Pillow Fights and Crushes

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 I held Blue in my arms as I sat up a bed in an unfamiliar room when I woke from my dream. Pit and Dark Pit didn't have enough power of flight to beat Hades and the other gods all at once. Therefore, they were forced to retreat, leaving me in the care of Pandora. I was sitting in a guest room that Pandora had made for me since Hades was busy rebuilding his base. Pandora wanted to have a sleepover anyway, so this worked out 'perfectly.'

     Except for one thing. I couldn't talk to anyone using my laurel crown. Pandora's dimension was too chaotic for any magic from the other world to get through. For the first time in my life, not having that kind of communication really scared me. I had to admit that I had taken it for granted before. Thank goodness that Blue had followed me. Otherwise, I would have broken down. Though he was a cat, I had grown quite attached to him. It's kind of ironic that Pit found a cat when we were looking for a dog. 'The dog I never had' to be precise.

     "Atë! The pizza arrived," Pandora called to me from downstairs. I put Blue on the bed and went to the kitchen. Pandora's house was just a random townhome on a floating platform. It stuck out like a sore thumb as well. The house had two stories and it was very early 50's. (That meaning it had carpet that wasn't remotely in style.)

     "Let's eat!" my mouth watered at the sight of food. We sat in her living room and Pandora flipped on the tv. "What are we watching?"

     "I don't know. What do you want to watch?" she flipped through different channels. "Nothing good is on tonight."

     "What about we do some other party things," I suggested.

     "Like what?" Pandora asked.

     "Like THIS!" I smacked her in the face with a pillow.

     "I declare WAR!" Pandora shouted and grabbed a pillow of her own. We both started throwing pillows at each other while running around. It fit the chaotic persona I had been going for. Blue sat off to the side and watched the pillow war. It was a lot of fun. That's when a voice spoke through the laurel crown.

     '(Y/n), where are you? I'm in Pandora's dimension so our laurel crowns connect,' it was Pit's voice.

     'I'm in a 50's townhome if you know what that looks like," I stated.

     'Is that just a normal house?' Pit asked sheepishly.

     'Yeah, did you find it?' I asked as I threw a pillow at Pandora.

     'I see it! I'm coming in!' he confirmed. 'Can you climb out a window or something? It would be best if we could get out of here as soon as possible.'

     'So, you weren't planning on fighting her off?' I asked as I ducked behind a couch to avoid Pandora's latest pillow attack.

     'Lady Palutena said that if she gets away, then that would blow your cover,' Pit informed me.

     'Ok, if I can distract her, maybe I can sneak out,' I tried to think. 'Just wait. Don't come in unless I say so.'

     As if on cue, Pandora suggested that we should dress in our PJs and skipped upstairs. I quickly rushed to the front door to find Pit. The next thing I knew, I was back in Palutena's temple.

     "Pit, I didn't ask before, but why did you bring me back? What about the plan?" I asked.

     "Lady Palutena told me that she was going to fix your laurel crown, so we could connect to you in Pandora's dimension. She also told me that she wants to ask you something in private," the angel informed.

     "It's only hours past the party that if I just disappear, Pandora might have caught onto the plan by now," I stated seriously.

     "I'm sure Lady Plautena can perform some sort of amnesia spell or something," Pit reassured me as we walked to her office room.

     "(Y/n), we were all so worried about you," Palutena hugged me. "Now, I need your laurel crown to fix it." I handed over the headdress without question and she went to work on it. She asked Pit to leave the room for that question she wanted to ask. "What is it, Lady Palutena?"

     "(Y/n), I'm about to ask you something that Pit has been dying to know, but is too much of a dork to ask," her bluntness caught me off guard. "Do you like Pit?"

I tried not to blush. "W- what do you mean by like?"

     "Like might be the wrong word. What I mean is do you 'like-like' him?" there was no mistake. Palutena was right when she said that I wasn't ready.

     "Well," I paused to think over my answer. "I don't think I have the evidence to support that I do yet."

     "Being attracted to someone doesn't require evidence. Not to put you on the spot, but it is a yes or no question," Palutena pointed out.

     "Can I have some time to think about it?" I asked. The goddess nodded and I excused myself. Running down the hall, I headed for the observatory. I knew that I had to think about it, but I wanted to distract myself until I was ready to decide. Climbing onto the roof, I noticed that the roof of Skyworld was already occupied. It was occupied by none other than Pit, the dove-winged angel I was trying to forget.

     "Hi, (Y/n)!" he greeted me, totally oblivious to the situation. The sun was almost down even though I thought it was nightfall. The night must have always come in the underworld. I sat next to Pit, admiring the way the stars reflected in his eyes. I averted my gaze when he looked back at me. "Um, (Y/n)?

     "Yeah," I asked.

     "When I have to fight the underworld army, will I have to fight you?" Pit asked.

     "I don't know how to use my goddess power, but maybe," I answered.

     "Well, I don't want to fight you, so just leave the battles up to me," he requested.

     "I can't just sit around and do nothing," I protested. "I can't be useless anymore. Plus, I have to make up for all the times I lied to you and, well, everyone."

     "Don't' beat yourself up, (Y/n). If you were useless, we wouldn't have your brilliant plan to depend on," Pit smiled.

     "Well, it doesn't make up for the fact that I let evil back into the world," I buried my face in my knees. That's when I felt warm arms wrap around me and the person attached to them told me that it was going to be okay.

     I had my answer to Palutena's question.

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