Chapter 2: Beacontown

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I hope you guys are enjoying my second story, also the link right there is background music, please don't play it until the story says to play it, play it until it is over, or don't play it at all it's your decision. Any who, enjoy this chapter.


Heroes: Timothy, Lucy, Laval, Liella, Eris, Cragger, Darel, Lavertus


In the Lion Temple, Laval watched his two friends heading for Beacontown from the entrance with a sad look on his face. Eris flew down right next to Laval and saw he was feeling down. "What's wrong Laval?" Eris said in a sad tone. Laval turned to look at his eagle friend, "Being king is stressful enough as it is, but this," Laval said while looking back at the road his two friends went on, "I just don't know how to handle it." Laval continued with the same sad look. Eris walked up beside him, "There's more isn't there?" Eris asked. Laval breathed in then out and looked at Eris, "Timothy is right." Laval said with a surprised look on his face.

Eris was surprised herself, "About what?" Eris asked in a surprised tone. "About how I need a queen and how Liella and I became so close." Laval said with a slight smile on his face. Eris saw that and smiled herself, "You really care for her, don't you?" Eris asked with a smirk. Laval blushed when Eris asked that and let out a groan, "You sound just like Timothy," Laval said which made Eris giggle a bit, "But yes, I really do care for Liella." Laval answered. Eris put her left claw on Laval's right shoulder, "Laval life is too short, you need to tell her how you feel before it's too late." Eris advised. Laval smiled and looked at Eris, "Thanks Eris." Laval said. "What are friends for?" Eris replied smiling back.

Just then, Cragger came out of nowhere and stopped to catch his breath. Both Laval and Eris saw him and rushed over to him, "Cragger, what's wrong?" Eris asked with a worried tone. Cragger looked at his friends still panting, "Liella!" Cragger said still panting. Laval placed his paws on his crocodile friend's shoulders and looked straight into his eyes. "What about her? What happened?" Laval asked getting more worried by the second. Cragger caught his breath and looked at Laval, "She's sick!" Cragger replied which made Laval and Eris gasp in terror.


Up in the North, Timothy and Lucy were walking in a forest but it looked different. "These trees look weird." Timothy said while looking at the trees. Lucy looked at the trees as well and saw they were in a weird cube texture, "Maybe it's this land's thing." Lucy suggested. Timothy looked ahead and saw a trail, "Lucy look, there's a trail up ahead." Timothy called. Lucy looked and saw what Timothy was seeing, "Yes, I'm sure this trail will lead us to Beacontown." Lucy stated as she and Timothy took that trail. A few minutes went by and Timothy and Lucy were still on the trail, but in the distance they saw beacon lights shooting into the sky. "That's it, follow the beacons' lights and they lead us to the town." Lucy said while looking at Timothy with a smile. Timothy looked at Lucy and smiled back then looked back at the lights, "No wonder it's called Beacontown." Timothy said which made Lucy laugh a bit.

Just then, Lucy heard a sound coming from the trees, "Did you hear that?" Lucy said standing in a defensive position. "Actually, my sword picked up the noises faster then you." Timothy replied standing in a defensive position as well. As nothing happened, Timothy and Lucy walked slowly up the trail when the Energy Sword picked up something else, which Timothy listened. "TRIPWIRE!" Timothy shouted. Before Lucy could react, she triggered the tripwire and a net shot out from Lucy's right and trapped her. Timothy was about to free her when an arrow came out of nowhere about to hit Timothy, but Timothy sensed that, because of his sword, and used it to slice the arrow in two.

Timothy was about to free Lucy again when someone shouted behind Timothy, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Someone said in a female voice. Timothy turned and saw a woman with dark-brown skin wearing red armor and used her bow to point an arrow at Timothy. Timothy stood in a defensive position against the woman, but just then a tall, muscular man with white skin wearing green armor came from the forest raising his fists and another woman with white skin and ginger colored hair wearing dark-blue armor with a touch of gold came from the tree above Timothy and landed on his left holding her sword and doing a stance.

"Order of the Stone, what do we have here." Another voice said standing behind Lucy. Timothy turned around only to look at another white skinned man with green eyes and light-brown hair wearing armor that was mostly white with a touch of diamond and gold. "I think they're trespassing." the muscular man suggested. "I think they're thieves." the dark-browned woman suggested. "I think they're threats." the ginger-haired woman suggested. "Before we suggest anything, we need to know who they actually are." the green-eyed man suggested glaring at Timothy. "Tell me, who are you two and where do you two come from?" the green-eyes man said.

Timothy put away his sword but remained in a defensive position and looked at the green-eyed man, "I'm Timothy and that's Lucy, we came from a land called Chima to visit Beacontown, but you got the drop on us." Timothy said as he introduced Lucy and himself. The green-eyed man continued to glare at Timothy, "You say you two are visiting, yet you carry weapons." the green-eyed man suggested. "Our weapons were only for self-defense during our travel, please we are not here to cause trouble." Timothy said. The green-eyed saw some sense in Timothy's eyes and looked at his friends, "Let them go." The green-eyed man said. Just like that, the green-eyed man's friends lowered their weapons and Timothy freed Lucy.

Timothy and Lucy looked at the green-eyed man and his friends, "I'm Jesse, and we are the Order of the Stone." Jesse said as his friends did poses, "This Petra, Axel, and Olivia." Jesse said as he introduced the ginger-haired woman, the tall, muscular man, and the dark-brown skinned woman. "Follow us if you want to visit Beacontown." Jesse said as he and his friends walked up the trail with Timothy and Lucy. They soon stop in front of a huge, red gate, "OPEN THE GATES, IT'S JESSE!" One of the guards shouted as they started to open the gates. As the gates opened, Jesse and his friends turned to look at Timothy and Lucy, "Welcome to Beacontown." Jesse said as he and his friends stepped out of the way so Timothy and Lucy can see the town.

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Back on Chima, Laval, Cragger, Darel, and Lavertus were in the Eagle Spire, watching Eris running some tests over Liella, "Is she going to be okay?" Laval asked in a worried tone. "I'm not sure to be honest." Eris said with a sad look, "She's coughing, her breath is shallow, and her fur color is changing." Eris added. Laval walked by her side and sat while holding her right paw with his left paw. "How long did she have it?" Darel asked. Eris turned to look at Darel, "At least two days ago." Eris replied. Laval turned his head to look at his friends, "Timothy and Lucy need to now what's happening here." Laval suggested. Lavertus walked up to see his nephew, "But nephew, we don't know where they are." Lavertus said. "I do, we'll probably make it back here by sundown tomorrow." Eris said walking up. "But what about Liella?" Cragger pointed out. Darel stepped up, "I'll watch her in Eris' absence." Darel said. "Then it's settled." Laval stated, "Eris go, find Timothy and Lucy and bring them back." Laval ordered. Eris gave a nod and flew out of the room and headed North. Everyone inside watched as Eris flew away, while Laval still sat by Liella holding her paw, "Don't worry, we'll get you better, I promise." Laval said as a tear dropped from his left eye.

Next time on the Golden Guardian 2: Timothy and Lucy have found Beacontown that was being guarded by the Order of the Stone. Things look peachy for Timothy and Lucy, but back on Chima isn't going well at all, Liella is sick and Laval and his friends don't know what kind of sickness it is. Is Liella going to survive this sickness? Will Eris make it to Beacontown in time? What will Timothy and Lucy find in Beacontown? Find out in the next installment of the Golden Guardian 2.

Seriously, what is going on with Liella? Tell me what kind of sickness it is in the comments down below. Also, fill free to tell me your thoughts on the second story. Have a good day.

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