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"I heard that Solina Wendigo has announced protesting against her as treason " Wolfram elegantly cradled a cup of tea , his pinky gracefully elevated ; an unconscious habbit from a childhood of playing princess according to Einar.

"What happened to freedom of speech ? " he shook his head and tsk tsked.  "She had ordered to excute anyone who speaks ill of her ,with no trial "

"My bar for her reign was on the gound but she had somehow managed to dig her way under it"

River nibbled on his bread , half of Wolfram's rant about the crisis in East   flying over his head. Emby sat on Wolfram's lap playing with his fan tussel  ,completely ignoring the breakfast infront of him.

Kaizer plodded in to the dinning hall ,fully dressed for another day of unrelenting duties .

Sir,who fed you a wet sock this early?

"Well ,good morning, sunshine boy!"  Wolfram greeted ,albeit sarcastically .

It was a rare occurence to have the king of West join them for breakfast. His eyes were blood shot and he somehow seemed grumpier than usual. He ordered a maid to bring over a pot of herbal tea ,sounding as hoarse as a 75 year old hobo who started smoking at 4 and never let up.

"Do us poor folks a favour and find a better way to drown your sorrows,"  Wolfram pulled apart a biscuit and glared at his brother "preferably something that doesnt involve me having to drag your disgraceful , weeping arse across Calamis "

"Be quiet " Kaizer snapped rubbing his temples "I dont see Einar "

" He is too sick this morning to even keep his guts down," Wolfram said "And he still looked less nauseated than you do"

Kaizer sighed heavily and poured himself a cup of tea,looking deeply remorseful about drinking and having a brother. "How is his condition ?"

"Bad " Wolfram set his cup down, looking solemn . River felt his heart drop .

"Sometimes I wish he would just die so he can finally stop suffering "

Kaizer glared daggers at his brother "Watch your mouth "

Wolfram tapped a sharp finger nail on the table top "I dont understand, I cant heal him , he is wasting away to the point of bones and ashes but is somehow still up and moving. Im sure he is in immense pain at all times of the day, probably unable to sleep properly  because of it as well "

Kaizer dropped his face to his hands but remained silent.

"It's like he is cursed " Wolfram muttered mostly to himself but Kaizer's hands twitched slightly hearing that.

"It's unnerving how accepting he is of everything " Wolfram sighed,petting Emby 's touseled hair. "I feel like he is doing it to make us worry less but kinda has the opposite effect "

"He wont die " Kaizer croaked "I wont let him "

Wolfram scoffed "You are no god, brother. "

River kind of felt his heart aching at this man who was utterly defeated in front of the cruel fate that awaited his companion . But his cold gray eyes glinted with an intensity akin to a resolute wolf guarding its kin , hinting at his unwavering determination to shield those who he holds dear.

"You need to get yourself together ,brother "  Wolfram adviced "He still worries about you like in your childhood . He cant give his mind a proper rest because he frets over you. He thinks you are one who needs his help and protection ,not the other way around "

"Thats why I dont tell him anything anymore " Kaizer aggressively massaged his forehead .

"Wisdom is fast , my darling brother " Wolfram grinned ,the mirth not reaching his eyes "but you have always been faster"

Kaizer furrowed his brows in annoyance .

"Thats exactly why he worries about you ! " Wolfram rolled his eyes "He never knows whats bothering you anymore so he gets even more anxious . You act like you got it all perfectly figured out, pushes him away, turn around and bicker with your wife,ignore your child and get  drunk to embarass yourself and our ancestors "

Kaizer groaned "please shut up and eat Wolfram "

"Sorry if I offended you with facts  "  Wolfram peeled an orange, grudgingly  "He might be unable to do a lot of things he used to do ,but he is still your friend. Talk to him properly . What if he saw you last night wailing like a hired mourner at a funeral?"

Wolfram cleared his throat .


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but ...

"Wolfram ," Kaizer pinched his nose bridge "shut up ,please" 

"You sounded like you were giving birth to a small whale " Wolfram wheezed "through your p-"

He halted at the sight of Einar sauntering in to the dining hall . The man had his usual sunny smile on his face and it only widened as he saw everyone around the table .

"Good morning to all my favourite people! " his voice was rougher than the sandpaper he worked with,throat ruined from all the vomitting .

"You ok now ?" Wolfram pushed a peeled citrus at him  "come sit with us"

"Ill just have some tea" he said cheerfully.

Kaizer set his cup down and pulled his chair back ,rising to leave in a feigned urgency.

Sir,are you still drunk? Were you even listening to your brother just now?

"Headache,Kai?" Einar smiled mischievously at the West King.

"No "

He took a glance at the half empty pot of herbal tea and shook his head, like a dissapointed father  "Have you been drinking again?"

Master ! Your acting skills have moved this deciple to tears ! 

"No"  Kaizer lied

"Ive seen enough of your hungover faces to know when I see one, Kai  "  Einar hit the West King in the shin with his walking stick  "your face  looks like a pot of jam"

Einar turned to Wolfram " help your brother out a little,Wolfy"

"No," Wolfram refused "The principle is that if it could have been completely avoided with a little self control ,it is not worth wasting my devine essence on ,which includes but not limited to hungovers and std "

"Why are you kids like this " Einar sighed and patted his robes down before fishing out small bottle of oil.

"Dont drink if you cant handle it " he smeared oil on two bony fingers, its strong herbal frangrance permeating the air . He raised his hand ,trying to rub the oil in to Kaizer's throbbing temples.

Kaizer took a step back.

Einar's fingers hovered in the air awkwardly ,all of his previous light heartedness gone. His sunken choclate eyes stared in to Kaizer's steely gray ones ,wide in confusion and pain .

"Sorry " he muttered , wiped the oil on his robe and fisted the fabric . He settled the small bottle on the table .'Ill leave this here, ask Narin to give a you head massage later "

She will give a massage so good that he would not even feel his head coming off his neck .

"Your tea ? " Wolfram reminded , seeing Einar walking away.

"Ill go... lie down a bit more " Einar smiled , his voice breaking a little but he expertly covered it with a cough . "Ill see you around "

Then he was gone .

Wolfram clapped his hands  "Bravo !"

Kaizer picked up the bottle and left in the opposite direction , not waiting for whatever witty remark Wolfram was about to throw his way .

Author has something to say

Thank you sooo much for reading my storyyyy . Author is very happy !

Author is rapidly forgetting she has a main plot to write. Lemme know  if you find the West arc slow or boring.

Please comment and dont forget to drop a vote .

Hey author ,what do you have there ?

*hides a very unhealthy obsession over kainar * a smoothie


Kai - did you eat all the sugar powdered donuts ?

Einar - * mouth full of food * no...

Kai -Then what is that on your pants ?

Einar -cocain


Raven - do you have a date for Valentine's day ?

River - yes, February 14 th

Raven - never mind


Raven - Who the fuck?!

Aithan - language ..

Raven - whom the fuck ?

Aithan - *shakes head and sighs *


(Propmts from pinterest)

Ember Schulz
Name meaning -the undying fire

A very young Kaizer Schulz
Name meaning - The emperor

A very young Einar Ashford
Name meaning - The one who fights alone

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