Chapter Fourteen

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*one week after last chapter*

*With Atheon and Kaga*

You see sense there relationship started the duo had kept it secret to not have any complications arise over there bond, because if the wider whole knew of there bond then they may refuse to send the two together in order to prevent the mission from being jeopardize, after all in this short week Kaga hasn't changed much on the outside, except for becoming a bit more compassionate outside there room, but inside she was a needy, cuddly, little fox who loved to be spoiled by Atheon. She would always be by her side getting hugged or cuddled or hell even falling asleep on her with a smile on her face the entire time.

And just as Kaga changed, the same goes for Atheon, as almost everything changed, in just one week her reason for existing had shifted from serving the vex collective to being there and "loving/supporting" Kaga. In just one week she felt things which she never did, did things she though she would ever do.

Who now's maybe it was because they both where secretly starved of the things they wanted most, and now that the very things are presented like a prize in a carnival game, they began to eat it up from the other, giving what they wanted to the other, while also taking what they needed as well. They had an equilibrium, a balance between there wants and needs which they understood in this short amount of time, and this equilibrium was based off of a simple thing which was there greatest desire.

For Kaga it was to feel loved, for Atheon a sense of purpose.

Now we can see the duo within the room of Atheon's which had become accentual there shared room, and now Atheon was cooking over the stove as Kaga was drinking some sake looking outside the window, she had a slight red flush along her face as she smiled at the sight of the vex cooking there soon to be dinner.

She watched as her hips shakes back and forth as she hummed the tune of Kaga's favorite song, but what really caught her eye was the round plum rear of her girlfriend which shook back and forth bouncing with each shake of her hip.

'Damn what a sight' the slightly drunk fox grinned to herself as she felt pride fill her chest. 'No matter what anyone say my girlfriend has an ass that makes even Prinz Eugen mad with jealousy.'

"Dear dinners almost ready."

"Alright angel." The fox said back as she stood up and went over to the table.

Soon not even give minutes latter, the food was served.

"Angel didn't know you could make so many Japanese style foods."

"Well it's all in this book really."

She showed it to Kaga and she laughed a little when she saw the tittle.

"'How to be a good Japanese house wife'? Really angel you didn't need to read that. But..."

"That look on your face says otherwise, and from how you where looking at me while I was cooking you quit liked it."

"Ow angel I wasn't looking at you like that because you were cooking, I was looking at something else, something that's much more candy for the eye."

"That being?"

"Let's just eat for now." She began to eat as she stopped. 'T-This food is tastier than big sisters cooking.... Man what a lucky fox I am, having a girlfriend that's not only has the body of a goddess but also can make food better then even my big sister. Thank you to whoever God blessed me with such a partner.'

The two sat there in silence as they talked about how there day went and well soon it divulged into Kaga letting off all the access stress and anger she's been having ever sense this plan and war began.

Atheon seeing this said nothing, she stood up and went over to the large beanbag chair she bought/stole from Akashi, Kaga looked at her confused but that changed when she extended her two arms out and made the gesture of 'come here' with her fingers.

Kaga eyes lit up as she walked over and plopped herself upon her lap as she made it known that this was her spot, she then proceeded to bury her face into the crook of her neck and wrapped her arms around her neck as she sighed in bliss. Atheon always knew how to cheer her up, after all nagato has been slaving her and the elite members of the Sakura Empire because Azur lane has been getting scarcely close to there supply Lanes and its been a worry for them because they need them very badly.

Also doesn't help that there's been reports of rogue Sirens also been in their Waters.

"Speaking of which Atheon when are you going to set up the Gateway Network? After all setting that up would not make us have to worry about this. Because I'm tired of all theses all nighters and the sooner we can get this problem over with, the sooner me and you can have some more alone time with each other."

"You value time with me that much?"

"Atheon that's like saying a priest belief for there god isn't important, yes of course I value our time more then anything, well almost. Spending time with Akagi-nee is still up there, provided shes free and not working."

"Well if that's the case then what time shall I go and present the gateway Network to Nagato."

"As soon as possible."

"So now?"

"No, sometime tomorrow."

"But I thought you wanted me to get this over with as fast as possible?"

"I do but if you leave now then I'm going to have to get up off your lap and no way am I doing that, especially sense your cuddling me and it feels great."

"Does it.... Then you want me to hold you the entire night?"

"If your offering, after all your just so warm, comfy, you smell nice and hmmmmm"

She didn't even bother to say anymore, she closed her eyes and smiled.

Atheon using her right hand lifted it up and began to pat her head as Kaga began to feel a sense of euphoria set in, her eyes squeezed tighter as she was being lured into a bliss-filled state as she was starting to drift into Nirvana. As this amazing feeling set in. She felt her worries melt away and she felt herself leaning into the hand of Atheon which patted her head and played with her ears, Atheon could see the reaction of her girlfriend and smiled, she came to find out that she enjoyed doing this with Kaga, after all she's was the only one allowed to do so without being shoot by her.

Kaga at this moment in time felt pure pleasure, her hand was just so gentle and diligent, nowing exactly how to draw all this out of the usual stone cold Kitsune without having to try hard at all. And she was loving it, ever second of it was bliss and happiness, laying against her body, being patted in this was which caused all the wordiness and stress to simply disappear.

'Hmmm I never want to get up, it's just so amazing having a partner that cares for me in such a way. She can cook she's beautiful, but she's also strong and powerful, more so than Bismarck or anyone in any faction. And she's my girl and now we can lay here, and not have to worry about the worl-'

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

Just three simple knocks on the wooden door which leads into Atheon's room caused Kaga to glare at it, Atheon could have sworn she saw blue flames light up in her eye as if she wanted to burn the door and whoever was behind it.

She let out something akin to a growl "maybe they'll realize that this is the wrong door, after all this is my day of-"

"Knock* *Knock* *knock*

"Angel excuse me for a second."

She got off her lap much to her discontent and went to the door, just as the person on the other side want to knock again Kaga ripped the door open and came face to face with Zuikaku, who upon seeing the pissed of Kaga glaring down at her felt scared and small, she shivered as she slightly backed away from the cold menacing glare of the nine tails.

"A-a-a-ahhhhhh K-kaga-se-senpai. What are you doing in Atheon's room?"

"I'll have you must now me and Atheon where talking about an important strategy which we were going to take to Nagato when get the green light, tho to do it where going to need the support of iron blood and Vichya Dominion."

"Wow, you never rest do you Kaga, always coming up with plans in order for us to win, but why are you sharing this with Atheon and not Akagi?"

"First of all my older sister has enough to worry about, she has the maintain the black cube and also formulate other plans, also the reason why I'm explaining this to her is simply because she's the most calculating of us, essentially informing her will allow her to see any potential flaws with my plan it's about what I'm presented it will be perfect."

"Wow... To think that you put that much time and effort into making theses just goes to show you how much you strive for the Sakura Empire, well if that's the case then I'll let you be. " She bowed politely. "See you later Kaga-senpai"

"Yes see you two Zuikaku."

She walked away down the hallway as Kaga sighed to herself, after all she did not spoke a lie, as she and Atheon had already planned such a thing before hand, but she just wanted an excuse to get Zuikaku the hell out and not to bother with their personal time at the moment.

"God that girl, the hell was she even here for?"

"Probably for the combat training I offered around last week." Spoke Atheon. "Tho dear I wasn't going to do it with her today, as we already had plans now come here I made us some tea."

"Alright I'm coming." She smiled to herself as she loved her tea, she took the glass and drinked allowing its warm, sweet and delicious taste to assault her tongue with its delicious flavor. "Hmm angel your tea is simply the best."

"Well I'm glade foxy, now what time tomorrow should I go to Nagato to get the network set up?"

"Around 12, that way we can nap together while I cuddle with you, also so we also have a little bit of time to eat and talk when we get up before Nagato kidnaps you for the rest of the day."

"Alright so it's planed."

"Yup, just don't take to long with her."

"I won't."

The two smiled as Kaga drunk the last drop of her tea and went back over to Atheon who went back into sitting on the beanbag chair and Kaga took back her spot on her lap. Atheon would begin to play the TV but Kaga looked up at her with those eyes which always meant she needed something.

"What is it dear?"

"Pat my head and play with me ears, it felt nice when you where doing it earlier."


She did what she did before and almost immediately Kaga found herself within Nirvana once again as she had a most joyful expression. She nuzzles deeper into her shoulder and let out all that excess stress that she's been having build up inside her.

*With Zuikaku*

"Hey Shoukaku do you get the feeling that Kaga wasn't there for the purpose of going over a strategy with Atheon." Asked the girl who was eating her big sisters amazing cooking.

"A little bit, why do you ask?"

"I mean in a weeks time the two have changed quiet a bit, I mean it's hard to ever find them separated at all nowadays."

"Well Zuikaku that could be because there partners after all they are continuously put on the same squad so it could be that she's sharing information with her main squad mate."

"I don't know big sister because when I knocked on that door it seemed like when she answered it I wasn't just disturbing some strategy formulating. You think there's anything going on with the two?"

*Meanwhile with said duo*

"Mmmmm dear~~ it feels amazing~" Kaga was now in a state of pleasure as she felt the warm melting sensation of all her worries and stress disappearing as the gentle hand of the vex god brought her to such a state, but unfortunately if anyone walked passed the door and listened closely they might have mistaken this for something else entirely.

"So you enjoying it?" Asked Atheon who received a nod "then what happens if I do this."

She began to massage the lowest part of her ears as this seemed to trigger something because Kaga began to now feel even more incredible, her eyes where beginning to roll back as she nudge herself more deeply into her hand. "Better dear? Feeling better now?"

"Absolutely~~ and by Amaturasu don't stop mmmmm~~ "

*Back with Zuikaku and Shoukaku*

"Nah cant be, I mean Kaga doesn't express any emotion outside of conversations with her sister and Atheon is just emotionless." Spoke Zuikaku but now felt a slight amount of doubt.

"Well it's their personal lives so we shouldn't bather little sister."

*With Akagi*

The older sister of Kaga was within there shared room as she looked around and you now what she didn't see in this room.

Well here's a hint, it's cold, has white and blue as it's main coloring and also shares features like her, can you guess who are what is missing, yup that's right her sister Kaga.

And you now what's the strange part about all this, this is the forth day in a row that's she's not been in this room, and she knows where she probably at or who's she's with, starts with an A, and ends with an N.

'Kaga is with Atheon again isn't she.' although she was happy for her baby sister she also felt burning jealousy, so she wanted to go pay her a visit might as well go meet the next member of the family.

"I now Kaga is ensnared within loves grasp but why can't she inform me of theses things before hand, because I miss you two Kaga... Tho I guess there's a time where we grow up and go towards what we love, I guess in her case a mysterious vex god girl who comes from another world and is from an entire Alien race from which judging her technology, and it's levels of weapons and defenses. It makes the sirens look like a joke in comparison."

Now fully out of the room she walked through the hallway not minding the stares she got as she arrived at Atheon's door, and as she went I open it...

"Don't stop mmmmm~~"

Akagi face started to blush when she heard her sisters voice which was filled with pleasure.

"So here right?"

"Yes the- ow mmmm ow GOD~ ahhhhh~~ that was nice."

"So should be continue?"

"Yes please~."

"So where do you want it this time?"

"Lower and this time put a little more into it."

'K-kaga what in the hell are you doing in there!?'

Not wasting any time she kicked down the door only to see Kaga laying on the ground as Atheon was on top, giving what appeared to be a back massage.

"Akagi can we help you?"

"Big sister what the hell?! Why did you kick down the door?!"

"Ahhhh....." She didn't even now how to react to this, here she though they where doing something much more physical but turns out it was a false alarm, and now she was standing in the room with Kaga and Atheon staring at her with footsteps approaching them from the outside.

"S-sorry about that Kaga" she walked outside and slammed the door shut.

"What was that about?" Asked Atheon who was not expecting that.

"Don't now, don't care, big sister always has her times where she does things like that but now can you continue?"

"Sure dear."

*Back with Akagi*

She didn't even now what the hell to do in this situation because at the current point in time she didn't even now what the fuck she even saw, apparently Kaga loves back massages and well she busted in there like the fbi and guess what instantly regretted it, because she got the glared form both people in that room and she didn't now how to feel about it, but it was clear one stung worst then the other.

Atheon she didn't mind although a tiny bit scared, but Kaga she felt genuine sadness from the look in her eye. She felt her slight hatred for her interrupting whatever the hell was happening and all she had to ask was simply what in the hell was going on?

It had been a week since this new behavior started, and in a week these two were basically inseparable! More over Kaga was basically always wanting Atheon's attention, not minding the people around her or how they may feel about the two basically being in there own little universe.... Or was that just her?

Was she the problem? Was she the only one who had a problem with this?

Because all she's felt was jealousy and loneliest, because kaga was always missing, always with Atheon but shouldn't she be happy? Because she was the older sister, she should be happy for her younger sister for finally finding someone who she can call her love, shouldn't she be happy that her sister is happy. Why was she feeling envious of it? why would she feel jealousy from it? Was it because she secretly wanted the same thing as her?

But what about there mission to bring back Amagi? What about the Sakura Empire? Doesn't there love for each other jeopardize missions? Wouldn't it cloud there judgment and make them act rash if the other was in harms way, and make them disregard the mission.

Then again why is she looking at ways that their relationship would complicate there plan? The same plan which she and Kaga agreed to.

'I guess while just have to wait and see if there relationship is a benefit or a hindrance, then again why am I thinking along theses lines?'

She didn't know nor did she think she would ever know why.

*With Atheon the next day.*

So not to Atheon's surprise the second she opened her eyes what was she meet with? Fluff, and the beautiful face of her girlfriend.

'so its....' she looks over at the clock '8:49 am, alright might as well wake Kaga up.'

"Dear wake up."

"Nooooo, 30 more minutes".

"But dear I though we where to spend time together, is that no longer happening?"

"It will, just not until" she looked at the clock "9:15 alright."

"Very well dear."

She layed back down as Kaga went back into snuggling into her shoulder and didn't bother to move, she was happy as can be and she wasn't moving for shit until her specified time of getting up.

Atheon respect her wishes and went into her mind and began to consolidate all the information and all the updated progress that the Vault of Glass has made in her absence. And surprisingly everything was going quite smoothly without her being there, and seeing how some of the more important subsystems were now back online she figured she would take Kaga there to show her around and allow her to see her home.

'But when she learns of what I am, and all that I and my species have done will she reject me, Will i lose my purpose?'

She looked down at Kaga who happily slept within her hold, Atheon seeing this felt herself drawn closer to her, her arms which where around kaga's waist tightened puller her in closer as she felt a need to be closer to her, Kaga who felt herself pulled in responded the same and pulled herself into Atheon, but unfortunately Kaga could now feel her breath on the side of her neck which cause her to squirm a little under the vex's hold.

'Is this worries that I am feeling? Is this what it feels like to worry about ones being or to worry about something close to them?' she looks down at Kaga as she felt her heart beat faster, 'This girl has straightened out my reason for living, if she leaves then I will surely have no reason to live.'

She layed there and went over what she could do not even realizing that 30 more minutes went passed the time Kaga wanted to be up, but Atheon seeing the time decided that it would be best to let her sleep in a little more before waking her as she planned out how to show Kaga what she is and her home, without having to mention the whole Mass genocide through entire universes/realitys/timelines across the multiverse of her original universe.

As she was done thinking the perfect plan, Kaga stirred from her slumber as she opened her eyes and looked upon the sapphire eyes of Atheon who smiled at her awakening.

"Hmmmm angel where my morning kiss?"

Atheon looked at her and could tell she was still drowsy and clearly waking from a pretty nice dream, and hearing that made it abundantly clear that she was still sleepy.

Buuuuuut that didn't mean she couldn't indulge her request but just slightly twisting it.

She leaned down and placed a kiss upon her forehead as Kaga closed her eyes and melted into it, but soon the realization hit and in only three seconds her face went crimson without her promision.

"Good morning sweety how was your nights rest?"

"G-great, and the morning present was even better."

"I'm glade, now get up dear I'm going to make us food."

"Hmmmmm" kaga got up and stretched as she looked at Atheon and smiled. "Alright, I'll wait for it angel."

Atheon smiled as she got up and went towards the kitchen, she opened the door to the fridge and pulled out some eggs, bacon, biscuits, potato's and also grabbed some wine she bought from Akashi.

Kaga seeing all she pulled out sweat dropped, she knows that she would be leaving for quiet some time and it looks like she's making quiet the parting meal for her.

Time passed and Kaga watched Atheon mum her song and shake her hips to its beat, she went between pans as the food cooked and she made sure to make each dish with perfect accuracy, after all she was going to be making the best parding meal for her girlfriend.

Kaga looking at her smiled, she rested her chin within her hand as she pressed her elbow against the table and watched her cook, she went back and forth flipping the eggs, adding the seasoning and making sure the biscuits where cooked perfectly.

After a few more minutes of waiting she arrived with the plates as she placed them upon the table and gave her the silverware.

The dug in and it was quiet tasty, but the later this went on for Kaga felt a knot begin to form in her stomach, it twisted and turned as she was having to come to understanding that she was going to have to let her go if she was to go talk to Nagato and get the Network set up.

The problem being after more then a straight week of theses two being close to each other, spoiling each other, and overall being close to each other, they didn't want to leave the other side but unfortunately they were going to have to if they ever going to better their Faction.

Kaga looked down, she knew it would happen but I guess you can say that she just wasn't ready for it.

Atheon being the good partner she was picked up on kaga's distressedness almost immediately, she looked at her and placed her fork down and played her land on the table as open as it can be.

Kaga seeing this smiled, she to placed down her fork and placed her hand upon hers as they joined into a holding.

"Do not worry Kaga I shall return in 2 to 5 hours, when I return I'll take you out on a date."

"Ahhhh" she blushes, although the've for now over a week they still haven't went on a date but if she wants to that only means she wants to be close to her and also deepen her bond with her which she was completely fine with. "Ya, when you get back let's go on that date, just me and you."

"See your looking better already now open up."

'i-is she about to feed me?!' she look at her with a little bit of a panic expression before calming down and opening her mouth.

Atheon feed her a piece of bacon and Kaga very much enjoyed the taste of her girlfriend's cooking, placing a hand upon her cheek as she savored the taste.

"Kaga it's already about eleven, I should start to get dressed in those cloths you got me."

"About time, I always wondered what you would be like in that outfit."

Atheon walked away as she went into the restroom and changed into her clothing which Kaga bought.

"Hmmm I wonder when she-"

"Kaga I'm done" said the girl who just entered.

"Well that was quick so-" she turned and paused as she could feel blood traveling down from her nose "hot"

{What's shes wearing}

Atheon was wearing this outfit which really showed off her body and she wasn't complaining, not at all, the slimness of her waist the elegantness but also deadly aura which she had while wearing it was something she could get behind, in more ways then one.

"So do I look good?"

"Goods an understatement, that outfit really shows off your figure and quite frankly I'm afraid they're going to be catching a lot of attention wearing that."

"But I thought you said I look good in it?"

"You do, but usually if a woman like you wear such an outfit you're going to be attracting a lot of attention from a lot of people."

"Do people really find me that attractive?"

'thats an understatement, Prinz Eugen would have definitely made a move on you if I didn't tell you about my dreams and we didn't begin we have now.'.... "yes they do indeed find you quite attractive Prinz Eugen is an example of this. Although...."

"Although what dear?"

"You should totally wear that outfit."

"But I thought you just said I'd be attracting attention."

"You will, but when word gets out that we're in a relationship I want everyone to know from Sakura Empire, to Iron blood, and even Vichya Dominion that that's fine piece of ass is my girl."

"...... So you want me to look my best so that way I'd attract attention but when news gets out all of their hopes of ever "getting me" would be crushed?"


"I see no wrong in doing this, as if it goes according to plan this should also minimize the "risk factor" of others moving in to make a move on us."

'ow Atheon always so logical, the reason why I say that is because I don't want any other girl trying to steal you away, after all I'm scared of ever losing you.'.... "well precisely now if you don't mind we have about 30 minutes left could you just sit here and drink the wine with me?"


The wine was poured and the two of them sat down at the table drinking it in peace as they enjoyed their time together.

Time by and as such the clock began to count up until eventually it would strike 12 and the Vex would be up and out of the room, Kaga looked over at the clock which was now reading 11:45 seeing this she stood up and went over towards the radio within their room and she hit a button on it as her favorite song came on.

Atheon seeing this stood up as she went over to her, Kaga knowing that her girlfriend was behind her turned around and wrapped her arms around her neck, as she did the same but around her waist.

No words needed to be said between the two the two spun, holding each other as they danced away not caring for those who walked past, not caring if everyone in the entire base barged in and saw them, as of right now this was their time and this was their song. Kaga closed her eyes as the Melody of the music rained through her ears, the gentleness of her girlfriend's hold caused her to feel at ease, she laid her head against her chest as they continued to dance holding one another.

Atheon rested her head upon hers, as they continue to spend their time together and by the songs end they paused standing within their room which was now completely silent, Kaga lifted herself from her chest and looked upon her as Atheon's hand reached out and placed itself upon her cheek, Kaga smiled and leaned into it as she felt her soft delicate touch.

"I'll be back my dear."

"You better not take to long, I want to do that again with you sometime."

"I'll be back before you know it."

Giving her a kiss on the forehead she turned and walked away as Kaga stood there and smiled, she looked outside the window as the Golden rays of the sun shined brighter then ever before, it almost looked at is she was staring at heaven, but that wasn't the case because heaven wasn't there it was here within this room.

"Ahahah now what shall I do in the meanwhile?"

*With Eagle union*

At the base of eagle Union we can now see the hero known as Enterprise walking around and as she did she walked forward and towards the docks and as she did she looked up at the nearby cliff and noticed the mysterious man that she found standing on top of it overlooking the ocean.

"Enterprise." She looked over and saw Vestal there repair ship.

"Where is he?"

"Over there." She pointed towards the man who stood on top of the cliff.

"REX! Thank you so much Enterprise now excuse me." She hopped on top of the water as her rig activated she didn't skit it across the water as she went to the man who stood upon the cliff.

"What is this place that girl brought me to she said that this was eagle Union's base, but I don't remember there ever being such a faction could this be in a different Universe maybe? But where am I? and if I'm here then does that mean Jack survived? is she here, in this world?"

"Rex! What are you doing out of bed you haven't had the proper time to recover!"

"Ow Vestal, well truth be told I recover much faster than you guys."

"Still process dictates that you should at least be resting for about twelve days minimum after suffering why you did, you had several ruptured organs on top of that you had multiple broken bones your armor was also pretty banged up so why aren't you resting?"

"Vestal as I said I recover much faster then you all."

The girl sighed "you're as stubborn as Enterprise."

"No I'm more stubborn, trust me you haven't seen even a fraction of how stubborn I can be."

"Great, another stubborn person who rushes into danger." She had a pouting expression.

"Ahahah ow don't get me wrong I don't rush headlong into danger unless I know what I'm going up against, or I'm confident that I can deal with it. Trust me my friend made sure that I don't rush headlong into danger probably because every time I did she beat the shit out of me. Can't fathom the amount of time she busted my skull for doing that."

"Wait she actually broke your skull?"

"No it was more along the lines of a figure of speech." 'well she actually did several times and she even went as far as to shoot me with her rocket launcher the one time.'

"Few, well I'm glad after all nobody should be breaking someone's skull over just rushing in accidents happen sometimes."

"Or just plan prideful arrogance."

"That to."

"So anyways when are you guys departing?"

"Well we're still on the look for the Sakura empires supply Lanes but it seems as though we haven't found it just yet."

"Well on your next mission allow me to go with the rest of the group."

"No apps absolutely not not until further checkups are done on you!"

'Dear traveler she's just like my friends.'

He paused as he remembered a memory how long and distant memory, on a cold winters night he rose from the ground as one of the guardians, his ghost telling him of his purpose but as he looked around the house he noticed a skeleton, but the skeleton was small and not the size of an adult. He remembered the journal which was within her hands and as he took it felt a connection to it.

"Hey Rex you ok?"

"...... Ya, just remembering something."

"Well all right just make sure to come down to the medical ward here soon I want to be able to at least run a full diagnostic on you to make sure your combat ready."

She walked away but not before turning around and giving him one last look of concern before departing.

Rex looked upon the Golden Sun as it Rose over the air.

[Partner you alright?] Spoke rex's ghost.

"Ya, let's just get going." His ghost did not bother to say anything but as he went to walk away he came to a stop when he looked upon the sun once again as another another memory came to him.


"Rex, so is this my name?" he looked over at the skeleton who held the diary originally.

[Don't now partner, what do you say]

"I feel some kind of attachment to it like this means something to me" he would read through it as I would talk about the journey of a girl named Liz and a boy named Rex, they had no family to call their own but they lived peacefully with each other they lived happy lives until when he flipped to the final page instead of writing there was instead the stain of blood.

"...." He said nothing, he instead reached into his pants and pulled out the diary which was pretty banged up but go figure he had it on him when he and his fire team assaulted the Vault of glass.

He then reached into his pocket and began to flip through the book where upon flipping past the 30th page, he was greeted with a page which held his name and as he flipped past it his writing could be seen within it clearly indicating that he had a road within this book originally, and so he would have to update once again.

'Liz, hello it's me again I know you probably cannot read this with you being in the afterlife but I hope that at least you're having a good time with Mom and Dad, and that you're smiling down upon me as I continue to walk the path which has been laid before me. Your big brother is also become quite the hero I have slaughtered fallen, I've killed Hive, but I've also suffered my most gracious loss. we got our asses kicked sis there's no easy way about it this wasn't a win this wasn't even a draw it was a complete loss, although we repelled the threat everyone died and now I'm within this new world and I can't even tell the story of my comrades to their friends or their family. We got whooped badly many of my friends have been erased, others transported to a place where I can't even fathom and all because of a fucking vex named Atheon.'

He paused and collected his thoughts.

'that Vex was a complete monster something beyond any hope of understanding, when I laid eyes upon that monstrosity I saw a being which has slaughtered quintillions all in the name of finding their perfect Harmony, they're perfect simulation, they're perfect outcome. That thing slaughtered us like wild animals and even with Jack kamikazeing herself into it it only set to simply disrupt the volts flow of energy and cause a temporal rift which sent us to this world.'

He wrote, soon tho as he continued to write a horrific idea, a nightmarish image burned within his mind.

'but the question is if I'm here then could that mean that the Vex are here as well? Could we have accidentally unleashed them upon the inhabitants of this world? will they now be forced to fight the Vex because we were unable to completely neutralize them? Well they have to go up against the monster that was that Vex God?'

He stopped his writing as he placed the diary within his pant pockets and slid the pencil in there as well he turned around and noticed the grey ghost staring at him.

"Before you ask that diary was from my little sister, I keep it on me as a Memento slash thing to write in so hopefully she'll see it, sounds like a childish dream but it gives me comfort."

"I understand, but you seemed rather tense towards the end of your writing did you perhaps put anything in there that was personal that hurt?"

"Only if you call watching your friends be butchered like wild animals then yeah."

"Wait what?!"

"It doesn't matter all that was within the past and it's been several weeks since that incident." Enterprise noticed his mood shift as he turned and walked passed her.

"Miss Enterprise, whats wrong with Rex?"

"..... I don't now Belfast, all he said was 'Only if you call watching your friends be butchered like wild animals then yeah'".

"I see, so he's dealing with the loss of his friends."

"Yes he is, and doing it rather well, if that was certainly me or any one of us we would be having a complete different reaction."

"You're right about that Miss Enterprise but come on my queen has called for Rex, well after he gets his examination from Vestal."

"So why am I coming?"

"Because we would like to have your overview during the meeting."

"Very well."

So the duo caught up with the guardian to agreed to allow them to take him to the repair ship to get the examination and then right after that he would have an audience with the queen.

'Tho All things considered Liz despite the tragedies which bethel me before my arrival into this world, perhaps this world could be like a third new start for me, and hopefully I get things right in this world. And who knows maybe I can find someone who would be interested with me and perhaps we could start a family after all that has been a lifelong dream of mine to finally be able to lay down my weapons and just simply live in peace.'

There you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter it's done I hope you enjoyed.

Yep so our guardian is here and oh boy is his reality by to come shattering down when he realizes what's waiting for him and the depths of this world or more frankly who resides within this world.

And yes I know would you want to get this chapter was just basically shipping Atheon and Kaga but then again in war you have your time where everything is slow and then you have your time where everything hits faster than Bruce Lee, as of now everything's going rather slow so this kind of thing can happen but when the action starts hitting there will be no room for this, well maybe a little but not too much.

Now if you excuse me I got to go plan how oryx meets his archer waifu.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!

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