5. Intuitions

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【H O L O C A U S T】

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

20th September 2019


"Noona, you are not eating anything. What the hell! You can't stay like this because that girl left this place. She is just one ungrateful being", I pushed the plate of food to her side and she shot a glare. Oh Come on, this is the best I can do. The stubborn side of my sister is so annoying.

"Soobin, she didn't leave on her own. Something must have happened to her. If she left by herself, she would have taken Max along with her", Noona expressed her concern and I nodded. I have to pretend for her sake.

"She must have lost interest in the dog or must have been broke as fuck to take care of it", I stated and she got up with a great force making me flinch. I have never seen noona so angry. Was it because of her? Why is she so important?

"Shut up, Soobin. You don't value emotions and play with people. Isn't that what you do every day? What can I expect from you? Just fuck off from here", she yelled at me and walked away. I chuckled at myself. 

Just to keep you safe, I don't know how much I have to lie further noona.

It was Jungkook hyung's idea to manipulate the whole scenario in such a way that Hannah noona absconded from the house with her stuff. Since Hannah noona took a lot of time for getting back home according to my sister, that time when she was actually under our custody, Aeri noona slept on the couch.

It became even easier for me to just pack her stuff with all possible haste. Max is a troublesome dog for it being a Doberman. It's huge and carrying it is not my cup of tea. Above all, my mere presence gives him a colossal abhorrence.

So, I just left it and took whatever I can to the Imperial Guest House. I don't know why Jungkook hyung and V hyung allowed her to reside in the Great Imperial Guest House. All she did was meddling with our business and being a salient pain in the ass.

I don't even understand why they are keeping her. What can she do? All the time, she lazed off in her room and only came out during the time of meals or for going out with one dreary black hoodie.

Wait! She goes out for a walk every day and wears only one hoodie. She stays in the room and doesn't usually come out. All the things in her room, they don't relate to a 19-year-old girl. What if she is far beyond what she is showing to the world?

I quickly dialed Jungkook hyung's number and clicked my boots in restlessness. She could be one of them, who knows?

"Hyung", I called

"What happened, Soobin? How many times I have told you not to call me when I am busy?", he grumbled on the other side and I shrugged it off. This is important right now.

"Hyung, didn't you ask me to find out about the people who landed in Seoul in the past month, right?", I spoke and I could hear him humming on the other side.

"Hyung, Hannah noona landed in Seoul in the last month", I revealed and I could hear nothing but silence on the other. Please think about it. This is not something trivial. 

"Just check her records, Soobin. Find out each and every detail about which flight she boarded and whom did she meet first in Seoul. I need you to find out every single detail. Got it?", he ordered and I smiled. My suspicions are true.

"I will", I replied and pulled out my motorbike keys.


17th September 2019

4:00 AM

"Whom is she trying to find?", I thought to myself, trying to configure from the marked locations on the map. She has someone to find in this city and is here on something. She is eerily calm and doesn't speak much. Was I too dumb to notice that?

A diary, a compass, an article about Bermuda Triangle, a marked Rubik's Cube, a Braille notes, and just a single suitcase. What is she? These don't look like a normal person's belongings. Is she an undercover?

V hyung and Jungkook hyung would have known if she is an undercover but no, they have seen her for the first time. I shoved all her stuff in a bag and noticed the telegraph key. She knows Morse? What the actual fuck?

Is she one from the enemy Army? Underground Mafia? 

My thoughts were disturbed by the howls of Max and I quickly packed her stuff, pacing my steps towards the backdoor. If noona catches me, Jungkook hyung will not hesitate to kill me. I jumped over the walls and reached the end of the street where I parked my motorbike.

It's dark and nothing could be visible. I sighed in relief and leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths. Running is not an easy task at all. 

My thoughts jumped back to her. Who is Hannah noona? If she knows Morse, there is a hundred percent possibility of her to know many other things. How many secrets does she hold in the cover of being an innocent being? I bobbed my head down to sniff the strange smell from the bag and my eyes widened. What if she could be here for...

An Unforeseen Holocaust



20th September 2019

I didn't inform everything to V hyung and Jungkook hyung since the President didn't want me. I don't know if I did the right thing or not, by informing the President. I vouch for the President without a second thought. But for the first time, I don't feel things are going right. I don't have much experience like the others  but I believe I can discern the difference between the actual peace and the calmness before a raging storm. 

Her reserved demeanor, her ability to observe things keenly, her curiosity, and the courage to follow five guys in the dark lane, why do I feel like something is missing. Where did her intrepidity vanish on seeing me with a gun?

How did she turn into a wimp from a heroine at the sight of me shooting? If she hadn't got the guts, she wouldn't walk so far just to follow a gang of five men. Was she pretending? She could be one of them sent in disguise to leak the data. 

Oh shit! This can't be.

Should I notify the Board? At least to V hyung and Jungkook hyung? But the President strictly admonished me not to spill a word about anything that looks strange regarding Hannah though I already told about her arrival to Seoul from overseas. That's the least I can do. I can't sit quite feeling the twitch of an impending doom. This is gravely minacious.

───※ ·❆· ※───

"Taehyun, how much more time?", I gritted my teeth in annoyance, walking forth and back. Why is he taking so much time?

"Soobin, it's not an easy task to access the most confidential details. Just give me a few more minutes. One mistake could cause us an irreparable damage. We would be taken into the police custody and not even President could help us", he snapped at me and I clenched my fists. He is still right? We are not given access to public information and crossing the limits would end us in a deep shit.

"Why are you so bothered about her, Soobin? It's like you are holding grudges on her. She doesn't even look that dangerous", Yeonjun spoke taking her side and I gave him a dirty look. Where did the man with brains disappear?

"Anything essential is always invisible to eyes, Yeonjun", I stated while crossing my arms across my chest, clicking my boots impatiently on the ground. 

"She looks nice and she is kind too. I talked to her today. She isn't that rude as you have mentioned. I suppose it's the effect of Newton's Third Law", he mouthed and I tried my best to control the urge to smack him hard on his head. He's gone nuts. Wait! Is he eyeing on her?

"Apparently, our eldest member is having a crush on the hostage", Kai revealed and I wish I could jump into the Pacific Ocean. Out of all the pretty girls in the country, he is crushing over a captive, who is now under the hunch of being an imposter.

"What's the status?", Jungkook hyung walked into the room and we looked at the screens. Taehyun was immersed in typing whatever codes he needs to.

"We didn't get the access yet. Taehyun needs time", I informed him and he walked to Taehyun who didn't even spare a glance at him. Jungkook hyung examined the three screens in front of him and pressed his lips into a thin line, thinking something deeply. His eyebrows are knitted and wrinkles creased his forehead. He is nervous too.

"Should I call him? He can do it I guess", he suggested, examining the codes as well as the sweat beads pouring down Taehyun's head. He was still typing something and stopped for a moment. He looked at the three screens trying to configure something and Kai also got up, to check on Taehyun. He must be stressed out. He has been trying to hack the passport details from the most secured public domain for an hour till now.

"Hyung taught me this. I can do it. Give me five more minutes", Taehyun mouthed and continued pressing the buttons.

"Did you get any information? About whom she met after landing in the airport", hyung asked and I bobbed my head. That information is an absolute waste though.

"Aeri noona picked her up from the airport. Her friend, Kevin was the one who asked noona to take care of her", I revealed and he flicked his hair, stomping his feet.

"That Kevin guy, that friend from the States?", he asked in a furious tone and I nodded.

"He hails from a normal family, isn't it? I have already researched about that guy and he is just a normal student, now a student in cybersecurity specialization. What does he have to do with all this?", he groaned and clicked his knuckles. 

"The information is useless. That's the reason I didn't get to you immediately on that", I told him and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"This is the reason why I call you a brainless dipshit. Your job is to report to me everything you find out. You are not the one to give the final judgment. Don't commit these nonsensical mistakes again. If the mistakes turn to blunders, you will be buried alive by the President himself", he warned me and I nodded.

For the first time, I feel absolutely terrified of the happenings. I should report to Jungkook hyung everything but I didn't. The President would kill me if I disclose anything to him. And Jungkook hyung would slaughter me if he finds out everything that I have apprised President of.

What the fuck did I get myself into? A rat hole is better than this.

"What if we are concerning too much about a simple thing forgetting the most cardinal predicament? What if she is just a normal girl who came to Seoul for the sake of living?", Yeonjun voiced out his opinion and I grunted at his risible notions.

"A normal girl who came for the sake of living would not sit and laze off in Soobin's house without doing a single job. A normal girl wouldn't be so quick in typing Morse and wouldn't have the quick mind to send a code word instead of a normal message", Jungkook hyung stated as a matter of fact with his eyes displaying intense commitment.

His conclusion was perfect and I can't deny any further. I didn't even list out my suspicions and he already deduced the oddity in this ball game. There's a reason why he is the senior. 

"Guys, I got the access", Taehyun yelled and we diverted our attention to him. He then turned to us with a blank face. What's wrong?

"Did Hannah noona land in Seoul in the last two months?", he asked us and we nodded. That's for sure. 

"What's the matter, Taehyun?", Jungkook hyung asked him in a stern tone, while crossing his arms and eyeing the screen.

"In the records of the last two months....."Taehyun paused and took a breath. I held my hands in nervousness. He must have found out her details. What if she is one of their men?

"There's no person by the name Hannah Cooper"

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•


destruction on a mass scale

A/N: I wish I could watch the whole online concert and sorry for the delay by the way. Flashbacks are in between the borders ⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅ Also, the dates are mentioned, I hope you get it.

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