Chapter 12: All is Found

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This is the last chapter of this story. I hope you enjoyed this story and the story before this. It may look like Timothy's adventure is coming to an end, but if it does then another one is bound to begin. Also, nothing to report on this chapter, all I can say is the usual, I hope you enjoy this chapter.



Chima: Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Laval, Liella, Eris, Cragger, Lavertus

Nova Australis: Darel, Queen Fahlga

Beacontown: Jesse, Petra, Axel, Olivia, Lukas, Ivor

Ninjago: Lloyd

The Valley: Stinky, Claudette, Runt

Equestria: Twilight Sparkle

Skylands: Spyro


Equestria: Queen Chrysalis


Samuel and the rest of Timothy's friends, including Stinky, Claudette and Runt, returned to Chima and the Golden Guardian Lair. They saw Laval, Liella, Eris, Cragger and Lavertus inside the lair with scared looks on their faces. Samuel was confused, "Laval? What are you guys doing in here?" Samuel asked. Laval looked at Samuel with a confused look as well, "Well, how do I explain it?" Laval asked himself until Cragger started ranting, "WE SAW A BLACK-SCALED DRAGON IN THE SKY WHO WAS HOLDING A PURPLE-SCALED DRAGON HOSTAGE AND HE SAID HE'LL ONLY LET HIM GO IF HIS DAUGHTER RETURNS TO HIM, IF SHE DOESN'T MEAT HIS DEMANDS THEN HE'LL NEVER LET THE PURPLE-SCALED DRAGON GO, AND THEN HE DISAPPEARED!!!" Cragger ranted almost out of breath.

Samuel was shocked when he heard what Cragger said, but that didn't matter right now. Before Samuel could get the basics down, Laval looked around the room then back at Samuel, "Where's Timothy and Lucy?" Laval asked. Samuel looked at Laval with a worried look, "Lucy is being controlled by a Changeling Queen and Timothy pushed us out of the way to save her." Samuel explained. The Lions, Eagle and Crocodile all gasped at the same time. "There must be a reason why he did it." Eris said. "Eris is right, there's always a reason for the things we do." Liella said backing up Eris. "But the question is, what is the reason?" Lavertus asked.

Both Samuel and Laval had worried looks on their faces, but Samuel took a step forward, "Me and Timothy have an evil uncle named Strykore, and Timothy bears his blood." Samuel explained which caused the two Lions, Eagle and Crocodile to gasp, but Laval looked at them, "And if Strykore finds a way, he might turn Timothy evil!" Laval revealed, which caused everyone to look at him. Samuel looked at Laval with a curious look, "How do you know?" Samuel asked. Laval looked back at Samuel, "Long story." Laval replied. Samuel looked at Laval, "You're coming with me to help Timothy, and you're going to explain on the way, please?" Samuel said and asked. Laval looked at Samuel for a second then turned around to look at Liella, "Think you can handle the kingdom on your own?" Laval asked while smiling at his Queen. Liella smiled back then gave her King a hug, "Yes, Timothy needs you." Liella replied as she broke the hug. Twilight trotted forward, "I'm coming too, I know where Queen Chrysalis lives." Twilight said. Samuel looked at Laval then Twilight, "The let's get going, we leave immediately." Samuel said as he, Laval and Twilight rush out of the lair and headed for Changeling Peak. 


At Changeling Peak, Timothy flew straight towards the entrance and smashes through it. One of the Changeling guards is quick to alert his Queen who was coming. "Queen Chrysalis, Timothy is on his way here, as you predicted." The Changeling guard reported. The Changeling Queen glanced at Lucy, who was still under her control, with an evil smile, "Still naive, aren't you Timothy?" Queen Chrysalis asked herself as she looked at Lucy, "Lucy, get into positions." Queen Chrysalis ordered. "Yes, my Queen." Lucy replied while lowering her head in respect, then she stepped into a cage then locked it from the inside. When everything was ready, Queen Chrysalis just sat and waited for Timothy to show up.

As for Timothy, he kept on using his powers to smash through walls until he found Queen Chrysalis, which he did. He stood there, glaring at Queen Chrysalis then he started walking towards her, then she rose from her throne, "Take another step and I'll use my magic to kill Lucy!" The Changeling Queen said as her horn again glowed a bright green, but instead it began hurting Lucy's head. Timothy didn't want to rick losing Lucy so he took a step back, while still glaring at Queen Chrysalis. "Now let's not make this any harder then it already is Timothy." Queen Chrysalis said while looking at Timothy, "Let me guess, you want me to release Strykore in exchange for Lucy?" Timothy asked while still glaring at the Changeling Queen. "Oh, it sounds so much colder coming from you, but yes." Queen Chrysalis replied with an evil smile.

Timothy didn't want to lose Lucy more then he already had so he pulled out his sword as it glowed a bright yellow, sensing the sword speaking to him. Timothy closed his eyes as he listened to the sword. When he was done, Timothy made a face of complete horror, "I can't." Timothy said in a shaky voice. Queen Chrysalis was just about to lose her patients. "YOU WILL RELEASE STRYKORE, OR SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR PRECIOUS!" Queen Chrysalis shouted as she used her magic to hurt Lucy some more. Timothy's look remains unchanged, "I can't free him because, he's already free!" Timothy said in complete shock. "HE... HE'S WHAT?" Queen Chrysalis asked also in complete shock. After she said that, Timothy did another glare at her, "Which means, you don't need me, Lucy... " Timothy said as he got into a defensive position while still glaring at Queen Chrysalis, "and your horn!" Timothy finished with a smirk as he threw the Energy Sword towards Queen Chrysalis.

Before the Changeling Queen could react, the Energy Sword sliced off her horn, which is slowly causing an explosion within Queen Chrysalis. "No, this can't be!" Queen Chrysalis said feeling the pain within her and gasping while looking at Timothy with a surprise look on her face. "It is." Timothy said while still glaring at her, then she started screaming in pain. Her hold on Lucy as finally ceased, then Lucy passed out. Timothy used his sword to break the cage Lucy was in then broke a hole in the wall next to them revealing the outside. Timothy pushed Lucy next to the hole and just before he could get Lucy to safety, he gave her a kiss on the cheek then used his powers to send Lucy flying away from the mountain, and towards Chima. Before Queen Chrysalis exploded, Timothy used his sword to block himself from the explosion.  Finally, Queen Chrysalis exploded, which caused all of Changeling Peak to explode as well.


Back with Samuel, Laval and Twilight, they saw Changeling Peak and about to approach it, but when they saw the entire peak explode, leaving a smoke of yellow and green, they thought everything was lost, but Twilight saw something flying towards them. She flew towards it and what she saw really shocked her. She saw Lucy passed out and flying towards Samuel and Laval.  When Lucy landed on the ground in front of Samuel and Laval not moving, she instantly woke up and saw Samuel, Laval and Twilight looking down at her. "Guys?" Lucy said trying to get up while grunting. Samuel, Laval and Twilight all sigh in relief, knowing that their friend was okay, "Easy Lucy, after being controlled that long, I'd suggest resting until you'll feel like yourself again." Both Samuel and Twilight suggested. "Thanks guys." Lucy said while getting up, with Laval's help. When Lucy got up, she realized someone was missing, "Where's Timothy?" Lucy asked her friends, who all had sad looks on their faces, not knowing how to say it.


In an unknown area, Timothy had his eyes covered and when he opened them, he saw that the Energy Sword, that was in his hands when the explosion happened, wasn't in his hands anymore. Not only that, he also saw he was in the Void, the same place where he went to the last time he almost died. When he figured out where he was, he decided to call his parents. "Mom, Dad?" Timothy called, "We're here, son." They replied, coming from behind them. Timothy was happy to see them again, but he saw they had disappointed looks on their faces, "What's wrong?" Timothy asked. Pam and Darryl looked at each other then back at their son, "I'm afraid you made a mistake." Darryl answered.

Timothy was confused, "How is killing Queen Chrysalis a mistake?" Timothy asked. Pam took a step forward, "Oh no, destroying evil isn't the mistake you made Timothy, it's how you acted towards your friends and brother, Samuel." Pam explained. Timothy was surprised then made a sad look, "Oh, I didn't mean to act like the way I did towards them." Timothy explained, "But they were slowing me down so I had to tell them I wanted to explore alone from now on." Timothy added in a serious tone and with a serious look on his face. However, what Timothy said, made his parents even sadder, "Timothy, that's why you are here." Darryl explained, "If you hadn't pushed away your friends and Samuel, you would've rescued Lucy and taken care of Queen Chrysalis a different way." Darryl added.

Timothy's serious look turned into a curious look, "But at least I got the job done really quick." Timothy objected. "The quickest decision isn't always the best decision." Pam lectured. Timothy understood what his parents were saying and made a horrified face, "Is Strykore's blood turning me into him?" Timothy asked with a tear dropping from his left eye. Pam and Darryl looked at each other with worried looks then Pam walked up in front of Timothy then placed her hands on his shoulders, "No son, your blood does not tell you who you are." Pam replied, "Only your heart tells you who you are." Pam added with a smile, but Timothy's expression remains unchanged. "Then why did the Energy Stone choose me if it knew I was born with Strykore's blood?" Timothy asked. Pam looked at her son still smiling, "There's something in you Timothy that you don't see yourself." Pam replied still smiling, but noticed something else was bothering him, "Something else on your mind?" Pam asked dropping her smile to a sad look.

Timothy looked at his mother with a horrified look on his face, "After everything that I did, are you guys going to kill me?" Timothy asked as he started to cry. When Timothy asked that, Pam and Darryl felt sorry for him so they joined together for a family group hug, "Oh goodness no." Darryl replied, "We are not going to kill you, but we are going to curse you." Pam replied with a sad look on her face. After they broke the hug, Timothy looked at his parents, "How long will I be cursed?" Timothy asked. "Until you know what it means to be Loyal, Brave and True." Darryl replied. "What will this curse do?" Timothy asked again. "This curse will disable you to use both the Energy Sword and your powers." Pam replied. "Will I be cursed on Chima?" Timothy asked again. "No, you will not." Darryl replied, which made Timothy sad. "But, we will send you somewhere else, and when you're free from your curse, you can go back to Chima." Pam added, which made Timothy smile a bit.

Just before Timothy left, Timothy looked at his parents, "Where will you send me?" Timothy asked. "You'll see." Darryl replied. "Also Timothy, not being alone will help you understand how to be Loyal, Brave and True." Pam added. Even though Timothy didn't understand what his mother said, he gave his parents a nod then hugged them for the last time, "I love you guys." Timothy said as he broke the hug. "We love you too son." Pam and Darryl said as they watched their son exit the Void by disappearing.

In a far away land, Timothy woke up after his visit in the Void and realized he was nowhere near Chima. "Where am I?" Timothy asked himself as he looked around his surroundings. He saw rocks all over the place, almost like the Fangs back on Chima, but the rock pillers were not curved. Timothy looked around for a few more minutes then decided to walk around a little bit, then decides where he was going to set up camp.

After walking for a few minutes, he decided to lay on a rock to rest. While resting, Timothy saw some peddles fall off a cliff on their own. This told Timothy that he was not alone out here, so he got into a defensive position. Before he could react, Timothy got tackled from behind then got pinned by what looked like a dog with spots on it's fur. After it pinned me it started laughing maniacally. "What are you?" Timothy asked while glaring at the laughing creature. "Excuse you, but I am a hyena." The creature answered. After that, two more hyenas joined him, "Oh, can he join the army?" One of the hyenas asked, "Please?" The other hyena asked. The hyena pinning Timothy looked annoyed by the other two, "Shush you fur-brains, that's what I'm trying to do." The main hyena replied to the other two hyenas.

"Army?" Timothy asked with a confused look on his face, "Okay, first of all, What army? And second, who are you? And finally, where am I?" Timothy asked. The main hyena smiled evilly at Timothy, "We'll get back to you on your first question, but to answer you second and third question... " The main hyena started as he got off of Timothy so he could stand up again. "I'm Janja, leader of the Hyenas, and welcome to the Outlands!" Janja revealed as he started laughing maniacally again!

To Be Continued

Next time on The Golden Guardian: Timothy has found himself in a new and far away land filled with strange creatures like, "Hyenas." What kind of army is Timothy going to see? Will this army's leader be good or evil? Or will Timothy ever find out what it means to be Loyal, Brave and True? Find out in the next installment of the next story called, "The Golden Guardian: Adventures in the Pride Lands."

So yeah, I decided to add a TV series to the Golden Guardian, I hope you enjoy it. Also, if you guys have any ideas for this next story, let me know in the comments below. Have a great month. 

'Till the Pride Lands End.

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