Chapter Eighteen

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The arrival of the iron bloods caused the Sakura Empire to stop there advancement towards the trio who escaped but got the present of Sheffield arm being nearly blasted off.

Kaga who pulled herself together put on her mask and with her Vex, walking besides her they made it to the docks along side, Zuikaku her sister, Nagato, and Yamato.

Akagi looked at Kaga who didn't bother to look back at her as she held the hand of atheon closely, squeezing her hand as she tried to hold back the pain that came with this scenario.

However they did arrive and with it they stepped foot onto there land and they looked at them.

The leader, Bismarck, looked at all them before her eyes land on Atheon.

And upon her doing to the vex's pale blue eyes stared into her, however despite Bismarck's best attempts to remain unafraid for some reason her stomach curled like a scared animal and her breath became slightly erratic, she didn't know why... But her mind was trying to process what was before her.

Her armor, it was something completely different, sleek and yet it looked powerful, and with the report about her it had to be. And then there where those eyes.

They where cold, dead and lifeless as she looked upon her she couldn't help but find herself before her standing in some strange alien structure, with some kind of massive glass structure behind them.

She felt small, weak, and unworthy of being in her presence.

Kaga however looked at Atheon and noticed that her eyes where glowing more then usual, and feeling the Oracle sture within her she realized that Atheon was using a intimidation tactic, she was making Bismarck see something that wasn't even here but somewhere else.

"Dear." Kaga whispered into her ear. "Bismarck won't do anything despite what you may have heard from her, you can release her now."

Atheon looked at her as she smiled, "ok" she whispered back as the program ended and Bismarck was back to normal.

"How did you do that anyway?"

"It's because of you."


She looked at her wondering how because of her she was able to put Bismarck in that illusion but Atheon just patted her head not caring for the shocked faces, "tell you later."

Kaga smiled as she closed her eyes and just excepted it.

"Fine, but now back to the matter at hand."

"Y-yes let's get back on track." Bismarck recomposed herself as she looked at Nagato. "Shall we begin, for iron blood and the Sakara empire have some uninformed b-"

"Nagato." Atheon cut Bismarck off as she pointed towards the sea line. "We have company."

They looked and off in the distance the ships which held the flag of vichya domination where seen.

"Why is vichya domination arriving they didn't send any messages to us." Nagato looked towards Yamato who had a questioning gaze, but nagato shook her head, so Yamato looked towards the others when Atheon and Kaga stood front.

"It was me." Atheon walked forward as she and Atheon where begining to walk towards the water.

"Why? Didn't you feel the need to report this to your leader?" Yamato looked towards Atheon as she stopped.

"There is only one person who can order me, or restrict my movements, and you are not her."

The group looked towards a now blushing Kaga and realized what she ment.

'Well Kaga, certainly wasn't expecting that but nice job, although i am a bit jealous but first come first serve and you got the first and only bite it would appear.' Prinz Eugen looked towards the duo and sighed, she lose, and she excepted this.

"So Kaga didn't think to inform us of this?" A newly arrived voice was heard as it was the sister of Atago,  Takao. "Why is that?"

"Simple I require them for the network to be completed." Atheon awaited and so did Kaga.

"But why not inform them again I fail to see the reason." Bismarck pitched in her own thoughts.

"Well while you all continued to focused on the fight I was focused on what was to happen afterwards, and if we are to clam absolute victory then our allies should be filled in." The vex goddess spoke loud and clearly, allowing all to hear.

But before the members of either faction could speak arriving upon their shore was Vichya Dominion, with there leader Jean Bart standing before them.

Off her her side was her other members.


And for her last main member; Joffre

"Greetings Nagato." Jean Bart looked upon the woman before looking at Atheon. "And you must be the infamous siren killer, Atheon."

"That would be me." The vex stood before the Vichya Dominion leader as she towered above her.

"Hmmm It's just as the reports says, you're extraordinarily powerful. Just being in such close proximities to you is starting to make my stomach turn."

"That's to be expected the aura I command is much greater then what any of you could wield. I'm simply stronger then any of you."

The comment had the leader narrowing her eyes, It almost seemed like she was mocking them.

"Are you mocking us?" She stood closer to the girl who's eyes now went dull.

"All you are weaker than me, I do not see how stating a general fact is insulting. If anything it's beneficial for you to know your place in this hierarchy." She spoke in a very robotic mamer, she just couldn't understand this girl.

Vichya Dominion in it of itself was a complete fuck up in her eyes.

Kaga filled her in, Vichya Dominion was the split forces of the Iris Libr, hell even her own sister was with the enemy. Together they would have had a combined firepower of 28 ships but because of some kind of conflict now they're split up.

How does a conflict escalate to such a point where you rip your entire damn faction in half and now are fighting against each other?

As a vex Atheon just couldn't understand this, but unfortunately she wouldn't have time to think deeper into this because Jean Bart was now pissed.

"Why you!" She aimed one of her cannons at the girl's face and everyone tensed, Bismarck and Nagato where about to call to tell her to back off when Atheon Just sighed.

"How truly and utterly foolish."

Quicker than anyone could blink, Atheon's cold, powerful, right hand found it's way around her throat gripping her wind pipe and lifting her into the air.

She began to squeeze, causing the pain to flare like a raging fire, if Atheon went any further she was sure she could snap her neck right here and now.

"If you are prepared to aim a weapon at someone, be prepared for them to end your life. Especially when that person is stronger than you."

With that said she "gently" sat her back down but gave her a light shove when Her feet touch the ground. Causing her to stumble back as she glared at the vex as she began to regain her breath.

"Atheon." She turned to Kaga who stared at her.

"I understand." She backed off but what everyone didn't notice was the growing smile that was on Kaga's face as she saw Atheon return to her side, Her girlfriend was simply the most badass.

It takes a lot of nerve to even approach Jean Bart, let alone talk smack in her face, but it takes even more nerve to do all of that and then give her a big old reality check something she definitely needed.

And that's what she loved about Atheon, she was just the best, when she wanted her point across she would get it, and if someone doesn't want to listen to reason she'll play there game and use force as well.

Except instead of a 100 kg bomb, she'll just hit you with the good ol 500 kg bomb and beat the sense into there skull.

And seeing the prideful and arrogant Jean Bart go quiet was an experience she couldn't explain.

However for Nagato and Bismarck this was a showing of such strength they just weren't ready for.

Jean Bart was no slouch, she was a battleship and the flagship of Vichya Dominion, she was very strong, her main weapons where no joke, eight 380 mm (15 in) guns, and enhanced on top of this overwhelming firepower she also possesses enhanced armor, she was a menace on the battlefield.

However from what Nagato had reports of, Atheon apparently had a weapon which could punch there even the most powerful and advanced of Siren armor as when she told Kaga of the  battle with purifier.

And the fact that she just stared down Jean Bart eight 380 mm guns without flinching was also another indication of something.

She had to have had enough defensive capabilities to be able to tank a fool on attack if she would have fired her main battery, indicating that her defensive capabilities must be extraordinarily high.

Seeing this Iron blood was also on edge, and Atheon just looked at them all before turning and walking away with Kaga.

"Sweetheart you've gone and meet everyone scared of you." Although Kaga wasn't complaining and now it was going to be even harder to convince them of their newfound plans.

But Atheon had a retort for this.

"Yes however this will go more smoothly now with their terrified of me."

"What makes you say that?"

"From the very beginning I could tell that Nagato was feeding information to all of her allies as any good ally should, they know of my possible strength but they do not know the amount of strength I possess, meaning actions taken against me will be reduced to an all-time low."

"Darling you make it sound like they're going to try and actually turn against you."

"Because they are." Atheon once she and Kaga where away she turned to the now startled white haired girl.

"What do you mean?!"

"The Vault of glass, my home has told me of a future long this current timeline there will come a time where they will turn against me, they will turn against us."

Kaga looked down, If things weren't already bad enough trying to find their own way to end this war now it's a possibility that everyone will just turn against them.

"However as the overseer of time I can use this."

"... If we know when they're going to betray us we can delay it right?"

"No no Kaga You don't understand."

Gently taking her hand into hers she looked at her.

"I know everything that's going to happen, Everything, I know what they're going to say before they even say it, so I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"Well first we're going to have to go where there's no ears listening in."

"Ok and where that?"

".... Hehe my home sweetheart."

Kaga nod her head as her girlfriend looked around before activating a warp sequence as they where transported away.

*Within the Vault of glass.*

As they arrived Kaga opened her eyes to a world beyond anything she could understand.

What's in the background of this massive open area a large glass like structure rested, and perched above her was Atheon as she seemed to have some kind of weird white box like thing before her.

However as the fox went to go towards her she stopped She began to grunt in pain as she held her head.

'W-what is this!'


Flames burned everything away, before her a beast with crimson eyes looked upon the world in rage and hunger.

Body's of both friends and for where felt to bleed out as the water turned crimson.

"P̸̧̮͚͕͔̲̥͖͗͌̐̏͜a̶͇͓̖͗̃į̸̫͉̜̘̳̜͇͐̓͠ͅn̷͓̦̽̓̉.̸̻̘̖̜̗̋̾̄̒́̿͝.̶̧̨̬̲̞̺̬̳̜̂̏̀͒̉̓.̶̛͖̆́͗͐́̅̎.̷̞̞̳͗̈̇̈́̍ ̷̡͙̘͉̘̦͎̓̾̀̇̿̆̀̕P̴̢̤̗̗̬͔͓̭̌͗̚ͅa̴̮̲͈͙͓͈̠̿̃̌̋i̶̳̗̤͍̪̘̩̫̭̐͂̐̐̕͘͘͝n̴̞͍̩̩̜̻̭͖͒͛̀̎.̶̺̰̬̹͓͈̺̊̀̄̀̅͝.̶̬̘̲̳̖͉͚̟̀̏̒̄.̶̰̮͉̪̮̈́́̐̅̕̕͜͝ ̷̢͕͚͔̂͋̈́̏͝T̷̮̲̬̰̝̿̍̓͊̉̓ḧ̵̢̢̠͓͓̭́̃̒͐͂̍͠i̸̖͓̿͆̐̒̅̐̀͒̓s̶̟̮͈͔̯̫̞̋̀̋͛̒̕͝ ̸̨̤̼̙̖̣͂͋̒̔̍͆̐̕͜͠i̸̠̳͕̲̎̾̌̎s̶̨̤̟̥̪͓̪͛̂͒̄ ̶̦͐w̵̢̩͓̼͈̮̮̼̾̈̚͜h̵̭͊̀̄y̸̢̳͎̋̚͘͝ ̵̻̬͉͇̮̔͐͂̌͐̕I̷̤͍̓̕ͅ ̵̛̟̔̅͐̌̃ͅf̸̡͎̲̱̗͎̆́í̴͔̠̱͚͋͛g̵̨̛̛̙̣̏͆̔́̿̚h̵̡̬͎̻͎͔̳̜̻̀̓̑̐͊̍t̵̢̺̞̻̪̬̪͋́̎͐"



Laughs and cheers could be heard as all blended together into a harmony of joy and wonder.

People danced, some kissed, many smiled, and all cheered.

Blue eyes watched as everyone was happy, and all where free from war.

Everything was silent, the void had taken over, reality as they knew it was silent and all deafening, and there two beings stood as they held there hands up as all was remade anew.

"Want wonder."

"It truly is a wonderful thing."

There voice was a bend between echoy and hollow, of dark and light, it was setting she couldn't understand and probably never will.


Small wonder looked upon a much larger figure as there eyes held a love like no other.

This small figure ran and ran as they laughed as a much larger figure cased after them.

But the small figure would wrap themselves in what appeared to be fox tails and turn into a ball of floof which the older person carried back to a woman of equal amount of tails as she giggled.

"How wonderful."

The two embraced each other as they smiled.

Kaga stood there as she didn't even register the existence of the Vex in front of her, who looked upon her in a worried expression.

"Kaga? Are you all right?"

"I-i... What the hell was that?"

"Hmmm ohhh so that's what happened."

"W-What do you mean? What happens to me?"

"Simply put sense you posses an Oracle the second the vault activated you where shown future timelines, but sense your not a vex, and it's just one Oracle you where able to see All of them, just a hand full."

"But... If that's the case then why haven't I received something like this all the other times the Vault activated?" Kaga knew that this domain of Atheon's was always active in a sense so why hasn't she gotten anything like this beforehand?

"Simple you weren't in range, the vault simply couldn't connect to you and your connection to it is extraordinarily weak when compared to mine That's why."

Kaga was just silent looking around this world the world which belonged to her girlfriend She couldn't help but just feel so small in comparison.

Although that connection she had with the vault was now at an all-time high, she could feel the power and authority the vex god had over this place, it was truly monstrous.

Timeline converge and diverged into infinity, And yet across every single one of these infinite possibilities, All of these infinite worlds and universes, Atheon's authority stretched over them all.

All concepts where simple a not, within this space, Theses plans of existence they were all simply little pieces of a much larger puzzle.

It was terrifying how much power Atheon held over these realities.

Omnipresent, and omniscience, She was everywhere and nowhere and knew everything.

Power like this could simply not be described with mere words.

But she snapped out of it when the girl placed her hand upon her cheek and gently caress the side of her face.

"I know this is going to be a lot to take in but let me explain the best I can."

Kaga nod as she held onto the vex as she smiled and began to walk forward.

"The value of glass is many things but what it truly is, is a domain of infinite possibilities."

Her foot stepped upon the ground as reality changed, space and time caved into a deep cavern of infinity as all changed, reality bend and they where within a void of cosmic body's floating around them.

"All this, there states, planets and life, it's all for us to see and design as well want." Floating forward she arrived Infront of a star, Kaga became scared as being so close to this celestial ball of fire made her skin "burn". "Kaga don't look away."

She quietly looked up as Atheon held her hand out and then, crushed it.

The star exploded into a dazzling blast of light and color as all surrounding it was destroyed.

"Wow" Kaga reached out and touched the essence of the star, holding this multi color essence it began to shrink down within the palm of her hand as it changed into a ring.

Kaga was taken back at how beautiful it was, the way it shined like the brightest star in the universe, but what happened next was truly eye opening.

Atheon clenched her hand harder as the stars essence changed into a force of cosmic strength which even gods fear.

A black hole.

"Amazing, you just made a black hole."

"All things as long as it isn't of Paracausal nature I can make, all laws which don't branch into it I can use. Meaning that I can do anything I desire so long as its roots do not contain the power of light and dark."

".. ahaha you truly are a God angel." She rested her hand against her shoulder as she looked upon the black hole which Atheon shrunk to fit in her hand.

"I am, but I'm your god." She kissed her cheek as she and her smiled.

"Alright, now that your done blowing my mind away what are we to do now?"

"Well now that you've seen what I can do first hand let me show you how I can get my information."

Using her power they arrived back within the place at which they started.

"My gate networks weren't just used for transporting our factions resources, they came equipped with a large range scanner that sends a quiet signal around the Sakura empires base and records all hit by it, ever sense the begining I've received information of the higher ups talking about me, talking about us. Then I used the vaults systems to send vex into the Iron bloods and Vichya Dominion and equipment them with the same systems. I've seen how Bismarck commands her forces, the pain Jean Bart faced with her sister, I've seen everything."

Upon that word being said the vault shook, gateways into other realities opened and an Army of vex came through.

Trillions upon trillions of Goblins, Hobgoblins, Hydras, herpes, and minotaurus came into the vault as the stood behind there master.

"And I know what shall happen, because I have seen all that shall happen. So Kaga I know you required an army so here it is."

Extending her arms out she gestured to the vex behind her.

"This is MY ARMY!"

Kaga looked upon this and smirked.

With this at her command.... They could easily win this!

But better be safe then sorry.

And with Kaga's imagination for weapons of war this was a match made in hell!

"Sweetheart question how much resources to you posses?"

"An Infinite amount."

"Hehe, good "

Atheon seeing her smirk walked forward and wrapped her hand around her waist pulling her in close as she smirked as well.

"What are you planning Kaga."

"Oh nothing much." She gently places her hand upon the chest of the vex as she looked into her eyes. "Only a few this which can be useful to us."

Both eyes of blue looked into one another as they drew closer until the connected in a passionate kiss, which like a bolt of lightning caused a surge to go through there bodies as now within this reality they could feel one others desire, the lust for the other.

But before they could dive to far into this pit they pulled away.

"Not now, unfortunately we have work to be done." Atheon looked towards her control systems, more importantly her design system and allowed Kaga to access them.

"Now feel free to create whatever you desire."

With that Kaga began to go to work, however she couldn't seem to understand how to work things out.

That was solved when Atheon connected her mind with Kaga's as she felt help her lovers warm embrace wash over her mind.

[Kaga focus I'll guide you on how to vex.]


Flustered, she allowed Atheon to guide her, and with this Kaga was able to dive deep into her imagination And form the very depts of her cerebral conscious form before them weapon of mass destruction.

First was what she called the F89-time viper.

This special jet was well... A monster, with its warp drive it could easily reach over light speed and even have a short range time jump, as for fire power it comes equiped with the usual vex weaponry, a modified Hobgoblins Liner rifle, and even specialized "bomb" that act as portals which send the target to a desired location within the vault of glass.

However this jet wasn't meant for battle per say, unlike the next jet.

The B1-6-70 line breaker,

Now the F89-time viper was a plane design for speed and precise hits, The B1-6-70 line breaker was a plane specifically designed for battle, with an engine which runs off of refined quantum energy, the planes maximum speed is much faster than light speed, however thanks to it's special shielding is capable of flying in such speeds without having any of the negatives happen, weaponry upon this thing consists of a powerful rapid hit machine gun that fire is out highly condensed plasma-based projectiles, a strong ass personal of missiles one of these being a specialized bomb which contains dark matter. However it also has a specialized field which allows for the Dark matter to sadly be released, as it can't go outside the blast zone, however if you're unfortunate enough to be hit by this thing it's almost an instantly guarantee to kill, as only enhanced shielding can block the negatively charged particles. Oh and you can't forget that Kaga also designed this thing to have Infinite ammo as the compartment within carried a small gateway which once emptied opens and supplies the jet before closing.

Ya, Kaga made a plane specifically designed for dealing with beings which could possibly be on the level of Atheon, however there was only one slight flaw if it could even be called as such. When it completely runs out of missiles and is restocking, there's about a 5 second gap before it can resume combat function, but considering it has about 20 standard 500 kg explosive rockets, 10 specialized neuronic gas-based missiles, and three dark matter missiles It was basically going to be impossible to survive long enough to be able to have it waste all of its ammo on you especially when it's zipping around at the speed of light constantly shooting at you.

And lastly....

The Truth seeker.

Now this jet was just for speed and information gathering, one of this would be deployed and when there would constantly feed intelligence to Atheon and Kaga.

The Truth seeker comes equiped with no weapon, only a powerful shield and an engine which like the ship such a damn nuisance because it moves faster then the B1-6-70 line breaker, and the F89-time viper, and unlike the F89-time viper this guy is able to jump way further in time then the F89-time viper, but as for it's equipment it had an enhanced radar which could detect anything within a 12 mile radius, along with this it has night vision, thermal vision, x-ray vision and so many forms of vision that there was again no way to hide from it.

So to recap, Kaga made three forms of jets which can A; always chase someone down, B; be able to have complete control of the sky, C; move so damn fast your not going to be able to hit them. D; always be able to outgun you, E; know exactly where you are at all times so hiding is out the question, and F; deny any hope you have of being able to run away.

With three simple new weapons she covered all the bases she would need to win any fight, however she didn't want Her faction or the enemy to find out because if they did the element of surprise would be completely gone, and Kaga wanted to see the scared looks upon there faces when they saw them for the first time.

And there was another reason she didn't want to reveal this to their faction, because as of now Crimson Axis is super reliant upon the Sirens tech, If they were to discover Atheon's Tech they would most likely demand it which if Atheon refuses them that could lead into another conflict.

Or Lord forbid the sirens find out and began to whisper lies into the rest of their ears and make them turn on them because ya theses three units could easily destroy the rest of Crimson Axis and Azur lane, to damn fast, packs a mean punch, and can Seriously fuck your shit up if you are not expecting it.

The only person she thinks that would be able to even take out a F89-time viper is Enterprise, but no way in hell is she taking on a B1-6-70 line breaker, that thing was ment to kill ANYTHING she sent them at.

All of this might be overkill but to the duo there was no such thing as Overkill when it came to the vex. And the power they had.

But as Kaga was indulging in the fun of making weapon of war Atheon was checking the overall status of the vault.

Apparently the time need to repair the vault of glass was cut down significant as now it would be until next week that the vault would be fully back on line.

The vaults internal power and overall capability was now at 89%, meaning all systems where fully back on line and she needed to get the other Vex within this domain of hers reconstructed.

That being her second in command, The Templar, now outfitted with a more organic body.

Upon her recreation she looked upon the vex goddess and Kaga as she bowed.

"Atheon, Lady Kaga I am at your command."

Now Kaga wasn't ready to have another being like Atheon show up, but when she bowed and spoke in such a alluring voice it caused her to wonder if other being like Atheon where this charming.

"Kaga I would like of you to meet the newest member of this squad of ours, This is the Templar, third in command of the Vault."

"And who's second?" Kaga looked at Atheon who smiled. "Oh.... Is it... Me?"

"Yes it most definitely is sweetheart, you are the second in command in the vault, with myself being first."

"Atheon is correct, as of now you are in command of the largest army this Multiverse has ever seen." The Templar looked upon her as Kaga looked at her in wonder. "Is there something the matter Mistress?"

"Yes, by do you where a mask? Can't you take it off?"

Templar nod.

"If you desire that then I shall."

The girl raised her hands up to her helmet as it unlatched and she took it off revealing what was below.

She had beautiful white hair, dazzling pink eyes which shines with a heavenly glow, and a facial structure that rivaled even Atheon.

"If this enough mistress?"

Kaga nod her head as Templar put her helmet back on.

"Now shall I be off?"

"Yes continue expanding the catalog of timelines." Atheon looked towards the third in command as she looked back to Kaga. "And as for you Kaga do you desire anything else before we return?"

"No, but I'm not to worried about making it on time sense we know all that was already being disgust."

"Although that's very much true they'll probably grow suspicious If we don't show up and we don't want the sirens to get any more ammo to throw at us now do we?"

"No we don't."

So the two of them headed back, and with this Atheon left Templar in command as they would be gone.

*Meanwhile in the meeting.*

The faction members where already in a knee deep conversation about what to do, with the member of the maid core already stealing the cube and probably making a rendezvous with the rest of the faction, however Jean Bart wasn't concerned about any of these what she was concerned however was the alien and the fox that was not within their meeting.

Simply put Jean Bart did not trust the Vex within their mitts there was something off about her something which upset and startled the faction leader.

That feeling she felt when her cold hands wrapped around her throat, it sent a signal to her brain. One that she will never forget, It was so quick, so sudden, her brain didn't even know how to react instead what it did do was just freeze.

She was powerless, helpless, before what was facing her, She was humiliated in front of all of her allies Bested so easily like it was an adult giving a scolding to a child.

It made her sick to think that her, Jean Bart, flagship of Vichya Dominion Bested so easily by a woman who was as alien as they come.

And with the hell was up with Kaga? She seems to be completely different than what the reports say about her It seems like she's more riding for Atheon then her own Faction, and from what Akagi supposedly reported her sister had a steadfast loyalty to the Sakura Empire and yet she was conveniently absent along with the damn Vex.

"Okay I'm sorry we're not just going to sit here and not talk about the fact that the supposed most powerful member among us, is just gone. Because I'm getting pretty fucking annoyed that you're all just glossing over that." Her voice contained venom with it which dripped out like a hungry Cobra, Her eyes were narrowed as she looks towards the supposed leader of this girl. "Well Nagato?"

The girl sighed "Although it is true that she is under my Factions banner Atheon is a force of herself, quite frankly we can't fully command her like we came with all the other girls She is a girl who can see the most logical outcome even in the most darkest of situations. All her actions have directly benefited the Sakura Empire in a massive way That is the reason why I have not kept such a tight hold around her and even if I wish to it would be possible to do it anyways, You've seen how strong she is Jean Bart, If she really wanted to she could have snapped your neck before any of us could react. You would be dead if she didn't spare your life."

"That's exactly the damn point! She's too dangerous, You can't control her and she has enough firepower to wipe all of us out and from the way things seem Kaga seems to be riding for her as well, how do we know that eventually those two won't turn against all of us?"

"We can't." Bismarck looked towards the flagship as she narrowed her eyes.

"Excuse you?"

"You heard me we can't, This is as risky as a gamble as using the sirens technology, however Atheon Is more beneficial to us as an ally than as an enemy So put your hurt pride away and just continue to focus on the meaning whenever they show up, they'll show up, but until then I would rather not invoke the wrath of a girl who was able to take on a squadron of over 300 sirens by herself."

"I didn't know that the leader of iron blood could be so cowardly."

Bismarck froze as she glared at the girl.

"Need a remind you you are only here because she decided to spare your life, whatever point you're trying to make won't simply get across we have a ticket to consideration the fact that that girl could kill all of us here if we so much as raise a finger against her. And even with the siren's power I am very certain that we would barely even stand a fraction of a chance against her, She can move faster than what you can even see, possesses enough firepower to rip through an elite class siren, And apparently has enough durability to go up against 300 sirens. Even with all of Crimson axis working together I am very certain that if we did go against term we would die, simply that."

"I agree with my child It would be best if we just let her be for now, Yes she's a dangerous foe, but it seems that so long as Kaga or her aren't directly put in harm's way, She will react normally. And I would neither not have all my children be put in harm's way over such a meaningless conflict, because that would be even more pointless than what's going on now."

Friedrich Der Große, the great mother of ironblood, spoke with a heart of a mother concerned for her children's safety. If they somehow did become enemies with her Well then there are annihilations is all but assured.

Hell even if they had EVERY possible advantage she was still considering the fact that they could possibly lose, there was just too many mysteries around her so gauging her full capabilities was harder to read then a Japanese light novel when you have no experience with Japanese at all.

So Jean Bart just stayed quiet although she wanted to speak out against her She couldn't, they were right, She should be lucky that a little bit of her pride was all that she got today because it could have well been her life that was ended today.

"Now that this is done, the black mental Cube has been taken and thanks to the report from Zuikaku and her team It would appear that they are now within an old abandoned city along a destroyed island. Most likely the maids are there and the one that was injured from Atheon's attack Is either dead or getting medical attention from the other maids stationed there." Nagato looked around as they all got what was needed to be done.

"All right if this is to be true then a fool assault needs to take place, Azur lane will not send only a handful of ships they was most likely send most of their forces to recover the du- trio of we count the taken repair ship, and considering how weak one of them are we can expect to find another repair ship out there this may be a good chance to take out a good portion of there strength and possibly their medic as well." Bismarck looked as Graf Zeppelin spoke.

"We could commence an aerial bombardment, these ruins are old, one bomb should collapse any building, and if they're hiding inside the buildings it would make them flee being an easy way to draw them out."

"Agreed My question however is if what we have is enough." Nagato was confident that they could win however there was this feeling in her stomach that did not sit right with her, If Atheon was going to be participating with them then they wondered if Azur lane could have any form of information on her.

If so then could they have perhaps maybe found a way to counter their strongest? It was probably not a possibility considering her otherworldly nature but such a possibility could not be rolled out.

"Nagato I'm sure with the combined forces of Sakura Empire, Iron blood and my own Faction and whatever vex shenanigans Atheon will bring will be enough to crush Azur lane." Jean Bart was a complete opposite of the young looking Nagato, instead of being cautious she was boasting with pride in an aura of smugness, Although she now hated the vex she could respect her power and no one in that entire faction had a damn shot at winning against her.

"Do not be too confident although our victory will most likely be assured being cautious and observant takes priority, It has been a while since our last confrontation with Azur lane So they might have developed more tactics to counter us."

"Ok and?" Jean Bart looked at Bismarck. "The last time we had this kind of a battle, it was an even tie between strength, so You're telling me that with the addition of our new strongest trump card there isn't a chance we can easily sweep them?"

She had a point with their strongest they could most likely crush an entire battalion of their forces but again growing reliant upon her will only weaken them in the end.

However before this could escalate any further a portal opened in front of everyone as from dark confinements the duo consisting of Kaga and Atheon emerged from it looking over everyone before the older sister could open her mouth the younger one raised their hand.

"Do not worry we know what the plan is currently the midcore is being held up in some abandoned structure we'll head there immediately and recover the black cube."

The three leaders within the room narrow to their eyes, how did they know?

"How did you know the plan without even attending it?" Graf Zeppelin naturally look towards the girl who can make the impossible, possible, Atheon.

"When a race is as advanced as mine spying on your enemies and allies from long distances isn't that much of a problem."

"You were keeping tabs on us but from where?" Asked Ärgi.

"My own realm."

"You mean to tell us you have your own realm? Like your own dimension or something?" Algérie one of few that came along with Jean Bart was now confused.

As was many within the room.

"Precisely that, It is an alternate space if that's what you want to call it."

Now they where frozen.

This girl had her own dimension basically..... Yup this was Atheon on her bullshit hour against.

Bismarck sighed as she pinched her own nosed. "I don't even know what to say."

"I agree my child." Hell even Friedrich Der Große wasn't able to keep up with her ridiculousness.

"Well if that's all where leaving, we have some maids and a faction we have to deal with." Kaga looked towards Nagato who nod her head.

"Alright, until then everyone gather all the supplies that is necessary for our departure we will be out for a while now and make sure to bring extra supplies we don't know how long or how rough the battle may get."

With this meeting concluded everyone went their own ways as they headed towards their forces but Nagato stopped Atheon and Kaga.

"You two, would you care to talk to me for a little bit?"

"About what lady Nagato?"

"Nothing, It's just that you two have been more secretive than ever listen The other factions are growing wearies of Atheon and her capabilities even Bismarck is starting to become more on edge, What is it that YouTuber doing while the meeting was happening?"

"To tell you the truth Nagato me and Kaga where discussing future battle plans."

"About this upcoming battle correct?"

"Yes, Now please show me the map you showed everyone else of the abandoned ruins."

Nagato did exactly that, She guided them to the table where there a very detailed map was there showing the ends and all the small hidden details of this place.

"Nagato look here."

Atheon pointed towards on of the buildings that where surrounded by all the others.

"This is where they're going to be hiding."

"How can you be so sure?"

'because I've already seen how this plays out.' "because this building is the most stable and the most secure out of all of them on top of this it is surrounded by all the other buildings allowing for more flexibility when it comes to sending out messages, and since it's surrounded by so many other buildings if one building goes down they would have an alert to The fact someone's here if not already spotted them through the window, So my best suggestion is to have planes higher in the air since the enemy knows we're going to be arriving they're going to be more on alert, but we can use this against them a fog should sit in so we'll use this to our advantage. Send in your fastest people have them zip through the water once they get a detailed work around then begin a bombardment of this general area If we don't kill, we should injure, And even if we don't injure they will be pushed out of their cover and forced into the open where there we can use the sirens technology in order to summon the mass produce models and have them take advance attacking them while grouped together."

Nagato looked over he plan as was a little shocked, This was a very good plan using their own strength against them however there could be a problem.

Eagle Union specializes in aerial combat, so with there limited aircraft carriers they will most likely lose air superiority, but Atheon had a work around.

"And Do not worry about planes I can quite easily shoot many of them out of the sky, and I've created a new weapon for myself to use against large number of people."

"What's what?"

Atheon lifted her hand as a weapon was summoned forth into her hands.

"This is a rapid fire weapon which can fire over one hundred rounds a minute, with projectiles having an extremely fast travel time and them being made of energy I can easily slice through most of Royal Navy eagle Union and any other factions planes with ease. And if I need a bigger punch I'll switch it's firing mode to a powerful long range liner rifle that should deal with any plane."

"..... Again Atheon we are thankful to you once again."

"There is no need to be thankful just be considerate that Kaga got me on board."

Nagato looked at Kaga who smiled and I'm return so did Nagato.

"All right I'll bring this new information to ironblood, and Vichya Dominion."


Nagato left as both Atheon and Kaga narrowed there eyes.

"How much longer until they turn against us?" Kaga looked down at the forces of the factions as she narrowed her eyes.

"With how much the timeline shifts we can be looking at after this battle or the next three battles."

"So be it."

"Oh and Kaga what of the Sardegna Empire?"

"They going to respond because they had a siren problem."

"All right."

"Atheon my love, What do you think everyone's going to react upon us knowing how everything will play out?"

"Hmm most likely hurt because they would be like puppets on string to use, All we have to do is simply just pull a string and we would move with them according to how we want it."

Kaga now felt a little guilty, because this was exactly how the sirens did things but unlike those foreign aliens who seek nothing but the destruction of them they where trying to remake the world.

And honestly after the whole mess with her sister she didn't feel sorry at all.

All the factions where stupid, and although there desires were admirable It still doesn't accept the fact that they were all stupid.

The Sakura Empire where dragged into this because of her and her older sister, well more like Akagi but it's whatever.

Iron blood Because they had to be strong and they where "losing a battle" which would lead to there end.

It wouldn't but they went down this path because they believe that this is the most logical choice to be made in order to fight against the sirens.

Vichya Dominion was with them because of them being split off from there original faction, and then lastly Sardegna Empire following down the same path as many of them.

All them to protect something but in the end they're just going down a path which will eventually lead to the end of evening!

How could it not be so painstakingly obvious that they were being lied to? Although she herself could see past these lies she didn't understand how many of the other individuals were not catching on quicker.

Whatever at this point if they can't be safe they're a lost cause, Kaga and Atheon would just remake it. Simple as that.

Maybe she was developing a slight god complex but when you're literally in command of a vault which can do anything according to your imagination you can get like this.

So with this all being said the two of them got ready for a battle which would commence and hopefully because of this battle they can start leading people away from their current path and down a much better one, where hopefully their efforts aren't wasted on stubborn idiots who can't see the truth.

But there was always a pesky little problem of them turning on them which to the fox didn't seem to startle her that much anymore.

It's strange how being the girlfriend of a god-like entity can change her perspective on things.

"Well let's get ready dear because as of now we have a new fight to deal with, but after this whole shenanigans who should we try to convince next to stray from this path?"

"Hm Nagato, It would appear that she's only following this because this is her only laid out path once we see how they all react to a little bit of my technology we'll see if we can convince her to stray away from this, and being such a logical person She should understand where we're coming from, but if she can't be convinced well it will be hopeless at that point."

"I understand."

The two of them stood within that room quiet as can be they looked toward the horizon and imagined what would come into the future.

Actually they didn't even need to imagine because they already knew what was coming.

Funny how having the vault, works in such a way, It made these kind of events seem boring. But oh well A little boredom as the con to the Tower of positives they get because of it was fine with Kaga.

However she will soon find out that even the great power of the vault of glass cannot fully see 100% of the time especially when this comes to Paracausal nature.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed.

Yep I am back hello and this story has gotten an update so hip hip hooray now as for all the stuff that's happened within this chapter.

The first thing the Jets did you honest to God believe that with the infinite resources the Vex have at their disposal Kaga wouldn't make things like that to be honest with you the hardest part of it was to keep it at a level where it wouldn't be an instant win card and look how that turned out, simply put the vex technology is ridiculous and even when you compare it to the sirens it makes them look like a joke in comparison because again this is the same robotic race which has enslaved entire universes across thousands of timelines having technology this powerful is not that much of a shock.

Also for Kaga's slight god complex, again, she's in command of a vault which can do literally anything even the most pure-hearted individual would have a slight god complex after that.

Moving on, Atheon's decision to scold or give Jean Bart a rude reality check listen I don't hear her but trust me I have my reasons why she did it.

Now if you have any other questions feel free to ask them here I won't mind thank you for reading until the very end and with this being said I shall catch you all within the next chapter.

Word count: 8043

DIO OUT!!!!!

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