Getting to Know Daikon

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*backstage, after the show*

Daikon: So is that what I'm doing for now on?

We see Daikon and Paul having a conversation as they talk about his role as General Manager.

Paul: Yep. Be the center of authority, calm things down, and make decisions. And so far, you've done a good job.

Daikon: Thank you, Paul. When you called me, I was hesitant on doing it as I am use to being backstage, working on rivalries and wrestlers, and doing it in front of everybody is a big step. But, I think I can handle it now.

Paul: That's good to hear. Anyway, we'll be Mexico City next week, so be prepared.

Daikon: Oooh, Mexico. I went there during my tour.

Paul: The Deity World Tour, no doubt.

Daikon: Yep. I even speak Spanish, so I don't need help in translation.

Paul: Really? Let here you speak Spanish.

Daikon: Me llamo Daikon Negro, y soy el Dios De La Justicia. Y vengo a hacer tu vida una Pesadilla Viva.

Paul: Damn...I think I got goosebumps.

They chuckled.

Paul: Anyway, have a good night, man. Take care.

Daikon: You too.

Soon, they walked off as Daikon carries his stuff out.

*2 days later*

Daikon is seen working out a the gym as he does some weight lifting and stretches. He would head to the Bench Presses as he sees several are taken so he waits. Soon, one of them got up as they clean the bed from their sweat. Daikon approaches it before noticing it was a woman who was Bench Pressing. And not just any woman.

It was Elizabeth Kocianski, akam Beth Phoenix.

Beth: Oh, I didn't expect you here. You're Daikon Black, right?

Daikon: Yes. My real surname is Katayama. And you are Beth Phoenix, right?

Elizabeth: Yes. My real name is Elizabeth Kocianski.

Daikon: I see where the Beth comes from.

Elizabeth: Yeah. I get that a lot.

Daikon: It happens. I can see why you have the strength you use in your matches.

Elizabeth: Thank you. And I see you've been working out a lot.

Daikon: Yes. Not as much as I did before, since I know join in Yoga and other non-weight exercises. Though, I do weight lifting just to keep my shape.

Elizabeth: Understandable. Anyway, see you around.

Daikon: You, too, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: You can call me Beth if you like. I preferred that.

Daikon: Hmm...sure, I'll refer to you by your full name, as it as elegant as you look.

Elizabeth gave a stutter as she felt her checks burning a bit. She didn't expect the God of Justice to flirt with her in their first time meeting face to face. Daikon gave her wink as he puts some weight that totals into 250lbs, and lays on it. Beth walks off as Daikon warms up. He watches her leave and chuckles.

Daikon: Still got it. Though not as extreme as I use to be.

We see Beth walking off as she drank some water.

Beth: Cheeky guy. Guess, he's not as stone cold as people say he is. But...he's nice to be around.


He see Daikon some stretches and Yoga after doing some weight lifting. He got this idea after being in a few sessions with Diamond Dallas Page during his recovery of his treatment. He felt like a new person after these sessions and decided to add Yoga to his routine and thank Page for his help.

After doing a set he got up and drank some water. he watches the others doing stretches before eyes caught someone he recognized.

It was Eve Torres.

He watches her do her fitness routine and gave a smile. He can see how fit she is thanks to her routine. He finished his break before continuing on with Yoga.

Soon, it was getting late as Daikon is seen outside as he puts his stuff in his car. Then, hears a commotion and one voice he recognized.

: Ouch! You bitch!

Eve: That's what you get, creep!

Daikon turns and sees Eve standing in front of a man who was holding his cheek after what most likely from a slap she gave him.

Eve: Stay away from me!

Creep: Why you! You're gonna pay-

Before the creep could approach her, he was grabbed from behind with a hand covering his mouth. Then, he felt something cold, hard, and sharp under his jaw which made him froze. Eve and the people who arrived to see the commotion was shocked and horrified by this as the person restraining the creep spoke.

Daikon: Let's see. There's your throat...your wrists...your pelvis...and your legs. All the locations your arteries are to make sure you bleed out.

It was Daikon, as he has the man wrapped around by his arm while holding a Folding Pocket Knife against his neck.

Daikon: Or prevent any women you come across to be hurt...*points the blade the Creep's crotch* I make sure you have no chance to either reproduce or live a normal life with the function of your legs.

The man was shaking and breathing in fear as Daikon was looking at him with a look of pleasure, seeing the man afraid for his life. Everyone was looking on as some were recording it on their phones, but Daikon paid no mind, or was happy this was recorded.

Daikon: You could prevent not laying your hands on any woman again, and instead focus of other stuff, rather than your perverse instincts. Do you agree?

The creep nods frantically as Daikon gave a satisfactory sigh.

Daikon: Good. *puts his knife away* But I won't let go scot-free.

Daikon drops the man, knocking him out. Everyone soon cheered and praised him for putting a creep in his place. Then Daikon gave him a kick to the stomach before walking away.

Eve looks on with a look of surprise. She didn't expect Daikon to come to her aid like that. While everyone either left or continued to talk about what they saw, she walks off to go see him. Daikon goes to enter his car, wanting to leave to his hotel for the night.

Eve: Wait!

He turns and sees Eve approaching her.

Daikon: Yes?

Eve: I...I want to thank you for helping me back there. I wouldn't know what to do had that creep got his hands on me.

Daikon: No problem. I not the kind of person that is a bystander to a situation. I'm a equalizer.

Eve: Still...I don't think be seen threatening a guy's life would be good for you.

Daikon looks at her and then laughs. Eve was confused by this as Daikon laughs so hard, he was holding his sides. Soon, he stops as he wipes a tear off bis eye.

Daikon: Oh! That's hilarious! Hehe...oh my Gods, you nearly killed me.

Eve: I was serious.

Daikon: And I was too. You think this is something new to me?

Eve: threatened people like that before?

Daikon: Hai (Yes).

Eve: Damn. It's a miracle that you weren't arrested.

Daikon: I was, but it wouldn't last very long, and because it's either defending myself or others, mostly others. And my methods were...let's just say, criminal. But yeah. It got to the point were the entire world knows what I do, and the police don't bother trying to arrest me.

Eve: Jeez. You're truly one of a kind.

Daikon: Well...I'm the kind that is truly one for you.

Eve: *blushes* What?

Daikon chuckles as he Eve covers her face, hiding her red face.

Daikon: Just kidding, Eve. That is your name, am I correct?

Eve: Yes. *uncovers her face* My Ring name and real name are the same.

Daikon: I see.

Eve: And you're Daikon Black, right?

Daikon: Yes. My last name is Katayama.

Eve: Your appearance on RAW was shocking. I don't think there's been a return like that in years.

Daikon: Don't sleep on others returning after a long time away.

Eve: True. But the thing about your return was that no one would think after you took the three Championships, you would come back.

Daikon: I see your point. Anyway, I need to go. Take care, Eve.

Eve: I will. Once again, thanks for helping me with that creep,

Daikon: You're welcome. See you next week.

Daikon enters his car and starts it up. Eve looks on as Daikon backs up and drives off. He gave one more glare to the unconscious creep before driving off. Eve looks ok with a smile before she walks back to her car.

During all this, Beth was watching the whole scene and was amazed that Daikon took care of the creep going after Eve. She can't help but admire that he was protective for his coworkers.

Soon, she walks off with a lot to think about for Daikon.

How's the chapter?

What did you think of Daikon here?

How did you think of him meeting Beth and Eve?

What will come once his position in the company grows?


Basic Information

Name- Daikon Katayama
D.O.B- December 23, 1980
Age- 31
Gender- Male
Hometown- Tokyo, Japan
Sexuality- Straight
Marital Status- Single, had a few relationships, short but Amicable. (One you will not expect)

Basic Wrestling Information

Current Company Signed To- WWE
Former Companies Signed To- NJPW, ECW, WCW, AAA, and other International Wrestling Promotions, UFC, MMA,
Past: Chaotic Neutral
Now: Neutral Evil
Position- General Manager
Billed Name- Daikon Black
Billed From- Tokyo, Japan
Billed Height- 6'2
Billed Weight- 200lbs

Gimmick,Music,Manager & Stable Information-

Manager- Antonio Inoki
Current Gimmick- General Manager with a God Complex
Former Gimmick(s)- Wrestler with a God Complex and Martial Arts training and victories
Current Theme Song-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Former Theme Song(s)-
Instruments of Destruction by NRG

Move Set Information

Signature Moves-

Chokeslam/Nodowa Otoshi

Deity Strangle

Finishing Moves-

Divine Justice

Daikokuten (Great Darkness)

Favourite/Commonly Used Moves- God's Wrath (Kick to Stomach, Knee to Jaw, Arm Takedown, then Elbow Drop on the arm) Big Boot, Stomach Claw, Diving Yakuza Kick, Burning Lariat, Tiger Driver, Burning Hammer, and several Judo Throws.

2x IWGP World Heavyweight Champion
2x ECW World Heavyweight Champion
1x WCW World Champion
1x WWF/WWE World Champion
(Went on to have his Deity World Tour both Wrestling and Martial Arts around the world before acquiring the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship a second then retired to get his Heart Virus treated)
UFC Streak: 8-0

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