Chapter Fithteen

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Atheon walked the path towards where nagato was and as she did she saw many of the girls around her staring at her, maybe this was because she didn't have Kaga with her, which nowadays there almost inseparable so seeing one without the other is weird.

But she ignored them and went straight towards where her goal was.

Walking through the cherry blossom trees and there bright pink pedals, she looked out into the vast ocean which stretched beyond the horizon and stopped to take in the sight, she watched as the sight reflected off the water and how it made it glow a beautiful gold light, she wondered if theses was a human thing. To just stare into the vast distance and observe the world, to watch as the world and everything works together in a perfect hormone, a hormone which she and her species wished to prefect.

"The light of the noon sun is always the brightest, the golden rays make for a beautiful show."

"It sure does."

The vex turned and there she was, Akagi in the flesh. Older sister to her love.

"Akagi what can I do for you?"

"Just answer a few of my questions."

"What questions would you ask of me to answer."

"Just a few questions about what happened between you and my little sister."

"Your referring to the newfound pack which we referred to as a relationship, and your wondering how we have such a bond."

"Yes I am, just what happened between you two? I know of Kaga's dreams but I didn't expect that they would grow a bridge so strong that it would make way for this."

"Simply put Kaga and I have found Harmony between each other."


"Yes a perfect harmony or as we put it a perfect pattern, the two of us are like two sides of the same coin, we give and we take equally we love and embrace each other to our hearts content we hold each other in the cold winds of night and wake up together under thr golden rays of the sun." She paused as she looked towards the sun, staring right at it as her optics would not be harmed by it's beauty. "This relationship between us it is equilibrium, we have expressed our needed desires between each other understanding what the other wants and acting on them accordingly. My heart beats for her and hers does the same to mine that dream she told me of was just the key which unlocked the door for our new Bond."

"..... Then I assume that's why you both rushed into this "Relationship?""

"Precisely, why would we wait? the one thing we needed most was right there in front of us, the future was always going to be this way, so why would we wait? why would we wait for something which could possibly ruin this when we could just indulge it now we could become it now." She looked into the sky as her heart began to beat, a rare smile spread across her face. "That girl has awakened something within this body of mine which I do not understand, but I wish to know, I wish to feel it's warm embrace, I wish to wake up every morning and have her warm hands be the first thing which lay upon me, reassuring me that I am still in this world and have a purpose. I wish to wake up everyday and see those eyes staring at me, those eyes are the one I hold most dear the eyes of my purpose for being inside this world."

She turned to the sister as she smiled again.

"This is what we have, this is our relationship, a relationship built upon a vision of what we saw of the future, we did not care if it's rushed because now in the present we see how important it is especially for me, because for us vex time was an irrelevant thing. Reality had no meaning to us, and space was just something we played with. But now that I walk in mortal skin now that I have the feelings which are shared by mankind and the guardians I'm able to understand now to some capacity how theses emotions are able to push the very boundaries of existence. They cannot be seen with your eyes, they cannot be measured in any extent, they cannot be predicted, they cannot be calculated, and yet they are powerful things. Emotions can give any organic organism the push they need to achieve the unimaginable I have witnessed this first hand when I was defeated, I couldn't understand it at that time but now that I walk in this skin, now that I have the same feelings, organs, and everything else like the ones who defeated me I'm able to understand how important it is to have these."

Akagi remained silent as she looked upon the vex, and now she continue to speak she couldn't help but feel jealous. Right there in front of her was the lover of her little sister and she was holding her in such high regard praising her giving her love with she yearned for something which she could never have.

As the old saying goes the grass is greener on the other side and right now she was staring at the most delicious green grass that could ever be acquired by a woman who yearns for love.

"Because it is these emotions which now feel my desire to serve my purpose to serve the one woman who has given me a closure on life, Kaga is my reason to exist my reason to fight my reason to wake up every morning, and in return she feels loved, for her giving me purpose she is supplied with love. I didn't wish for this to sound like a fairy tale which you organic beings are quite fond of but, this is what it feels like. It feels warm, comforting, and above all else nice." She paused as her eyes looked upon the older Fox "I hope this feels in the missing gaps."

"......." Akagi looked at her as her mind began to race with thought she had other questions but all that was completely thrown out the window and she gave that whole analogy. "No I'm satisfied" her voice was dead and quiet, Atheon looked at her before walking forward she went to reach out towards her but she simply turned away. "You can go now."

"Very well".

With that said she turned off and marched not even realizing that from the eyes of the crimson-eyed fox a stream of water came down on her eyes, as a single drop fell from her cheek and landed upon the soil below.

'I guess, I really am alone now.'

*With Atheon*

Her journey had finally ended as she was at the place at which nagato resided, she entered the room as she saw Yamato speaking to her.

"Ahhh Atheon what a surprise I through Kaga would have kept you to herself all day again" spoke the older looking battleship.

"Well Yamato Kaga and I had much to discuss."

"And what is with your new outfit?"

"Kaga got it for me, she said that it was an outfit that shows off power and Elegance along with captivating the beauty of the one wearing it."

'She was right about captivating the beauty of the wearer.' thought Yamato as she looked upon the goddess like body which Atheon's new outfit was showing off. 'Got to say if my hunch about these two are correct then Kaga got more game then any person I've ever met before.'

"Well enough of this, Atheon what is it that you wish to discuss with us?"

"Nagato what if I told you that I have the capabilities of completely changing the tide of this war."

Quiet washed over them all, they looked at her as all jokes went out the window.

"Then share."

"Our supply Lanes are still unprotected fully, you're constantly sending out people in order to protect them which is only weakening them, but what if I told you that I have a way of completely getting rid of this problem and also being able to supply us all with an infinite and amount of ammo, fuel, medicines and other resources."

"That is impossible." Yamato looked at her with narrowed eyes. "Although I do not doubt your capabilities of transporting our supplies, but being able to manufacture infinite amounts of ammo, fuel and other necessities I find that to be a very stretching accusation."

"By no means am I lying to you Yamato, in fact it would be as simple as breathing for us vex, we could assimilate entire galaxies into our Collective Network transforming entire worlds into mechanical worlds, we used to use stars as ways of powering our super weapons. So manufacturing shells, fuel, along with your version of medicine would be no problem for me."

"How are you getting these resources?" Asked nagato, she was captivated at the very thought of this.

"That I am afraid I cannot tell and if you are wondering if it is from the sirens, no I am not using siren tech. I am using my own species technology, how I'm able to do this I will have to keep secret because if you really know about it you could lose your mind."

"....... Then I will choose to not push our wanting to know upon you, instead I would ask that you demonstrate to me how you would be able to transport our supplies efficiently and quickly."

"Simple with theses." She held out two cubes.

"What are those?" Yamato took a good look at them and noticed how the metal shell shared a resemblance to the very same metal which made her armor.

"These are what I call Vex cubes, I created them from the understanding of how your mental cubes work, and how they are able to store data and then are able use said data for various purposes, but instead of it being only for creating I'm able to transport the very code of something into the physical world."


"Vex technology is much more advanced than anything within this universe, and my species was the most advanced technologically in my original multiverse."

"Will they work?"

"They should, if you wish I will be able to install a gateway Network wherever if you wish."

"Very well follow me."

Nagato stood up as she walked out, Atheon followed along with Yamato and a newly returning Kawakaze, they wondered all throughout the Sakura Empire until they came upon an open space which was concealed by the natural wildlife around.

"Here if you can put the gate way here  that would do."

"As you wish."

Atheon extended her hand out as the cube rose into the air, it made its way towards the area before tiny white particles could be seen coming off of it before these particles exploded off forming rings around it as the energy began to unleash more and more the cube opened up as a bright blue glow could be seen illuminating from inside of it before with a pulse of energy, everything went white, and when the light died down there it was.

(The one on the far right)

A vex gateway, the others stood there gasping in awe at the sight of this contraption. Atheon then looked out into the sea before turning to Nagato.

"Nagato I would require that after today you canceled the supply line."

"Is it because you're about to-" she was cut off when the eyes of the vex goddess shined a bright blue before the gateway came alive and from it what appeared to be containers began to float out.

"Precisely now open one of the crates."

Kawakaze walked forward, she looked at the crate and she opened the top and lo and behold. Within this one crate they were about eight shells in total for battleships like Yamato, nagato looked at her with a questioning gaze.

"Is this all?"

"Nagato, do not believe that this-" her eye begin to Glow a faint blue as lines appeared to be running across them as it seemed like codes where inputted.

"Is all that I can provide."

Without warning the gateway came alive once again and from its mouth hundreds upon hundreds of crates began to float out each of them containing a vital resource which they were low on, this continued for a solid 10 minutes straight until the entire area was filled to the brim with hundreds upon hundreds of crates filled with supplies.

"This is, amazing with all this we can make hundreds of attacks without having to worry about our supplies ever running low." Nagato turned and looked at Atheon "I'm truly thankful Atheon." She gave a polite bow "Thank you."

"Same here I'm all struck at what you could provide to think that something like this could be possible." Yamato also bowed.

".... It's impressive I'll give you that" Kawakaze bowed along with the others.

"Please raise your head I am only doing my part in this war."

"But you're not a part of this war you came from a different Multiverse as you put it, even you joining your Empire was more then enough but still you went up and beyond, and for that as leader of the Sakura Empire I thank you Atheon."

She looked at the three girls, and smiled, she felt happy, but for what reason could she feel this way?

"My my what is this." A voice most familiar to the vex spoke out.

"Prinz Eugen, to what do you need?"

"Ow Atheon can't I come see you?"

"That is kind of you to say but I know that you're not simply here to chat."

"That would also be correct, I saw what you did. I must say I never thought something like that would be possible but I guess when it comes to you anything that's impossible for us, it's possible for you."

"More or less you are correct I am capable of doing things which in simple terms is much more advanced for you given the current state of your technology."

"Hmmm that would be true, but I was wondering if you would take one of those and set it up at ironblood, Vichya Dominion, and Sardegna Empire."

"Hmm sitting up two more gateways would not be a problem for me but as protocol stands we cannot simply go into their Waters without making a formal address to them."

"I can handle getting in touch with iron blood, after all Bismarck would be quite interested in this and when it hesitate to turn it down, as for Vichya Dominion Jean Bart may prove to be more of a handful and also harder to get this all set up. And for Sardegna Empire Roma should comply easily enough."

"Then it is settled Nagato you shall send a message to them and as for what is next to come I think it's apparent." Yamato looked over at Atheon as she smiled.

"Which is?" Asked the vex axis mind.

"Simple a gathering, a time of relaxation until the message is sent out we should at least have this time to rest, after all the message won't probably be responded to until tomorrow."

"That is true Yamato and I do believe you are correct the girls of the Sakura Empire deserve a break after all they cannot keep working forever."

"Hmmm then it's decided then" pitched in the eager German girl.

"Yes it is decided we shall rest until the message is responded then we shall head over to iron blood where we shall fill in Bismarck about everything and have this gateway be set up that way they may receive the supplies as well."

"Vielen Dank nagato, and Atheon I was wondering if you would be interested in having a few drinks."

"No thank you I'm good Prinz Eugen."

"eine Schande[a shame], well I guess you can't win them all."

She walked away as she waved goodbye, and when she was far enough away she completely disappeared.

"Atheon I would think it's best to return as well, after all you performed more than enough miracles today."

"As you wish Nagato."

She walked away and as she did Yamato turned to her.

"So her and kaga,..... You think they're together?"

"Without a doubt, after all Kaga seemed rather smitten with her before all this, and now it would appear that there are seemingly always together and Atheon who does not naturally care for how she looks is wearing an outfit which she picked for her."

"That is true."

The both of them watched as the Acis mind wondered off heading back in the direction of the dorms.

The three remaining ships looked at each other before simply heading back not realizing that in the distance Crimson Eyes and golden eyes where watching.

*With Rex*

On the opposite side we now see the guardian walking around the base of eagle Union, as he did he observed how the girls played with each other, from volleyball, to tag, it was like a dream come true for him to be an area where there was peace despite there being a civil war between the two factions.

He continue to walk along the path before him but came to a stop when he noticed a beautiful woman Infront of him.

"Ahh lady Formidable it's lovely seeing you here today."

"As is to you Rex."

"But what do you need with me? Are you here to accompany me upon my stroll or do you need me?"

"Actually Queen Elizabeth sent me to come get you, she believe that your input on the upcoming mission is of importance."

"All right what do they need my input in?"

"Here soon we will be launching a mission called Cloak and Dagger, we will try and take the black mental Cube from the control of Crimson axis in an attempt to cripple their main source of power, on this mission Edinburgh and Sheffield will attempt to sneak in and seize the cube."

"That is extremely dangerous you are walking straight into enemy territory, how do you guys know that this mental Cube isn't behind like 50 ft of steel."

"We don't which is why the maidcore is launching this investigation, so will you accompany me to the meeting."

"Ya sure after all I might only have been here a short time but I don't want you guys getting hurt if you guys are going on a suicide mission, send me after all I can actually walk in there die, and then come back."

"Ahahah please we wouldn't want you dying on us just yet, after all you've not been with us for an extensive period of time. You can't just go strolling in there and die."

'I wasn't trying to joke but if shes laughing then hey, I ain't complaining. After all to get a gorgeous girl like her laughing is fine with me.' "ya I guess you're right, and I'm guessing that it's my background of being inside multiple high risk life or death situations that you guys wish to draw from when I come and give my point of things."


"All right then let's go and when we're done with that I'm going to swing by by the bakery, I'm going to get that chocolate and strawberry cake, that thing looks delicious! And it has been forever since I've had anything sweet hit this tongue of mine."

"Fufuf" she giggled at he's dorky nature, Rex after being with them for so long has learned to relax a little and is able to express other side of himself, this was one such side.

"But you know Miss formidable you could always accompany me after all I see you looking at the bakery all the time when you're passing by it."

"Ahhhh, i- ahhhhh.... N-no I can't I have duties and a lady of royal navy."

"Ahh such a shame cakes always better with company, well as jack used to say can't win them all, now that let's go!"

He walked off as formidable look at his figure walking off into the distance, she didn't realize that she spaced out long after his figure was gone and she quickly looked around, before realizing that he walked off without her, so she had to quickly catch up.

'You now coming here despite me being sent here against my will really wasn't a bad thing after all, but I have a feeling, a bad feeling that this mission is going to bring something which I'm not ready for.'

He stopped as he looked over at the sun, but as he did he heard something crashed behind him he looked down and saw formidable who is face first against the ground.

"Ow miss Formidable are you alright?"

"Ya... I'll be fine"

Rex helped her up and as he did he chuckled and formidable got embarrassed.

"Ow! What are you laughing at?!"

"Sorry it's just kind of funny that you tripped over the slightest thing and again you are rather front heav-"

"Who are you calling heavy?" Asked the royal navy maid who had a menacing aura surrounding her.

"Ahhh-ahhhh n-not you of course."

"...... Splendid, now let's get going."

She walked away as his ghost came out.

{You nearly got yourself killed.}

"Yeah no kidding who knew she could be so horrifying when provoked."

{Rex all women are like that.}

He gulped "No wonder Andrew always had problems getting a girlfriend."

He slowly and carefully followed the maid making sure that he didn't piss her off again.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed it.

Yes yes I know this is smaller than all my usual chapters for this chapter being about over 3900 long and I'm sorry about that it's just the fact that there are sometimes where I can't write a chapter over 4000+ words without burning through my supplies I need for the next upcoming few chapters so this chapter is a bit shorter but it is setting the precedence for the future to come.

And as you all can imagine cloak and dagger is going to be quite the interesting, especially when you take into consideration that two paracausal entities will be emerging once again and they will find themselves on the field of battle.

But with that said I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you do please leave any comment, remark, or  question you may have, also leave some advice for me for the future or if you just have some helpful tips then give your boi some information about the factions, after all I'm practically drowning in Vex grimoire cards trying to understand all of vex lore for this upcoming story.

Yup, so I'm going to be doing another vex story and if you can't tell it's going to be in the Date a live Universe. So this is going to be great, and if you guys wish for me to post the bio and the little sneak peek then I'm fine with that but it's going to be getting the same treatment as The dragon Ruin and the beast family in the world of spirits.

Now if you excuse me I sha see you all in the future installments.

DIO OUT!!!!!!

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