Chapter 11: Losing Control

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There's gonna be a reprise of a song in this chapter from another movie, the song is gonna be different because not only have the lyrics changed, but it's also going to be emotional, so look out for that. Other then that, enjoy the chapter.



Chima: Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Laval, Liella, Eris, Cragger, Lavertus

Nova Australis: Darel, Queen Fahlga

Beacontown: Jesse, Petra, Axel, Olivia, Lukas, Ivor

Ninjago: Lloyd

The Valley: Stinky, Claudette, Runt

Equestria: Twilight Sparkle

Skylands: Spyro


Ninjago: Pythor

Equestria: Queen Chrysalis


While Queen Chrysalis stood at the Great Sky Forge entrance, her Changeling soldiers surrounded Timothy and his friends, ready to attack. Timothy stepped forward so Queen Chrysalis could see him, "Don't you ever give up?" Timothy asked while glaring at the Changeling Queen. "Don't you when it comes to saving your friends?" Queen Chrysalis said with an evil laugh. Twilight trotted in front of Timothy so that Queen Chrysalis could see her, "QUEEN CHRYSALIS, STOP THIS NOW." Twilight shouted. Queen Chrysalis noticed the purple alicorn and just scoffed, "Well well well, if it isn't the Princess of Friendship." Queen Chrysalis said in a mocking tone, "Here to turn me to the good side again?" Queen Chrysalis asked in a sarcastic tone while rolling her eyes at Twilight. "Friendship is the most powerful magic of all, but no matter what you do, no matter what you try, you will never break it." Twilight said while getting into a defensive position.

Queen Chrysalis looked at Timothy's group and spotted Lucy. "Not too late to join us Lucy." Queen Chrysalis said with an evil smile. When Timothy heard that, he stepped in front of Lucy so Queen Chrysalis looks at him instead of Lucy. "Leave her alone, Queen Chrysalis." Timothy said in an angry tone. The Changeling Queen just started laughing when she heard what Timothy said. Darel was somewhat confused, "What's so funny?" Darel asked while also getting into a defensive position. When Queen Chrysalis stopped laughing, she looked at Timothy and his friends with an evil look, "You are so naive Timothy, didn't you know that?" Queen Chrysalis asked rhetorically, "No you didn't, because Lucy forgot to tell you that and something else." Queen Chrysalis revealed.

Hearing what the Changeling Queen said made Timothy look at Lucy, "What's she talking about?" Timothy asked while looking at Lucy. Before she could say anything, Queen Chrysalis spoke, "Oh, she didn't tell you?" Queen Chrysalis asked rhetorically again, "She led me and my soldiers to you!" Queen Chrysalis revealed. Everyone was in complete shock except for Timothy and Twilight, "Nice try Changeling, your lies will not tear us apart." Timothy insulted, but Queen Chrysalis' look as not changed. "Don't be naive Timothy, how do you think I found this place?" The Changeling Queen asked.

Timothy didn't want to believe it, but she was right, "How did she find this place? It's completely hidden inside a mountain." Timothy thought as he looked at Lucy again with a shocking look on his face. "Lucy, is this true?" Timothy asked, hoping this wasn't true. Lucy looked at Timothy with a worry in her eyes, "No, I don't know." Lucy replied not knowing what to say, "I don't know anymore." Lucy added while a tear fell from her left eye and looking down. Lucy was quick to look up when Queen Chrysalis started speaking, "Oh but I think you do." The Changeling Queen said with an evil smile, "Perhaps all you need, darling, is a little nudge!" Queen Chrysalis added as her horn started glowing a bright green.

As soon as Queen Chrysalis' horn started glowing, Lucy started screaming in pain, while putting her hands on her head. Timothy was getting worried for her, "Twilight, what's happening?" Timothy asked while he was witnessing what was happening. "Queen Chrysalis is trying to control her!" Twilight revealed. Hearing that made Timothy even more worried for Lucy that he ran to her and put his hands on hers, "Listen to me Lucy, don't listen to Queen Chrysalis, fight it." Timothy said while trying to help Lucy fight the control. "I'm... trying... to, but... it's... too... strong." Lucy said while grunting and screaming. Hearing the grunts and the screams was making Timothy tear up, but he was going to give up. As he was about to try again, Lucy took one last look at Timothy and tried to smile, "Timothy... " Lucy was about to say, but she stopped talking and her slight smile faded when her eyes were glowing a bright green, the same color as Queen Chrysalis' horn.

Timothy was horrified when he saw that, "Lucy, no." Timothy said not believing what just happened and tears started to roll down his cheeks. Timothy was still holding on to Lucy's hands, but Lucy, now under Queen Chrysalis' control, grabbed his and threw him into a wall! The group of friends were shocked after what just happened that they went to Timothy to make sure he was okay. Timothy got up while grunting and saw the Changelings about to fight. Timothy got into a defensive position with the angriest look he'd ever made. One of the Changeling fighters started running about to attack Timothy, but just before the Changeling collided with Timothy, he punched the Changeling, but when he did a huge burst of power sent the Changeling flying into a wall.

After Timothy did that, the Energy Symbol started glowing again and a bright yellow aura started forming around Timothy. When he reached out his hand, the Energy Sword just appeared into his hand, then the bright yellow aura faded. Timothy looked at his friends, "Take care of the soldiers, Queen Chrysalis is mine." Timothy ordered. Queen Chrysalis, in fear, flew away with Lucy, but Timothy did something that his friends that was unbelievable. Timothy started flying too and started chasing after Queen Chrysalis. "HOW DID TIMOTHY DO THAT?!" Jesse asked while fighting the Changelings. "I'LL EXPLAIN LATER!" Samuel replied while he and his friends fought the Changeling soldiers in the Great Sky Forge.


Outside the Great Sky Forge, Queen Chrysalis and Lucy were about to exit the cave, but Timothy flew passed and landed in front of them while glaring at them. "This is your last warning Chrysalis, LEAVE LUCY ALONE!" Timothy said in a very angry tone. Queen Chrysalis just smiled evilly, "Fine, if that's what you want." Queen Chrysalis said while looking at Timothy then turned her head to look at Lucy, "Lucy, leave me alone." Queen Chrysalis said while taking trod back. "Yes, my Queen." Lucy said while lowering her head at the Changeling Queen in respect. After Lucy did that, she charged straight at Timothy and started attacking him. Timothy blocked Lucy's attack, because he didn't want to fight her. "LUCY, YOU ARE BEING CONTROLED!" Timothy shouted trying to snap Lucy out of it, but Lucy kept on trying to attack Timothy.

Queen Chrysalis saw what Timothy was trying to do and just laughed again. "You can try as long as you want Timothy, but my magic is stronger then yours." Queen Chrysalis said while watching the fight, "NOBODY CAN STOP ME!" Queen Chrysalis shouted. "Not even me?" A familiar voice said while pushing the Changeling Queen into a wall. Queen Chrysalis looked and saw it was Pythor pushing her. "TRAITOR, YOU WOULD BETRAY STRYKORE FOR HIS NEPHEW!" Queen Chrysalis asked while revealing Strykore's name. "STRYKORE!" Timothy shouted in complete horror while blocking Lucy's attacks. "IF THERE WAS SOMEONE WILLING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD, I RATHER IT BE ME AND ME ALONE!" Pythor shouted while still pushing Queen Chrysalis into the wall, but she broke free and started to fight Pythor!

While Pythor fought Queen Chrysalis, Timothy was still blocking Lucy's attacks. "FIGHT BACK!" Lucy shouted while still trying to attack Timothy. "NO LUCY, DON'T MAKE ME USE THIS SWORD!" Timothy shouted in an angry tone while glaring at Lucy, who was approaching him. Timothy didn't want to give in to his anger so he let it go and dropped his sword, "Please, I am not going to fight my girlfriend." Timothy said in a shaky voice while tears started forming. Lucy's glowing green eyes glowed even brighter then she glared at Timothy, "Your girlfriend... is... GONE!" Lucy said then shouted as she strikes Timothy in the chest, knocking him down the cliff in the process. Pythor was about to pin Queen Chrysalis, but Lucy took him down then helped her Queen up on her hooves. When Queen Chrysalis and Lucy turned around, they saw Timothy flying in front of them, but Queen Chrysalis smiled evilly, "Too late Timothy, what is lost, STAYS LOST!" Queen Chrysalis said then shouted as she and Lucy flew away.

As Timothy watched them fly away, a tear rolled down his right eye, "Don't worry Lucy, I'll find you, bring you back, then bring you home, I promise." Timothy promised while speaking to himself. Timothy turned around and saw Pythor was gone, he looked around to see if he was anywhere to be seen, but he wasn't, all there was of him was a letter with writing on it. Timothy picked up the letter and read it.

"Timothy, if you are reading this, I just want to let you know that Queen Chrysalis plans to use Lucy as bait to lure you in. Queen Chrysalis also wants to trade with you, she'll let Lucy go if you free Strykore from his prison. I'm only helping you to stop Strykore, because if someone is willing to take over the world, I rather it be me. Wish you luck, not really." Pythor P. Chumsworth-

After Timothy got done reading the letter, his friends rushed out of the cave to tell him something. "Timothy, the Changeling fighters are done for." Samuel said in a happy tone, but saw Timothy was not in a happy mood. "You couldn't save her, could you?" Samuel asked. Timothy shook his head as he gave his brother the note Pythor left. Everyone read it and Samuel was shocked after he read it, "But there's only one way to free Strykore." Samuel said while walking up beside Timothy. "Yes I know, but I bear his blood, which means if I use the Energy Sword, I have the power to free him!" Timothy revealed. Samuel walked back to his friends, "Then we'll rescue Lucy together." Samuel said while he and the rest of Timothy's friends smiled.

Timothy's look does not change, "Not we, me." Timothy said with a confident look on his face. Samuel and the rest had confusing looks on their faces, "What are you saying, you're going alone?" Twilight asked with a worried look on her face. "Are you crazy?" Stinky asked. "No way Timothy, you are not going alone." Samuel said while walking in front of Timothy and putting his right hand on his left shoulder, "We just need to wait and pl... " Samuel was about to say but Timothy shoved Samuel's hand off his shoulder, "I AM THROUGH WAITING!" Timothy yelled while glaring at his friends making everyone go silent, "THE REASON YOU GUYS ARE ALWAYS IN TROUBLE IS BECAUSE YOU FOLLOW ME!" Timothy added, "AND BECAUSE OF THAT, LUCY IS NOW CONTROLED BY A CHANGELING QUEEN! AND SHE WOULDN'T HAVE IF SHE AND YOU GUYS HADN'T GOTTEN IN THE WAY!" Timothy added again earning a gasp of disbelief from everyone. Timothy continued to glare at his friends, "I'M GOING TO RESCUE LUCY, AND I'M GOING TO DO IT ALONE!" Timothy yelled again. 

After Timothy shouted that, he flew off following Queen Chrysalis to her home. After Timothy flew off, Lloyd scoffed, "Who needs a friend like him anyway?" Lloyd asked. Samuel looked at everyone, "This isn't Tim's fault." Samuel said, "You heard what he said, he bears the blood of Strykore, meaning if Strykore can turn evil, so can Timothy!" Samuel revealed, which made everyone gasp.


While flying, Timothy landed on the ground while crying, not just because he lost Lucy, but he'd probably lost his friends and his brother after how he acted in front of them. After he got up, a soft musical beat filled the air then Timothy started singing.

(The reprise of "Once Upon a December.")

Timothy: Late one night

Distant screams

People shouting surrender.

My uncle's name

Haunts my dreams

Once upon a December.

Someone calling out my name

Soldiers bursting through the gates

Fear and darkness seize my heart

And then the world goes dark!

Now I'm here

all alone

wishing I could remember

Finally now

The truth revealed

I should have died that December.

Changeling Peak I must go,

Don't fret Lucy, I'll bring you home.

Timothy finished singing as he looked at Changeling Peak from a distance.

Next time on The Golden Guardian 2: Lucy in now under the control of Queen Chrysalis, so Timothy is willing to do what ever it takes to save her from the Chengeling Queen, even if it meant pushing away his friends. Will Timothy bring Lucy back? Will Timothy stop Queen Chrysalis? Or will everything fall apart? Find out in the next installment of The Golden Guardian 2.

Some of you probably know what's going to happen in the next story, but if you don't, be sure to leave a comment down below on what you think is going to happen in the next story. Later.

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