Ch. 84: Forging Together

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After completing the Homework, Boscha and Luz ran back to Triplet Manor to start working on the weapon. They gave Amity quick kisses to show she would be in their thought before they left.

"So, what will my job be?" Luz asked Boscha.

"Helping me forge the weapon and make small adjustments." Boscha said to her.

"Ok, how do we start?"

"Grab a smock and a welding shield. Better protect yourself when working with hot tools." Boscha said as she handed Luz said items.

Luz did so.

"Good, now come here."

Luz followed Boscha towards a forge in her basement, with Boscha drawing a spell circle to light it on fire.

"Now, use those pinchers and grab a sheet of metal." Boscha instructed Luz.

"Got it."

Luz picked up the sheet of metal and slowly put it over the flames, letting it heat him as Boscha helped her hold it steady.

"Alright, just like that."

Luz thought this was familiar to a movie she saw back home about a man and a woman sitting on the same chair while they worked on a vase together. Her back against Boscha's chest, feeling her heartbeat as she had her arms around Luz to help her.

"So, is this how you made all the weapons?" Luz asked.

"No, just the bases." Boscha said, "There's a lot more important things that go into these than just this, but it helps get it started."

"Good to know, so what's next?" Luz asked as the metal looked ready to be pulled out.

"Next, I have to pound it into shape before it cools." Boscha said.

Together, they pulled the metal sheet out and took it to a nearby anvil. Boscha grabbed a hammer and went in front of Luz and the metal.

"Keep it steady while I hammer." She said.

"Got it."

Luz held the large pliers firmly as Boscha began hammering the metal, causing sparks to fly as the smocks and face shields protected them. After a few minutes, it was boomerang shaped. Luz dunked it in water, cooling the metal.

"Perfect, now the modern work begins." Boscha said, "Put it on my work bench."

Luz nodded as she pulled it out and brought it over to the work bench as Boscha grabbed a toolbox with her grandfather's journal from a hidden spot. She opened it and looked at it. She got out a screwdriver and began to work. By the time her and Luz were done, there was a Boomerang with a white circle in the center. That's when she realized... the potion she used to make the weapon work with glyphs... was gone.

"Shit, I'm out of the potion we need." Boscha said, "We'll have to get more ingredients. They're fairly common and can be found in the woods a few miles from here. Up for an adventure?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Luz asked with a smile.

"Good, let's go." Boscha said.

Taking off the smocks and shield covers, Luz follows Boscha out of the manor and used their staffs to fly to the woods a few miles away for ingredients. They landed and began to walk around.

"Okay, now be careful, this place is filled with giant spiders." Boscha said.

"Uh... that explains a lot." Luz said, stuck in a web.

"Seriously?! We just got here!" Boscha shouted at Luz.

"What can I say? I'm special." Luz said.

Luz, at times, WAS a danger magnet. So, getting caught in a web just seconds after they arrived should've been expected.

"You're lucky I love you so much or I'd smack you upside the head." Boscha said as she grabbed one of her earrings and transformed it into a sword to cut Luz down.

"At least I'm not boring." Luz said.

"Well, there is that."

With a quick couple of slashes, Boscha freed Luz from the spider web as she lands next to her.

"Just please be more careful, Luz. This forest is really dangerous, so be on guard." Boscha said to Luz.

"I will." Luz said, unaware of the spider in her hair, "Let's get going."

That was a fun few moments when it decided to bite Luz. They headed deeper into the woods.

"So, what do we need?"

Boscha pulled out a list and showed it to Luz.

"First, after the spider, that I had to pull off you after it started biting, is some shushrooms." Boscha said to Luz.

"What are those?" Luz asked.

"They're exactly what you expect. If you eat one, you lose the ability to talk for a week." Boscha said.

Luz gulped as she held her throat, scared of the thought of losing her voice for any reason haunted her. If she lost her voice, Luz couldn't tell anyone what she thought, how much she loved her girlfriends, or even give her option in something!

"And since I know you." Boscha said, "Don't eat one."

"Why would I eat one?! I don't just randomly eat stuff off the ground!" Luz said to Boscha.

Boscha gave her a look.

"You know... anymore." Luz said.

"Uh huh." Boscha said as she walked ahead of Luz, "Come on, let's get this done."

Luz nodded to Boscha and made the Monado into its sword mode and held it at the ready as Amethyst sat in her shoulder.

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