Chapter Five

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Along the open sea.

Atheon's P.O.V

I have encountered many of those strange alien life forms upon my time travels around this planet, and Everytime I would meet them the same thing happens.

They attack, they can't damage me, they try to retreat, they die be of decapitation/ ripping out there hearts.

And all an all I was almost done with my reconnaissance supply I only had a small amount of water base mass felt to explore.

But while all of this happened a strange feeling prod it at my new organic heart.

It felt as if some kind of weight was being put on my chest, as if some kinds of chains were trying to keep me held back.

And no matter how much I tried to find what was the cause of it, I never seemed to find it... No matter how hard my systems searched or my processor tried to understand.

So knowing that this malfunction was going to be sticking with me for a while I decided just to continue my search.

'this strange malfunction might hinder my progress... If I'm unable to find the cause of it, then emergency repairs must be done in order to guarantee my progress will not be hindered.'

With my new sub-directive processed I sped off into the distance where I came upon a small group of organic life forms fighting.

Three of them I recognized but the other is I did not.

First was a girl in some... Maid attire, the other was in an outfit similar to a white female commander uniform, I've seen these kinds of uniforms. On multiple male organic life forms while out on the Open Sea. Then a girl that was in some form of cowgirl clothing, a small child carrying a javelin. And one that had a super sleepy expression.

Then there were the others.

One of them was a small girl child-like in body structure but seeming to have some kind of shark like metallic pastrutions coming from her body acting as, augments to her mobility firepower and defense.

Then there was the other four, all of them had much more developed figures, two of them I encountered when I first encountered the strange alien life forms that seemed to scary across the planet. But the other one I did not see.

Long flowing silver hair, with an outfit consisting of multiple black cross, with silver tracing over the outside, her upper pectoral area was developed beyond that of the small child looking organelle. And down her waist we're very plumptuous thighs.

She two had the strange metal machine seemingly forming from her back and acting according to her will.

'interesting it's not only these extraterrestrial beings the possessed those metal augments but it seems that the organic life forms indigenous to this planet also has them... Could it be that majority of the indigenous life forms possess these strange metal augments? But more data must be collected in order for my hypothesis to be proven correct. As of now I must watch and wait, it will be interesting to see how the indigenous beings of this planet do battle.'

I made sure to activate stealth mode and keep myself hidden, after all data is valuable.

And it is Data I will need in order to complete my mission.

Enterprise P.O.V

We had come here in order to rescue the team that had been attacked by a team sent out by Red axis but I'm currently hindered.

The battle with the first aircraft division Kaga left me weakend, but I can't start thinking like that now I have to win!

I'm currently in the midst of battling Zuikaku a swords woman from the Sakura Empire this seem to be eagerly waiting to challenge me. I tried to fight her off with the best I could with my damage but I failed and my life almost came to an end it wasn't for Belfast intercepting.

"Enterprise we must retreat in your current condition you won't be able to fight to your full capacity." I heard Belfast say her words as usual, but I knew it was easier said than done.

"Belfast the minute we try and run the enemy we'll just send a multiple aircraft after us, we need reinforcements."

"Luckily the main force from Royal Navy is heading this way. We just need to hold out a little bit longer."

"That's a relief" I began to raise from the ground, grunting in pain as the injuries I sustained from this battle were starting to get to my stamina. I could feel myself getting weaker but I could not stop now, after all my sister was in danger and I would not let her down nor will I let her fall.

Zuikaku Rush towards me with her sword as I went to pull back my bow in order to fire an arrow, but It began to reach it's limit as the bow began to crack before it exploded within my hand.

My bow shattering in my hands caused my body to be thrown off balance.

"I GOT YOU NOW GREY GHOST!!" Zuikaku rushed towards me as her katana was nearing my body only for Belfast to once again intercept knocking her away.

"That was close Miss Enterprise, are you all right?"

"Ya...." Some invisible strength began to pulse through my body as I was able to once again get control of my body. "It's just a minor injury nothing to worry about."

"Enterprise you're seriously pushing yourself. I recommend you fall back if you keep pushing yourself any further your rig will sustain critical damage."

"No I can't... I can't fall back not now."

"Miss Enterprise please listen to yourself! Your body is giving out your rig is nearing its limit! If you continue the fight you where you are you're going to end up running yourself into the ground!"

I remain silent I couldn't form more to my mouth I knew that my damage was great but...

I just couldn't.

But eventually I was cut off when more volleys of shells were blasted at us from Prinz Eugen as we took evasive actions.

"Damn it they're not letting up"

No P.O.V

The battle rage done and the two sides were sustaining damage but unknown to them a pair of Sapphire blue watched.

And so are other prying eyes but they weren't bothered with a fight going on in front of them they are bothered by the being who was watching the fight.

The sirens stood there in the shadows watching as the newly reborn vex Axis mind studied the ship girls, one of them being a high-ranking siren classified as overseer had general confusion when it came to who this person was.

She was much like the ship girls and that she looked more human than machine unlike them... But there was that feeling of dread and misery that she constantly expelled, it was as if you were staring into a deep void and the void answered by consuming you hold. As you fall down into its depths of depravity and insanity, like a child standing before a tiger it was a feeling of fear that was primal.

A feeling of fear that enticed the fight or flight response within any being, and they were no exception.

Overseer would have to be very weird when it came to trying to exterminate this one, after all they could prove to be a bigger hindrance than the ship girls as a whole.

Especially considering the aura of mystery around her.

"Overseer you know the battle is over there." One of her fellow Sirens stood next to her but her metal rig was much different, almost like a gigantic black manta ray with glowing nyan green ends protruding from the barrels.

This was tester beta, another high-ranking siren next to overseer.

"Tester I'm fully aware but I'm not interested in them, after all we can run hundreds of simulations concerning them. No my eyes take in a much more different sight, a site to which I see the sirens having their greatest boost of evolution, but also their greatest hindrance."

"You mean the girl over there?" Tester pointed her arm directly at the sapphire girl who didn't seem to be paying them mind.

Not that she didn't mind, after all she wasn't a sadistic and battle thirsty as purifier, and the two of them  specifically had to warn purifier that any and all attempts to take on that girl was to be formulated under a well input strategy when more data of her was collected.

It was quite simple really they had no idea who the hell she is, no idea what kind of power she has, no idea what kind of rig she has, they had absolutely zero info about her.

Simply put if they're trying to take her on it can be acquainted to just walking into a deep maze with no idea on where to go. Or how to get out.

Then there was that tiny piece of information that this girl was half of the reason why the sirens were facing such a problem, after all this girl practically radiates the energy that was dispersed over the day she entered into this world. The same pulse of energy that made their Empress unable to see any future timelines. Or events that is to come into the future.

So not only did they have no information on her, but she also cut off there most useful source of information via of their empresses ability to see through time.

So yeah tester was pretty damn eager to not annoy her, well until they get the information needed, but that wouldn't be for a while now.

"Yes tester the same girl who our low level Sirens have been calling the siren killer. Not that I don't mind really after all the title most definitely suits her, a mysterious girl just pops out of a crack in reality along with another person were unable to locate, well also discharging a burst of energy so powerful it has disrupted our empress's view upon the timeline and as practically shut down our ability to alter the timeline."

"Yes good thing that purifier isn't here, after all knowing her she would eagerly just fly straight towards her and get herself killed." Testers usual emotionless expression in dull voice was still in effect but overseer could sense some weariness in her voice. Not that she blames her.

I mean they are just a couple of hundred meters away from the most dangerous person they've ever encountered.

Someone who can most definitely kill them in a blink of an eye.

"Well I think we've gathered enough information for now what do you think tester?"

"Yes overseer I think you're correct and we've also been able to see our recent problem. Let us report back don't want us pushing your luck too much especially with her there."

Tester opened up a worn hole before entering it disappearing from this area in the blink of an eye.

Overseer would follow her example and teleport herself back as well.

Well also taking one last glimpse upon their new interest and also resident siren killer.

Atheon's P.O.V

I watched as the battle slowly began to draw to it's end, with the side that was being bombarded by the side called red axis getting their reinforcements in the form of many other life forms similar to them.

I overheard the one in the maid attire called Belfast state that this was the full force of their fleet known as the Royal Navy.

When I noticed the battle end I simply left, gathering up all that I needed from that conflict.

'this data should be most useful for my mission.'

No P.O.V

Red axis right now on their ships heading back towards the Sakura Empire to report back to their leader, but while they were returning Zuikaku looked off her ship and noticed someone gliding across the ocean surface.

She ready herself thinking that it was a siren but her eyes widened when she realized that it was the same girl who decimated the sirens, the same girl she mad about a week ago.

"Shoukaku!" She called her sister, and she turned from her ship and looked where her sister was pointing only for her eyes to widen the same as her sister when she spotted the sapphire-eyed girl. "It's her! The same girl we met last week!"

"Yes I do believe it is."

"Ow could someone tell me what's going on I love to be in this conversation as well."

The sound of a German accent was Heard by the Two sisters as they turn to see Prinz Eugen walking on Zuikaku ship.

"Prinz Eugen that girl it's the same girl who saved ayanami and Shoukaku, we don't know who her name is but I mean meaning to thank her ever since that day."

"Ow and how can you be sure that it's not a trap by the sirens?" Asked Prinz Eugen.

"I don't know but my gut just tells me." She replied back.

Prinz Eugen just stood there before turning to the sapphire girl who is seemingly gliding across the ocean.

She too had her curiosity perked and from what she heard from Zuikaku this girl had to be quite the formidable warrior.

"Shoukaku I'm going to talk to her" the youngest sister called out to the oldest as her older sister looked at her as her eyes wide into the size of dinner plates.

"Zuikaku! I know you want to thank her but it might be dangerous! After all we only met her once before, and the only reason why she didn't attack us was because of the sirens!"

"Yeah I know but still I owe her my life, and I wish to at least thank her."

Zuikaku summoned her rig as she dashed towards the sapphire girl who seemed to stop upon hearing her arrival.

Zuikaku came close to her as she watched her turn around as her lifeless Sapphire Eyes pierced directly into hers. She came to a screeching halt when those eyes turned to her.

'what's with this feeling of fear? And what's with this aura? It's almost as if I'm staring into a void... No calm down Zuikaku.... ' She began to breathe in before words were finally able to be spoken. "Greetings I know you may not remember me but, we met last week, we were under attack by the sirens. I wanted to thank you then but you were already gone about time your assault was over. My name is Zuikaku I wanted to thank you for your assistance and thank you for saving my comrades life."

The sapphire-eyed girl just simply stared at her no words were uttered from her mouthpiece.

"Ahhh can you at least give me your name? I'd like to know the person who saved my and my friends life's."



"This units name is Atheon, times conflux. You said your name was Zuikaku?"

"Ahh yes that's right" Zuikaku eagerly replied.

"Then answer me this what is your intentions in reaching out to me? What information do you possibly hope to attain from me?"

"Ahh nothing" Zuikaku noticed her hand beginning to form a weapon and she realized that Atheon must be thinking that she's an enemy. And realizing what she can do to a squadron of sirens she made it her top priority to see most friendly as possible to not be executed Right Here and Now. "I only wish to thank you, because if it wasn't for you then I know me and my sister would have most likely died. Myself included".

Zuikaku give a polite bow as the axis mind just became more confused.

'strange she has that metal augment activated and yet she's not attacking me... She's battling her head which I'm guessing is this species sign of respect or at least sign of non hostility. And she's thanking me for saving her comrades life? What is this?'

Time seem to went on for an eternity as the two of them just continue to stare each other down with Zuikaku raising your head only to come face to face with her cold dead eyes.

'you know with eyes like those she could even give Kaga-Sama a run for her money in terms of threatening appearances.'.... "well Atheon I had one question to ask you."

"...... And what is it what information do you wish to trade with me?" Zuikaku just stared at her with a confused expression was she still thinking that she wanted information from her?

'man she's a strange one, though considering we don't know her origins that's to be expected'... "I assure you I do not want any information I just wanted to ask a question."

"That being?"

"Would you.... Would you join the Sakura Empire!"

The team she was with stopped, turn to her and gave her a WTF face. As there was no way in hell that-

"And what is this Sakura Empire?"

"It's our faction, and thanks to your recent actions and saving one of our members our leader lady nagato has been wanting to meet you... And sense we... Well I mean I found out that you're not super aggressive means that you could have a meeting with our leader."

The group fully expected her to turn this down, after all what use would she have in getting involved with their problems?

But on the axis minds part it began to process what it could get out of this.

'if what this female life-forms saying is true then I can gain three things. 1: information about this planet and the life forms that live on it. 2: a base of operations where I'm able to return to and depart from in order to go on recon/extermination missions. And 3: a suitable and stable source of information thanks to presumingly the hierarchy that will be formed out of this group...'

"........ Very well take me to this Nagato I wish to speak with them."

There you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you enjoyed because God damn it I'm going to take a nap after this.

Yeah sorry for not updating in so long but it's just that school has completely and utterly destroyed any motivation I ever had.

I mean the f****** Warren City School system is getting out of hand.


But enough of that crap I'm good and as you can clearly see I got you a new chapter out.

Now tomorrow I should keyboard being should have a chapter out for the goddess of the Void presuming if nothing goes wrong. Or I have nothing to do tomorrow.

Anyways this is your boy signing off.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!

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