Chapter Seventeen

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*A few minutes sense the mission started*

The two maids of the royal navy where now within the Sakura Empire as they hurried through the shipyard and quickly made there way towards anywhere which may be suspicious, or possibly be able to hide some kind of super secret thing.

Sheffield and Edinburgh went through until they spotted a woman with sapphire blue eyes talking with Kaga.

"Hey angels what should we have for dinner?"

"Whatever you wish I'll make."

The two spoke to each other in a very formal fashion as they both held a sense of deep love within there voice, Edinburgh and Sheffield took notice of this, and quickly went out of line of sight.

Well more like Sheffield expertly doing the task and Edinburgh nearly tripping and falling down if not for Sheffield catching her.

"..... Hey angel."

*with Atheon and Kaga*

The two walked away despite not even realizing that two enemies weren't to far off from them, but they didn't care as they had something more important to discuss.

"Hey angel, is peace even possible?"

"....." She didn't speak, the vex just looked at her girlfriend as she looked out towards the horizon.

".... Figured, after all with the sirens and azur lane after us we can never have time to rest."

"Not necessarily."


"There are two options we can either rejoin them but I feel like that's out of the question, or you can let me deal with them all."

"What do you mean?"

"In simple terms, let me slaughter them all like cattle, put them through the butchery, I will slay them all. Not a single one would be spared."

Kaga looked shocked, she looked into her eyes as they where dead serious.

"...... You would truly do all that?"

"If that is what you wish."

"What I wish?"

"Of course, because remember what I've said, you give me purpose meaning you're like my collective, and it's the collective which gives the orders, if you asked me to bring you every stars from this universe I would, if you asked for an entire timeline to be erased I would do it in a heartbeat, and if you wish I will slaughter all of them without batting an eye, and not have any regret."

The vex took her hands and held them gently, but these very same hands where the ones which promised untold number of casualties if she just gave the word.

If she just gave the order, all this would be over.

Enterprise would be killed, and so to would her little faction and friends.

The sirens would be put to the slaughter belt and she could just sit back, watch as this world festered with war would come crashing down, and the one to do all this would just be her love.

But soon a heavy feeling sunk into her heart this wasn't right, she shouldn't have to bear the sins of all that slaughter this was their fight not hers and although she is eternally grateful for her being her girlfriend she wouldn't lie if she didn't feel some form of guilt for having her fight their battles.

Then again she joined, but still...

'Is it right for me to do this? What would Amagi-nee think if she heard what I did, if I have that order and somehow still died would she be able to look at me the same?.... Actually would she even be able to look at me at all?'

Deep inside the nine tails mine a hidden guilt had now arisen one would she tried to hide with all the Care at her disposal.

This feeling of guilt came from a single source.

What would there sister think about them?

It's true that she agreed to follow the plan laid out by her elder sister but that was only because she made a promise to Amagi that she would always care for Akagi, that no matter what, she would be there for her.

She would be her support, but now she is being forced to confront reality. That all of this, all this fighting, all this pain, will it actually achieve anything?

At the end of the day this plan started because her elder sister wished to have Amagi back, has such she made a pack with the devils in order to have some kind of way to bring her back, some kind of lynchpin which can hold on to her hopes and dreams of having her return.

She's always had her suspicions it wouldn't work, but went along with it for the sake of her elder sister. But now she could no longer bear to hide this any longer.

'There has to be another way, some way we can end this without slaughter without engaging in these endless battles. Dear sister I'm sorry but...'

"Kaga, what is your order?"

Kaga snapped out of her mind as she looked at the vex who stood before her, awaiting her command.

Kaga who has went through her minds felt a new leaf turn over in her mind, this had to stop, or at least this is what she though.

So she stood before the vex goddess as  she drew in her breath before her mouth split and words where born.

".... My order is this, Atheon! You will help me bring about an end to this war but not through endless battle! Or bloodshed! You see it's about time you realized why this war has actually started. The reason for theses years of endless pain."

Atheon looked forth as her girlfriend's mouth opened and she spoke.

"A few years ago our eldest sister Amagi died, an earthquake rocked the Sakura Empire and caused significant damage to her ship, me and my sister were left in devastation as on that fateful night many months later after the incident she died. Peacefully in the comforts of her own room, and surrounded by those she cared for. But her death ripped a hole in our hearts, many nights went by with painstaking sorrow being carved within us which is when she arrived."

"One of the sirens?"

"Yes, Overseer alpha arrived, and with her arrival promised a way to bring our sister back to life."

"What?" Atheon was now receiving flashback about the guardians.

"It was hard to believe, but now I look at it and realized just how blind we were, or more accurately how blind my sister was."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because when she explained to this deal my elder sister was practically foaming at the mouth, in front of her was something which could bring back our sister, and yet all they asked for us in return is data, data which can only be collected through battle."

"Which is why you split up and formed the red axis, also would it be safe to assume that Akagi twisted this into some kind of grand idea?"

"... Yes, she says she found the cube when if face she didn't, it was given to her by overseer, but with it she spoke about the promise of a brighter future for the empire, I went along with it because I wanted her to be happy because after so long, after so many painstaking nights she was finally smiling. Thought I realized now that not objecting to it has only done more harm."

"She's become blinded hasn't she."

"Yes." Kaga looked down as her words began to change, her normal sounding voice was slowly becoming sadder. "She ya, because Akagi is so focused on the future that she hasn't even seen the present or at least not much in the present, which also includes the pain I felt."

"The pain?"

"Yes, I was practically left completely alone, Akagi was always working towards the mission always striving for it while I was just left in the dark, I realize that I now I should have spoken up but I didn't because I didn't want to hurt her, I was all that she has left but now..."

"Your being neglected, she's looking towards something which may never happen instead of looking at what's before her."

"Ya... So I'm going to fix this, I'm going to put an end to it all problem is the lie has rooted itself too much into the soil of the empire just simply coming out and saying it all would be devastating not to mention the sirens would also take this as a sign of betrayal and possibly try to terminate us."

"...... So what do you have in mind?"

".... I'll try and convince my sister to turn away from the path which is before her, hopefully she'll listen to reason, and maybe together we can write the sins of our past away and maybe even start apologizing for all the pain we've caused."

"Then what would you like me to do?"

"...... Atheon you said that you had a realm of your own right?"


"Then can you enter it?"

"..... Truth is my domain is already set."

"Wait I thought the vault of glass was within your original multiverses."

"It was, before I triggered the warp system and had it transported to this reality."

"... Then that would explain the resources, the gateways run through your vault and from what you told me this vault of yours is practically able to do anything you desire, but should you have any troops with you?"

"How many troops would you want?"

"How many do you have?"

"An infinite number."


"The vault exist is an anchor point throughout time meaning that Vex which can exist in the future of these Collective timelines are able to come into the vault, and also because of said vex which are under my control they have already spread out within the great timestream of this Multiverse, and there already setting up harmonized worlds, collecting resources and annihilating any and all enemies which may try to attack them while they try to complete there mission. But don't worry I've made it to where they don't attack the ship girls of those respected timelines."

Despite this issue the nine tails looked at her girlfriend with the greatest wtf face mankind has ever seen.

And her reaction well... It speaks for itself.


"Not to long ago."

"That doesn't answer the question!"

"Fine if you must know I still it up maybe a few weeks ago that's it."

The fox just stood there silent before she just smiled. "That's so topical of you, and like I said when I think I know or at least have a grasp on you you do something completely different which shakes up my world well this is good to know."

"So my nine tails why would you require my forces?"

"Because if my plans fail if I can't get my sister on board or if the Sakura Empire just continues to walk down this path nor are we able to reform an alliance with Azur lane we're going to need a force more powerful than anything we could have ever possibly imagined to swoop in and become the main threat."

"Oh now I see you want to use me as a last resort just in case everything else fails, you intend to use the Vex as a sort of overwhelming Force to essentially push all of them back into a corner and force them to join a Grand alliance and then once this alliance is formed and after some time where it actually becomes stable you would want me to just disappear or what?"

"I would say maybe set up some kind of Grand event where they defeat the evil "god" of the vex and now peace is within the world."

"I see, but as you said you want this to be a last resort correct."


"Then what happens if this doesn't work?"

"...... You told me you can create timelines correct. Or at least while within your vault."

"Yes I can."

"Then if all of this fails, or you deem fit just completely restart the timeline."

Atheon looks at her with a serious expression.

"You do know that if I restart the timeline every being born after the Nexus point which is the sirens arrival will also disappear, this plan would be responsible for the death of over 3 billion sentient human organisms, every single ship girl and also a huge chunk of the animal population."

"I would rather have everything reset then continuously playing in their game."

"I understand."

"Then I'll see what I can do with Akagi."

"Alright Kaga I wish you the best of luck."

The nine tails smiled as she walked away and left there spot, walking pathway she crossed by two individuals who seemed kind of suspicious she immediately turned around and looked at them and noticed that they were wearing Mempo. While also being within shrine maiden clothing.

"You two the shrines that way so hurry up and get back to it."

They nodded there heads, but the White haired girl looked back and seeing that Atheon was still in line of sight simply jerked her head in the direction of the two and she understood, walking after them as she could simply let this one sly and focused on what's truly important.

Dealing with Akagi.

*Time skip three minutes with Kaga.*

Now within the dorms the ship girl found herself in front of her sister's door slowly opening it her elder sister turned around and looked at her the second her eyes laid upon her, her expression softened and she smiled.

"Ahh Kaga good to see you I thought that girl would keep you forever."

"Sister that girl has a name, her name is Atheon."

"Yes well... Sorry Kaga I shouldn't have said that, but now what does my baby sister need with me?"

"Sister I was wondering if what where doing is truly the right thing to do."

"But if course Kaga after all Orochi is the shining future for the Sakura Empire and also for the revival of our dear sister Amagi."

"....... But would she really want this?"

Akagi stopped cutting up her vegetables as she turned around and now was looking her sister dead in the eyes.

"What did you say?"

"I said is this truly what she would want? I mean look around you dear sister ever since we started this everyone's been plunged into a never-ending battle friends have been hurt severely and some members have even died, we all have suffered so much because of this so I ask is this truly what our eldest sister would want? Wouldn't she be happier if we just accepted her death and let her spirit finally find true peace instead of us going along this-."

"Kaga! We already agreed upon it, there is no stopping now we have to push forward. Orochi is the only way for us to move forward."

"No its not! Sister you aren't taking into account everything which we have! Listen Orochi was good and all but at the end of the day it is being created by a force which we can't control!"

"Wrong sister I have the dark mental Cube, with this I can control Orochi."

"Really? Because why is it that every single time we impart data into it those cubes are absorbed and another is just created they're just candy basically being passed out to you and then when they serve their purpose thrown away only to be handed another. Don't you find that the least bit suspicious the thing which gives you control over those lesser siren ships come from a source which is able to make those so easily."

"Kaga you're thinking too much into this the dark mental cubes are just simply storage containers nothing more. We use them in order to store data to them give to Orochi."

"That's the thing! This data it's always making us fight more and more, although we were born as weapons to fight against the sirens you're not meant to fight each other. And yes although I do believe in the strong live and the weak die at some point there is a point which we have to consider."

"And what's that sister?"

"A future without Orochi, and without Amagi."

The second she completed that sentence the entire room ran silent, a chilling feeling traveled down Kaga's spin when the not so happy face of Akagi looked at her.

"How can you say that! We did everything to heal her! We had to watch her die! She was ripped away from us too early in an act of god! She shouldn't have been taken! We do this so that we can bring her back! So that way we can be a complete family again!"

"Then how is it right to do the same to others! How are we any different then the force which took our sister!"

Akagi was silent, she looked at her sister and realize that her entire mentality has changed, the Kaga that was on bord with this was gone.

Gone, like something took her.

Like something took her.

"What has Atheon done to you?"


"Ever since she arrived you acted different, a few weeks go by after she joins and then miraculously you two end up in a special relationship, and apparently it was so special you didn't even bother to inform me, you start sneaking off to meet her and after so long you stop coming around. You left me and just listen to this girls words and give no though to them! And now you're trying to abandon this plan which we set up! The plan WE designed to bring out sisters back! What happens to you!"


The sister of Akagi lashed out at her, her teeth we're grinding against each other as anger was practically seeping from her very being. For how dare this blind woman talk badly about the one being who has given her so much love and comfort, who's been there more for her then even her own sister!

"K-kaga." The girl was to shocked to say anything, not like she could because the next few lines which where to come, really hurt.


Akagi was so scared to even make a noise, as kaga's angered being didn't stop there.


"N-no but-"

"THEN SHUT UP! YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT WE HAVE OR WHAT WE PROMISED!" The memory's of her and the love of her life went through her mind, a beautiful smiled appeared as they did and the nine tails took several deep breaths to calm herself down. "But even with all of this you don't accept her, because what? Because we have a bond? More maybe because we have something more!? Tell my what is it! Why do you dislike this relationship we have!"

"..... Because, I don't want you leaving me, I... I can lose you."


"Please Kaga, I'm begging you I'm sorry I truly am."

"..... Then stop all this, stop this war call off everything and tell the truth I'll give my side of the story as well let's just end this if you're truly sorry let's put an end to all of this."

"........" The girl didn't say a thing, and this was enough for Kaga.

"Ow I see."

"Wait Kaga!"

"No be quiet because I'm about to finish this, sister do you know what it feels like to be completely abandoned?" The girl just stood still which is basically the same as saying no. " Well let me tell what what it feels like because that is what you did to me! After our sister's death you became obsessed with this plan on bringing her back, and although I joined you I only did so because I wanted to do nothing more than to make you smile, to make you happy to I said nothing, and yet no matter how much I tried you were never happy you were only happy when this plan came further and further to fruition. You never even bother to look at me in the eyes it was always about Amagi this, and Amagi that. I was nothing more than the second pickings, so yeah I latched on to someone who actually showed me some form of love and compassion, the very same love which I have been missing for most of my life because my sister abandoned me for a plan which may never come to fruition."

She turned away and opened the door, anger still oozed from her but she couldn't even be bothered to look at her sister anymore.

"But what can I expect from you. Your greedy, possessive, and you don't like to listen to reason, once you're obsessed with something you do everything and anything in your power to try and achieve it even if it does harm others around you. But at least I tried, I tried to convince you to stop and yet you won't because now you're too obsessed with it and you can't even stop anymore so whatever I'm done with this. I will still serve the Sakura Empire but I will find a way to end this war but not in your way."

"Wait! wait! Kaga!"

"I guess this is goodbye sister, until we meet again."

She walked outside into the hallway and slammed the door shut right in her sister's face, the brown haired nine tails began to shed tears as she broke down.

'my worst fears yet have come, Kaga... Kaga has truly abandon me.'

But outside that door the younger of Three sisters was beginning to cry herself and although she continued to wipe the tears away they would always continue to come back so not wanting anyone to see her in this fragile state she quickly rushed back to her room where there she pulled out her messaging device and sent and message to Atheon.

*Meanwhile with Atheon.*

The most powerful Axis mind was stalking the two suspicious shrine maidens when she received a message from her lover immediately playing it she received the following message.

'Atheon, can you return? I need you right now.'

Immediately she turned and ran, forget her current mission the woman who gives her purpose is in need of her assistance for some reason and she was not about to let her call for help fall on deaf ears.

'Dont worry Kaga I'm coming.'

*Back inside Kaga's and Atheon's room*

The white haired nine tails was on the large been bag as tears fell more and more and as a faster rate, the argument she just had with her sister playing back in her mind over and over again.

{Ow and for you Azur lane fans who think I'm being overly hard on Akagi listen, I'm not too familiar with how things go in the game (but I'm also not horribly inexperienced, after all I play the game for Christ's sake.) but in the anime (which is what this is based off of.) she literally makes a fucking pack with the Sirens in order to try and bring her dead sister back to life, and if you know how that ends you should know how catastrophically that failed! And also let me remind you that during that entire end of the anime Kaga was being the most selfless person because she only wanted her big sister to be happy, that and  she went through some psychological shit literally mind fucked by Orochi but was still determined to make her happy. I'm simply just twisting the story to where because of this relationship she's able to think "doesn't this seem kind of bad?" And it goes on from there, but I promise that our favorite brown-haired fluffy Ninetales will definitely get a good character reform it's just this will be the start of it where Kaga confronts her about everything.}

A raging twisting storm of emotions continued to conflict within her mind as she cried and cried and cried more.

She didn't want things to turn out this way but at this point it wasn't like this wasn't a possibility that could happen, but she still don't want this to happen, she wanted her sister to join her and yet now that was a pipe dream.

Soon her door opened, knowing who it was she awaited the warmth to arrive and it did has two arms slithered around her waist and pulled her in, there was Atheon, and she was looking down at the saddened Fox girl.

"Kaga what's the matter?"

"..... The worst possible outcome me and my sister got into a pretty heated argument and I found out that she's far too gone, she's too blinded by this idea of bringing your sister back that she's not listening to reason I tried but eventually she started talking about how you were the cause of my change and speaking about that topic in a very negative light and I lost it. I just wanted to be loved was that so hard to ask? She wasn't going to do it as she was just so focused on our eldest sister never even bothering to look at me I was just a little sister who follows her older sister wherever She goes, always helping and never receiving anything, always loving and yet receiving nothing. I'm sick of it I'm sick and tired of this stupid War I'm tired of all the fight I'm tired of everything, I just want it all to end but I don't want everything to be slaughtered because how am I going to ever confront my sister when I go to the afterlife? How will she react if she finds out that her own flesh and blood is nothing more than a mass serial killer, although War has casualties this war should have never happened, fighting is one thing but when a fight is unnecessary it's just a waste of energy and also a stupid reason for lives to be lost."

"I understand, it's the same within the facts all actions should be as precise as possible large-scale battles should never break out over such a small thing, nor shall they start out because of the word of one person but your faction has repeatedly been bombarded by the sirens but still leaving Azur lane and having to rely upon the sirens power just makes you all seem weak, like you're too powerless to even handle your own problems you need to use the power of an extraterrestrial force in order to complete your things."

"Yes that's what I though as well, but I guess I can't say anything because I'm one of the reasons why it happened."

"Not really, it was your sister who made the planing, it was her who did negotiating, and it was her who took the cube but in that very instant could you have actually fought her? Could you have actually stood against your own flesh and blood and fought back against her? I don't think so because what I've learned on this planet is that being related by blood hold a bond more special and tighter than that of atoms but I guess that bond between you two eroded after she began to become more and more blinded by this idea which you spoke of, reviving The Dead is impossible unless a Paracausal force or entity does it no mortal race or even the vex can control the balance of life and death, and trying to play God will just lead to nothing more than disaster."

"Ya but still... I didn't want this to turn out this way! Damnit!"

She buried herself and her girlfriend's chest as she began to cry harder, as this happened to the soothing hand of the Vex God brushed through her hair and played with her ear, Kaga was just there soaking up all the affection, she really needed this and was glad it was happening.

But she lifted up her head as she looked up at the vex, who's eyes held a deep caring that it caused her heart to fluster.

But what happened next could just be a mix of emotional distress, wanting love, and a bunch of other things, but what happens was Kaga inches ever closer to the face of her girlfriend and as she drew closer so to did Atheon.

Eventually their lips connected and they where locked within a kiss like no other.

There being felt a shock run threw them, but this shock didn't hurt in fact it felt rather nice.

Eventually the need for air would overtake the Ship girl and she and her lover would need to pull back, as they stared as each other.

Kaga and Atheon had a light blush across there faces as they realized what just happened, but soon they wanted more and they went to go get another round of it from their partner but....


A massive explosion ripped through one of the cave exits and from their window they were able to see two girls dressed in maid uniforms gliding on top the water as Takao and Zuikaku.

As they were engaging the amber eyed maid another came out of nowhere with a boat carrying explosives and Akashi!?

Anyways the boat went kaboom giving the maids and possible the kidnapped repair shop enough time to flee but the sapphire of despair was not about to let them get off unscathed.

Activating her linear rifle she pointed it towards the ambered eye girl and fired.

The Crimson beam flew at an alarming rate, so fast that for the Sakura Empire they only saw a flash of red light before some kind of beam was fired and unfortunately for Sheffield we'll...


Akashi warned the maid just in time as she tried to duck away but...

Her right arm was blasted clean off.

Blood flew everywhere, as she nearly screamed in pain but kept her voice down, her companion was horrified but quickly grabbed a hold of her arm and helped her along as they escaped.

"Angel why didn't you finish her off?"

"Because, she won't be able to get far with that injury not to mention." She turned her head as she saw several large ships approaching their docks. "There's them."

"Wait that's iron blood."

"Hmmm looks like things just got a little bit more complex wouldn't you say darling."

She blushes but smiled "ya" laying her head against her shoulder Kaga just let her mind drift away as her angel stood by her side.

'Atheon, you really are my guardian angel, thank you for being in my life.'

There you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you guys enjoyed it.

No your eyes do not deceive you this is two chapter updates Post in the same week!

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed and please don't hate on me too much for how Kaga and Akagi's relationship kind of took a massive change but I promise it's going to lead into a better relationship because I'm not that evil well I am but I'm choosing to be merciful.

Anyways if you guys have any suggestions for upcoming chapters let me know because we're actually coming very close to the end of this story we have only a few left and yeah the store will be done so if you guys have any ideas for stories you will want to take this story's spot as a main upload story let me know I was thinking that after this is done we can put the Eldritch truth in this guy's spot because you guys seem to really love that story.

Anyways adios amigos.

Word count: 5514

DIO OUT!!!!!

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