War Plans

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        I was returned to Pandora's dimension and Palutena erased the memory of my disappearance. A few days later, Pandora and I were summoned to the underworld to make war plans with Hades. As usual, the goddesses and the angels all tuned into the meeting using the power of the laurel crown. They kept talking about plans to stop Hades. I didn't participate and neither did Dark Pit. He seemed quieter than usual, which made me wonder if he was even listening to the conversation. Then again, he was a less talk, more kill type person. The thought kept me wondering what was up with him.

      There were a few gods and goddesses I knew that I had released along with Hades. The Welcome back party served as a meet-and-greet, so I knew who everyone was and what I was doing.

     "I officially call this meeting to order," Hades announced. All of his commanders and their commanders had been summoned to the meeting, so the table was plenty full.

     "How are we supposed to take on Skyworld? They have forces and back up forces, not to mention Pit," a tall woman with snakes for hair spoke out. A.K.A. Medusa.

     "Well, we need to forget about the army and focus on killing the angel," one of the Hewdraw heads suggested. There were three of them that were all attached to a large body that took up a lot of room at the table. The body looked almost like a dragon or something.

     "Well, he also has a darker half," Pandora ran her hand through her blue hair, growling at the thought of Dark Pit. "The ungrateful creation of mine."

     "I heard he works for the forces of Nature now," Thanatos, a green, round goblin thing, enlightened.

     "I heard he's a softie," I could hear Viridi's sip of water go out the way it came in. Pit and Palutena were laughing as well.

     'What the heck, (Y/n)?' Dark Pit yelled.

     'I was just making sure you were paying attention,' I slightly smirked as Hades asked 'really?' I nodded. The best part was that it wasn't a lie. He wouldn't have saved me before Viridi tried to execute me if he wasn't a little soft.

     "Well, do you know how to make him soft enough to break him, because that would be great," Thanatos asked. I shook my head.

     "So, what about Palutena? She is really strong, not that she uses her power much," Pandora pointed out, and Lady Palutena scoffed.

     "As I said, we just need to work on eliminating Pit and the other one," Hades stated. "Any ideas?"

     "What if we make bombs to explode Palutena's domain when they are all asleep?" Pandora suggested.

     "No way. Palutena has been extra careful with security since Hades' return. I flew past there the other day," Hewdraw explained. (I just started referring to him as one person for the sake of not confusing myself.)

     "Do we just go for it altogether?" I asked. "They can't take on all of us. They even had to retreat after they ambushed my party!"

     'You wanted to stay at the party, didn't you?' Viridi asked.

     'Yeah, despite the party being held by the underworld,' I didn't say it to the goddess, but I was a little salty about my party being ambushed.

     "I agree with Atë. We have to get revenge on them for the party incident," Pandora backed up my idea.

     "All in favor of this plan, raise your hand," Hades said. Everyone did, making my plan official.

     'Thanks, (Y/n),' now we have to fight every boss in one fight,' Dark Pit groaned.

     'If Pit can single-handedly defeat Hades, then two armies can defeat one,' I tried clearing the air between me and him.

     'I think (Y/n) wants to get back at us for ruining her date,' Viridi smirked.

     'No way, he was ugly,' Dark Pit said and Pit agreed.

     'Wow, it looks like Dark Pit still cares,' Viridi said smugly, and I couldn't help but giggle.

     'Well, this means we need to prepare for battle,' Palutena concluded.

     "Suit up gods and goddesses, we march at dawn!" Hades shouted and everyone rose to their feet with war cries that I knew I was going to hear again soon. I shouted with them, but a feeling of dread came over me. There was no guarantee that my plan would work. For all I knew, it could have backfired, and the world would suffer the consequences. The thought made a shiver go down my spine, even though I had my brave face on.

      Pandora and I went back to her dimension to eat and rest for the battle ahead. Even though Pandora made us a meal, I told her that I wasn't hungry and went to sit on the porch. The feeling of uneasiness was messing with my head, and it only got worse. There were so many things I was unsure of, but something came to mind.

      Was this it? Was this the end of the line for me? Would my soul be taken by Hades to simply exist in the Underworld forever? Was I gonna die? I had been through so much pain that death didn't feel real. In fact, it was because of my bad luck I was here. 

      That's when it occurred to me; I could jump into the void and maybe a platform below would take me. I got up from the step and walked over to the edge of the floating platform and looked below. There was no end to how far it went, and if my bad luck missed all the obstacles, I would keep on falling forever. No one wanted to die like that.

      'Snap out of it (Y/n)!' I yelled at my brain for even thinking that death was a logical solution. 'If your bad luck backfires, you can just retreat! Don't even think of going out like this!'

      I walked back over to the step and sat down, feeling defeated.

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