Chapter Thirteen.

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Atheon and Kaga looked up at the smirking Akagi as her crimson eyes burned a hole straight through there eyes and pierced they're very soul.

Kaga looked upon her sister with eyes of both embarrassment but also eyes filled with worry, after all she didn't even inform her sister of her departure into Atheon's room where there they slept, so she was probably worried about her.

But the next words to come from her sisters mouth would fry her poor mind.

"Ara Ara~~ to think, sweet little Kaga would for-bo her worried big sister and instead crawl into bed and make it apparently clear that Atheon belongs to you~~. How bold of you kaga~"

"On-onee-chan....." The face of Kaga was completely consumed within a bright red. "Don't say it like t-that."

"......." Atheon continued to watch the banter between siblings continue as she herself remained silent, she could feel kaga's arms wrapping around her tighter then before.

"Ow but Kaga look at yourself, your holding her in such a protective way, like your saying she's yours and yours only."

"Onee-chan please stop."

"Fufufu, ow dear Kaga you still have so much to understand about your desires and your heart, after all life isn't just about war it's also about those who your heart flys in the air for."

Kaga like the Vex simply remained quiet, Akagi seeing all this giggled before standing up and walking outside as she took one final glance at the two, but right as she neared the door she turned and looked upon Atheon.

"Atheon, perhaps you should listen to Kaga and her dreams."

"Her dreams?"

"Yes precisely that perhaps our dear kaga I can tell you about her dream."

That was all she said, and with that she left leaving them alone as the vex looked down upon her as she looked away embarrassed as all hell.

"Kaga what are these dreams she was talking about?"

Kaga looked upon her with a blushing face but slowly she took a deep breath after all she's been meaning to get this off her chest for a while and now her sister provided the best excuse for her to talk about it although it didn't make her any less embarrassed.

Her mouth separated as words were born she began to tell the facts about her dreams and how she was within them how she would have numerous versions of theses dreams and how with everyone they seem to always fluctuate but the core people were always the same her and the vex, she would tell her about how it would be in multiple different places even going as far as to tell her about a recent dream where she was in a gigantic glass looking room which made Atheon eyes narrowed, she would tell her about the relationship the two of them had within these dreams and to the vex who was slowly begining to understand emotions took this as a sign that's something was up with these.

The more and more she began to talk about them the more that Atheon begin to see these not as dreams but rather the tellings of something, the more she explained the more the piece is fell into place how they could be in different places how the world could possibly seem different how everything could change a drop of a hat but yet they remain the same.

"My most recent was actually the one I had while we slept together, in this dream I remember us being in some place which looked like heaven, the sun shined with such a radiant beauty that it left me in awe, but as this dream progressed there would be us standing within this place, it was like we were the only ones within it. There we lived together not caring for how the world would react to us not caring to the people who tried to run us we would have lived together within this place in pure Harmony." She stopped as she looked at the vex, who's eyes where filled to the brim with questioning. "Put theses are just dreams..... Th-"

"They're not dreams, Kaga." Atheon cut her off. "There actually something much more then a simple dream."

"What then what are they?"

"There not dreams, their visions. Visions of alternate timelines were me and you ended within a relationship with one another."

"Wait Atheon you're saying I'm seeing different timelines? How?!"

"........ Oracle."


'No wonder one of my oracles were missing, it's because...' now that she had a suspicion she began to scan the white hair nine tails and as she scanned her she looked for the energy signature of the oracle, and lo and behold there it was, within what is her center, was the Oracle, infused with her very being. 'it merged with her, after the purge this oracles must have been ripped out due to the dimensional fissure, ejecting it within this world and since I want unable to retrieve it, it bonded with the closes thing to remain operational, that being Kaga.'

"Atheon don't go silent on me, what is this Oracle? Is it a living created or-"

"Oracles are a powerful thing within my species, this one in particular was one of my many oracles I used to control back when I was still within my own world the purpose of the oracles was to calculate a seemingly infinite number of timelines and every possibility, as far as the slight movement of a pencil, the oracles calculated, predicted, and sent information of these timelines throughout the mind of the vault of Glass, my home. The information would flow into me allowing me to carry out the mission that I was given. Also each calculation from the oracles had a 100% accuracy of every possibility within that timeline."

"WHAT!!! So wait you're telling me one of these oracles are within me!?"

"Precisely although it seems as though you cannot directly tap into its power, it's more on the lines of saying that you are subconsciously activating it and it, as such it's reacting to your greatest desire." She paused and looked over at her. "So Kaga what is your greatest desire?"

Kaga froze, she looked down and said nothing, she would take a glance at the Vex who was waiting for her answer, and took a deep breath this was going to be quite the long explanation.

"My desire is to have my sister be happy, I wish to see her smile and I do not care what I have to do in order to achieve it even if myself has to be broken in order for her to be happy and I would gladly do that."

"But that's not your greatest desire."

"Correct, my greatest desire is, I wish to feel loved."


"I had a sister apart from Akagi, her name was Amagi. She was everything you could have asked for a big sister she was kind, compassionate, motherly, really everything about her was nice. She warmed my heart and gave me a sense of purpose, she was always there for me In my darkest hours. Then she died, we get pulled into this war, and now we are at war with Azur Lane, ever since that day of my sister's death I felt as if a piece of me was cut out, I felt as if I had grown cold and when I look at others they look away fearful of me, since that day I felt as if I was alone in the world. Sure my other big sister was still in this world but our relationship hasn't really improved at all, if anything it went backwards. She's always focused on this mission while I'm simply left here walling within my thoughts." She stopped and took a deep breath.

"Then you came falling from the heavens, crash landing upon our World, since then I began to have dreams of you. Dreams which I thought I could never have, I could see things I could never thought imaginable, a life a simple normal life where there I was happy. I was able to sit there and feel loved, I could lay within that dream basking in the warmth of it, it felt so real and my wanting for this only made it more apparent, you came into my life and stirred up so many emotions which I thought I died out, and now you're telling me that an oracle which you used to control has now shown me alternate timelines of what I desire to most and the person who would fulfill this desire of mine is standing right before me?"

"Correct and if the oracles are saying that this is bound to happen then there is no need to keep things slow."

"What what what Atheon what do you mean by that?!"

"I'm saying we do the secret ritual what is it called again...... Hmmmm ahh marriage."

".........Ahhhhhhhh AHHHHHHHHH WHAT!!!!!! YOU CANT.. I.... NO!!!!"

"Why not?"

"Be-because you can't just get married!! There are other criteria that have to be met! I mean what if these Oracle messages are wrong?"

"Did you not hear when I said that the oracles can calculate and seemingly infinite number of timelines with 100% accuracy? So if the oracles are showing you numerous outcomes of our "relationship" then what did it not be best as to indulge them?"

"Well yes but..... This is just to quick."

"I see..... From what I remember the second most sacred thing is to be and what you call a relationship, but isn't a male supposed to be present within these relationships I am not a male so can this not take plans?"

"N-no not necessarily." Her blush grew "females can get into relationships with one another.... We simple calls theses female relationships yuri, and the females who like other females lesbians."

"...... So are we a lesbian couple?"

She shyly looked away as she spoke "y-yes....."

"Very well." Atheon stood up and she pulled Kaga up along with her "then shall we inform the rest of our newfound relationship?"

"N-no not yet, I would just like it to be between be and you for now."

"As you wish, so sweetie where are we going next?"


"Is that not what you beings call your other half's? If that's not the case then I can always call you beautiful, sexy, princess, my queen or-"

"No no no no sweety is fine no need for all that other name calling."

"But what about you, what shall you call me?"

"...... How about..... My angel."

"My angel..... Hmmm very well that's acceptable by me."

The white haired Kitsune and vex axis mind now headed out the door with them establishing some pet names for themselves, as they walked they got many stares from the others Kaga kept up a tough appearance and Atheon had her usual blink expression.

The two of them just continue to walk around the Sakura Empire as they traveled underneath the cherry blossom trees, the beautiful pink pedals of the trees falling in the wind at the two of them now stood in a remote part of the island where no one was at.

"Sweety." Kaga looked at Atheon "what do you wish to do? I'm still oblivious to this relationship thing you ship girls have."

"Well as of now can you......"

"Kaga I didn't hear that."

"I said...... Can you just hold me?"

"Hold you.... I don't see why I couldn't."

The vex walked to her and gently took her within her arms, Kaga layed against her shoulder as her arms wrapped around her chest, Atheon then turned and sat down against a charry blossom tree as Kaga was now sitting upon her lap with herself cuddling against the vex who remained silent, Kaga who was the one being held felt bliss flow into her soul, she felt happy, she layed there in the silence with the only sound being that of the wind, the cherry blossoms continue to descend from the trees painting their surroundings in a beautiful dance of pink leaves.

Kaga feeling comfortable began to nuzzle herself deeper into her hold, her tails now wrapped around the two of them acting as a blanket for them, Atheon who is now trapped by the nine tails fluffy tails and very strong hold looked upon her and felt something stir within her.

She did not know what it was but the heart would she now had was beating faster and faster and she did not know why.

"Kaga?" She did not hear a response looking down the girl had already fallen asleep, and she had a smile who beamed with joy and blissful harmony.

"How strange, there is so much I do not know about this body for instance my heart beats faster when we are holding each other like this why is that? And why did I feel that shiver when Prinz Eugen enacted her teasing upon me there is still so many questions which have yet to been answered but hopefully as you find your "happiness" within this "relationship" I shall find answers to why this fate fell upon me and why have I become what I am now?"

She looked down as her as her arms consciously began to hold her tighter, she then looked into the sky as the sun blazed with all its golden Glory.

"Tell me, does the existence of Fate truly exist? If so then why did fate have this outcome for me?"

There you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you guys enjoyed.

Also sorry for this being such a short chapter but there was no way I could extend this longer but this is just a follow-up for what's going to be the next chapter which is going to be the first date between these two. Now I know some of you are probably wondering why why this is somewhat being rushed let me just fill in the gaps for you all real quick.

Atheon has always taken in the oracles information into herself in order to further her own mission, so let me ask you this. Why would she refuse an oracle which she knows has a near 100% accuracy? If the Oracle is telling Kaga that this is going to happen then why would the one who uses them more than she does argue with it if it's bound to happen then let's just get it on that's basically the logic going on here. Also because once we start getting into the actual flow of the anime this story is going to be over quite quickly because a lot of stuff will happen and it's going to happen fast so getting the relationship on now is probably the best thing to do.

On top of that the two of them really don't know anything about it so they're still learning how to relationship while being in a relationship.

Anyways I wanted to tell you all this I have a new story which I'm going to be posting out this story will be worked alongside my Yu-Gi-Oh story and the queen of the Void that being....

The beast Family in the world of spirits, and once this chapter goes out in about 50 minutes I will post out the bio and the first chapter of this new story on top of that I also plan on updating my Yu-Gi-Oh story and this one as time goes on to make sure that they match the queen of the void in chapters so that way when I begin to work on the three of them I'm not having to put more work into the two of them, but they're not going to be my main priorities which is why they're updating schedule isn't going to be as precise as the two I'm working on now, just posting them here and there to get them up to the same number as the queen of the void and then I'm going to stop.

So without further to do I hope you all enjoyed this chapter sorry for being so short but I'm just setting up the precipice for the future installments of the story and now if you excuse me...

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!

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