Chapter Twenty The End

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*One week later*

"I'm glad you could join us, members of Azur lane."

This voice belonged to Nagato ad they stood within a large white building constructed by Atheon who now sat upon the chair at the far end of this table as she would be the overlooker of this meeting.

Obviously upon seeing the arrival of Azur lane Jean Bart one of the leader of this negotiation party stood up, seeing her rise Atheon glared at her.

"Sit, this is not the time for battle but rather to tell the truth."

Jean looked at her wondering if this would be such a good idea.

Yes one week did go by but the people before then where there enemy's, or at least still are.

And with so many of them hear what's stopping them from striking this place and wounding them all? Of course Atheon probably wouldn't be harmed then again It didn't seem like anything could hurt her at this point.

But the first to look upon the figure of the vex goddess was Enterprise, her cold eyes narrowed at the sight of this being but obviously the voice of reason cut through.

"Hold on hold on Wait! Wait! Don't do anything!"

Rex and his friends came to the center of the room.

"Ahh guardians I didn't expect you to be here."

"Well I wasn't going to let you out of my sight anytime soon." Spoke jack, "And as the new commander I'm sure as hell going to make sure that these negotiations are as fair as possible."

Crimson Axis Just look at the members of Azur lane as they smiled and shook there heads.

You see Jack is called the "Demon of the Light" and for very good reason because when she discovered that there was a threat to her old friends and new ones she went into one of her little murder sprees and ended up nuking an entire siren base by herself and personally laid hands on the Siren Empress by herself before shoving the "little shits" as she calls them into a tight little package and sent them on their way.

Obviously when the higher-ups caught wind of this they interviewed her and let's just say that the previous commander. The more arrogant and cocky one ended up getting his nose broken and she got a promotion.

So taking her seat on the opposite side of Atheon the two women looked upon one another as a Them as they looked at each other.

"Atheon, how about we cut to the chase we will agree to peace sense That's the whole reason we came here to begin with Might as well get the simple things out the way. Now let's talk about the bigger problem, the sirens As of right now I might have been able to beat them black and blue and send them packing but they're going to be back What do you think will be the best course of action?"

"It would be simple just to let that matter be handled by me."

"Hmmm alright, I have no problem in leaving this in your more than capable hands considering what we are dealing with."

"Commander tell me, what's so special about her? Is she something similar to you and the other Guardians?" Asked enterprise.

"Ohhhh no, juicy that girl over there is a real monster She could easily kill everyone of us in this room in the blink of an eye That is just how strong she is."

Hearing this the side of Azur lane froze, If their newfound commander, A woman with a fighting spirit equal to all of iron blood combined and who has the ferocity of a god to boot was telling them that this woman was a real monster and what kind of outerworldly Eldritch horror is she!

"That's why I'm more than leaving it in her hands, with her power and her technology She can make our lives a lot better That's if she holds true to her side of the deal and offers to tell everyone the truth."

"Yes, I can hold true to that So Kaga, Akagi would you mind presenting the cases please?"

Two portals opened up next to the girl as from them her "Wife" and her future sister in law came through, They handed a document to each and every single one of them and as they all scoured through the document they all were able to realize the truth.

"Wait, You're telling me you utilize the siren technology in order to try and find a way to bring your sister back to life?" Asked Prince of Whales.

"That is indeed correct we tried to play God and unfortunately that got us to this point turning on each other making our lives a living hell there is no words for us to say which can justify our actions we are sorry deeply and truly sor-"

"No Kaga, it's me who should be apologizing not you."


"I was the one responsible for dragging us all into this You are going fine and then I came to you with this crazy plan of bringing back our sister I stirred up that past trauma inside of you that you tried to bury down I awoken your sorrow and I basically led you down a path which you felt like you had to follow because of a promise you made to our sister to constantly watch out for me. I am the only one solely responsible for this not you I am the older sibling I am not the younger sibling I am the one who's supposed to be watching and taking care of you not the other way around but I got greedy I looked to the past constantly wanting and desiring what I had back then instead of looking at what I had now a beautiful and caring younger sister."

Placing her hand upon her shoulder The older sibling took center stage pushing her back She looked at all the faction members.

"If you want someone to blame blame me leave my sister out of this let her live her life peacefully with her newfound lover have any punishment be passed on to me because unlike me my sister actually played a part in ending this war. A war which I started to go on what is it?"

Azur lane look upon each other before looking at their commander who narrowed her eyes who then looked over at Atheon.

"Nagato, As the flagship of the Sakura Empire what do you suppose would be the best course of action to punish her?"

"..... Akagi did this out of love I'm sure that if any of us were in her shoes we would have made the same mistake however whether we like it or not it was a monumental screw up which almost cost us the world. We are just lucky that Kaga decided to come forward and come up with this entire plan. And now I suspect that the best course of action would be to suspend Akagi from all duties and we will continuously keep you under surveillance for the next few years once we are sure that you're allegiance with the Siren's is well and truly gone You can return back to service once again however you will not hold as much power as you once it did. Instead Kaga will become your replacement."

".... I... I understand Nagato.... I understand completely."

"Ok so now that this is done, Atheon tell me, Is the entire reason why you knew all these chain of events were going to happen was because you already saw them first hand?"

"Huh?" Everyone spoke at the same time as they looked at the Vex who just grin.

"Yes, I knew what the future was going to bring I knew all your actions before any of you would have taken it That is why I was able to correct or of our actions by taking the resources I had in my disposal combined with the information that my girlfriend gave, I was able to come up with countermeasures for every possible means of ending this war. It's just through this means it's the safest and best option."

"Ahahahah!! Oh you sly devil! You knew all this And yet you just left the chips fall but you continue to let them fall in a way which would have benefited everyone better."

"Correct, If my girlfriend had wished for your extinction however the entire planet would have been dead the second she gave that order. I would have flooded every single once of you with an army of unstoppable might You would be fighting a infinite to one, for every one of you and infinite number of my troops so yes, be thankful we decided to become peacekeepers."

Atheon held the same darkly grin upon her face as everyone in that room could feel an existential dread tingled down their spine.

"Ok, enough with the scaring Can I leave the matter of the sirens to you?"

"Would be the most logical course of action, Thanks to the vault of Glass I should be able to hunt them down throughout anywhere they may try and hide with my forces being infinitely more powerful than yours You won't have to disperse any one of your forces instead you can just continue monitoring the planet you'll handle terrestrial affairs I'll handle the extraterrestrial ones."

"Hmm, Will we ever be seeing you again?"

"The likelihood of a threat arriving to that point where I myself have to travel to deal with it is nearly zero and even if such a being were to arise I would be able to have notice of their arrival before they even knew of my existence."

"Hm, seems you have everything covered."

"Indeed I do."

"Then should we call this the wrap? Azur lane and Crimson Axis United underneath the banner of us?"

"I did not see why not, unless any of you object to having peace now. Knowing that your entire purpose for this war have been nothing more than just pawns in a greater scheme concocted by the sirens."

Looking around at her comrades none of them dared to speak against it.

"Yes, I vote for peace, The Sakura Empire will no longer continue this war and will join Azur lane." Spoke Nagato.

"Iron blood shall do the same." Said Bismarck.

"Fine fine, vichya dominion she'll do the same."

"Sardegna Empire she'll also assist in this we too wish for peace." Spoke the limed hair leader of the Empire.

"Good, and seeing as everyone decided to vote for peace I have another announcement to make."

"Well this should be good." Andrew nudge the side of Rex "hey when are you going to speak up about you kno- Aghhh!" Rex elbowed him in the chest.

'Idiot', both female Titans thought of the exact same time. And Scarlet just shook her head.

"Oh and what is that Atheon?"

"Well tomorrow me and Kaga are getting married, And we invite all of you to our wedding."

"........ WHAT!!!!"

"Jeez You didn't think those two would already get married?" Jack looked at the shocked expressions of all of her subordinates. "Speaking of which formidable aren't you and Rex an item now?"

"Ahhh.... Yes."

"Wait really Mrs formidable?" Bismarck looked towards her. "I had no such thoughts that You had feelings for Mr Rex, Well call me impressed and congratulations."

"Ahaha well thanks Bismarck."

"Now isn't that just lovely, anyways. moving on past that where is the wedding being held?"

"Within the Vault of Glass my home I will personally open a portal for all of you to arrive in, And don't worry about wearing anything fancy we don't care for that."

"Well you're the lady everyone back it up we're done here and make sure you're ready for tomorrow we're attending a damn wedding If any of you act a fool you're going to get punished."

"Hai commander!"

Jack chuckled before turning to Atheon. "It's funny but despite the two of us once being enemies it's actually quite nice to have you as a somewhat friend."

"Yes, I could say the exact same."

Jack and Atheon smiled for the final time as the Vex opened a gateway for them to return back to their faction base.

And now with everyone else by themselves they one by one began to congratulate the two of them, with Akagi Of course being last and as she approached her sister she gave her a gentle pat on her shoulder.

"I know I haven't been the best older sibling but I am proud of you and I do wish you a happy future with your newfound, bride. Make her happy woman Atheon."

"I will don't worry."

Akagi smiled as she was about a turn away but the younger sibling stopped her.

"Akagi-nee, I don't hate you anymore nor do I despise you I hated you because you were so damn blind but now your eyes have cleared You took responsibility for your actions and even took my punishment upon yourself which I was whole Harley ready to accept. You've grown up and now you become the brighter older sister I can be proud of so stop addressing you with such a manner like you don't know me start acting like my damn sister again because I'm getting annoyed with this."

"Kaga.... You don't know how happy it those words make me."

Bringing her sister into a hug The older sibling held onto the younger one. Kaga trapped in her hold Just smiled and hugged back.

Atheon Just stood off to the side watching This was truly a sight to behold.

*Time skip the next day.*

Within a quiet building, two beings could be seen standing upon an alter, these two happens to be Atheon and Kaga as they were all dressed out in there newfound wedding clothing.

Kaga was wearing a beautiful wedding dress.

While Atheon wear a suit.

{This is just what it looks like.}

In there sitting within all of the available seats every single faction member sat there, as they all looked upon the wonderful sight that was this newfound marriage.

"And do you Kaga take Atheon to be your bride, in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

"I do."

"And do you Atheon-"

"Yes I do."

"Ahaha then congratulations you may kiss the bride."

No longer holding herself back The Vex dived down and captured her wife in a very heated make out This caused everyone to not only blush but to uproar into cheers, As the two of them separated the Vex held her wife close.

"Is it everything you could imagine it to be my love?" Asked Atheon.

"No, It's much more than I could possibly dream."

The two of them shared a chuckle bit before they took step off the altar Atheon smiled as she looked upon her wife.

"Hey Wifey, Just let you know I brought you a present."

"You did?" Kaga had no idea that her lover had done such a thing.

Everyone in the entire building now became intrigued at what she was hinting towards so when she materialized a vex Cube and tossed it onto the wall and formed a gateway into the vault of Glass. They all stood there with their eyes glued to the wall as they were wondering what was going to come through.

But what did through everyone for a loop.

A woman bearing awfully close features to both Ninetales within the Sakura empire looked upon the surrounding area.


Akagi and Kaga looked at Atheon who smiled.

"I remember you telling me about your big sister the one who died because of her sickness So I figured that this would be the best present I could give you. I scoured through the time continuums until I discovered an Amagi who lost both of her sisters I ended up saving her and nursing her back to health but once I broke the news to her she was much more excited to be here and although she is not you Amagi She is more than happy to-"

Looking back she wanted to look her wife in the eyes but she was already at her "older sisters" side alongside her sister Akagi.

The two of them were crying as Amagi held them.

"Ahah, I guess everything worked out in the end."

"Yes they sure did." Jack, The Guardian to start off this chain of events stood next to her, as she looked upon the sight.

"Atheon... Thank you for everything." Akagi barely choked out her words thanks to all of the tears and snot that were now running down her face. Seeing this the Vex just wave it off.

"It was the least I can do."

"Atheon" the new Amagi looked upon her as she gestured her hand for her to come closer. "Come join us You're my sister as well."

"Hmm alright."

Joining in the hug Kaga latched on to her wife and her sister."

And as the light shined overhead through the building's large multicolored window and shined upon them a glorious array of heavenly light The members of the newly reformed Azur lane looked upon this site and smiled.

The family that had suffered the most The family which accepted the deal with devils in order to bring the one they loved back to life The ones who suffered the most in this war and now finally gain some form of closure. And as they looked upon there forms Kaga leaned up and captured her wife's lips once again, This time pouring all of her emotions into it She clung onto her tightly pulling her in as much as she could. Tears continue to stream down her eyes and eventually when she needed to breathe She buried her head into her shoulder The spotted which she could always rest upon.

"Thank you for coming into my life. Atheon... Without you I don't know what I would do with myself anymore."

"Well don't worry now love because the surprises don't end now."

The two of them smiled upon one another as they waved goodbye to everyone they walk through the portal and into the separate pocket dimension within the vault, And as they walked through Kaga heard a small adorable voice call out to her.


There before her A smaller version of herself came flying to towards her, Kaga quickly caught her that way she didn't fall and picked her up allowing her to get a full view of her.

Bright beautiful Sapphire eyes just like her mother Atheon, her tails just like hers, and an aura almost completely identical to the vex goddess.

Kaga seeing this the house everything, Just a leaned into her wife's chest as a young girl continued to snuggle against her mother.

No words needed to be said nothing at all had to be explained with science or reason, no This was simply the magic of Atheon, This was simply her living up to her words and creating the perfect paradise which they always dreamed of.

Today was the end of the war in the beginning of something completely new.

A normal family life.

With her, her wife, and most of all this adorable little bean.

"I love you Atheon."

The vex in turn kiss the top of her wife's head.

"I love you too, Kaga."

And there You have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is over I hope you guys enjoyed it.

This is the end The story has now been concluded Sorry if it seemed a bit rushed but with how everything has been set up this was basically the ending that you were all dude for Also sorry it's not longer but again I really do not know how I could have gone longer than this without being super repetitive and basically not getting to the goddamn point.

So yeah the war is over, Kaga got her wish and now everything can go on as they wanted to, with a perfect family and a peaceful world.

Now I truly do hope you guys enjoyed this story and the last two chapters and Merry Christmas to you all This was my present to you a completed story and now it opens up a new slot A slot for any story you guys want to be voted into it so with that said have fun with it.

This has been your favorite author signing off for the final time for this book I will catch you all later and deuces and goodbye.

Word count: 3459


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