Ch. 98: Vengeance, thy name is Noceda

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A week has passed and the trio of girlfriends were getting ready for camping trip/date to the Knee for the weekend.

"So, care to tell me what we're doing?" Luz asked, "All you told me was that we were going to the knee."

"It's a surprise." Boscha said.

"You left me, frozen, as a lamp, for three days." Luz said, "I think you can at least tell me to make up for it."

"And we changed you back on the fourth. Don't forgot we brought you your homework after the first day of school you missed." Amity said to Luz.

"Do you know what it's like having to pee while frozen?" Luz asked, "You couldn't have at least given me a bucket!?"

"We gave you a-"

"THAT DOESN'T HELP! IT WAS EMBARRASSING AND DEMEANING!" Luz shouted to them with a blush on her face. "I can't believe my own girlfriends would magic a diaper onto me!"

"Oh, I thought it was cute." Boscha said, kissing Luz's cheek.

"You put your faces on it like it was some kind of childrens show merch." Luz said.

"Blight and Triplet brand Diapers. They can soak up and hold up, but they don't ride up." Amity said jokey, making a slogan for the diapers.

"Ahahahahahahaha!" Boscha laughed as Luz blushed even brighter, "Hey, it's alright Luz, we won't do that again... Unless you want us too."

Boscha raised her eyebrows several times.

"No! No more freezing and no more diapers! A girl can only handle so much!" Luz said as she walked away to the bathroom.

"Don't worry, Babe, just in case you change your mind we'll be here." Boscha said.

"We tease because we love!" Amity shouted to Luz with a smile.

'Your teasing is gonna give me a stroke someday and I'm just a teen!' Luz thought as she enters the bathroom and locks the door.

She went to the sink and splashed some cold water in her face to help her blush go down.

"These girls are going to be the death of me." Luz said, "The only way that happens again is if one of them IS the diaper. I'm tired of being the one that this happens to all the time."

At one point in her life, Luz would've loved these crazy anime like troupes but now that they were actually HAPPENING to her, they weren't as fun anymore. She wanted them to happen to someone else by her.

"Why can't there be a shapeshifting glyph in the Monado?" Luz asked, "I'd definitely use it on those two."

'Or maybe I could get a training wand? Those things have magic batteries but Eda would flip out if I used one.' Luz thought.

"Babe, hurry up!" Boscha said, "We're burning daylight!"

"Okay, I'm coming!" Luz said before noticing a drawer was slightly open.

Curious, she slowly opened it and slowly smiled at what she saw.

'Well, hello old friend.' Luz thought as she reached in and grabbed the item. 'I think I'll bring you with me just in case.'

She'll enjoy this. Luz put the item in her pocket and rushed out of the bathroom, smiling as she met with her girlfriends again.

"Feeling better?" Amity asked her.

"Much better." Luz said with a nod.

'Revenge is coming.'

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