Chapter One

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Located on Venus, inside of a vex building named The vault of Glass.

On the planet of Venus hidden deep within its dense luscious plant field environment, can be found what appears to be a gigantic door. But this door was gigantic as is consisted of a dark bronze color. The general design of the door looked very reminiscent of that of a vault.

And inside this vault one can find many things.

Answers to some of our universe greatest secrets. Or to how existence came to be.

But lurking in each and every corner of this dark reality controlled by the vex is a Darkness so deep that even the slightest touch can send you to madness.

With concept so great that the human mind cannot process or begin to fathom their meeting.

Inside of these dark corridors you are at the mercy of the vex. And none rule this place greater than the consecrated mind that lives inside of the vault.

Atheon Times Conflux.

One could say that this being was a god, a God made of metal. And for the guardians who have entered the vault of Glass, they would most likely agree.

After all for a being to wield such god like power, that allows it to control time and reality itself! how could it not be compared to a god!

But the guardians knew that this being wasn't no God it was a machine, not a living being but a mindless machine. A machine that simply follows the same vex pattern like all the others.

The fire team that fought their way up to this point consisted of three warlocks two Titans and one Hunter. .

Rex a warlock.

Elizabeth a Titan.

Scarlett another warlock.

Ambrew a hunter.

Jasmine there other titan

And finally Jack the leader of the group and a Hunter as well.

Even still they suffered many casualties up to this point

Jasmine was erased from existence by the Templar.

And the same fate would follow for Andrew who was erased by the Gorgons.

But the fire team did not let the deaths of their comrades slow them down if anything. It was like fuel for there crusade. If they were already a raging Fire this was like pouring hundreds of tons of gasoline on top of it.

They destroyed hordes of vex, cut through any obstacle that stand in their way.

And finally their efforts were rewarded with them being able to come face to face with.

Atheon Times Conflux.

The four legendary guardians stood before this vex God as it appeared from whatever dark corners of existence it resided in.

Upon its arrival the vex stood tall and the guardians were at awe and shocked at the size of this machine.

It easily stood over 30 ft tall, with armor that surrounded every part of its body. It's colors consisting of a blue and Crystal white color. Wielding a massive gun in its right hand.

To say the being wasn't menacing, was saying that Cayde-6 isn't a reckless Hunter.

And just with the guardians standing just a few feet away from this machine God. They could feel something pressed down against their shoulders.

The air all around them felt heavy as if there was a sudden increase in pressure. As the entire area around them felt suffocating. As it became harder for them to stand.

As they were standing there they all couldn't fathom how a machine, could create such a heavy. Yet Suffocating feeling. And do it to such an extent that it feels like they're very existence means nothing while standing before it.

But soon their line of thought was brought to an end when Atheon began to summon waves of vex.

The guardian quickly take cover behind the nearest object to escape the hellfire of lasers that the vex were now shooting at them.

The sheer amount of vex that were in this room was ridiculous! There were Hundreds of harpies, goblins and hobgoblins. All around this room bombarding them.

While Atheon just stood there observing their movements, and quite frankly this intimidated the guardians. After all this fire team has fought many different consecrated minds, and all of them were just alike. They attacked with their hordes of minions allowing them to get an understanding of their firepower and intelligence.

But it seemed like Atheon wasn't like the other consecrated minds, it was as if this machine was studying them understanding them getting to know their firepower and everything about them.

Soon the fire team turned against the horde of vex and started to unleash a hellstrom of bullets. The vex hordes were being shredded but even still this had no effect on Atheon who just continue to observe them.

What felt like an eternity of fighting non-stop hordes of vex finally came to an end. Soon the guardians sprained from their positions and flew all throughout the room.

They all started to launch there weaponry upon the machine God that stud before them.

But Atheon sustained no damage to this futile assault. If anything this assault posed more of a risk to the guardians then there actual Target. Atheon then turned to The unlucky Titan who got a little too close to it before back handing them with one of its gigantic metal hands.

The Titan was completely cleaved in half by the attack. Which left the other fire team members in a state of shock. Though they weren't worried about her dying. Because the concept of death doesn't really plague the guardians.

No they were more terrified at the showing of raw power that this machine just demonstrated. Killing a guardian is one thing, but killing one with such a simple act as a glorified backhand was something else.

It was through this simple gesture of strength, that told the guardians that this consecrated mind would be like no other they fought before.

Soon the Titan reappeared with a gigantic ball of light. Right next to her fire team.

No words had to be said between the group because they know exactly what they had to do.

And once again another volley of bullets and other projectiles were launched at the vex God to try and stop it.

But Atheon just simply walked forward not caring about the volley of bullets that were hitting it's heavily armored body.

Atheon in a act of retaliation raised its right foot up into the air, before bringing it down for a powerful stomp.

That "stomp" sent a gigantic shockwave around the room launching every guardian off their feet and sent them flying into the wall.

After a very rough impact followed by a thud, the guardians slowly started to stand up after being sent flying by the attack.

"Damn it this is getting us nowhere, obvious we have to change our tactic guys! Or else this thing is going to tear us apart if we don't" replied Elizabeth

"And what the hell do you expect us to do dummy? This thing just killed you with a bitch smack! And need I remind you that this thing just sent us flying by simply stopping it's foot on the ground!!" Reply Scarlett who was in a state of anger about their current situation.

"You two both need to be quiet! Listen me and Rex will go on one side. And you two go on the other we cannot fuck this up! The future of the last city is resting in our hands!" Yelled Jack.

And so the fire team followed there leaders orders, and split up two going to the left and two going to the right. With Rex and Jack going on the right. And Scarlet and Elizabeth on the left.

Though the maneuver didn't seem to affect Atheon as much as they wanted to. But soon something strange happened, Atheon raised its hand into the air. As a white vex box started to form inside of it before both Scarlett and Elizabeth started to Glow before they simply disappeared.

Jack and Rex we're stunned as two of their closest comrades just disappeared right in front of them.

But they couldn't focus on that for too long as the massive vex started to open fire on them.

And soon they started to notice red oracles start appearing in the sky, with a random pattern.

Jack and Rex had no idea what these meant.

They are dumbfounded of what to do next.

"JACK what do we do where did Scarlett and Elizabeth go?? What the f*** is happening now!!"

"Rex calm down we can't be too sure but we can't lose our heads either try and remain calm"!!


Once again he was cut off when several large impacts were made to the object they were hiding behind. They knew that Atheon was shooting at their cover trying to destroy it to reveal the two of them

As this was happening Rex glanced at his leader and saw her holding the relic.

It was only due to this relic made by one of Jack's Old Fire team members that weren't able to make it up to this point. But only due to their actions that it gave them even the slightest glimpse of winning. Appearance wise It wasn't all that impressive looking. But what it lacks in detail it more than made up for it in versatility and usefulness.

But what rex could not understand was why it was glowing? pulsating with light almost as if it was being charged with it?

Rex then looked at their leader one more time and noticed that she was starting to breathe more heavily than she's usually been. Rex then recalled everything up this point, and he couldn't understand why she was breathing so heavily. Even after they fought the Templar she wasn't this tired.

"Rex I think..... I think I found a way we can win this but you're not going to like it".

"What is it Jack? Because at this point I'm open to any ideas"

"I'm going to release the full power of The relic with my own life force and light"

Rex felt his entire world freeze after he heard his leaders say that. Was she seriously about to give her life in order to kill this thing?

"Jack you can't be serious? You have no idea what will happen if you do this!! YOU could die permanently if you did this!!!

"Hehee well I guess the good thing that I can be is prepare myself to die"

"Jack please reconsider this releasing the full power of the artifact is dangerous enough but using your life force and light to boost its power even more! We have no idea of how catastrophic the damage could be!"

"You're right Rex but we have no other options! I mean honestly what can we do?! It's just the two of us, we're pinned against the wall with this vex God shooting at us waiting for us to make one mistake for it to end our lives. What do you suggest we do?"

Rex then began to think of any possible way they could get out of this with both of them being alive but he kept coming up empty.

What it felt like hours for him trying to come up with a possible solutions for him and his best friend to come out of this alive. Kept ending up with ideas that wouldn't work.

With no possible plan he was able to come up with Rex clenched his teeth with anger. His fist were balled up with fury. I mean how could he not? There was a huge chance of his best friend dying! And him being the last and only remaining member of this fire team!!

Hell he may not even make it out alive himself.

Abandoning anything he had he decided to go with Jack's plan.

"Fine let's do this"

Jack couldn't help but smile at least her crazy idea wouldn't go without backup.

"Right I need to buy me some time"


Jack watched him hop over cover before unleashing a hail storm of bullets from his machine gun. Getting Atheon's attention as he let the behemoth away from where Jack was.

And with atheon still being distracted by the Titan. Jack had just the amount of time she needed to sneak up behind the vex.

Atheon who could detect a new being approaching from behind, turned around only become face to face with Jack draining all of her light into the relic.

She then held out the relic as a massive white and blue orb started to farm from the circle plating inside the shield.

Atheon was able to detect the level of devastation that this attack would cause. With no other options left atheon began to charge up it's final countermeasure.

The vault of glasses, glass throne started to pulse with a eerie white glow.

Before the white glow turned into several white beams of light that flowed into atheon. Down its arm and into its hand.

Jack could see Atheon charging up a white ball in the palm of its hand. And new that if she was even slightly grazed by this attack it would end up in an instant permanent death.

"Guardian you need to get out of here now!! I can detect a massive influx in vex energy!! Atheon's power just shot through the roof!! If I had to guess it's harnessing the power of the vault of Glass and is going to use it to attack you! If you don't invade this attack you will die!!" Shouted Jack's ghost.

"Midnight this is already my end, and you know me, I can't back down from a good challenge!"

Jack gave her best Battle cry as she started to drain every single drop of her life force and light into this one last final attack.

And with the last of her strength she fired a large white energy blast that was heading straight towards atheon.

And on Atheon's part that white ball of energy exploded into a gigantic beam that clashed with the energy ball as the two of them started to push back and forth trying to assert dominance.

The two of them we're locked in a heated deadlock with one trying to push the other back.

But bad news was that Atheon wasn't showing no signs of backing down.

As for Jack, she started to lose her ground and was starting to get pushed back. But luckily she could hear the sounds of rapid footsteps approaching that kept getting faster and louder.

Until she heard what appeared to be the sound of a blade being unsheathed above her. She quickly glanced up to see Rex activating his Dawn blade.

He dived down from the air, before slamming his blade into atheon's shoulder completely throwing the robot off balance.


And that was all the advantage that Jack needed.

With the one last push she launched all that energy right back into atheon.

The two sources of energy collided with the vex God creating a gigantic burst of energy that completely level the entire area that they were in.

As a impossible to escape gravitational field was created, sucking everything into its black vortex.

Rex could see the limped body of Jack and surprisingly Atheon being sucked into this portal. So he quickly grabbed Jack's body to make sure that he would not be separated from her. He closed his eyes as he felt himself being pulled closer and closer to the center of the vortex.

Before everything went black, as the energy they created went out of control and destroyed the entire vault of Glass.

The wave of destruction leveled the entire area surrounding the vault, that was nothing more than a barren wasteland.

And as for the people who are inside the vault, well nobody know of there fates.

All the world know was that the evil that was the vault of Glass was vanquished. But at the cost of six great and mighty heroes. Who were cherished as Legends for years to come.

Hello lady's and gentlemen I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope you guys like the way I kind of concluded the vault of Glass raid.

After all, to all of you who have never played destiny or have never seen the lore and I probably wondering why I made Atheon so absurdly powerful. Well I'm just following the Lore.

After all in the lore atheon was stupidly powerful and even with the quote on quote "Nerf". To its power atheon was still able to affect timelines, reality and a bunch of different things as well.

So yeah let's just say that Atheon is stupidly powerful probably only being beaten by oryx that's it.

Hell I'd be willing to say that in the vault of Glass atheon would most likely be the second most powerful being in destiny that actually has a physical form.

Because we all know that the traveler and the pyramid ships would stomp on everything after all they're the literally embodiment of the darkness and the light.

Anyways that's enough of my rambling, I'll catch you guys in the next chapter.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

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