Chapter 4: The Only Cure

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Nothing to report in this chapter other then enjoy it.



Chima: Timothy, Lucy, Laval, Liella, Eris, Cragger, Lavertus

Nova Australis: Darel

Beacontown: Jesse, Petra, Axel, Olivia, Lukas, Ivor


In a forest, Timothy, Lucy, Eris and Jesse were on their way to Chima so they can get that potion to Liella, before it's too late. Both Lucy and Eris were leading the way while Timothy and Jesse followed them. While walking, Jesse was thinking on what to say to Timothy, then he had his thought, "Uh Timothy, what does Chima look like?" Jesse asked looking at him while walking. Timothy smirked while looking at him, "You'll know it when you see it." Timothy replied.

Jesse was deep in thought again, trying to think of what question to ask Timothy, but Timothy noticed it and looked at Jesse, "Why do you do that?" Timothy asked while walking. Jesse had a confused look on his face, "Do what?" Jesse asked in reply. "Always deep in thought then coming up with something to say." Timothy explained. Jesse however chuckled, "Oh, hmm, how do I explain it?" Jesse asked himself, "You see, I have at least three or four suggestions in my head, one of them could be, 'Are we getting closer?' or, 'How long does Liella have left?' or, 'What does Chima look like?'" Jesse starts explaining, "So I pick one of those suggestions in my head and then I say it out loud." Jesse finished.

Timothy understood what Jesse was saying, "Wow! That's kind of cool." Timothy said still walking. Jesse just smiled still walking as well. While still walking, Eris flew high into the sky then came back down, "We're getting close to Chima, we should see it up on this hill." Eris said and pointed at the hill behind her. Both Timothy and Lucy rushed to the top of the hill and were amazed by the sight they were seeing, a flouting island with a sunset behind the island. Lucy looked at the view then at Timothy, "Does this kind of remind you of... " Lucy was going to say, but Timothy said it, "The day I had the duel with Marmoo?" Timothy said finishing Lucy's statement, "Yes, yes it does." Timothy replied with a sad look on his face.

Everyone else came to the top of the hill and gazed at the sight they were beholding. Jesse however was in complete awe, "You weren't kidding." Jesse said while gazing at the sight of the flouting island. "Guys remember why we're here." Timothy said snapping everyone out of it. "Right." Lucy said as everyone continued heading for Chima.


Back on Chima in the Eagle Spire, Laval was sitting by Liella's side while grasping her right paw and shedding a tear from his left eye. Cragger and Darel were in the room as well and they looked at each other with worried looks on their faces. Just then, Lavertus barged into the room with a surprised look in his face, "They're back, they've returned!" Lavertus said while panting from the running. Darel rushed out of the Eagle Spire and saw them coming with a new friend.

Timothy and his friends rushed to the Eagle Spire, only to meet Darel outside, "Timothy! Thank the Rainbow Serpent you're here." Darel said, before he took a glance at Jesse, "With a new friend?" Darel asked while looking at Jesse. Timothy looked at Darel, "Introductions have to wait Darel, right now we have to get Liella before it's too late." Timothy said with a worried look on his face. Darel gave a nod and they went inside the Eagle Spire, while Eris flew up to Laval and Liella.

Everyone entered the room and saw Liella wasn't doing too well. Jesse took a look at her and sighed in relief, "We still have time to save her." Jesse said while setting his stuff down, "Timothy, the potion." Jesse asked for. Timothy took the potion out of his bag and handed it to Jesse. Jesse held the potion and poured the pink-glowing liquid into a bowl. Jesse then heated the liquid then walked towards Liella. Laval stepped in front of Jesse with a glare, but Timothy put his left arm on Laval's right shoulder, "It's okay Laval, trust him he knows what he's doing." Timothy said reassuring his lion friend. Laval looked at Timothy and calmed down then looked at Jesse, "Alright, but let me do it, please?" Laval asked with a worried look on his face.

Jesse was deep in thought again, thinking if he should let Laval do it, or not. Jesse made up his mind and gave the bowl to Laval, "Just be careful, we can't afford to lose a drop." Jesse explained. Laval looked at the bowl then back at Jesse with a smile, "Thank you." Laval said as he turned and walked carefully to Liella. Laval knelt beside her and tilted the bowl while pouring the pink-glowing liquid into her mouth. Every last drop went into her mouth and the only sound they heard from her was her swallowing the liquid.

Then, all of a sudden, her dark-colored fur was turning back into her normal beige-colored fur. Everyone looked at Jesse, who was smiling, "She's going to be just fine, she just needs rest." Jesse explained. Everyone sighed in relief after what Jesse said and decided to head to their own places to sleep. Timothy looked at Laval, who was laying down by Liella, "Coming Laval?" Timothy asked while looking at him and Liella. "Actually, I'm going to keep her compony until she wakes up." Laval said while smiling at Liella.

Timothy smiled at the sight of the king with his future "queen." "Have you thought about what I said before I left for Beacontown?" Timothy asked still smiling. Laval looked back at Timothy smiling back, "I have actually, and I decided to ask her after she wakes up and we spend some time together alone." Laval replied. Timothy had no choice but to put both his hands on his mouth, meaning he was excited for Laval, "Good luck and goodnight." Timothy said while smiling and leaving him and Liella alone to sleep. Laval looked at Liella once more and smiled at her, "Goodnight Liella, I love you." Laval whispered and layed his head down to sleep. What Laval didn't realize was that Liella slightly smiled and they both slept silently during the night.

Next time in The Golden Guardian 2: Liella is cured from the Wither Sickness, thank goodness, but tomorrow is going to be a challenge for both Laval and Timothy. Laval is going to ask Liella to be his queen, but he needs to find the right time to ask her. Timothy, on the other hand, is still searching for his real brother Samuel and finding what is means to be Loyal, Brave and True, because of the symbol on his chest. Will the next town, "Ninjago" have all the answers he's looking for? Will Laval ask Liella to be his queen? Will Timothy's journey be normal, or is their going to be another threat on the way? Find out in the next installment of The Golden Guardian 2.

Comment down below what you think is going to happen in the next chapter. I promise I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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