(Chapter 1) Mysterious Girl

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~Several Years Ago: a week before the Edinburgh incident~

Hendrickson kept a tight grip on the reins of the horse he was steering as he, Zaratras, and Dreyfus traveled to Droves to get some supplies and to receive a report of how things were going there. The druid grumbled as the sweltering heat of the summer sun beat down on him, causing him to hold a hand up to cover his eyes. After about half an hour, he saw Droves in the distance and sighed in relief, looking forward to the much awaited rest he would get after the report had been received by Zaratras and the goods had been packed into the cart he steered. "So, I have to ask, any chance we might be able to get something to eat here, brother?" Dreyfus asked the silver haired male beside him. Zaratras nodded as he spoke. "We should have enough time to get a late lunch before heading back home." he said, a smile on his face before Hendrickson spoke. "If that's the case, then either you or Dreyfus can drive the cart back, this heat is killing me." he grumbled. Dreyfus sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fine, I'll take the reins when we head back. That way, you can take a break, alright, Hendy?" he proposed, causing the teal eyed male to nod in agreement. Once the trio finally got to the watchtower in Droves, Zaratras got the report from one of the senior official knights there, thanking him for keeping track of patrol rounds. Then, they went to the tavern in Droves, also called the Gypsy's Lyre. After a filling meal and getting some bottles of ale to take with them, they headed back to the carriage, only to find that Jenna was there. The red head smiled and waved at them as they got closer, a girl that looked to be about Hendrickson's age held at her hip, obviously passed out. She had wavy, thick, platinum hair that went down to her waist, her eyes closed, and she had quite generous curves. She wore a white dress with a pair of black form fitting shorts, with a pair of thigh high white boots as well. "I need you three to get this girl to Liones. You three are the only ones who I know will take her in." Jenna explained, causing the three men to nod, before Zaratras took the girl gently from the druid chief's arms. After the Ginger haired female left to get back to Istar, Zaratras carried the woman to the cart, gently setting her down there. Once he and Hendrickson got in, Dreyfus sat down in the driver's seat of the cart. With the snap of the reins, the trio were off, wondering about the mysterious girl and who she was.

~After getting back to Liones~

Zaratras set the woman down in the hospital bed in the medical wing, seeing it as the most logical decision to keep her at Liones Castle until he had a few answers. The first thing he had noticed was her aura, a peaceful and pure air that seemed to surround her completely. The next thing he had noticed was when the nurses came out of the room after examining her, telling him that she had a mark of sorts on her back that ran up to just above her elbows, and went as low as her lower back. It looked like two pairs of wings that had been marked into the skin of her back. She was alive and healthy, but she was passed out, and would likely remain like that for no less than a week. One helpful thing was the bag that Jenna had given to the Grandmaster before she left, containing a few different medicinal plants, a book of notes on said plants and their qualities, a sketchbook that contained names of people that had been drawn inside, a locket that contained a very faded picture of three people, one being a ravenette with long straight hair, whose eyes were closed, another being a man with blue eyes and platinum hair, and the woman herself, with the same blue eyes, but her hair was a bit longer than the man's was. There were other things, like clothes and necessities for a long trip, even if it was a small bag to carry it all. However, just as he started to worry for the woman, he heard the cheerful voice of Meliodas, signaling that he was back from the mission in Cant that he had been sent on a few days ago.

Hendrickson thought back to the lady from earlier after he finished sparring with Dreyfus. She looked very pretty, and to him, just being near her seemed to calm him down, if only slightly, about the meeting that was happening in a week, when she woke up, between him, Dreyfus, Zaratras, and the king, discussing whether or not the woman would be allowed to stay. The Silver Ranked Holy Knight then decided to turn in early for the night, wanting to wake up with a clear head and a better chance to think when he awoke.

Dreyfus walked home from the castle after training with Hendrickson a little earlier in the evening than usual, thinking about the mysterious woman. He didn't know what was going on, but it seemed as though he could think more clearly around her, and a haze had been lifted from his mind. It felt as though he was truly at peace for the first time since Anna had died. He had no doubt that whoever she was, she wasn't a hostile person by nature. She couldn't be with that calming and almost gentle aura that she possessed, right? That would be absurd. However, Dreyfus also noticed that she had a very powerful and noticeable presence as well, for he had sensed her from a good way away before actually seeing her. The brunette got home and saw that Griamore was already in bed. The violet eyed male walked over to his sleeping son, sitting on the bed next to him and gently shaking him awake. Griamore opened his eyes and sat up, his face lighting up when he saw Dreyfus. "Father, you're back!" he exclaimed, hugging him tightly. Dreyfus smiled down at the green eyed boy before leaning down and hugging him back, telling him goodnight before leaving the room and going to his room, taking a shower and getting dressed in his night clothes before getting in his bed and going to sleep.

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