Ch. 99: Back to the Knee

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"Come on, let's get going!" Boscha said, "I'm very excited for this, my parents and I used to do this when I was a kid."

"You went to the Knee all the time for camping trips?" Luz asked.

"They did. They went so much, they could have private manor built on the Knee but you can only stand the cold for so long." Amity said to Luz.

"It was always so fun, but then I got older and the family businesses got very difficult." Boscha said, "I can't wait to do this!"

'So we're doing this for Boscha? I'm glad.' Luz thought with a smile.

It was nice to see Boscha so happy... Luz was still going to use the wand on her, but it was nice to see her so happy. The trio got watched Boscha summon her palisman, Maya, and change her into a staff. She had decided to fly them all to her favorite spot in the knee and refused to take "no" for an answer. Trust them, Luz tried to say that she can fly herself... she is now Boscha's sock.

'Why is this her go to punishment?!' Luz thought.

"Oh, you're so warm, Luzzy." Boscha said, "Make my toes all toasty."

"This is kind of weird." Amity said as she sat behind Boscha as she flew. "You're actually wearing Luz on your left foot."

"And she's so soft too! It's like I'm wearing a sock made of velvet." Boscha said, "Want to join her? I have another foot."

"... I kinda do actually."

Boscha made a small stop in the air and transformed Amity into a sock, quickly placing her on the other foot and wiggling her toes.

"Ooooh! You feel like velvet too! This is a good day!" Boscha said, "Now my lovely little socks, let's get going!"

Boscha flew towards the Knee with extra vigor, happy to have two toasty socks on her feet.

'This is strange but I feel warm.' Amity thought.

Amity is starting to think she has a foot fetish. Boscha landed and walked towards the place she has. It has the perfect view of the Northern Lights, since last time Boscha tried to have a date like that, it failed horribly because of a giant monster nearly destroying their family restaurant! Yes, she is still salty about that!

"Well, I suppose it's time to let the girls stretch." Boscha said as she took her shoes off, pulling Luz and Amity off her feet before turning them back, "So, how was it being my socks? Because wearing you felt amazing."

"It's was....surprisingly nice. Very warm." Amity said with a small smile.

"It was like being stretch but still thin, like one of this weight loss hoaxes." Luz said as she felt her stomach.

"So did you like it?" Boscha asked.

"I didn't... hate it." Luz said.

"So, you wouldn't mind being my socks again?" Boscha asked.

"... Only for you." Luz said.

Boscha kissed her cheek.

"But only if you wash your feet." Luz said, "They don't smell good."

"I have to agree. That was the only unpleasant part of being your sock." Amity said to Boscha.

"My feet don't smell!" Boscha said.

"Boscha... we spent an hour as your socks, I think we know if they smell or not." Amity said.

Boscha pouted as she looked away, walking to get some fire wood before they set up camp.

"If you want, we can massage and wash your feet when we get back!" Luz quickly offered, trying to make her feel better.

"Yeah, you'll be the scrubby." Boscha said.

"OR.....I could be the one rubbing and scrubbing your feet as I am." Luz said to her.

"No, you're the scrubby." Boscha said, going through the tree line.

Luz pouted as she leaned over in defeat, getting a pat on the back from Amity as she was going to be the one to do the scrubbing with Luz.

"Sorry but hopefully the soap and water won't get into your mouth and eyes." Amity said to her.

"I'm going to smell very bad after that." Luz said.

Amity patted Luz on the back before they got to work on setting up camp. After an hour, it was complete.

A large tent big enough for all of them, a large fire in front of the tent with two logs, and all of them were clad in winter clothing.

"You know, it's pretty nice." Luz said, "Kind of reminds me of winter back home."

"Minus the dangerous beast that lives here?" Amity asked.

"Depending in where you live, yes. A lot of animals hibernate in the winter, so we didn't have to worry as long as we left them be." Luz said.

Boscha leaned against Luz's shoulder.

"Do my feet really stink?"

"You're still caught up on that?"

"I'm sensitive about my feet, okay?" Boscha replied.

"Awww, don't worry. Your feet don't stink that bad. Trust me, my mom is much worse after a long shift." Luz said as she caressed Boscha's hair.

"Oh yeah, how many times were you her socks?" Boscha asked.

"None but I've had to hand wash her shoes sometimes, it is NOT pleasant. My nose hairs were burned away once." Luz said with a shiver.

"And here I thought you had some kind of tool for that." Amity said.

"We do but some clothes and shoes have to be hand washed or else the materials become weak." Luz said to them. "My point is, your feet don't smell THAT bad, Boscha. And there are ways to help with the smell."

"Like having Amity use you to clean them." Boscha said.

"Not that, I mean there are creams and special soaps to help with foot odor." Luz said to Boscha.

"Luz, I think it's safe to say you're not getting out of it." Amity said.

"You're not. So just accept it. The creams and special soaps were helpful but you're still going to become by scrubby." Boscha said before kissing Luz's cheek, "And you'll be the cutest one I've used."

Luz let out a sigh but smiled a bit, accepting her future fate so they could get in with the camping trip.

"Don't worry, I'll let you know when we're doing it." Boscha said.

"Joy." Luz said before hearing something, looking to see a Slitherbeast munching on a fallen tree nearby.

'Don't bother it and it won't bother you.' Luz thought.

"Hey, why don't we go to the cliff edge? There's something I want to see if its still there." Boscha said.

"Sure." Luz said, "Let's go."

They left, unaware of something large moving towards the Slitherbeast. The slitherbeast growled, but it didn't do anything as two large fangs bit down on it, lifting it in the air and flying off to its den.

Something else was here and it was something that could ruin their date, AGAIN!

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