Chapter Six

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The unit of the Sakura Empire and iron blood girls were now escorting there new (maybe) member.

The axis mind atheon stood silently among the front of Zuikaku carrier, as her cold Sapphire Eyes looked at the clam turning waves which waters splashes against the ship.

And as of this mystery entity stood before the group prying eyes to watch with suspicancy.

Mainly from Prinz Eugen and Z-23, as they believe the words from Zuikaku but that does not mean they fully trust whatever she is.

And if a demonstration was to be shown, then her show against the siren is more than enough to put them on high alert. After all even some of their best warriors would have a challenge with that many sirens but to her they were simply as much as buzzing flies to her.

So they would keep back and they would record everything before reporting to Lord Bismarck, she'll be the final decision of it all.

But while the iron blooded girls were doing their things the Sakura empire were doing their own, as Zuikaku walked towards the axis mind before coming to her side as she picked around to see her blank expression.

To which atheon without speaking a word tilted her head down and looked at Zuikaku with questioning eyes.

"Is there something you need?" Atheon attempted to act more "human like" but failed miserably as her dead emotionless near robotic voice killed off any semblance or hope of that ever happening.

"Oh nothing it's just your facial expression seems..... Well"

"Dead, lifeless, dissatisfied?"

"Ahhh ya, I just never seen someone with a face like yours. Your eyes too, it's almost like in those shows where the characters eyes reflect how they've seen things beyond our understanding." Zuikaku said in a very joking like manner but since the facial expression of the axis mind didn't change this left her a bit nervous.

But to atheon she simply grunted, as she was not going to tell this...... Less minded individual, about what truly lies outside and within the bounds of the cosmos.

Not that she expect any of these simpletons to understand.

Zuikaku seeing that her presence was very unwelcomed slowly backed away from the axis mind returning to her sister's side as the two of them simply stared at her as she looked out into the Open Sea.

"Shoukaku, what do you think about her?"

"Well she's definitely on the more cold side, I haven't seen eyes like that from anyone except from lady Kaga."

"Yes she's very cold but her voice it throws me off so much, the sirens are Hollow and echoey, while their voice fluctuates between different pitches. While her's seems a blend of both human and robot. It's almost as if she's a blend between both metal and human."

"Well the same could be said of us Zuikaku, I mean we were created by humans through the power of the wisdom cubes in order to give us our forms. One could say that we are both a blend of both metal and flesh."

"Ya except I don't get the same feeling when I'm standing by her, not even whdn I'm standing before the sirens. Something about her just screams fear, and when she first entered that battle. The one that nearly killed ayanami, I couldn't help but be petrified of that aura of hers. It was so cold and dark, it was like I stared into an endless void and it was staring back."

The Two sisters stopped and considered the words they said, and it was very much true. Each statement they've said about the girl was 100% proven just by looking at her. After all it didn't take a well-trained sniper whose eyes have adjusted to track and noticed every speck of dust from there scope, to see what's clearly before them.

Something truly beyond them, who knows maybe she's even stronger than the whole combined force of the sirens. After all at this point it was going to be nearly impossible to gauge what she's truly capable of just off of these two battles they've witnessed alone.

"Well here soon we shall be arriving at the Sakura Empire, there lady nagato can decide whether or not she will join us"

"Ya....." Zuikaku looked towards Atheon for the last time "I just hope that lady nagato allows her to join us, or better yet she chooses to."

Two hours later

The girls of the Sakura Empire and the small force of iron blood had made it back to the Ally base of iron bloods and Visa domination, the Sakura Empire.

And while some of them stopped to admire the scenery or talk to some of their friends the resident Vex Axis Mind, simply walked away from everything before she hurt a rapid footsteps approaching and turned to see Zuikaku.

"Atheon what hold up!! we'll have to escort you toady nagato."

The words that left the mouth of Zuikaku seemed to give the axis mind and understanding before she simply allowed Zuikaku to take the lead while also staying on high alert.

They walked through the Sakura Empire as the resident ship girl who was leading her smiled, while taking in the illustrious scenery and the beautiful pink falling cherry blossom petals.

But Atheon on the other hand was not concerned with such needs, for she did not understand the concept of beauty, only the concept of perfection.

She would watch where her guides eyes were staring as she looked herself, she would catch her glimpsing at the cherry blossoms and the children that ran around. But to the Vex this seemed like less needed things.

For why would you focus your desires on the pedals of a plant? Or the insidious loud jukeboxes that were these children?

There is much she needed to know, she needed to know how this place operated what their desires were, what did their objectives were, and overall who could possibly assist her in her goal of returning to her universe.

So with that in mind she allowed her escort to lead her deeper into their face where they headed up a flight of stairs and came face to face with a large opening and a small wooden platform, underneath a massive cherry blossom tree.

And they're resting peacefully sitting on the floor were three individuals.

"Zuikaku" the less energetic small looking girl face the aircraft carrier before her eyes turned to the vex in the room. "Should I assume that this is the girl from your report?"

"Yes lady nagato, this is Atheon times conflux, or just atheon. She is the girl who saved ayanami well also dispatching the sirens. I brought her here because she wishes to speak to you."

"Very well" the small girl now designated as nagato turned her head towards the Vex whose eyes just stared coldly at hers. "What is it that you wish to speak to me about?"

"You are the leader of this base and of these.... Organic life forms correct?"

"Yes I am"

"Then the one standing next to you I assume all your sub minds?"

The four individuals in the room simply stared at her confused, before Atheon simply took a look as she came to a realization that they didn't understand vex terms.

"Your seconds in charge? Your lieutenants to your captain. Soldiers to the general. I am asking if these people who stand before you and in your domain, hold any semblance of importance to your position."

"Oh why yes" Nagato took the time to breathe and she simply looked at the girl. Confusion was definitely high, but she would have to keep it to a minimum to engage with conversation. "The girl who resembles me is my sister, Mutsu. And the other one who has kept quiet up till now is my bodyguard her name is Kawakaze."

The room would be doused in another round of silence as the Sapphire Eyes of the Vex with skin the two almost as if trying to get every bit of information from them.

She moved from nagato's sister to her bodyguard as her eyes seemed to narrow and scope in even more on her. looking at the weapon she held at her waist, to her physique and muscle mass.... Everything about her was taken in as the Vex gave her the highest threat rating if something went bad.

"Your guard seems...... weak"


Kawakaze looked at the vex has her eyebrows seem to twitch, but she quickly suppressed any feelings as she saw Nagato ready to speak.

"Yes from your point of view Kawakaze may seem weak but I can assure you that she is a capable warrior."

"That's still doesn't digress the lack of augmentations she should have."

"Augmentations?" Nagato tilted her head with abstract confusion.

"Yes someone of her position who is meant to guard the head mind should be equipped to handle any and all forms of combat. Weather are they reign from aquatic to air to land. But looking at her she even by organic standards have the requirements meant for such a important job"

"And what are you trying to get at?" Kawakaze had enough of the Vex poking at her, as her eyes hardened and narrowed. "Are you saying that I am not meant or fit for my position?"

The room would be silent until the Vex turned in face turn her eyes held no semblance of emotions. All that was there is the cold icy feeling of fear when her eyes connected to them.

"Yes" that one simple answer stunned everyone in the room. "You simply lack the requirements."

Kawakaze is a very cool and collected person, but after receiving such insults and having her very pride trampled before this newcomer she couldn't help but want to take her katana and teach her a lesson.

But then again after hearing the reports from Zuikaku's team and how powerful she was to the point where it made the sirens who give them major trouble. Nothing more than troublesome flies, she hesitated on taking such actions furthermore she did not want to damage the reputation of Nagato by taking such drastic measures.

So with all that thought through she simply sighed, as her body became less tense and she went back to her usual calm sitting position.

Nagato seeing that something might happen decided to speak up again. "Atheon, I can assume that after witnessing your abilities in combat Zuikaku had asked for you to join us is that correct?"

"Yes that is correct"

"Then can I assume that you simply wish to speak to me on terms as the leader of this faction that you may take part in?"

"Yes provided I know where I've been sent to and everything I need to know I will consider joining this until further notice in time."

"....... Very well what is the first thing you wish to know?"

"I wish to know the word I've been sent to, what is this place?"

"Well the place you have been sent to is a planet called Earth it is inhabited by humans. And what you're standing in or more accurately on is the base of our operations for the Sakura Empire."

"So I am to assume that there are more factions than just yours, what other factions are out there besides this Sakura Empire."

"Yes that would be correct, in total there are nine."

"And can I assume that there is some kind of infighting going on between these factions? I witness the battle between the recon team that brought me here and another mysterious Force who utilized the same metal augments. Would I be correct in saying such?"

"Yes there is a war going on between us and the forces of azur Lane, currently we are super faction called red axis. We are comprised of us the Sakura Empire, Iron blood, Vichya Dominion, and lastly Sardegna Empire. Well our enemies are formed under the banner of azur Lane, they're comprised of eagle Union, Royal Navy, Northern Parliament, Dragon Empery and finally Iris Libre."

"..... So this azur lane is your enemy and they are comprised of more factions than you are, how is it that you were able to stand up against them when they hold the superior advantage?"

"That is.... Classified after all we still need to know if we can trust you before we share any kind of information like this with you."

"A most logical decision."

"So Atheon will you join the Sakura Empire? I will not force you to join, think of this as just an act of kindness towards you saving one of our members furthermore your power is can easily shift the tides of this war. Forgive us if we seem greedy at first but we simply do not wish for someone as powerful as you to join the enemy it will completely devastate our plans."

No words were spoken as the axis mind seemed to go into her own programming in order to think about what she should do.

'this Sakura Empire would be useful, they seems to have more advanced technology in the form of those black and red mechanical ships. Furthermore Nagato has made it abundantly clear that she simply wishes for me to join so that she can repay for what I did to help out her cause, but also make her that her factions enemies would not gain the upper hand and have me destroy them. Logically deducing this would be the best course of action to take join them use their resources towards my goal. While simultaneously helping out their goal, a very symbiotic relationship. And if they ever decide to betray me or overstep their bounds I will knock them back down or destroy them.'

Silence would continue until Atheon opened her eyes as she stared at Nagato before.

"Very well nagato I shall join this faction of yours, from here on out our contract has been made you will now gain the support of me. Atheon, times conflux. And so long as we are within this symbiotic relationship you will help each other to benefit the both of us. I hope this is acceptable."

"Agreed Atheon with your help it makes our path towards our goals a lot clearer."

There you go ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you enjoyed it because holy crap it has been so long since I've done one of these.

Yeah I'm sorry for the late chapters it's just that I haven't been in the mood to write because I've been extremely tired lately but I'm getting back into writing so no need to worry I should have future chapters out within the week.

Also I hope you guys like how I'm going with Atheon, and I hope you like how her character is more robotic than human. I mean after All she is a Vex which is basically a super advanced robotic race.

But besides that I'll catch you guys later.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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