Chapter Seven

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Location: Sakura Empire. Two days after last chapter.

The forces of the Sakura Empire could be seen talking to one another and being very friendly to one another, being that in these trying times they needed the bond they shared between each other to guild them through this war torn world.

But one such person did not mingle with the girls.

This girl could be seen standing on one of the highest buildings of the empire as she observed the exchange of sweet words and kind gestures between the ship girls.

And all she could do was just wonder why?

Why do these organic life forms exchange such unnecessary thing?

For wouldn't it be better to focuses all of this wasted energy on furthering the will of there leaders?

'Atheon catalog number one, I have arrived in a strange new world called Earth, this planet shares many similarities to the earth from my original world. Apart from many this, one being humans technology being significantly more primitive. Two, there seems to have been no great calamity that fell the world. Third, there is no records of extraterrestrial alien life apart from a group of entity's called the sirens. And lastly in this world there are no guardians'

The axis mind stopped it's recording as it looked at its own hands in vivid confusion. A strange new feeling just arised...... One that was alien to the vex god.

'Also this unit has been tainted with organic matter turning it into techno organic entity.... Reason for this is still unknown. This is Atheon catalog number one signing off'

The recording stopped as the vex turned as she heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

And saw the white Kitsune what was Kaga.

And Atheon knew this fox because well..... Nagato decided that it would be best if their newest member was to have a personal guide throughout the entire Sakura Empire. So she elected Kaga to be the one to show her around.

And we'll the Kitsune reaction is what you would assume it to be.

Flashback: a few minutes after the meeting

Nagato, her sister and the bodyguard watched as Atheon left to her personal quarters that nagato gave to her, and upon her disappearance back to her dorm. Everyone took a massive sigh as their bodies became less tense turning very slumped.

They couldn't explain why, all they could say was that just being in her very presence put them on high alert. As it felt like an invisible force was crushing their very being just by being in close proximity to her.

"Wow that was tough" Mutsu sister of Nagato what's the most exhausted out of the trio, her childish personality made it to where she usually takes kindly to most others. But during that entire meeting she didn't peep a single word, out of fear that if she uttered something out of line destruction was all that would have a waited her. As her ticket to the afterlife would have been punched and she would have been sent away to the forever box.

"Lady nagato I must conclude with lady Mutsu, even though I engaged with conversation with our newest member that was still positively the most stressful situation of my life."

Nagato looked at her assistant baffled, she knew all too well of the presents that this Atheon exuded after all she just experienced it. But for her bodyguard who was one of the best warriors of the Sakura Empire, to claim that this exceeded all other missions. All other life or death situations, when Atheon showed no hostility towards them gave the leader of this Empire a brand new understanding of how terrifying their newest assailant was.

"Although it pains me to say I do agree with both of you, I too felt like the very weight of the sea was pressed on my shoulders when I was inside of her presence. Those cold dead lifeless Sapphire Eyes felt like they were peering through my physical form and were grasping at my soul."

The group took as much time they needed to get back on track now without that overwhelming terrifying presence looming about them they began to regain their usual stances and personalities. But as this happened the leader of the Sakura Empire was lost in thoughts of how she was going to go about this.

It was true that their newest member was extraordinarily powerful probably more powerful than any ship girl from any faction.

Hell she was probably more powerful than all of them put together.

Although a claim like that is ridiculous to think about her recent feats of accomplishments were extraordinary to say the least.

'now what should I do? It's true that Atheon will become one of our most powerful allies but she has no idea of where she is, and of this new place she finds herself in. Logic dictates that if we're going to have her we should have her accustomed to our traditions and to our scenery. But who?'

Nagato began to think about someone that could not only....

One; stand near her without being overwhelmed with fear..... So a person that has a strong fighting spirit

Two; be able to engage with normal conversations with her.

Three; have intricate knowledge about the Sakura Empire so that way they could tell her about what she needs to now.

And as nagato thought about this one Kitsune came to mind, a strong white haired fox with similar blue eyes, cold personality and a menace on the battlefield.

And this Kitsune wouldn't cower in fear by her presence, nor would she back down if an altercation would arise. Not to mention she's apart of the first aircraft division and on if the most powerful aircraft carriers at the Sakura Empire's call.

"Kawakaze" said person who shared that name looked at there leader. "Could you send word to Kaga that I want to have a meeting with her."

"It shall be done" the bodyguard stood up and walked out towards there room as nagato sat there silently. As the pink cherry blossom petals slow down around her gently caught within the Autumn breeze.

"Hopefully this goes smoothly I'm already at my wit's end for stress today."

Five minutes later

Kawakaze returned and by her side was Kaga, the white haired Kitsune looked at Nagato with questioning eyes.

"Lady nagato why have you requested my assistant?"

"Well Kaga I require your assistance with a member of the Sakura Empire."

" What do you mean nagato? Are they plotting against us? And if that's the case shall I get rid of there very existence."

The fire that burned in the white haired Kitsune eyes caused nagato some reassurance that she did not pick one.

"No you are mistaken" Kaga's expression changed from one of battle ready to one of confusion "I've called you here so that way you can handle a new member that I have welcomed into the Sakura Empire."

"Ok..... And who is this new member?"

"Her name is Atheon"

Upon hearing the name Kaga froze, this was a joke right?! That name ...  The one from the reoccurring dreams!

'there's..... There no way right? Atheon why does that name keep recurring, why does this being keep appearing! First in my dreams then in the mission report from Zuikaku's team!'

As the white haired Kitsune had her internal struggle the group looked at her confused, they had never seen Kaga like this and this left many questions to them.

"Kaga" Mutsu voice finally came to life in the meeting "are you alright?"

"..... Ya, let's just continue from were we left off"

"Very well, as you should now from the report from Zuikaku's team they encountered an alien entity many times more powerful then the humanoid sirens we've faced. And Zuikaku was able to communicate with this being. And in the report she got her name, that being Atheon. Or the full name Atheon times conflux, we believe that the time conflux part of her name refers to a possible position or title she had during her time in her other world."

Kaga looked at Nagato and wondered. "Lady nagato my I ask why you have asked of me to be here and talk about this person if you do not wish for me to eradicate them?"

"Well the reason for us asking if you to be here is because we want you to watch over and teach Atheon how to operate and function in the Sakura Empire."

"WHAT! Lady nagato are you saying that Atheon has joined the Sakura Empire and you want me! To watch over her and teach her how to operate as a member of our faction!"

"Yes that's exactly what I'm asking for, after all your one if not the only I could ask for to take on this mission."

"But what if the sirens? What of the mission for project orochi! How will I be able to help protect the Sakura Empire from the sirens. Or be able to complete the mission for project orochi? When I'm stuck babysitting some annoying we-"

"Kaga" Kawakaze cut her off as her eyes grow cold. "Although me and our new alien member don't see eyes to eye, I will warn you about talking Ill of her. After all from the report that you've read, it stated how effortlessly she tore through a massive squadron of sirens like it was nothing. So think before speaking Ill of someone who could kill you in the blink of an eye."

Kaga said nothing, but that still didn't mean that she liked the thought of it. But then again she was given this order from her leader and she couldn't refuse it.

"Very well last Nagato I shall except your mission"

"Thank you Kaga"

End of flashback

Kaga now stood within the presence of atheon once again as her usual Stone Cold expression showed itself again.

And as both emotional dead faces stared at one another Atheon looked at the Kitsune as she wanted to now what she wanted.

Kaga seeing her questioning eyes answered.

"Nagato request our presence, one of our scouting teams reported a siren squad. Moving across our waters. And Nagato what's them taken out before they are aloud to establish a foothold in our area."

"How many of these sirens are there?"

"Scout reported about 70 humanoids and about 130 mass-produced models overall we have about 200 sirens. But something doesn't seem right our scouts reported that they seem to be high on alert as if they're expecting something they're probably expecting us to launch a strike on them but it's like they're expecting something else. And whatever else that's something is really has them spooked."

'possibilities are there probably expecting me, after all I've slaughtered hundreds of these sirens most likely they do not considered the indigenous life forms of this planet to be a threat which is a reason why they sent out such large numbers.'... "very well let's head off to see what Nagato has planned for us."

Kaga nodded but kept a close watch on Atheon as they began to walk through the Sakura Empire and towards were the assigned fleet would be gathering.

At the gathering

The meeting was underway as multiple individuals could be seen standing in the room with nagato.





Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Kawasaki, Nagato, Ayanami and finally the iron blood members.

Now they were just waiting for Kaga and Atheon to arrive.

They waited patiently before they heard the sounds of footsteps approaching turning around everyone saw the face of Kaga, but not Atheon.

And as Kaga took her place they were about to ask were Atheon was before the room was bathed in an intense pressure.

They all turned and saw Atheon simply walking towards one of the free spots if the room as she simply walked past everyone brushing them off.

Some of the members like, Atago, Takao, Yamato were confused at her presence.

Ayanami, Shoukaku, and Zuikaku couldn't help but feel more reinsured that they would win this battle.

Akagi simple looked at the girl with wondering eyes, while Kaga simply glared at the axis mind as she began to race with thoughts.

And Nagato and Kawakaze felt a great pressure lift from their shoulders as she entered the room.

"Now thank you all for coming here" Nagato started off by looking at Ayanami as she understood and stepped forward. "Ayanami could you give us a full rundown of what your squad saw?"

"Yes Nagato, we were doing our assigned mission of sweeping the area to make sure no members of azur Lane or sirens have infiltrated our Waters but that's when we came upon the massive squadron of sirens simply gliding on the ocean's surface. We got a good look at who appeared to be the squad leader and their face seem to be very nervous almost as if on edge the same facial expression could be seen on all the sirens. It's like something has them extremely spooked like to preparing for all that war against something."

Ayanami returned back to her position as Nagato gave a nod. "Thank you Ayanami now ask for why you're assembled here you must have already put it together already. But this is a massive squadron of sirens one of the largest squads we've seen across our oceans and if what Ayanami says it's true then most likely they came here looking for some kind of fight. After all the sirens have proven on many occasions to be a destructive force that will destroy anything and ask for why they are scared we do not know all we do now is that we must propel them from our Waters so that they did not possibly gain a foothold in our area. After all in these recent weeks siren activities have spiked up tremendously so making sure that they have no possible way of gaining ground against us is one of our top priorities along with facing against the forces of azur lane."

"That's understandable lady Nagato" Yamato started off but she turned to the elephant in the room.

Or should you say the Vex in the room.

"Lady Nagato would that mysterious individual over there be the one in the report? The alien girl stated to obliterated a small squadron fleet."

"Yes, and for all of those who have not had a former introduction allow me to Grant you one. Everyone this is Atheon, or Atheon times conflux. She recently joined the Sakura Empire two days ago and has now become a member of our faction, also if you're wondering no she is not of siren origin she is something way more powerful and way more advanced. Mind telling them?"

"..... Very well, as Nagato said I am Atheon times conflux and I am not a siren or one of these ship girls of your world I am a vex. A hyperintelligent extraterrestrial alien race hailing from a completely different world than this, what the vex are I will not go into detail, after all you have your secrets I have mine."

Some people in the room became a bit suspicious mainly Yamato, others more confused. And others more let's just say questionable.

"Very well Atheon, but now it's time that we set sail and we repel the sirens from our Waters."

"Yes lady Nagato!"

The ship girls said nothing more, they went towards the ocean as hundreds of mental cubes materialized into the world before their massive warships were summoned.

Each ship girl got a board their ship as a set sail towards where the sirens were, as Atheon simply floated in the waters next to them keeping Pace with them as a headed towards their destination.

We're there they will confront the sirens and either repel them from their Waters or die trying.

There you have it lady's and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you enjoyed.

Yep I know it's surprising me going back to back updates in one week is this some kind of new Dio167208!!!!

No dumbasses it's simply me finally clearing up my schedule and with no more surprise shenanigans happening that's what.

Anyways hope you guys enjoy you got any questions just ask me I'll give my best response and now if you excuse me.

DIO OUT!!!!!!

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