Establishing Dominance

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October 17

RAW begins at the Cuidad de Mexico, and the crowd are ready for the night to begin.

It was confirmed Rey Mysterio will be competing tonight, and against WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio in a Non-Title Match at the main event. Not only that, John Cena will be at the announce table as well. It's also confirmed that Jim Ross will remain as the main commentator for RAW, much to the annoyance of the AssKisser/FootKisser, Michael Cole.

We later see Randy Orton, John Morrison and Sheamus going up against Mark Henry, Christian, and Cody Rhodes. Cody set his differences with Mark aside after Daikon forced him to have a match against him last week. Soon, this went down with a brawl and then Morrison getting hit with a World Strongest Slam by the World Heavyweight Champion, ending the match.

After a commercial break and a vignette of Brodus Clay, we see Daikon at his office, talking on the phone. Soon, we see the Bella Twins arrive with a Tea Kettle, cups, and a book. They set the stuff on his table before they move to his side.

Bellas: Good evening, Mr. Black.

Daikon: I'm call you back. *ends the call* I see you brought the tea here.

Nikki: Yes, sir. *caress his hair and shoulder* We got you wanted, including the book you ordered.

Daikon: Thank you. I knew I can rely on you twins.

Brie: *caress his back* Just don't forget how important we are to RAW.

Daikon: I won't. You may leave.

Bellas: Take care, Mr. Black.

They leave as Daikon gave a smirk before pouring some tea on his cup and take a sip.

Daikon: Mmm...God, I miss how they make tea in Mexico.

The crowd pops as he opens the book and pulls out some reading glasses and proceeds to read it. Soon, Ricardo Rodriguez arrives, carrying the WWE Title, getting a boo from the crowd. Daikon paid no mind to him as drinks his tea and reads his book.

Ricardo: Señor Black-

Daikon: Sshh...

Ricardo: Alberto-

Daikon: Quiet-

Ricardo: Alberto Del-

Daikon: Shut up-

Ricardo: Alberto Del Rio-

Daikon: CALLATE!

Ricardo jumps back as the crowd was either spooked or laughed that Daikon told him to shut up in Spanish. Soon, Alberto arrives he stares down at Daikon getting a boo from the crowd.

Alberto: At the main event tonight...esta lucha sin titulo defendido...against Rey Mysterio with John Cena at commentary...Teas vuelto loco?

The crowd boos while Daikon gave a smirk and an eyebrow asking "Is that a trick questions?"

Alberto: It's unbefitting...for a man like myself-

Daikon: And what kind of man are you?

The crowd oohs as Daikon puts his glasses and book down before standing up.

Daikon: I'm sure your father knows about me, right? I wrestled in Triple A, remember?

Alberto: What does that have to-

Daikon: Then, you may have have known...that I am not the person who thinks so highly on family lineage or such shit like that. I mean, look at I use the fame of my family member to get where I am? I nominee for the Hall of Fame? No. I did it with hard work and determination.

Alberto glares at Daikon who just smirks at him, knowing that, despite Alberto having MMA Background, he would mop the floor with him with ease.

Daikon: So, no, the match with Rey will happen. But, I will do something. To make it interesting with Rey's talents and your...whatever...I'll make it a No Disqualification Match.

The crowd oohs and cheers with intrigue as Alberto gave a nod and walks off with Ricardo. Daikon scoffs as he goes to his table and resumes reading and drinking tea.


We the Divas-or Women as Daikon calls them-having a match as Natalya and Eve Torres squared off Kelly Kelly and Beth Phoenix stood at ringside. During the match, Natalya starts to mock Eve.

Natalya: Daikon won't save like he did last week, Mutt.


Daikon is seen watching the match and gave an eyebrow raise.

*back in the ring*

Suddenly, Natalya felt something shivering her spines. She looks around, but doesn't see who she's looking for.

Beth: What's wrong?

Natalya: *worried* I think he heard me.

Beth: How?

Natalya: I don't know. I felt like he heard what I said.

Soon, Eve took advantage of the distraction and defeated Natalya. Some say that Daikon may have helped her, but in reality, he may have sent a message to Nat about using his name in vain.


We see CM Punk facing the Miz with R-Truth and John Morrison at ringside. The match goes as a brawl ensues with Morrison and Truth. Soon, Punk wins the match with a Roll-Up, but the brawl continues as Punk and Miz joined in. Soon, several referees arrive to break the fight. So, the two teams leave peacefully. Then, backstage, the brawl restarts with Punk and Morrison and the Awesome Truth trading blows.

Suddenly, Daikon arrives out of nowhere and grabs Punk and Miz's heads and smashes them together. the grabs Truth and tosses him at Morrison, ending the brawl with both teams taken down by the Divine General Manager.

The refs backs away as Daikon surveys the scene.

Daikon: I hate childish squabbles.

Daikon then walks off as both teams lay there, groaning in pain.


We see Zack Ryder getting a win over Jack Swagger and the Mason Ryan getting a match against Dolph Ziggler. Soon, the ends with a DQ but Ryan lays waste to the ShowOff and the All-American.


Daikon is seen at his office again as John Cena comes in, getting a mixed reaction as usual.

Daikon: Yes.

John: I'm surprised that you didn't have a match for me tonight.

Daikon: Yes. I felt it would help build up the match a bit as you watch what Del Rio is capable off in his match against Rey Mysterio and having on commentary would also allow you to speak your opinions on the Champion.

John: I see. I guess that fair.

Daikon: Yes. Now, would you mind leaving my office, please? I'm busy at the moment.

John: You don't look busy.

Daikon: And you don't like you're invisible, so would you mind disappear and watch the match with the Champion against the former Champion you stole the title from on the same night?

The crowd oohs as John gave a glare before walking off.

Daikon: *scoffs* Him and the Rock are idiots. Makes me wish I could kicked their asses like I did to Tazz and Booker for the Titles ten years ago.

The crowd oohs and pops at the idea. They wanted to see Daikon in action again and maybe a match against both Cena and the Rock would happen.


We see the No DQ Match against Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio with John Cena at the announce table. As expected, the match with both talented wrestlers was amazing, especially since they wouldn't worry about count-outs and Disqualification.

Soon, the match goes on as Rey goes for 619, but Ricardo distracts him, allowing Alberto to him an Enziguri. Cena enters and argues with him. Soon, Del Rio went for a Baseball Slide, but Cena uses Ricardo as a human shield, getting him hit by the move. The crowd laughs as Cena was looking on, confused and shrugging while Alberto yells at him.

This allows Rey to take advantage and hit the 619. He then climbs up and hits a Frog Splash, getting a huge pop from the crowd for paying tribute to his late friend, Eddie Guerrero. Rey wins and he celebrates his victory over the Champion.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Daikon comes out and the crowd cheers for him. Rey, John, Alberto, and Ricardo look on. Daikon looks before he signals his music to fade out as he speaks.

Daikon: I came here to announce the stipulation for the match for the WWE Championship at Vengeance. This match will determine you will walk out with the Title while the others lays there...defeated...beaten...and exhausted...after the count of 10.

The crowd pops as Alberto was shocked by this.

Daikon: I am talking about a Last Man Standing Match!

The crowd cheers as Cena gave a nod and Del Rio is panicking.

Daikon: And may qualify for a shot a the title after CM Punk, after such a fantastic performance tonight.

The crowd cheers as Rey nods, eager for a shot at the Title again.

Daikon: That is all I have to say. Buenas noches, Cuidad the Mexico. (Goodnight, Mexico City).

Daikon leaves as his theme plays. The show ends with Cena staring at Del Rio as he yells at him, denying he will beat him at Vengeance.

How's the chapter?

What did you think of Daikon this night?

What big changes would we see now that Daikon's taking his role seriously?

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