Chapter sixteen

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*later that day*

Atheon began her journey back into the shared home of her and her beloved fox, passing many of the ship girls she would take into view, but she also looked at where the sun was within the sky and realized that she was two minutes and 47 seconds late, so knowing that she broke her own promise of being back quickly she went down into the shop district and went into Akashi's shop.

"Ow a customer nya, well let's see who-" she turned and saw Atheon there and froze.

'ow no it's the scary lady!!'


"Ahh a-a-a-ahhhhhh.... H-hey Atheon what can I do for you?"

"I would like to purchase this item."

She held up a beautiful neckless which had platinum wings and a heart shape gem within.

"Well that is a nice piece of jewelry go figure for someone like you."

"It is not for me, in fact it's for someone else."

"Huh?" 'did I just hear that right? The fearsome Atheon, the Siren Slayer and the "strongest being" is getting this for someone else?!'

"So how much will it cost?"

"Welllll it's a priceless neckless with a extremely rare gemstone within the center of two wings which are made of the finest Platinum, and there's about 2 kilos worth of it there, not to mention the 20 carat diamond within. So I would say about...... 560,442 dollars."

"Very well." She went into her outfits pockets and ended up pulling out what was a credit card. "Here take this. This should cover it after all I have millions if not billions worth to my name."


".... Well that's a secret I'll keep to myself." 'i guess forming the identifications, credit card and everything else wasn't so bad after all, and also having a part of the vault infinitely producing money for me wasn't such a bad idea as well. Maybe after all this nonsense is completed I'll buy me and Kaga our own personal island and make a home on it, ya that could work, just me and her in our own place of harmony and safety, being able to see each other for however long we wish, we could watch the sun set, see all the funny movies and films we desire.'

Atheon began to smile, a warm and fuzzy feeling was inside her stomach as her brain seemed to turn off from its usual cold logic fortay to this new mindset of fantasy and dreams. Honestly she didn't know why this happened but she wasn't complaining, this feeling was nice, and she was loving ever second of it... Though this would not last forever as the sound of Akashi's voice would snap her out of it.

"Hello Atheon! Atheon! ATHEON!!"

"Hmm ow sorry what is it?"

"Your transaction is completed the necklace is yours now and here's your credit card."

"Thank you Akashi."

The small scammer cat girl handed her, her newfound stuff as she grabbed it and began to walk away, heading back out and onto her path.

Though as she felt Akashi would remember that face, the face of a woman who was madly in love, that smile was the smile of a woman who's happiness knew no bounds and was toxic to the surrounding area, infecting the area with her radiant joy.

"Strange, never through i would see that kind of face on someone like Atheon, whoever must be her interest really scored big-time nya."

*With Atheon*

Now but she has acquired a gift for her beloved fox she was on the FasTrack straight back to there home, moving quicker then normal she blurred past many of the girls.

She arrived at the dorms where she made sharp turns as she glided down the hallway.

Eventually she saw the door and rushed forth, barging through she saw her love just sitting there reading or at least she was.

Atheon's arrivle caused her to shoot up like that of a scared fox, she looked at the door and was on alert, but when she saw Atheon her mind had a sudden click and walked towards her and embraced her.

Despite it only being maybe one or more hours Atheon squeezed Kaga in a bone crushing display of affection towards her. Kaga returned it to her with the same amount of affection, she leaned into her shoulder as she pressed herself closer into her body, though she pushed a little to hard and caused Atheon to lose her footing making her fall backwards.

The thud was quiet loud and anyone who was walking down the hallway would have heard that but also the grunt of someone from within.

But back inside the room the duo layed upon the ground as Kaga snuggled herself into her hold.

"I'm glad your back Atheon but what's with the sudden burst of affection?"

"I thought that sense I'm late I needed to make it up to you, and well I didn't like being away from you." She leaned herself down and rested her chin upon her head as she took in the fragrance of her hair, it smelled like that of roses, probably due to the shampoo that she uses.

Kaga on the other hand made Atheon's shoulder and the crook of her neck her resting stop, she buried herself within and didn't bother nor gave a singular damn about the world around them. She was going to be taking this opportunity by the horns and rise it out until the end, after all it's not ever day your love comes in and spoils you with heartwarming displays of affection out of the courtesy of her own heart.

They layed there for what felt like an eternity, the sound of the wind rushing in from the open window made its may towards them but had zero effect on Kaga, after all Atheon's natural body temperature was much lighter then that of a regular person, so just by laying against her this "chilly" wind was notbing more than a gentle breeze.

Atheon would look at Kaga who was ready to fall asleep, and remember that the door was not shut, so she stood up to the dismay of Kaga who not wanting to get up continued to hold onto her. As her legs wrapped around her waist and her arms slithered around her neck, Atheon would put an arm around her waist as support before she headed towards the door and quickly slammed that shit shut so no one would dare peak in on them.

Atheon then walked towards the bean bag as she sat herself down, the second they where now at the spot of rest Atheon's entire body eased up on the tension as her body began to release some form of stress.

Kaga realized this as she stood up and placed her hands upon her face checks and revealed in a newfound discovery.

Atheon was leaning into her hands, she had complete control over the current situation as she could do anything, she could run her hands along her smooth slender frame, or she could assault her neck with a flurry of bits and kisses, honestly this caused Kaga to blush, to think she could cause atheon to lower her guard to such an extent.

The power she had was intoxicating, she had a furious storm of wild and quiet frankly naughty ideas.

Not that you could really blame her, after all she was on the lap of a person who is known as a "goddess" not only in power but also beauty. And now said person who was fated to become her lover was before her in this vulnerable state and was just looking delicious~. After all fox's are predators at the end of the day and she was just looking scrumptious~.

'W-what! Calm down Kaga yes she's beautiful more so then any woman has the right of being but shes still your loving supporting girlfriend hailing from A distant Multiverse, you shouldn't be looking at this right now, so stop being horny and focus!!'.... "Angel what's wrong did something happen it seems like your quiet stressed out."

"Ow it's nothing really, quiet frankly I don't know what's wrong with me it's just that being away I got this sinking out in my stomach. I put formed and i-"

"Shhhh" Kaga placed her finger upon her lip causing her to stop, she looked up at her loving eyes as she smiled. "All that matters is that you here and also there's no need to worry, after all it wasn't that long sense you felt. So there was no need to worry."

"...." Atheon said nothing, she leaned down and layed herself down upon kaga's chest as Kaga smiled, she brought left her hands through her smooth silky hair as her other gently caressed her back.

"..... I worry because us vex don't perceive the flow of time as regularly as you or other organic organisms, a vex realm as its own flow of time, this can be in the way future millions to billions of years, or the same but for the past instead."

"Hmmm so theses realms where like there own universe? That's quite impressive." 'God Angel your amazing whenever I think I got an understanding I am proven wrong but at least I get to listen to a little about your species along with your past.'

"A "universe" is putting it mildly darling, even the smallest vex domains are infinite in size."

"Ow.... Wow ahhh..." She couldn't even compute what to speak next as she was stunned by her girlfriend's words, then a question came to mind. "Hey angel."

"Yes my little nine tails?"

'My little nine tails, I like that.' "Ahem, Angel if the smallest Vex Domains where infinite in size then how large was yours?"

"My domain was the strongest and the largest within the vex collective, in terms of pure power the only faction which came close to rivaling the force we wielded would be the Sol Progeny, theses where a group who researched a powerful dark artifact who h was named the black heart."

"What's the black heart?"

"A story for another time, but my domain was named the vault of glass, and within this realm I ruled without competition nor rivals, and as I was meant to bridging the Vex's own calculations into existence, my power and mission allowed me to create unimaginable things, and in terms of pure size my realm was once infinite beyond infinite with infinite amount of time lines which I could control and shape or erase if they didn't meet requirements. But after a group came into the vault and cause a temporal anomaly within it severely limited the range of my abilities. Making the infinite timelines go down to three trillion."

'WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK!!! ANGEL YOUR AMAZING!!' "I'm... I'm at a complete lost for words, ahaha it's funny your practically a God Angel."

"A god? Huh I never through of myself like that, after all in my original multiverse there was a being even stronger then I. And who was such a threat he risked ending my entire species and the collective Network."

"Who is this person or being?"

"Oryx, The Taken King a monster beyond the scope of any comprehension, he had the power to destroy vex domains with ease and even crippled on of the strongest axis minds without any effort, this same vex who was named Quria blade transformed had assimilated the logic of his species and used it to fight against his children, but Oryx himself crushed this vex without any problem and even took them and the united it commanded."

"Sounds scary."

"Be lucky he can't find his way here, after all there would be no way for us to win if he did arrive."

"Alright, but Atheon tell me more about yourself, more specifically tell me about your home."

"Alright, well as I stated previously the vault was very large and with the size I was able to control, alter, create, delete, copy, entire timelines and with the help of the oracles I was able to create timelines with 100% accuracy of everything, they where real timelines which where created through the vault. I used theses timelines in order to further our need for answers and also to further out understanding on the universe, my using this method me advanced quickly and where able to form entire networks spanning large star systems. But...."

"But what?"

"....." She sighed "but this rule of mine would come to an end, and this happened when a group of beings called guardians stormed Into My Vault dismantled all my forces and force me to reveal myself while I was in the middle of trying to repair the vault, and if this wasn't bad enough they used the only means of which to directly counter me, an artifact called the the Aegis. It is shaped like a shield but this artifact caused the wound which I mentioned, it pieced the fabric and let in there atrocious light, this thing also protected them from my will and made them unable to be erased and also allowed them to to change probability into in-probability, assentually changing the date of the very Vault. Along with the aforementioned benefits the Aegis also allowed them to destroy what was not meant to be destroyed. With this said, in a last ditch attempt to be rip of me a guardian named Jack the leader, used the relic which was the only means of countering me along with all her light and life force inorder to blast me with a beam of energy which if I would have took could have caused more damage to the vault, so in response I used the vault's limited power inorder to discharge an exsitence iration Ray, when out to attacks made contact the energy output would have put hundreds of stars to shame, but as I was about to win a second guardian named Rex came in and slammed upon my shoulder causing me to get thrown off balance and giving Jack the advantage she needed inorder to blast me with the combined energy's, although me own energy did no harm the blast from the Aegis hurt, but this was the least of our problems. You see the clash had punched a hole through the very fabric of reality and sent up here, the Vortex created was unbeatable and sucked everything within it, then I emerged I was within the form I am now and I also found myself here, and that's when I found this faction."

Lifting herself from kaga's chest she leaned up as her face was inches away, Kaga blushed but it got brighter when Atheon's right hand found her way upon her cheek as she smiled.

"And this is the time where I found you, because as you should know us Vex need a purpose for existing, as such without one we simply cease to exist we live because we have a purpose to fulfill. And you gave me that purpose, you gave me my reason to live, so if this was taken away or worst you where to die I... I don't know what I would do, I... I..."

She looked down as that sinking pit in her stomach had gotten much stronger, Kaga seeing this took a deep breath and made a bold move.

She kissed the vex upon her forehead as she then gently layed her hands upon the sides of her face.

"Angel there's nothing to worry about, and these feelings the perfectly normal for someone who's experienced the pain that you've experienced I can't imagine what it was like wandering that empty void because no one has never had that happen to them before, everyone who lived within this war has a reason to living, so I couldn't imagine the pain."

Atheon looked down but Kaga gently made her look back up at her.

"But listen you don't have to worry about that kind of thing ever happening again, because I'm not going anywhere, after all I have you, and big sister to look after and also to feel comfort and support while also being the same for you. So Atheon don't worry, and don't worry we can wait, you can stay here for as long as you need and I will be here when you wake."

Gently wrapping her within the floof Atheon stared at her with slumberous and delighted eyes as she slowly began to drift off into her subconscious.

*Meanwhile outside her room, three minutes earlier*

We can now see the eldest of the Yamato sisters walking down the hallway as she did she wondered through the narrow corridors eventually arriving at the door which leads to Atheon's room but as she went to open it.

"but this rule of mine would come to an end, and this happened when a group of beings called guardians stormed Into My Vault dismantled all my forces and force me to reveal myself while I was in the middle of trying to repair the vault, and if this wasn't bad enough they used the only means of which to directly counter me, an artifact called the the Aegis. It is shaped like a shield but this artifact caused the wound which I mentioned, it pieced the fabric and let in there atrocious light, this thing also protected them from my will and made them unable to be erased and also allowed them to to change probability into in-probability, assentually changing the date of the very Vault. Along with the aforementioned benefits the Aegis also allowed them to destroy what was not meant to be destroyed. With this said, in a last ditch attempt to be rip of me a guardian named Jack the leader, used the relic which was the only means of countering me along with all her light and life force inorder to blast me with a beam of energy which if I would have took could have caused more damage to the vault, so in response I used the vault's limited power inorder to discharge an exsitence iration Ray, when out to attacks made contact the energy output would have put hundreds of stars to shame, but as I was about to win a second guardian named Rex came in and slammed upon my shoulder causing me to get thrown off balance and giving Jack the advantage she needed inorder to blast me with the combined energy's, although me own energy did no harm the blast from the Aegis hurt, but this was the least of our problems. You see the clash had punched a hole through the very fabric of reality and sent up here, the Vortex created was unbeatable and sucked everything within it, then I emerged I was within the form I am now and I also found myself here, and that's when I found this faction."

'W-what the hell!? the Aegis, vault of glass, guardians, light? Bei f able to give immunity to fate and exsitence iration! Looks like Atheon has quiet the interesting background and Kaga had a lot more under wraps. But what next?'

And this is the time where I found you, because as you should know us Vex need a purpose for existing, as such without one we simply cease to exist we live because we have a purpose to fulfill. And you gave me that purpose, you gave me my reason to live, so if this was taken away or worst you where to die I... I don't know what I would do, I... I..."

'..... Atheon.' the Yamato class ship could hear the quivering fear that was etched within the end of her sentences, after all it seemed like Atheon was in quiet the dark place at the point in time and is slowly recovering from it.

She continued to listen although feeling a bit guilty for crying in such a conversation but the next voice shocked her.

"Angel" 'Kaga! Well looks like we where right after all.' "there's nothing to worry about, and these feelings the perfectly normal for someone who's experienced the pain that you've experienced I can't imagine what it was like wandering that empty void because no one has never had that happen to them before, everyone who lived within this war has a reason to living, so I couldn't imagine the pain."

"But listen you don't have to worry about that kind of thing ever happening again, because I'm not going anywhere, after all I have you, and big sister to look after and also to feel comfort and support while also being the same for you. So Atheon don't worry, and don't worry we can wait, you can stay here for as long as you need and I will be here when you wake."

The Yamato ship who is just about to enter suddenly just turned around and walked away, she understood the effects that loneliness can have on people because she herself experienced it once when she never had her sister Musashi and Shinano.

'Atheon, you're by far of being far beyond our comprehension but if just for a moment one of us can understand you and is able to give you any form of relief that is enough. Perhaps I was a bit too worried maybe you're not like the sirens after all because why would you need to manipulate us if you're that strong? What would be the gain of it but then again you've been dethroned but I won't pry too much into that, I will simply go along and leave. I'll leave you all to your own devices. And Kaga you'll a lucky one getting a goddess to be your partner.'

'but I should contact iron blood and see if they are able to arrive today.'

With that she was gone, as she returned but another emerged and this was Akagi who was hiding within the shadows and heard everything, but she also peaked inside the room making sure not to cause the duo to notice Kaga holding a now sleeping Atheon within her arms as her tails where around her and a smile brighter then the sun was upon her face.

She was also humming a song which she couldn't put a finger on, but with that she just closed the door and walked away as she went over what she just saw.

*Far away with Iron blood*

At the iron blood base we can see many of our favorite German girl's wondering around.

But during this time Prinz Eugen and the iron blood forces sent to the Sakura Empire returned.

"Sister why do you have such a bord face, that's the last thing I thought I would see from you." This was a
Admiral Hipper, sister of Prinz Eugen and Prinz Heinrich and also call cutting board.

"Ow nothing hipper just thinking."

"Better not be anything about that damn girl, tired of you talking about her. "Ow Atheon this" "ow Atheon that"! Like for once can you please stop speaking about that freak!"

"My my hipper rather bold of you to say, but then again your just jealous that at least I have someone who shows some interest in me, then again no one would be int in you. After all." A playful smirk came to her face. "Your lacking in both the front and back department in order to pull someone's attention."


"Ow really~ then where's your proffe?"

"I-i... Quiet baka."

"Fufuf~ very well Auf Wiedersehen" (good bye)

She turned and wondered off, but as she was about to head towards the bar she saw someone approaching at high speed.

"Well hello sister!!"

"Ow hi Heinrich."

Meet Prinz Heinrich, sister of Prinz Eugen and Hipper, also queen of the under boob.

"How are you doing!"

"Good, how about you?"

"Great though I'm a did bord. Got anything for us to do?"

"Well I was about to head off to the bar want to join?"


"Hold it." They turned to see Z23 standing there "lord Bismarck request your presence.

"sehr gut (very well) let not keep Bismarck waiting."

So they headed off as the remaining ships that where with Prinz Eugen and Hipper followed.

After some time they arrived at the HQ of there base and saw five girls standing before them.

One was a girl with light gray hair with a strip of red running through.

This was Deutschland.

The other was an innocent looking girl but don't be fooled, because she can be a monster while on the battlefield.

This was roon, and she just wants a hug.

(Don't care if she's a yandere I'm giving her a fucking hug and no one not even god nor Satan is stopping me.)

The last three where older and more mature, while also having bodies which would make men die simply by there radiant beauty.

First was a woman with black devil live horns curving back before they went up into the sky which also having the end bits be red, she was also wearing clothing (if it can be called that) which hugged her body VERY much.

Mean Ägir sexiest demon your going to find in this world.

The other was a woman who radiated an aura of power and authority, and she was taller then all the others. With crimson horns sprouting up into the air and with Ebony black hair, this was none other then.

Mama Friedrich der Große, strongest iron blood ship and also one hell of a good mother.

Lastly was the legendary biscuit of the sea, everyone knows her for her powerful charisma and firepower impressive armor and also being the flagship of irion blood. Everyone meet.

Bismarck, leader of the mighty Iron blood.

Now that theses people where president Prinz Eugen through this meeting would start but someone else entered they turned and saw another older looking woman with an impressively large bust. This was none other then...

Graf Zeppelin, aircraft carrier of iron blood along with Peter Strasser, Elbe, and Weser.

"All right now that everyone has arrived let us get this meeting started."

"My child why have you called all of this here?"

"Well Friedrich I received a message from Yamato the Sakura wants to talk with us."

"Tch what do those animals want with us?" Asked a prideful Deutschland.

"Ow I could guess, lord Bismarck did you receive a letter?" Asked Prinz Eugen

"Yes, which is the reason why I called this meeting this is the second call out from the Sakura Empire so it could be a distress call or-"

"It's none of those Bismarck."

"Then what is it?" Asked Graf zeppelin.

"Simple they want to make contact with us because of a recent developments involving Atheon."

The mention of her name had the room silent, though Ägir had a smirk upon her face.

"Oww~ and what about our mystery girl."

"Simple she wishes to set up what is called a gateway Network."

"And why could we need said network?" Prinz Eugen looked at her sister.

"Because what if I told you she can fabricate an infinite amount of resources for us and transport these resources in the blink of an eye."

"Impossible, there would be no way not even the sir-"

"Deutschland Atheon is no siren, she's stronger, faster, more intelligent, and a lot deadlier. And also from what I've heard around the Sakura Empire she's earned the title of siren killer, fought and beated hundreds of sirens in a single battle and on top of all this killed purifier a powerful siren who in the report possessed several times more firepower than any mass produced model or humanoid siren, she even allegedly win against the leader of the sirens and came out victorious, so don't compare the two."

The room was once again silent, but Bismarck narrowed her eyes.

"Iron blood this meaning is dismissed meet me by the docks we're leaving."

"Where to my child?"

"To the Sakura Empire, where there while talk with Atheon and see about this gateway Network and theses supposed infinite resources."

"Very well" spoke the mother, and with that they all went off as they arrived not to long after there meeting ended.


"Yes Ägir?"

"When we get there your going to question Atheon to her core aren't you."

"Your correct, a girl with powers beyond our understanding, with the ability to make the sirens look like children trying to fight against an adult, on top of this shes able to set up a network which can give us "infinite resources", if there where ever a time to question a her then now would be time."

"Very well, as for me I just want to see if what Prinz Eugen said about her is true."

"Ow it is Ägir" responded the smirking tease.

"Fufuf~ then this might actually be enjoyable~."

"Enough with your lustful though and teasing we have a journey to undertake, ow and Z23."

"Yes my lord?"

"Send a message to Tirpitz and have her return, but also tell her that she is to not fight, I want her safe and out of harm's way."

"Very well lord Bismarck."

With that she was off, and the group set sail as they journeyed to the Sakura Empire where there a great plot was to be hatched.

*With Azur lane*

Rex the resident guardian looked upon the sight of two royal navy maid members getting ready to depart, one of them he knew quite well.

With amber color eyes and a cold face, this was Sheffield of royal navy and a woman who isn't afraid of making threats in order to get him out of his bed.

Then there was a girl next to her, this girl he believed to be Belfast sister, her name was Edinburgh.

The two of them where now sailing with what appeared to be a Japanese shrine style clothing with mask, he would stand on the ledge as he watched them set off beyond the horizon and towards there goal.

He sighs "man now what am I going to do?"

"Well if you want to make yourself useful how about finding and trying to teach Enterprise how to be less stubborn."

"Sorry that's an impossible thing to do monarch."

Ahhh he's, rex's best friend from royal navy, right up there with illustrious and Formidable.


"Ahaha ow I know but still your the only one who's even capable of doing it after all nowhere to cancel out one person stubbornness the party opposing them has to be even more stubborn."

"Ya true but still I'm just going to let her be fore now."

"Isn't she your student? Why wait?"

Yep that's right not too long ago Rex took Enterprise underneath his wing and was now teaching her about... I guess you can say more advanced combat, after all for a guy who basically fought a robotic God and a species of aliens who can wipe out entire planets, he had a thing or two to teach, and during this time he made Enterprise into an even more fearsome warrior.

She was faster, more agile physically stronger and also a little bit more tanky but no matter how hard she tried she could never get a good land on him because in this time they all discovered that their dear guardian was not a normal person at all in fact he was a person blessed by space Jesus.

The first showcase of him using the light was when he cast a sentinel shield and used it to block a barrage from every single eagle Union and Royal Navy battleship this shield took everything they had and didn't even budge.

Then he used sol hammer and YEETED that son of a bitch into the ocean causing a massive explosion.

Oh and let's not forget the time when he used fist of havoc and caused the island to shack like crazy.

And they also found out he can't die as well well he can but he comes back to life showcased by him chopping off his own head with his sentinel shield which he had redirect right back to him.

"Yeah but still she needs to grow on her own, there is much I can teach her, but she'll never understand the true meaning of it until she experiences the lessons first hand when you walk down the path of the warrior you're not directly taught everything you must learn the lessons from the world around you and when you're on the battlefield."

"And here I would have though that a supposed "walking corpse" couldn't give such lectures."

"I'm not a walking corpse, well.... Ok I can see where you all might get that but still, it's just the overall truth."

"I now, I now, just trying to lighten the mood, after all I have a bad feeling that something might happen."

"You got that same feeling as well like your stomach just suddenly opened up and you're being sucked into an abyss."

"Ya, though I don't know what's causing it."

"Neither do I."

Both remained silent but soon rapid footsteps begin to approach them as I turned around and saw a very attractive bunny heading there way.

Ow wait I mean Black dragon. And this was new Jersey one of the strongest eagle Union ships.


"Ow hey funny how are you doing."

"Pretty good, though I swing by and see if you where still brooding about life."

"Be quiet ya damn rabbit, and I'm not brooding about anything I'm just thinking I have a bad feeling about this mission."

"So you got the feeling as well huh, I know we shouldn't be worried but I don't know guys something's not right I mean it's not like you've been discovered by Rex Axis but still, I feel like those two are walking into a hornet's nest which has already been riled up."

"Same, but too bad we don't have the clearance to go or else I'd be backing them up."

"Well rexy you kind of can't go because you're our secret weapon, so if the Red axis through's any nasty over the top siren shenanigans at us you'll be there just to vanquish them in an instant."

"Ya ya I know." 'but why do I feel like they have something worse than a siren there I mean if I came into this world could it mean that.... WAIT No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no NO NO NO!! THAT THING! DID NOT COME ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT!! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT!'

"-ex! REX! HEY REX!!"


"Few, though we last ya. I though I saw your conscience get dragged all the way down into the pit of never ending darkness."

'been there, done that.' "nothing much to worry about just me still thinking about things as usual, though how is Enterprise?"

"She's still training she's trying to reclaim her honor after you humiliated her by breaking her record in such a short amount of time and making it seem like the easiest thing in the world."

"Not my problem she asked that I go all out and I did."

"Don't even lie we all know you didn't go all out." Spoke monarch who was not about to let such an obvious lie slip past her. "Not to mention you destroyed over 271 targets in a single attack what did you call it again thunder crash?"

"Yup, thunder crash is a very powerful ability of mine and it has quite the destructive potential."

"Out of curiosity how much power did you actually put behind that" asked New Jersey.

"Not 1/100."

"Hold up so you're telling me that with a full power thunder crash you can take out 27,100 beings in a single shot?!"

"No close to around 50,000."

"What the fu-"

"Miss monarch I would ask that you refrain from using such vulgar words."

"Ow Prince of Whale, what can we do for you?"

"Her Majesty wishes to speak with Rex."

"All right might as well not keep the little midget waiting."

"Rex please do not refer to the queen in such a way."

"Ya ya alright."

He walked over to her as she walked off and he followed behind her New Jersey and monarch both followed behind him but as they continued they saw Formidable eating a cake. While within a cake shop.

"Oh s***." Rex stopped as he quickly swung around and entered, he ordered one glass of milk, the store owner was one of the dragon embassy girls named Ping Hai.

"Here you go Rex"


He rushed over to Formidable but as she did her face got red and then...



"What Re-!"

He slammed the milk down in front of her and she needed no second through, she ripped it off the table and chugged it as that burning spicy taste slowly but shirley went away.

"So how you feeling?"

"Fine now, but who could have though they sold cakes which where that spicy."

"Ya who could have thunk it, it's not like I told you about it before hand."

"W-what? Ween?!"

"Last night as we where under the stars talking with one another."

"Ahh." She stopped as she turned away blushing.

"You good? Your blushing."

"Ya just remembered an embarrassing memory that's all."

"Alright well with that see ya, I got an audience with the midget Queen."

He turns and walked towards the door but as he was about to leave...

"Rex." He turned around and saw her winking at him.

"Thanks for the save, and also maybe if your interested we can get some cake tomorrow or this coming up weekend."

"Ya I don't see why not, so it's a date."

She blushes again at the word date, but he was already out the building and walking away.

"..... Who would want to go on a date with you baka." She then smiled. "Although, I guess I'm that gal. A date it is Rex, just don't keep me waiting" she blushes harder as she was trying to play this off but failing miserably.

"So are you two engaged or something?" Asked Ping Hai who saw the whole thing.


*Meanwhile with Sheffield*

The two maids had arrived at the base of the Sakura Empire, but as they did they couldn't help but feel a strong pressence barrel down upon them, but when they arrived at the docks and hit behind one of the pillars, Sheffield spotted what appeared to be a girl with plae blue Sapphire eyes looked all around the island, this girl then looked in there directions causing her to duck behind the pillar once again, as she held Edinburgh close.

'That was close she almost saw us, but who is that girl I never seen her before? Is she some new kind of ship girl and from the way her armor looked it looked like it was technology far beyond hours is she a siren? Or a weapon made by the Sakura Empire using Siren Technology?'

When the girl eventually left the two of them came out of cover, as they walked forward Sheffield spoke.

"Operation Cloak and Dagger begins...."



here you haven't ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you enjoyed now for any of you who are wondering why I'm updating oh boy do I have quite the interesting tale to tell you.

So turns out I didn't have anything to Major, I didn't have strep nor an ear infection or anything that was usually the common things I have which causes me to get in such a way, turns out my sinuses got so flared up that it caused a buildup of pressure in my ears which cause me to go extremely dizzy and for the reason why I was throwing up was because I have a common cold, a very nasty one at that, so essentially I have been taking a lot of medicine and lo and behold I am feeling like a million times better and I was actually able to get down and able to think my thoughts, and make a chapter.

Also quick word of warning next part will have uncensored rage, so here we go.


ok I'm done, but ow boy does it feel great to be back and working again, and I hopped you all enjoyed and are liking this story so far.

Also oryx should be getting his own chapter here soon, because I'm afraid of delaying him for too long and him taking me for not writing his story.

Word count; 6933

Now with all of this out of the way I wish you all a fantastic day and a very good weekend and I will catch you all in the next update of the goddess of time!


Since you scrolled all the way down here have some penguins flapping there wings at each other.

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