Chapter Twelve

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Atheon sped towards her ensuing conflict with the Sirens, as she could see the small army which stood between her and her goal.

Knowing that that's what eventually devolve into a massive conflict she decided to go full speed, the water below her feet blasted away from her and she was sent flying faster than F 71 blackbird, as the sonic boom caused them to look over as she flew towards them with blinding speed.

*With The Sirens*

"Empress, it seems as if she's going to crash into our front lines at high speed, at that speed combined with her shielding and agility we won't be able to hit her." Spoke the now shaking Overseer.... "What do we do?"

"If trying to attack her face on won't do anything we have to trap her, have all the Mass produce models fire their weapons in rapid succession trap her within a hell storm of fire and shells."

"Very well.... EVERYONE GET READY!!"

The sirens and the massive black masses produced models aimed there weapons.

"Now..... FIRE!!!"

*With Atheon*

She saw the army begin their assault upon him firing at her every ounce of firepower they had at their disposal, the sky was consumed in a bright storm of purple, gold, and many other colors each of them representing a different attack being thrown at her by the army before her.

Unfortunately for them their weaponry didn't even get close to her, her mind processed every single one of those, pinpointing to the exact location and time at which they would land, and in this short window of time she achieved something which the ship girls of this world could never imagine.

She increased her speech for the ensuing barrage easily avoiding many of the first wave then when the second wave came, she slowed herself down slightly making sure that the first round missed her completely. Then suddenly picking up speed once again blasting past hundreds of them, seeing another wave, she leaned towards the right evading every single one. She continued her advanced as the next wave came towards her but a thought came to mind if they were relying upon their site, why not change it to where they could no longer see her?

As such when this newest wave went to hit, she quickly dove below the surface of the water easily reaching 300 ft below the surface, she held her breath and looked around as she was submerged within the ocean, this was new, she's never gone underneath the surface and ad she looked around she saw many things that beings of this planet would call beautiful, she snapped out of it as she had a job to do, and do what she definitely will.

The sirens who lost track of her immediately began to look at their radars, but it was no late, one of the mass produced models exploded as something shoot from the depths of the ocean as Atheon emerged from the cold ocean's depths as it's cold water dropped off her, she floated within the air as her cold blue eyes stared into there eyes, as they could feel there soul be frozen in fear by her Arctic gaze.

"TAKE AIM NOW!!!" The empress could see the rising fear and acted quickly, she needed to maintain order to not have fear consume her soldiers minds.

The sirens did as they where ordered and Atheon saw who have that order and narrowed her eyes.

'so she's the leader....'..... [Mission updated.... Kill the siren leader.]


Another wave of beams and shells came flying with there futile attempts to try and cause her harm, seeing this she flew down avoiding many of these attacks as she arrived Infront of a humanoid Siren, her face meer inches from hers, there eyes locked as the sirens widened with horror as the hand of the vex transformed into it's liner rifle mode as she pressed the barrel against her head before blowing off her head as the blood like oil erupted from the now blasted away head, her body fell to the ocean being devoured, tracking into it's depths where it will be her be found again.

She turned to her next victim but as she was about to attack them alpha flew from out of nowhere and began to blast her shield with shoot after shoot from her high powered weaponry. Tho all this served in the grand scheme of this battle was just slightly blinding the vex as the bright flashes of light forced her to close her eyes. Seeing this the Empress with her weapon fired and it was a mighty attack that would have ripped a normal ship girl in half, but for her she only pushed her back.

"Damn her defenses are ridiculous we throw all of our firepower at her and it only serves a slightly blind her if not push her back!" The empress looked at Atheon as she proceeded to turn into the Doom Slayer and treated every single siren, like they where just pest.

She watched as she threw her right arm behind her as her fingers went into the temple of one of the humanoid sirens, before quickly flicking her arm back down to her side, she brought the entire Sirens body with her arms movement as her fingers where still lodged within her head, but as her arm suddenly came to its stop, her head was ripped off her shoulders as her body and rig fell into the ocean.

She lifted up her hand and looked at the head of the siren which she severed, using her other hand she prided the head off of her fingers and held it within her palm, she looked at the face of the sirens and how even with her head beheaded it's facial feature was that of pure fear.

She then threw it into the ocean, then looked at the sirens as she slowly floated forward as the sirens looked towards there empress as she gritted her teeth, this was getting worst with ever time they tried to fight, already 20 masses produced models where destroyed and over 40 humanoid Siren where killed very brutally.

'if we continue this we're going to run the risk of her destroying all of us, worst of all we don't now what lies beyond the rip in space and time but if she gets her hands on it, and from what tester said before falling into insanity then we might have to deal with a being who's power over reality and the very control over the universe rivals that if the gods the humans pray to.'

Then like a thunder bolt, something struck her, she remembered all to clearly that there was another. Another who had let to show themselves and one who emerged from outside the tear, seeing how Atheon didn't bother to locate them means either there enemy's or at least something they could use to gather what they need in order to win.

She continued to think, either be slaughtered here and now.... Or retreat and try and find some kind of way to win this war.


"But empress!!!" Alpha narrowly avoided another shoot from Atheon "if we leave then!-"

"It's either we die here and now or we retreat to fight another day, not to mention the cube has gotten plenty, although this might come to bite us in the ass in the future guaranteeing our survival takes priority!"

Alpha and the sirens understood, and seeing that they need to obstruct her vision alpha charged up all of her weaponry and blasted at the vex a powerful blast which upon contact with her shield exploded forcing her to look away as the sirens made there get away.

Unfortunately Atheon wasn't going to let them get off the hook so easily hearing the sounds of so many engines she was able to precisely aim her weaponry in that direction and shot a singular red hot beam of plasma.

This shoot flew at ridiculous speed and was heading right towards the empress who is back was turned as she was leading the sirens into the retreating portal, seeing this alpha flew and knocked the empress out of the way as she took the bolt instead, the shoot completely blasted off her right arm but thanks to it being plasma it completely cauterized her wound, but the pain was definitely still there, as she screamed, but the empress quickly knocked her into the portal as she was gone.

Now with just her and the Vex facing face to face, she narrowed her eyes as the demon charged up her weapon.

"Tch, this isn't over devil."

She went inside of the portal as it closed, Atheon canceled out the shoot as she changed her arm back to its normal state, she then looked towards the rip in space and time and went towards it.

She stoped directly Infront of it, ahs looked into the crack in reality as she slowly lifted up her hands and pressed them against it, her heart began to beat faster as a thread to be seen emerging from it as it travels through.

It felt like an eternity but in a single second to all that changed.

She felt her vex side roar from within as her eyes shined a blinding place blue light, she felt herself leaving her body as her mind began to interface with the vault, soon enough after the trillions upon trillions tons of information flowed within her mind here she had it, she was within the vault.

Although her body was in the world she was sent to, her mind and AI was now within the vault slowly going through line after line, piece after piece, she was reconnecting, and when she fully integrated with it she tried to reconnect to the vex intelligence, but couldn't, she tried again but she couldn't, soon enough she realized that without her the Vault had been completely cut off, it has become useless, and why would the vex intelligence keep something that was useless? The pattern would not prohibit such things and as such it had been cut off

Furthermore thanks to her changes into an organic organism the AI of the Vex intelligence could probably no longer even recognize her signature, although it bared some resemblance to her old self, it wasn't enough because the intelligence would not dare to interact with something like this.

She felt a new feeling, a heavy one which she did not understand. She felt like her heart was splitting in half and she felt like she didn't like it.

Sometime past and she remembered her mission, slowly beginning the timeline jump she would change the flow of time and force the vault within the world she was in.

The vault lit up, the vex within looked at the large glass structure as it had now glowed in years, soon time and reality began to distort as the vault was starting to shine, this light began to Glow more and more until the vault disappeared.

The vex felt the flow of time and felt the two reality's bending as she alternated it's flow and began to calculate where it would land, and seeing the location she approved of the launch and with it reality shattered and the vault found its new resting spot within this reality.

She then pulled herself out as she suddenly felt dizzy she collapsed upon one knee, as she saw what looked like drops of water fall from her face and cause a ripple within the water she stood upon.

She brought her hand up and felt her face, it was wet, she brushed under her eyes and there it was, radiolaria, the white fluid within her species was now leaking from her eyes, in the same way that humans cry.

She dis not now what this feeling was, but she didn't like it by any stratosphere, going as far as nearly gouging out her own eyes to cause this feeling to stop.

After some time to get her mind in order she then blast it off into the direction where the Vault of Glass had landed, this trip took some time (4 hours) but she arrived in a location in the ocean where the sirens nor the ship girls have ever been to, she walked upon the fairly large unknown island and there it was. A massive bronze door was there I front of her, which was the entrance into the realm of infinite possibilities.

And as if knowing this being beard a resemblance to its master, the Vault opened up, as she went within, walking through its dark corridors she's welled a portal inside the vault as she was taken to the heart of it all.

The Glass Throne.

Now standing within the center of the very domain which controls all of time and space, she began to interface with it and lo and behold the vault was not about to give her full control, after all she may resemble its master but this was not about to slid with her, as a raging fire of unknown emotions swelled within her the light from her eyes shined as she interfaced with the vault and with it, went into all of its parameters, coding, design, everything. And completely rewritten it, making to where even in the new body she had the same control and dominion over the vault as she did in her old body.

The vault understanding it's new code set in by its new master, obeyed her command as she opened the network and went into the fabrication network and used it to start crafting a new vex gateway Network, but as the vault manufactured the new gateway Network, and the bronze gates, she heard the sounds of metal footsteps behind her she turned around and there the vex which where not destroyed where there, all of them, so many of them in fact they stretched outside of the hallway to the glass throne, and beyond.

She said nothing, instead giving a command through their shared link and when they received their order the Vex disappeared all of them heading towards different layers of the Vault, as she then looked within the very Vault itself and noticed a lot of problems.

The temporal anomaly was still there left by the previous fire team which came before the ones that sent her to this new world, on top of all of that a lot of the functions of the Vault were in critical condition, left in the aftermath of a gigantic explosion left in the wake of her last days within the vault.

She would send repair vex to these locations as they begin to get their work started she would then estimate a time and well....

[Estimated time until repairs are done, 1 month, 17 days, 8 hours, 24 minutes, 32 seconds.]

The vex stood there silent, as she did she came to the realization that she wouldn't be using the Vault for some time, but at least the new network was done.

"Now to transport the gates."

She took an idea from Kaga, you see she told her about how they came about into creation through the power of something called a mental Cube and with theses they could store then utilize the power of worships.

This sparked an idea, she begin to download the data of the network into a cube as she then summoned the newly created bronze gates as she held out her hand and formed another cube that deconstructed the bronze gate and stores it's design within it. Obviously she did the same to the second, and now within her hands where three cubes.

"This will work for now."

She then left the Vault but ensued a command that all repairs in any request sent from her will still be carried out even without her supervision within the vault.

She then looked to where the Sakura Empire was and began to make her long arduous journey back to it.

*With Kaga*

It had been quite a few hours since she's returned and even more so for Atheon, she stood at the dock where there she would be the first one to greet her back but it still did not ease the unwanting feeling that was within her being. She felt her heart beat faster and heavier than it has ever beat before, she felt so much invisible weight being pressed upon her that she felt as if she was going to be crushed, a sickening feeling blistered from within, sprouting inside of her as it's poisonous roots took refuge within her.

It was nearly sunset and she still continue to wait.

"Atheon where are you, you sent me back and now I'm worried sick about you."

Some more time passed, seconds turn to minutes and minutes turn to hours and as night arrived she saw on the horizon a place blue glow.

She recognized that glow all too well and saw the Vex axis mind glide across the ocean as she arrived within there waters, Kaga seeing this sprinted as she summoned her rig and glided right towards her.

Atheon saw her and went to open her mouth but Kaga slammed into her and her arms found themselves wrapped around her. Atheon was stunned, she looked down at the white haired Kitsune as she was shaking.


She cried more, the feelings where oozing out and she was not hiding them well at all.

Atheon seeing this felt something, like her heart grew heavy, she not understanding why she was doing this lifted her hand and patted her head.

Kaga was a little taken back by this but soon found comfort within, wit reminded her of her dreams where she would do this to make her feel eased and safe, but as Kaga looked around the night had fully set in. And she was tired from all theses emotions.

"Come one atheon where going to bed."

"But I don't require-"

Kaga glared at her "this is the least you owe me! for making me worried sick! Now come on where going to your dorm."

"But why are we going to mine? when you have your own which you share with your sister."

"Because where going to.... Sleep together." She blushes as she looked away, Atheon just not understanding just shrugged it off, I mean how bad can it be sleeping with one person? Not like it was going to bother her.

So she grabbed the hand of the Ninetales and began to pull her along with her, they walked underneath the charry blossom's which fell around them as they headed up to the dorm and went within, as they walked down the hallways and made a left arriving at there soon to be shared room for the night.

Atheon went over to the bed and pulled the blanket over and played down as Kaga was a bit more hesitant but went with it, as she crawled into the bed as she layed on it next to her with a blushing red face.

The time would go by and Atheon had already powered down, she was sleeping as Kaga was awake and looked over at her.

Having a rush of emotions come upon him she crawled her way over as she laid against the shoulder of the most powerful being in this world, she felt warmth flow into her as Atheon's body heat was a nice feeling, the cold winds of night were hard to sleep in but with this she felt much better.

Her tails soon found themselves around the both of them as she subconsciously wished to be close to the one who stole her heart, as they layed silently in the bed, as the stars outside the windows shined through.

*Some time later*

The sun had arised over the Sakura Empire and now a girl could be seen standing outside of the room of Atheon, this girl helped herself as she opened the door and walked inside only to see the site of Kaga and Atheon sleeping together, one of Atheon's arms wrapped around her waist as she held her close and kaga's tails now all over the place as she layed against the vex.

"Fufufu my my Kaga I don't expect such a development so quickly."

Her voice caused the two of them to open up their eyes, and we'll there first sight of the day.

A smiling Akagi, and when Kaga saw this her face exploded into a bright crimson blush.

"Fufuf dear Kaga, dear Atheon was a sight seeing the two of you like this~"

There you have it ladies and gentlemen's newest chapter is done I hope you enjoyed it.

Yup so a lot of things happen in this chapter, one; the sirens defeat at the hand of Atheon and forcing them on the defensive, two; the most ridiculous bullshit overpowered vex domain is here but don't worry it's not going to be fully operational until quite a bit of time. Three; the ship is sailing more and where about to be getting into the meat of this story so I hope your ready.

Now if you excuse me.

DIO OUT!!!!!!

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