different." Luz said.

"Yeah, she got the Bisexual strength then." Boscha said.

"It makes no difference, but it looks like we'll have to be the once to carry Luz to the carriage after the wedding." Amity teased.

"Oh, hell no." Luz said, "I'm going to carry both of you on our wedding day."

"Both of us? Oh dear. Someone's feeling confident." Boscha said with a smirk.

"Well, I have a few years to get the strength." Luz said, "What's the minimum age you can get married here?"

"Well, it's eighteen, but you can get married at seventeen if you get the legal documents." Boscha said, "It's weird because you can legally drink, have sex, and do drugs at seventeen, but you need paperwork to get married at seventeen."

"Well... I have three years to get hulked up." Luz said.

'And three years of dreams to have about that that.' Luz thought.

"We can't wait." Amity said.

"And we can dream." Boscha said with a smile. "Now, onto our homework."

The trio got to work, somehow with Luz finishing it a good twenty minutes before Amity and Boscha.

"Done and done!" Luz said with a smile.

"I hate that you love magic so much." Amity commented.

"Well, if I didn't, I wouldn't be here right now love you both so much right now." Luz said with a kiss to both of their cheeks.

"Fair." Amity said.

"And yet, she's still failing potions." Boscha said to her.

"Are you just going to hold that over me?" Luz asked Boscha.

"At least until you ask me for tutoring, or you build up that muscle." She replied.

"Okay... I just won't kiss you." Luz said.

"What?" Boscha asked, her ears drop.

"If you keep teasing me about my potions grade, I won't give you any kisses if any kind. You will still get affection but it will not include kissing on the lips, cheek, forehead, or any other area that can be kissed." Luz said sternly. "All kisses meant for you, will go to Amity."

"Boscha, keep doing it." Amity said.

Boscha went pale, it surprised Luz and Amity, it's like she's part chameleon. She went from Pink to as pale as Amity.

"I'll stop." Boscha said.

Feeling her point was made, Luz nodded to Boscha before giving her a kiss on the cheek to return her color.

"Thank you." Luz said with a smile.

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