Chapter Nineteen

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(real quick warning for the rest of you, this and the next chapter are the last chapters for this story. Might seem like a shock but which how things are now Atheon can fully end the war and the only thing that needs to be corrected is the Guardian. Once that is done atheon and Kaga can put an end to all this. So this and one more and then it's all over.)

The sounds of engine's howled in the wind as the forces of the Sakura Empire, Iron blood and Vichya Dominion where mobilized.

The sailed the sea as they matched towards there soon to be enemies.

Bismarck and her ship floated alongside the two leaders, Nagato and Jean Bart, there faces straight and at the ready.

They knew this would be a dangerous battle, but this was a fight they couldn't lose, they had to much riding on this hope that the black cube gives them.

{In another universe a certain scientist found his cube moved on it's own as it's slightly pushes itself back. Almost as if it sneezed.}

However Bismarck looked off to the side where there standing upon Kaga's ship was Atheon, Times Conflux. There secret weapon and a powerful woman.

Reason for her hawk like eyes watching her so closely was because there was something she wasn't telling them. They where gone and yet it seems like they had perfect info on everything...

This wasn't something to scoff at, this was truly suspicious, and something that needed to be understood but she just couldn't.

Time after time she came up short on an answer.


"Yes Nagato?"

The two looked one another.

"Is there a problem?"

"...... Yes, I can't help but feel like those two-"

"Are hiding something."

"..... Precisely."

Nagato looked upon the leader who would sacrifice everything for her faction, before looking at Atheon.

"Truth be told Bismarck trying to understand her secrets, It's like trying to understand the vast universe, it is something that cannot be done, The best you can do is just accept them and move on."

".... How do you know theses secrets of hers won't harm us?"

"... Because we just need to have faith. As we always have when walking down this path."

".... Your right it's just..."

"Hard to except this change."


"I see, But Bismarck Can I ask you a question, are you concerned about these secrets because you believe they may hurt us, or are you asking these and making this up to hide the fact your scared of Atheon."

The leader froze as she looked at Nagato.


"I've seen it happen before, Yamato was first like this when Atheon came into play, her power still frightens her to this very day. To cope with this fear she made theses points about how she could be dangerous and could destroy us when I didn't believe them. When it comes to fear like this we must simply learn to accept it instead of rejecting it, but given the world we live in I fear that this may be impossible, After all we don't take too kindly to aliens."

".... How do you do it Nagato? How Can you stand in her presence without feeling any side effects?" The leaders eyes were narrowed on her, since her creation she's fought hundreds of sirens with her fellow sisters in arms, came close to death by the hands of Royal Navy, and is a seasoned veteran at this and yet such close proximity to the Vex God was... To much, It was like staring into a black hole which consumed her very sanity, She couldn't understand even the most simplistic things which came from her very essence. These gates, her realm, all of it, It made no sense to her.

"Bismarck, truth is you cannot just look on the surface when it comes to atheon. She's much more complex then I think most of us give credit for."

".... Is that so?" She kept her eyes on the vex as her arm was slithered around Kaga's waist, her eyes watching the sea's diligently like a alert hawk. While Kaga rested against her shoulder. ".... I can see where one can assume that."

"Yes but although she shows this I can assure you that in the grand scheme of things she's a more carrying person than any of us. After all would you personally get involved for the war which doesn't even involve you?"

"No I can't say I would."

"And that's what some people fail to see, Atheon is a dangerous and frightening woman there's no denying that but if we allow our fear of her cloud or judgment from what we see now how could we ever hope to call her our comrade? I know your concerned Bismarck but it will be all right and does something does happen I will take responsibility as leader of the Sakura Empire."

"I see, then I'll trust you Nagato."

She nod her head as she turned back and looked at the sea before her, placing her trust within the young looking girls words.

But with the duo Kaga looked up at Atheon as she to looked down at her.


"Yes my nine tails?"

"You think we could end this war?

"..... Yes we could. After all thanks to all my meticulous plannings all the pieces are now set in place. We could end this war however I don't feel like the sirens are going to sit idly by and allow us to do that."

"I know, But when have they ever been a threat to you?"

"They never have, and never will be."

"Exactly, So what's the point in keeping all of this secret? Once we retrieve the black mental Cube we can set everything in motion."

"Yes we can."

Looking back off into the distance The duo closed their eyes It would appear that the war itself would hear soon be coming to it final conclusion.

Oh that was left to do was retrieve the black mental cube, expose the lies that was the sirens words and then after so long negotiate a peace treaty between the factions and it will all be over.

It might sound like something straight out of a fantasy but after Kaga got introduced to her girlfriend it feels like the entirety of existence had become a fairy tale at this point but if a fairy tale can make reality better for everyone then who is she to judge it?

"Atheon when this war is over let's create a family."

"Hmmmmm I don't see why we couldn't, with our DNA and with the Vaults creation system I'm pretty sure I can spin a child created from the very fabrics of Vex and organic materials which can be our daughter, Now we would have to get married first sense It's common courtesy in your tradition to get married before having a child. Which if this is to be the case I can cover that as well, then there's the expenses If we ever want to go out of the vault, which thanks to the vault I'm infinitely producing all the money we're ever going to need. Then there's toys and I'm sure I can make those... Ohhh But then there's going to be family gatherings because of your sister and then there's going to be the meetings and there's going to be all this constant chaos and-"

"Shhh." Kaga place a gentle finger upon her girlfriend's lips raising herself up She looked at her as her hand cupped the side of her face. "Atheon Don't worry about it Don't blow out your processors going over everything we're going to need we're just going to have to take it slowly but I'm glad that my future partner is taking this so seriously. You'll make a fine mother."

"..... I shall, after all I have to be."

"Aha and I'm glad, my wife."

Atheon's cheeks slightly reddened as she said that causing Kaga to laughs cutely to herself seeing her reaction.

"...... Me to, my queen."

"Queen huh... Kaga, Queen of the Vex. Loving wife of the vex goddess Atheon.... I could get used to that."

The two of them shared a chuckle with each other, It would seem like their journey together would be coming towards its end thanks to the efforts given by Atheon.

The truth was ready to come out and with Kaga's words, Atheon's Tech, there forces and the precognition of the vault of Glass it would appear that things where already set and ready to be carried out.

Now all that was needed was the evidence for the reason they broke away and then everything would go according to how they needed it to go.

"Are you ready to see this through my love?" Asked Kaga now fully submerged within the hold of the vex goddess.

"Yes, I am."

The two of them stood there silently as the water crashed, Now they would fight against the ones they are considering their enemies but in a week's time from now once victory is attained those once enemies will become comrades once again but that leaves the question of what will happen to Atheon and Kaga when all this is said and done?

Well only they could find out after all time was such an inconvenience for the Vex and inconvenience which could easily be rectified through their power over their technology and understanding of such things.

But as they ready themselves on the other side of the ocean a figure stood standing next to a maid, a male figure and they would speak as the waves crashed.

*With the duo.*

"Rex, are you sure you want to do this?"

Formidable one of the maid of The Royal Navy looked upon the guardian who stood at the most front part of her ship, His eyes watching the water diligently almost as if trying to find even the slightest movements within the depths of the ocean.

"I'm sure I want to do this, from what I've heard from Enterprise and all of you it seems as if you have all been struggling and fighting a needless war and although my original purpose is gone bringing peace is something which all lightbringers do. My light has not died, I am still a guardian and as such I will help in any way I can bring peace to this world."

"I see... Tell me do you still hold resentment? Or anger towards yourself?"

Formidable has seen that happen multiple times, people can easily be consumed and hatred and anger resentments or guilt due to past traumas It was quite the common occurrence within their own reality with many people going depressed or worse even psychotic because of the amount of psychological damage done to them.

So she was just being thorough she wanted to know whether or not he was just like the other people she has seen, broken beyond healing, Or was he different?

"I used to be angry but now I don't know what to feel... If I came across that entity then yes I would be burning with hatred and anger, but on the other hand it was due to our own hubris that got us killed. We took that mission thinking it would be easy, sure the previous fire team went in and died. But that only made us want to do it more, we wanted to one-up them. As we always did, we wanted to prove that we were the best and I guess it was because of this recklessness of rushing in that got us killed. It got my friends taken away. And I was too much of a damn idiot to realize how much shit we were in before I was too late. We were going up against an unknown threat within their own reality which they had complete control over Even if we were in powered by the light such a dark place buried deep underneath synthetic and constructed realitys what's going to be too much for the lights to shine through, Andy got us killed, and I could do nothing about it."

"I see... So you feel responsible for their departure?"

"Yes, I'm a warlock we are supposed to be the healers and support which defend our comrades but a support is only good if it is strong and ready to help, and I crumbled and as a result, they died, and it was because of this that my best friend Jack had to sacrifice herself in order to take that damn thing out. I will never truly forgive the vex for what they've taken but on the other hand just like us they too have their own objectives and missions it's just that they're wrapped in a suit of metal and follow a strict arbiteric logic. Well we are more emotionally based They are more logical our presence there was just an inconvenience and as a result they saw us as a threat and the rest is history."

The Guardian took a heavy sigh, The pain he feels was more apparent than ever before As a result formidable walked over to him and gently laid her hand upon his shoulder.

"I don't know the pain you feel but I do know that you're strong you're very compassionate and overall you're a very good man The death of one's comrades is always hard to bear but instead of being dragged down by sorrow you have to make the conscious decision to stand back up and look it in the face and walk away. You have to keep walking Rex it's as you said, They had their mission and you had yours and unfortunately from the sounds of it This was a battle where there would be casualties. It's just either by the grace of God or maybe because you have the devil's luck that you were able to survive and now you bear the responsibilities of pushing forward and being who you were after all to honor the dead is to keep striving forward and to not let they're sacrifice go to waste."

The Guardian hearing this began to remember his memories with his fire team They were great memories fighting off fallen, hive, the cabal and all the threats that were against the last city. He could still remember the stupid jokes told by his friends the dare's Jack made him do, All the stupid deaths he had everything It was a glorious moment a well-rounded stupid band of idiots doing what was needed to be done and being heroes in there storie.

Tears began to flow down his eyes, The memories of his comrades would forever live on inside his head and standing there on this ship heading towards another battle he could have sworn he saw the spirit of Jack looking at him, her cool ebony armor glimmering with the light which shines through her armor, She looked at him and gave him a nod. Rex's eyes widened as the tears came down in streams, seeing this he raised his hand and reached out towards his comrade.

"JACK!" The distant vision of his long dead comrade began to fade away, and as she did she gave a final goodbye in the form of a nod, the signature nod she always gave to her comrades.

Formidable however bless the poor girls soul jumped at the sudden increase in his voice's volume, But she watched as he extended his hand out towards nothing.

'jack.... I see even in your afterlife You still find ways to troll the hell out of me... You damn edgy ass Hunter.'

"Rex are you... Ok?"

Looking at the nothingness that this image of Jack once stood on, and back at formidable The Guardian simply nod his head.

"Ya, I think that's my mind telling me to get over myself. If not my mind then I guess the traveler is still looking out for me and trying to give me some form of closure."

Understanding what he meant The woman simply nod her head in understanding.

"Hey formidable."

"Yes rex?"

"After this battle, I think I'm going to end the war. Sense you know I don't want things escalating any further and when I do get back I have a question."

"And what's that?"

"Would you mind going on a date with me?"

The girl exploded into a blushing mess, she looked at rex before composing herself but slightly looked away as she spoke.

"Aghhh.... Sure.... I wouldn't mind."

"Ahaha, Now I have even more motivation."

"Shut it."

The Guardian just continue to laugh his ass off.

*Some time later.*

Both forces arrived And as they did the forces of Azur lane sent in there ship girls in order to locate the maids from the Royal Navy and the repair ship they had alongside them, so Crimson Axis sent in their own force's as well.

Bismarck and the Iron bloods took the fight directly to them, while Sakura Empire provided air support and with there forces also heading alongside them.

Kaga and Atheon stood next to Nagato Who was relaying orders through the battlefield.

"Atheon, from the sounds of things It seems like Azur lane brought a large amount of their forces with them in order to seize the black mental cube so you may have to sent out sooner than expected."

"That's fine."

"Akagi, start bringing in the siren forces you control."

"Understood lady Nagato."

From several dark portals the mass produced models came through and began to attack the forces of Azur lane that rested on the outskirts of the abandoned ruins.

Atheon looked at Kaga and nod her head, "Kaga Can you assist in covering me?"

"Of course."

"Atheon are you heading in now?" Asked Nagato.

"Yes, I think it's about time I confronted the enemy."

The leader understood.

"Alright, Kaga provide her cover when she makes it inside Atheon don't hold back."

"Understood Nagato."

Activating her hover systems she blasted off of Kaga's ship and onto the open water before heading inside where there she would confront the forces of Azur lane.

However something was off.

The forces she came across where obviously in the same place but they were quickly dealt with before they could even realize what was happening thanks to her incredible speed No no there was some kind of unsettling feeling in the air.

And that was proven correct when a flaming hammer came out of absolutely nowhere and nearly smashed inyo her head.

Thankfully she was able to evaded grab ahold of the handle and then throw it back to cinder but there before her was a figure that instantly made both of them freeze.

The man bared a striking resemblance to the Guardian that fought her in the vault of glass, if she remembers correctly this person's name was rex the second titan of the group.

And for the guardian, as he looked upon the one who caused that horrifying day, he looked upon her armored form and remembered the vex responsible for the the slaughtering of his teammates.

Seeing this he didn't know what to do, rage bloomed within his soul but fear grasped his heart.

"Lightbringer." Atheon looked at him with narrowed eyes not of hate but of worry, not for herself, but for the plans set in motion.

"You.... You can't be but how... Jack's last attack should have killed you! How are you here!? And in this... This form!!!?"

"...... Your friends last attack, the one that slammed into me, resulted in the vault tying to covert the damage done to me into nothingness that's to the vaults systems protocols, it tried to save my life by expunging the energy that was being used to attack me, but instead her energy and bio makeup ended up being absorbed by the vault and along with her light, and sense the light is known for rebirthing beings, I was reborn through the vault configurating me into a techno organic being as a error of your friend. So yes, I am Atheon, Times Conflux, but not the same as you knew back then."

Rex just stood there looking upon figure that shared a striking similarity towards his fallen comrade seeing this however he couldn't simply give into fear now. So standing up straight As solar energy began to blister around him he looked upon her and asked a single question.

"Ok, so then why are you hear? Helping the Crimson Axis?"

"Hmm is it not custom to take the side as the one your lover is on?"

"Wait lover!?"

Staring at what he assume would be nothing more than just an emotionless death machine, he couldn't even imagine a woman like her which the background she had now to be a romantic type.

"Yes, my lover. You might know her as one of the leaders of Crimson Axis, her name is Kaga and she's rather sweet. We went on a couple of dates and we're even going to get married here soon."

"....... I'm sorry what did you just say? You a vex, a being that only follows cold logic and a Axis mind that has control over the very fundamentals of time is going to be getting married to an organic entity?"

".... Is it truly that much of a surprise guardian?"

"Yes it... Quite is... I had no idea that such a cold being could grow to be like this."

"Yes I to was shocked, But I've learned from her, I've learned from all of them. And I no longer yearn for her to be trapped in a war so if you don't mind, get out of my way."

"..... I can't do that. Sorry, I'm on the side of Azur lane So long as we are on different sides we will have to fight no matter if you changed from the murderer you once where."

"That's quite a predicament statement to make when you're responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 different organic creatures."

"Hmm I guess so, then it looks like we're just both murderers trying to cover our marks."

"No that's where your wrong, You tried to cover up your marks but I."

Disappearing in a blink She appeared before the guardian as her hand ran through his chest.

"Show them without any remorse. Now I need you out of the way that way I can put an end to all this."

Ripping out her hand She grabbed a hold of his face as she opened a portal directly to the vault of glass and threw him inside.

(Hey my love, a complication has arrived I'm heading back to the vault to correct this.)

(Alright.) Her voice was dabbling on the very edge of confusion. (But what is it?)

(Oh just a small inconvenience that needs to know the greater truth.)

(.... Oh well.... Don't take long.)

(Yes yes I know, after all I still got to buy you that ring and then once we're married I have to find a strong and sturdy bed.)


(For sex of course, I heard that it's apparently wrong to not go hard when indulging in this activity with the one you love, because it showcases more affection to the other, so I figured the stronger the bed the harder we can go at it.)

Kaga on the other side of the coms was now nothing more then a blushing mess. But soon she got her mind back together and she grinned.

(Well, you might want to make a custom one because I plan on taking top~.)

(Ohhhh, is that so? Well I see no problems with that. But that's only if you can overpower me.)

(Hm I think I can.)

(Very well, we'll discuss this later.)

Kaga and Atheon's come cut as the vex headed into the vault, there she would set things straight and get the guardian out of the way for things to get to there final finale.

*Within the Vault of Glass.*

The guardian rose from the ground as his ghost healed his wounds however looking around the world he began to have flashbacks to when he and his fire team came here... And this room is where Jack was killed.

But he couldn't dwell on the past, as the sky lit up in a blazing blue as there above him, rested the Vex who sat within a throne make from a pale blue energy.

"So... You have this place up and running huh?"

"Yes my home now before we begin, guardian. Do you want to go through with this?"

"Without question." He got into a fighting stance as he held his weapon in hand, so seeing this Atheon narrowed her eyes.

This fool could be blinked out of the very notions of time itself by her just blinking, and he still dared bare his fangs at her?

{Rex calm down, you need to listen to her as of now. Currently I'm sensing over eight times the energy we sensed last time.... It's possible that she's grown much more powerful.}

But thankfully his ghost being the voice of reason got The Guardian to freeze still, If she truly grew that powerful what hope did he have? But even then even when it's most hopeless the Guardians still have to fight at least that's what his friend Jack told him. If she was going to be his enemy so be it he would just fight as he always does.

But the next few words which came from the Vex God's mouth threw him for a loop.

"Is this truly what you desire guardian? Because you and I share a more common similarity than you think."

"And why's that?"

"Me and you both wish for this war to end So why would we fight each other? I have nothing to gain from your death except making your faction more angered towards hours and making all peace negotiations obsolete. So Just this once I will ask you this put down your weapon and listen to my words."

{Rex Just go with it as of now.}

"Fine, What are you trying to say?"

Atheon smiled, "Now to clear something up I do not hate you nor do I have any problems with you. But I know that you have a hatred towards me because of what I did so I would like to ask you a question."

"And what is that?"

"I will bring your friends back to life. Undo their fate which was set in by the vault of glass but in exchange for bringing your comrades to life I asked of you to stand down and let me put an end to this war."

".... What?"

His breath was jacking and quick, His eyes were widened at the proposal That was given before him.

"Did you not hear my words correctly? I said I could bring back your comrades but in exchange-"

"No no, I heard that but why? why would you do this? I don't understand why go this far?"

".... Hmmm there was a time when I did not understand the organic heart Us facts only viewed it as an unsolvable thing a puzzle which would always be incomplete or missing a few pieces from us fully being able to understand it. I viewed it simply as as any Vex would, It improbability to our grand pattern but after becoming what I am now after going on this journey even if it was short I have learned more about this heart which now beats within my chest and brings about all these tingly little feelings within my soul."

She paused as she held up her hand as the memories of her and her girlfriend, Kaga, came to life playing like a film the guardian could see the evolution she took and All that happened.

"I know that you feel hatred to me, I know you despise me, that you burn with anger at my very presence. But just this instant do not be the murder machines that you have always been set down your weapon and let me complete the task which I have assigned to myself not because of a pattern, not because of some collective hive mind telling me to but because I wanted to build a world for my lover and for my future family. I gain nothing by killing you except throwing away those happy probabilities. If you die Azur lane Will become more enraged making negotiations nearly impossible unless we completely dominate them which in that case it does not mean peace any longer. Piece by subjugation is not peace it is simply submissive fear, I do not wish to have such things blister within this world because I've seen what hatred and angry can do to a civilization and what they can do to others. My wife wants to end the cycle of war, to put an end to it all it might sound cheesy It might sound ridiculous coming from an entity who's responsible for the deaths of thousands of timelines but to one murderer to another i ask of you. Put the damn weapon down and I will give you back everything I took I will make amends for what I have caused to you."

Rex looking upon the facts so that her eyes burned with a genuine good, a desire to make good burned within her eyes. Rex simply looking upon her couldn't help but chuckle.

(What do you think buddy? Should we believe her?)

{Well it's that, or we get killed rater quickly.}

(What do you think Jack would say to me in this situation?)

{Proudly to not be a bumbling idiot and just take the damn deal.}

(Hmm.... Fine, But if she betrays us-)

{Yes, if she does we will fight. But if what she says is true then as peacekeepers it would be wrong for us to deny it.}

"..... Fine. Fine you win." Throwing down his weapon he looked up at Atheon who smiled at him. "But if you do anything to these people I will be there to kill you."

"Yes I know, but as I said, here are your friends back."

The Vault ignited in a grand white glow before all of time and space was mended and ripped apart as before the guardian five new figures stood before him.

"You guys?"

"Ok what the fuck happened?"

"Ya what the hell happened?"

"Why are we back?"

"Yeah didn't we get deleted?"



"HOLY SHIT REX!!" The reborn guardians looked upon the being ad he sprinted to them, The first one to bring him into a hug was his fellow warlock scarlet.

"Oh by the traveler it's so good to see you guys!"

He turned and there was Andrew.

Then there was Jasmine.


And lastly Jack.

"Hey Rex... So mind feeling is in? How are we You know alive?" Asked Jack.

"That would be because of me."

"Who who might you beeeee- HOLY SHIT!!" Jack immediately turned on her and pointed her hand cannon directly atheon. "HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU ALIVE!"

"Your attack wasn't strong enough to kill me."

"Okay Rex what the hell is going on!"

"Ahhh well- ahhh!!"

"If you do not tell me what the hell is going on" She pointed her hand cannon at him "Then I'm going to blow your brains out again."

"Ok ok ok calm yourself, along with the rest of you and we're going to have to have a pretty long talk."

"Oh it can't be that long" said jasmine.

"Ahaha..... Oh boy."

*One long explanation later.*

"So let me get this straight we are in a different universe which is not ours." Spoke Elizabeth.


"And we are in a world filled with hot ass ship women that are the main source of defence in this world?" Said Andrew.

"Also yes."

"And because of Jack's last attack It's so happened to send the biggest problem we have ever faced into this new world within the body of a techno organic person who had joined a war on the side known as Crimson Axis who are fighting against the forces of the other factions who didn't get along with them Who are known as Azur lane." Spoke up scarlet.


"And now the vex sitting on that throne who is also so happily married to another woman somehow is saying she can end the war in the following week?" Jasmine looked up at Atheon who nod.


"And the only way for you to get us back was for you to agree to stand down and let her carry out her plans of bringing this world together." Said Jake as she looked at Atheon.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and again yes, You are all correct."

"Ok So what do we do now? I mean at this point you already seem to have everything selected and figured out So what do we do now?" Asked the male hunter.

"I guess we just returned to Azur lane."

"Yes that would be the correct course of action." Atheon spoke up. "Because while you were all talking I had convinced Nagato the leader of my faction, who had received the black mental cube to call an meeting between the other factions. And thanks to Azur lane being backed into a corner they will be more than likely to respond there I will take over all negotiations and I will align every faction underneath one banner."

The Guardians looked at themselves as Atheon generated a portal for them to walk through.

But before Rex could take them out Jack had one more question to ask.

"But what if our light? Surely you wouldn't forget to get that back to us would you?"

"... No, I wouldn't I have your ghost I just held on to them for safekeeping and that way you didn't decide to attack me again."

Opening her hand The other guardians ghost manifested before her as they all flew to her.

"Take them and go because in one week from now all this will be over I look forward to seeing you all again lightbringers."

With some now gone and out of the vault Atheon slumped back into her throne.

"*Sighs* This is going to be an exhausting week."

"Yes but I know You can do it."

Atheon felt a hand gently slide across her shoulder before feeling Kaga plop onto her lap, so in according to this she raised herself up as she wrapped her arms around her waist.

"So how where The negotiation?"

"Not a problem The Guardians are back but they won't be a problem for us I convinced the one that lived the event to have the other stay clear of our plans, meaning this will go smoother than expected and with them backing my words I should be able to unite Azur lane and Crimson axis together more easily."

"Well that's good." She made herself at home upon the girls shoulder laying down She let out a tiresome sigh. "I was getting tired of this war anyways."

"Yes...." Looking around as the world itself became a paradise with a bright blistering golden sun shining upon them and a house larger than they could possibly imagine before them. "I too was getting tired of the war."

Picking up her soon to be wife she carried the girl into there room which upon them laying upon the bed Kaga reached up and began to remove Atheons's armor.

"You wish to do it... Now? But we aren't married."

"Oh Atheon, It doesn't matter if we're married or not having this with you, is more than I could ask for so don't get cold feet on me. Give it to me as hard as you can."

Smiling at her atheon made her armor and clothing disappear as she stood before her nude.

"Alright my dear nine tails."

Using her power over reality Kaga's clothing disappeared leaving her now naked and readied to be ravaged by the goddess.

And soon the realm was filled with the moans of a bliss filled Kaga, as she had her eyes rolled back and a pleased filled smile upon her face.

It was safe to say theses two would be like this for quite some time.

And hopefully here soon they could have more of these interactions once the war is finally over.

There You have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you guys enjoyed it.

No real quick I know you guys might be wondering how this story is going to be coming to an end so quickly It's mainly because with all the things that are main MC has in storm and all the powers and abilities she has I really did not see a means of drawing this out any further because one guardian was not going to be enough to keep the story going longer than this point once everything was set up it was over She was ending the war So in this way I could at least give the characters some closure and I know you guys were probably expecting a big fight between the Guardian and the Vex God but let's be honest now with how powerful the Vex is it wouldn't have been a fight it would have been a one-sided stomp but I also couldn't do a fight because if I would have then negotiations would have basically been meaningless.

So yeah this is nearing the end of the goddess of time have a Merry Christmas I hope you guys have a great Christmas day.

And note that the final chapter will be out later on tonight so have a great day.

Word count: 6305

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!

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