Setting Facts Straight

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We see Daikon now alone in the ring with the Superstars that walked out last week around at ringside. Commentators Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, and Michael Cole are back at their announce table, but they are as tense as the superstars.

JR: I can't believe it. After 10 years, Daikon Black has returned to WWE soil and now takes the role of General Manager.

Michael: I have no other option than to be with you on that, JR. Daikon shocked the world when he betrayed the Alliance of WCW and ECW and took the World Championships of those three companies and left for Japan.

Jerry Lawler: Many talk about CM Punk's Heist earlier this year but that moment pales in comparison to the Real Heist of the Century. And not only that, it took 5 years for his reign to end and it ended with a Heart Virus.

JR: I'm just glad Daikon has recovered from it. But to see him, now mature, shouldn't be terrifying but it is.

The superstars were looking at Daikon with fear, confusion, and some having confidence in themselves. Soon, Daikon spoke.

Daikon: I see that you're all doing well. Last week...was a night to be remembered. Everyone...every single one of you walked out on Triple H following what happened with...*chuckles* I do not care who they are, but their attack brought you around this and all voted for No Confidence.

The crowd boos at them but the superstars ignored them as they felt justified.

Daikon: Yet...I do not see how any of you should have confidence in yourselves after what you did.

The crowd oohs as the superstars were surprised by this.

Daikon: All of you took a few months of Triple H being in charge...while it may have been mixed...and once small insignificant attack...made you want to quit. Tell me...has this company and the world itself gotten soft and weak when I was away?

The crowd oohs and cheers in agreement.

Daikon: Now I want you all to know...that I support those who wish to speak out. I've known during my time on my tour that many were afraid to speak out...*brings up hand* but I made sure they have a voice...*closes it to a fist* and fists to stain the blood of their abusers as I laugh at their misery.

The crowd oohs as the Superstars started to feel unease.

Daikon: But your actions last may seem justified for all of was a waste of time for someone like me. I know most of you will leave in a few years, so I feel like that would be a good opportunity to not see your stupid faces while I gather a more...worthy and loyal roster. You know that I see you as dispensable, just like many fighters I faced around the world, and can easily be replaced with a better wrestler that fits my vision for Monday Night RAW.

The crowd oohs as the superstars felt hurt by being called "Dispensable" and can be easily replaced.

Daikon: Until then...I'm stuck with you...*smirk* And you are trapped with me. So, I hope we will have a dignified and safe environment. As for the suspected person trying to pull the strings and make this a hostile environment... Was indeed John Laurinaitis.

The crowd boos even louder as the superstars and commentators were shocked by this news.

Daikon: I was asked...not told nor demanded...asked to not let this little bit of information be out. But...what could they do to me, anyway? Fire me? *chuckles* So, there's that. Under my watch...John Laurinaitis will not, if ever, be welcomed at MY show!

The crowd cheers loudly at this. They hated Laurinaitis (I'm sure we all do in real life) and to hear he won't be coming is a blessing, coming from a chaotic individual.

Daikon: Does anyone of you, Superstars, Women, Referees, commentators, and timekeepers want to enter this ring...and object?

The oohs loudly as superstars stepped back from the ring, afraid of Daikon.

JR: Look at this scene.

Jerry: I think this our punishment from God that we voted in no confidence in Triple H last week.

Daikon: Correction, Jerry...I am God.

The crowd oohs even louder as Jerry, JR, and Michael look on in shock and horror, wondering how did Daikon hear him while not even looking at him or the titantron to read from his lips. The superstars were equally spooked by this, as those who don't know Daikon, could see why he's so feared.

He Knows Everything.

Daikon: Do I have some objections we proceed with the show?

Soon, Christian enters the ring and the crowd oohs. Daikon and Christian were former allies of the Alliance 10 years ago, and Christian was there when Daikon not only, defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWE World Title, but took the WCW and ECW Title, and left for Japan. Since then, Christian has been the vocal and Daikon was a backstabbing Traitor to not only the Alliance, but America itself.

Christian: I have an-

Daikon: Say something stupid, and I'll put you on the shelf like you best friend.

The crowd oohs loudly while some booed Daikon for referencing Edge having to retired earlier that year in front of Christian. Christian was pissed, but scared, as Daikon could injure him to the point of early retirement.

Daikon: What do you object to me being in control?

Christian: Your reputation is a factor in this. Everywhere in the world, everyone knows that you are one of the most difficult and destructive person that ever exist, and the fact that your Heart Virus was the only thing that stopped you, proves that no matter the obstacle can be, you'll destroy it and make some use out of it's remains. And with that reputation, it could affect the image this show has had since you left-

Daikon stops him by down this.

(Yep. Daikon made the Stomach Claw, a very stupid looking move, into a frighting attack hold)

Christian yells in pain as Daikon has first grip on his stomach. The Superstars look on in horror as Daikon looks down at him.

Daikon: My reputation...does not concern you, Christian. Starting right now, you will be facing John Morrison in a match, without Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, and Jack Swagger. If they interfere...I will personally dispose of them. Understood?

Christian nods frantically and painfully.

Daikon: Good. Get yourself ready. And get out of my presence.

The crowd was shocked by this display of Power as Christian bounces off the ropes and falls down. The superstars are very frightened by this.

Daikon: Any other objections? Superstars?

They shook their heads.

Daikon: Women?

They shook their heads.

Daikon: Referees?

They shook their heads.

Daikon: Commentators?

They shook their heads.

Daikon: Everyone else?

Everyone shook their heads. Even the crowd subconsciously shook their heads.

Daikon: Good. Have a Blessed Day.

Daikon drops the mic and walks out of the ring as his theme plays. Everyone was now afraid of Daikon. We get a close shot of Mark Henry shaking his head in fright. A big man like him shaking his head in fear by someone as dark and cold as Daikon...really gives you the idea of what kind of being he is.


Christian faced off against John Morrison. Throughout the match, he would hold his stomach in pain, still feeling the effects of Daikon's claw hold. Soon, Morrison wins the match.

We later see Randy Orton facing the World Strongest Man in a match for the World Heavyweight Championship. The match goes on as usual until Cody runs in and attacks Orton, ending the match in a disqualification.

Soon, Daikon arrives as he looks at the ring while Cody continues the attack until he saw him. Daikon gave a silent glare before speaking.

Daikon: can go. Mark...your facing Cody right now. Begin the match.

The crowd oohs and cheers while Cody was in disbelief, allowing Randy to hit him with an RKO before sliding out of the ring as the bell rung. Daikon walks off with a grin on his face as Mark destroy Cody, with 2 then 3 World Strongest Slams.


We see several workers remodeling Daikon's office as he sat on his cheer, drinking tea and eating some fruit as he watches the next match, which is a Divas Tag Team Match between Kelly Kelly and Eve Torres against Tamina and Rosa Mendes. the match goes on as we get a few parts of Daikon backstage, enjoying the match while his office was finished.

Soon, Kelly Kelly and Eve won the match as Daikon gave a nod. Behind him we see the original WWF, ECW, WCW, and IWGP World Titles behind, just to remind the view of his past accolades.

After the commercial break. we see Daikon facing the camera in front of him.

Daikon: As as you may know, Alberto Del Rio will be facing John Cena for the WWE Championship at Vengeance, but tonight, I will have a #1 Contenders match at the main event tonight against whoever wins at Survivor Series. The match with have a Fatal Four Way match between Sheamus, Rey Mysterio, Alex Riley, and CM Punk.

The crowd pops at that idea.

Daikon: Now, as for the situation regarding or two attackers...Miz and R-Truth. The Board has told me to rehire them and I did...

The crowd boos at that.

Daikon: Under one condition: *chuckles* They'll be put in a Tag Match with everyone in the locker room around the ring, as Lumberjack Tag Match against the team of John Cena and...Triple H.

The crowd pops even louder.

Daikon: I wasn't gonna let him say goodbye without teaching some manners against these two for causing so much chaos and set them straight and to not dare cross me. this is their only chance...other than be beaten to the point of me staining the floor with my footprints with their blood, but...

The crowd oohs as Daikon gave a smile as signals the camera to cut away.


We see a Six Man tag Match against Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, and Fake Batista, Mason Ryan vs Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, and David Otunga with Vickie Guerrero at their side. They were no match for them as Mason wins the match for his team.


We see most of the Locker room, Superstar and Diva, at ringside as Triple H and John Cena are in the ring. Despite their feelings towards Triple H's management decisions, they still support him when it involves the Awesome Truth.

Soon, Miz and R-Truth came out and they weren't given a warm welcome by the people of Oklahoma City and the Wrestlers there, after their string of attacks on them while being fired.

Soon, the match proceeds as Miz and R-Truth get insulted and booed while facing Cena and Triple H. When it seems like they're taking the lead, one member of the locker room distracts them, letting John and Hunter to take advantage.

Soon, the match ends with Cena and Hunter winning the match, and then the locker room rained down strikes at Miz and R-Truth. Soon, the call them as Daikon is seen making his way and entering the ring. He looks down at the hurt Miz and Truth before speaking with a mic.

Daikon: Welcome back, Miz and Truth. Just remember...your actions are what brought me here. So, thank you for that.

The crowd oohs as the others agreed with Daikon.

Daikon: As a will face the team of John Morrison and CM Punk at Vengeance. Hope you're not too upset at that. If your are...Ki ni shinai yo ( I don't give a fuck).

The crowd oohs loudly despite not knowing what he said. He then turns to Triple H and shook his hand, getting a cheer.

Daikon: Take care. You deserve a vacation from the shit you delt with this year.

He raised his arm up as the crowd cheers for Triple H as they chanted "Thank you, Hunter!" which nearly made him tear up.


We see Triple H and Daikon there as he was getting ready to leave.

Triple H: Are you sure you can handle the stuff going on here?

Daikon: I took take of Laurinaitis, made sure Miz and Truth get hired but taught a lesson, showed that I'm not one to mess with, and will be having the main event #1 Contenders Match, soon.

Triple H: I guess that's true. Just be careful with John and others trying to screw you over.

Daikon: If they couldn't find the bodies, how could they screw with me?

Triple H: I guess that's true-wait, bodies?!

Daikon: Just joking, Hunter.

Triple H sighed as the crowd could've laughed...but they know Daikon's reputation.

Daikon: Just take the months off and enjoy it. I'll handle the show and when you come back, we'll be making so decisions with the Road to WrestleMania arrives.

Triple H: Alright then. Take care, Daikon.

Daikon: You too, Hunter.

They shake hands and hugged before Triple H leaves for the night and for a while. Daikon watches him him but then gets a sick grin on his face.

Daikon: I'll sure RAW is better than you could've possibly imagine. Then...Smackdown and NXT are next.

The crowd was shocked by this as Daikon leaves.


The Fatal Four Way match is set as the the four competitors faced each other. The crowd was mixed between Rey and Punk, but most wanted Punk to regain his title after being screwed by Kevin Nash as SummerSlam. The match goes on and soon, CM Punk gets the win and is set to face either John Cena and Alberto Del Rio for the WWE Championship at Survivor Series.

So far, the show is well liked by fans as many twists and turns occurred. Now, with Daikon Black taking the lead, they wonder what he will do for rest of 2011 and onward.

How's the chapter?

What did you think of Daikon talking down on the roster while complimenting them?

What of his strict and brutal ways? Do you think the roster and employees now see that they've been unappreciated of Triple H's efforts now they have a Psycho Deity?

His punishment for the Awesome Truth?

There's more to come and more to learn about this new Daikon.

Also, having thought of this and seeing you suggestions (despite most wouldn't be prevalent until a few years later) and decided on the two love interests...

Eve Torres:

And Beth Phoenix:

What do you think?

Take care and stay strong!

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