Ch. 97: Boscha Says Freeze

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Luz landed in front of Boscha's home, slightly nervous. It made Luz realize that she could've grabbed her witches wool cloak to help protect her just in case but she didn't.

'I should really bring that around more often.' Luz thought.

She entered and found Amity and Boscha in one of Boscha's many labs, messing around with the equipment.

"So, what's going on?" Luz asked.

"We're testing out some upgrades I've been working on." Boscha said.

"Upgrades?" Luz asked as she moved closer, looking over at it.

"Boscha says their special fins that will be able to conduct lightning magic and cut through almost anything." Amity said with the least complicated version.

"And, remember that little remote Odalia had that prevented us from moving?" Boscha asked.

"Yeah?" Luz asked confused.

Boscha threw a glass bottle in the air. Luz went to catch it, when Boscha pressed a button her wrist, making the bottle freeze in mid air.

"Freeze projection. I can just point this band at anything or anyone and freeze them in place until I push it again. It only works on one person or object at a time but it works well enough." Boscha said to her.

Boscha grabbed the bottle and unfroze it. She then turned it on Luz and made her freeze.

"See?" Boscha asked, with a wide smile.

"Boscha, unfreeze me." Luz said.

"Hmmm, no." Boscha said as she walked up to Luz. "You still need to pay for my tub."

"But you said-" Luz said before Boscha put a finger to her lips.

"I'm not going to turn you into a tub or a plunger, but you will have to be frozen until I say you can unfreeze." Boscha said.

"Amity?" Luz asked, looking to her other girlfriend.

"I was her tub in your place." Amity said.

"Now come on." Boscha said, grabbing Luz by her arm and dragging her with her.

Luz whimpered a bit at the fate that awaited her.

"You're not going to use me for target practice, are you?" Luz asked.

"No, I don't know what we're going to do with you." Boscha said.

"We?" Luz repeated.

"Yes, we." Amity said with a small smirk. "Don't worry, you're in good hands, Luz."

"That doesn't make me feel better." Luz said.

To ease her worry but not really, both witches gave Luz kisses on her cheeks before Boscha went back to work on the armor fins.

"So, how's this all coming?" Luz asked.

"It's coming along smoothly but it's far from being down yet. The Freeze Band will take time to make for all of us but it's done for now." Boscha said as she handed Amity the Freeze Band to Amity.

"You know, why don't we use the freeze band and see if it can-"

"I will actually turn you into a bar of soap is you don't stop trying to get us to unfreeze you." Boscha said.

Luz clamped her lips shut like a clam after that, not wanting to be dissolved in warm water until she was nothing.

She also blushed at the thought of being run over Boscha's body.

'Damn it, this stuff awakened something in me.' Luz thought.

Luz didn't know that being turned into other stuff could become a... 'Hobby'. Especially in a place like this.

Amity walked up to her and gave her a small kiss on the lips.

"Now be good while I got get use some drinks." Amity said as she walked out of the workshop.

"I kind of like having my own little Luz statue." Boscha said, "It really brightens up the place."

"Ha ha." Luz said, "Nice pun."

"Glad you think so."

To further the joke, Boscha cast a light spell and summoned a lamp shade to put on Luz's head with the orb under it.

"Cuz now, you're a lamp." Boscha said.

"Really?" Luz asked, her voice muffled by the lamp shade.

"Just be glad I didn't turn you into one." Boscha said.

Luz groaned as Boscha went back to work, right as Amity came back with three drinks with straws.

"Nice lamp." Amity said.

"Thanks." Boscha said with a smile. "What you get us?"

"Root beer. Your favorite." Amity said as she brought one to Boscha.

"Yay!" Boscha said, "Hey Luz, still want to chug it?"

"... kinda." Luz said.

"Then no soda for you." Boscha said as she took Luz's bottle.

"What? No! I won't chug! I promise!" Luz said, wanting to at least have something to drink while was frozen, "It's not like I could, I can't move."

"That doesn't mean your body can't bloat." Amity said as she took Luz's bottle back and went to set it in Luz's hand.

She made it so Luz was gripping it while moving the straw to her mouth.

"There, not drink slowly." Amity said.

Luz did as Amity said and drank slowly.

"Aaaaah, that's good." Luz said, refreshed from the soda.

"We know." Amity and Boscha said.

"So, Amity, I have something I want you to take a look at."

"Oh? And what would that be?" Amity asked, curious.

"This." Boscha said, pulling out a rolled up piece of paper.

On the paper, was a bunch of date ideas that Luz would like and didn't want Luz to know. Amity made sure to turn Luz around so she wouldn't see it.

"Oh." Amity said with interest as she took the list, keeping it out of Luz's sight.

"What's going on?" Luz asked.

"Just another weapon upgrade Boscha wanted to show me." Amity lied.

"And I have a feeling you'll like to see this one." Amity said, pointing to a date idea.

Boscha looked at the option and smiled, nodding in agreement with Amity.

'She's gonna love it.' Boscha thought.

On the paper, was a camping trip to the knee. Nobody around, fresh snow to play in, warm fires to snuggle close to, and most of all NOBODY would be around to ruin it! Not even the Slither Beast if they left it alone. It was perfect! And they had the perfect time to do it, next weekend. There was nothing going on for any of them so it was perfect. Nothing that they didn't have any record of, like Kikimora discussing something with Odalia about her last failed mission.

"And you're sure the Death Glider died before you left?" Kikimora asked.

"Positive, the cold of the Knee is too much for it. It's back to extinction by now." Odalia said to her.

"I would hope so, there will be problems if it isn't."

"I don't see how it would be a problem. There's no evidence to tie it to the coven." Odalia said.

"Maybe so but it's still a threat to the public if it survived and makes it way out of the Knee. We don't need history repeating itself." Kikimora said.

Odalia knew what she was talking about, there was once a time that Death Glider's were plentiful, they were the rulers of the land, the sky, their distant cousin the Sea Reaper ruled the sea. They were unstoppable, the only threat to early witches.

"Do you want me return to the Knee and see if it is dead?" Odalia asked her.

"No, it's too risky. But send a small sentry to check for us and report it to the Emperor." Kikimora said to her.

"Yes, Kikimora." Odalia said.

The smaller woman left Odalia to her devices as she was looking over her armor, Belos had given her knowledge on proper upkeep and repairs after the last one was destroyed. There was also the problem of trying to figure out who that hooded figure was.

'How did he even find our location? The coven had a cloaking spell the entire time until that human fell into the trap.' Odalia thought as she cleaned her left gauntlet.

"I'm going to find out who you are, and I will crush you."

While she thought of vengeance, a certain golden guard was in his room and meditating to calm his mind while centering himself.

"You did good." The Voice said.

'You say that but it feels wrong going against my uncle.' Hunter thought to the voice.

"It is never wrong to do the right thing. What truly makes right and wrong is what you feel in your heart, not in your mind. So tell me, did it feel right to save Luz and her allies?" The Voice asked him.

Hunter let out a breath through the nose.


"Then you have your answer. Do not let the words of Belos cloud your judgement of right and wrong, or else you shall do the wrong thing and confuse it for right." The Voice said, sagely.

Hunter didn't admit it but he knew this voice was right, especially since this wasn't the first time he had doubts about doing the "right" thing but that was before the voice came. When he only listened to his uncle Belos.

'What are you?' Hunter thought.

"In time, you will know." The voice said.

Hunter was left in confusion once again as he felt the voice leaves him be in his meditation.

'I am no longer someone's pawn.'

Hunter opened his eyes and turned to his palisman, Flapjack, sleeping in a nest made of his old cloak. The palisman wasn't just a symbol of him becoming a real witch but a symbol of his first true bond that made him into a person. He was going to help take Belos down, even if it kills him.

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