Chapter Two

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At a remote island

Far off in the oceans could be seen a large island, on this island consisted of beautiful cherry blossom trees who's pink petals gently blowed in the wind. But the island wasn't no normal Island, actually it was the base of operations for one of the two great factions that used to be four great camps.

This island was the headquarters of Sakura Empire, a factions that was used to be aligned with eagle Union and Royal Navy. But after some recent events they separated from the side of azur Lane and and with there comrades in ironblood formed that's super faction named Crimson axis.

(And yes if you're wondering I'm going off of the anime just letting you know.)

But now they were resting after their fight with Azur lane but that's where the story truly begin.

Later that day

It was night and the entirety of Sakura Empire we're all in their quarters resting after their long fight.

But little did they know that this night would be the night that everything changes.

Off somewhere in the middle of the ocean.

As the night continue to set over the ocean, and as the starlet sky continue to cast it's ethereal glow over the land.

Everything was peaceful until a massive cracked shattered and split the fabric of reality.

And out of this crack a white and light blue glow began to shine through it, as every living creature that was in the ocean started to flee from the overwhelming aura that was flooding out of it.

To anyone that would see the crack they would notice how it started to get larger, and wider. As the aura that was flowing out of it starting to increase at an unfathomable rate.

After 5 minutes of the crack steadily getting larger, the aura and energy finally started to reach its limit and started to affect everything around it.

As the ocean itself started to shake uncontrollably, as the sky itself was concealed with a heavenly glow, as the oceans clear crystal glow was now covered in this ethereal white and blue glow.

And as the planet shaked violently, before the crack in reality finally exploded sending a massive wave of energy all throughout the planet.

As two ethereal light shot out of it each heading in the opposite direction of one another. One an ethereal fiery glow, and the other a crystal blue and white glow.

And as this all happened it had an effect on the populace of the planet.

At azur lane

At the base of azur lane with all the ship girls asleep, the wave of energy that came from the crack washed over their base. Causing strange phenomenons to happen.

These primarily formed within the Mind space of one ship girl in particular, with long flowing white hair, purple eyes and sporting Her usual clothing. Was none other than the most powerful ship in all of eagle and Union. And her name was Enterprise the gray ghost.

She as of right now was peacefully sleeping as she enjoyed the peaceful dreams that she was had, but all of that went away in an instant as her dreams then turned into a nightmare.

Enterprise Dream

The strongest of eagle Union was floating in her dream space, as the nothingness of her dream continue to wash over her.

As she continue to float in this void of emptiness with no dreams in sight, but was stripped away in an instant.

The dark void that was her dream realm suddenly disappeared to reveal her in the middle of the ocean. Enterprise who was in this dream realm opened her eyes and stood up confused, as she looked down at the ocean surface with reflected her reflection back to her.

She continued to look around, as fire started to sprout from the ocean's surface. The flames burn so bright that Enterprise had to shield her eyes from it, they burned with such a radiant heat that she feel like her skin was starting to blister.

And more and more of these flames started to burst around her trapping her in they're heated grasp.

Soon the ship girls of Azur Lane all started to appear one by one but..... They were anything but normal, they were all battered and bruised as they all layed lifeless of the oceans surface. As there blood seeped into the ocean, turning the ones clear waters into a red-tainted sea.

Enterprise started to slowly back away from the horror scene that was in front of her, but as she was backing up she felt herself bump into something.

The strongest of eagle Union quickly jumped away from whatever this was and turned around to see the most horrifying image of her life.

They're stood a girl with bright blue dead eyes that contained zero life inside of them. Luscious flowing blue hair. Skin that almost look like a porcelain doll, her clothing if it could even be called that. Was armor, heavy layered armor that consisted of a blue coloring. But some parts contained crystal clear parts to it.

On her back sprouted two large crystals that look to almost be like wings.

But the part that got Enterprise the most, was the blood that was all over her. As the aircraft carrier of eagle Union continue to stare her down she couldn't help but feel like this girl's, eyes were piercing directly into her soul. And it was unsightly to say the least.

Enterprise try to move away from whatever this was, as she readied her bow, as the arrow formed inside, with Enterprise readied to fired upon whoever this was.

Enterprise: Who are you!?

Her voice contained zero room for negotiation, as her eyes were dead center on whoever this person or being was.

But the mysterious figures showed no sign of reaction, if anything this just seemed to irritate the being, as she started to walk towards Enterprise.

Enterprise was now put on high alert, at the approaching of this girl, she fired one arrow past the being's head as a warning shot but, it didn't slow her down.

Finally Enterprise Drew her arrow and shot it directly at the mechanical girl, but as soon as the arrow connected to her armored body it shattered.

The aircraft carriers eyes widened with shock, but all thoughts were put aside as the being suddenly disappeared. Enterprise looked around frantically trying to pinpoint where the being disappeared to.

Only for her to feel something grasp her throat, and lift her into the air. Her eyes rolled down to see the mysterious girl in front of her holding on to her throat.

But no matter how much the aircraft carrier struggle to get out of her iron grip. The girls grasp held strong.

As Enterprise slowly started to lose consciousness, oh she can remember was the glowing eyes that stare deeply into her soul.

As her mind started to go fuzzy and she woke up from the realm of dream.

The real world

The gray ghost jumped from her bed as sweat covered her entire body, her body was finally trembling as her mind kept replaying the dream over and over.

Enterprise: Wh-What was that?

The gray ghost continue to tremble as she was unable to fathom what she just experienced.

But unfortunately for the gray ghost this nightmare will become a walking reality.

Back at The Sakura Empire

In the resting quarters for the ship girls of The Sakura Empire, could be seen a a girl that had short white hair. Her appearance has the image of a Nine tailed Fox. She wears a short dress and a Miko's Kimono with blue and white.

This was Kaga the young sister of Akagi and was a part of the first aircraft division of The Sakura Empire.

But now she was resting after the damage she sustained from her battle with the gray ghost.

As she was within her dream realm remembering all the happy times she had with her sisters. But all that was about to change.

Inside her dream

Kaga was with her older sister Akagi, as they were looking over the cliff side.

The dream Kaga began to speak with her sister, but soon there speaking ended as Akagi turned her head and as a smiled on her face.

Akagi: Ah Ą̶̡̦̫̪͔̲̮͆̈̒́̍̽̈́͝ͅt̸͕͚̐̇h̴̢̺̼̮̟̲̯̍̉̉̇̓͆͐̆̀̑͝e̷̡̫̘͔͇̱͙̦͆̅͗̕o̸̹̿̈̆̅͂̀̍̌̕̕n̵̩̪̣͈͎̰͋͂̀͐̂̓̅͗͛ I'm glad you could join us.

Kaga turned to the person who she has never seen before as she look at her appearance. Long flowing blue and white hair, piercing beautiful blue sapphire eyes. Smooth skin almost as if she was a porcelain doll, Kaga then noticed her armor and the growing crystals that was behind her that almost looked like wings.

And as the white hair Kitsune looked at the girl and couldn't help but feel warm inside.

Kaga: Dear Sister who is she?

Akagi: Fufuf~~ dear Kaga how could you have forgotten?

Kaga: forgotten? Forgotten who?

Akagi:......... Your lover

The real world

Kaga woke up from her dream as she looked around her room, frantically side to side. As sweat poured from her body, her breathing was heavy and quick and she tried to calm down from the dream she just witnessed.

Kaga: what was that?..... Was that some kind of vision?

The fox's girl looked outside to see the sun rising, she then stood up from the spot in which she slept. And decided to go on a walk to clear her mind.

In an unknown location

Far out in the ocean could be seen a small remote island, the island wasn't anything special it was what's on the island that was special.

A girl could be seen laying on the ground with flowing blue and white hair, her eyes were closed. And her skin was smooth and porcelain like. With armor covering her body as two crystals floating beside her looking like wings.

The girl slowly began to open her eyes to reveal her crystal blue sapphire eyes.

???: {System damaged........ Damage sustained level critical........ Activating Auto repair system...... Running diagnostics...... Internal damage: 40% of all internal components have been damaged....... External damage: 86% of this units hall has been damaged..... Estimated time until recovery...... 28 hours........ Beginning shutdown.}

The girls eyes started to dim down before no light could be shining from them. And as they closed her body went limp, as slowly the damage over her body started to heal.

And the crystals that were connected to her started to pulse with a dim light.

Atheon the Vex of the vault of Glass the most powerful axis mind. Has just found its way or more accurately her way into this new world.

Where the journey has only just begun.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you enjoyed it.

I know it wasn't as long as the last one but I didn't really want to jump too far into the azur lane anime. I just wanted to get a basis set up.

Also know that the next chapter we'll begin around episode 2 of the anime just put some twists here and there.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope to see you all next time. (Assuming if nothing happens this weekend and I'm actually able to continue my schedule).

All right everyone see you later.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

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