Chapter 5: Love Will Find A Way

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There's going to be a song in this chapter so look out for that. Other then that, I hope you enjoy it.



Chima: Timothy, Lucy, Laval, Liella, Eris, Cragger, Lavertus

Nova Australis: Darel

Beacontown: Jesse, Petra, Axel, Olivia, Lukas, Ivor


It was morning in Chima and the sun's rays were shining down on the floating island. The rays also managed to reach inside the Eagle Spire, beaming Liella in the face causing her to wake up. As Liella woke up, she saw Laval still sleeping next to her. Liella couldn't help but smile at the young king, who was starting to wake up as well. "Good morning Laval." Liella whispered. Laval looked up and smiled at the sight that Liella already awake, "Good morning Liella." Laval whispered back, "How do you feel?" Laval added. Liella just smiled and hugged Laval, "I feel a little pain, but being with you helps me ignore it." Liella replied still hugging the young king.

Laval was surprised at first, but decided to hug her back letting her know that he wasn't going to let anything, like the sickness, hurt Liella again. Laval and Liella both broke the hug and stared at each other in the eyes as Laval cleared his throat, "So Liella, Do you want to take a stroll around Chima for the day?" Laval asked, "It will be just the two of us." Laval added. Liella giggled at the thought and hugged him again, "Of course, I'd love to spend the day with you." Liella answered as she broke the hug. Laval looked at the sunrise then back at Liella, "If we are, then we better get ready." Laval suggested as he got out of Liella's bed. Liella did the same both she and Laval went to go get ready for the day,


In The Golden Guardian's Lair, Timothy and Lucy were looking at the map and examining the different places near and far Chima. Lucy was reading, The Energy Sword's History, the same book they found in Timothy's parents' cottage, to find the places on the map, "Let's see here, it says here that the Tree of Light is underground below Chima." Lucy said reading a section of the book. Timothy zoomed in the holographic map to look at Chima, "It's either under the whole island, or it's inside the island." Timothy suggested as he zoomed out to look at the different places.

Lucy looked back at the book to read some more, "The Tree of Life is surrounded by a wall of mountains with only one way in." Lucy continued reading the section. Timothy zoomed out more to find the wall of mountains, which he did. Timothy zoomed in the map to look at the wall and the Tree, "A wall of mountains with only one way in." Timothy repeated what the book said, "This has to be it." Timothy pointed out, "A wall of mountains with a mountain pass, surrounding a tree, that has to be the Tree of Life!" Timothy added while looking at it, "I wonder what's at the Tree of Life?" Timothy asked himself. "I don't know, but I'm pretty sure we'll find out what's at the Tree of Life one day." Lucy replied smiling at Timothy. Timothy smiled back at Lucy, "Maybe." Timothy said as he caused the map to zoom out.

As Timothy was looking at the labeled lands while sitting down, his smile faded into a frown which Lucy noticed, "Something wrong Timothy?" Lucy asked while closing the book and putting it down and sitting next to Timothy. Timothy took a deep breath in and out then he looked at Lucy, "All these different lands might be filled with danger Lucy." Timothy said while looking back at the map. "I know, but once we discover them together... " Lucy was about to say while walking up beside Timothy looking at the map as well, but Timothy looked at Lucy with a worried look, "That's the thing Lucy, when I discovered Nova Australis, not only did I get to meet you, but I almost got killed." Timothy said while looking down.

Lucy looked at Timothy with a worried look as well, "Timothy, if you're too afraid to explore... " Lucy was about to say again, but Timothy cut her off, "I'm not afraid of that Lucy." Timothy interrupted, "I'm afraid... that... you.... that you might.... " Timothy was trying to say but couldn't as tears were starting to form in both of his eyes. Lucy understood what Timothy was trying to say so she put her left hand on his right cheek and forced his head to look at her. They looked at each other in the eyes for a second before Lucy broke the silence, "Timothy, are you afraid that I might get killed?" Lucy asked still looking at Timothy. Timothy did a small gasp as tears started to roll down his cheeks, "It's just... Lucy you mean a lot to me and I don't want to lose you like how you almost lost me, and I wanted you to stay here because I wanted you to be safe." Timothy explained as more tears rolled down his cheek.

Lucy took in what Timothy was saying and she hugged him as tears started to form in her eyes as well, "The reason I came along with you is because, Timothy you mean a lot to me too and I don't want to lose you again." Lucy said as she continued to hug Timothy. Timothy took in what Lucy was saying and started to cry on her shoulder. Lucy padded Timothy's back as he cried on her shoulder, "I love you." Lucy said in a soft tone while petting his head. Timothy smiled a bit and opened his eyes, "I love you too." Timothy replied as he and Lucy reassured each other and enjoying each others compony.


It was already sunset as Laval and Liella were on top of Mount Cavora sitting on the edge while enjoying the view and each others compony, "The view is breath taking Laval." Liella said as she looked at Laval with a smile. Laval looked at Liella and smiled back, "Yeah, it is." Laval agreed. "Thanks for asking me to hang out with you today, I really enjoyed it." Liella said still smiling at Laval. "No problem." Laval said still smiling back at Liella. Laval and Liella stood up and walked to the center as Laval started to do a whistling tune as a slow music filled the air.

(the song I chose, "For the Dancing and the Dreaming" from How to Train your Dragon 2.)

Laval: I'll swim and sail on savage seas

With ne're a fear of drowning

And gladly ride the waves of life

If you will marry me

No scorching sun nor freezing cold

Will stop me on my journey

If you will promise me your heart

Liella: And love me for eternity

My dearest one, my darling dear

Your mighty words astound me

But I've no need of mighty deeds

When I feel your arms around me

Laval: But I would bring you rings of gold

I'd even sing you poetry

And I would keep you from all harm

If you would stay beside me

Liella: I have no use for rings of gold

I care not for your poetry

I only want your paw to hold

Laval: I only want you near me

Laval and Liella: To love to kiss to sweetly hold

For the dancing and the dreaming

Through all the sorrows and delights

I'll keep you love beside me

I'll swim and sail on savage seas

With ne're a fear of drowning

And gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me

If you will marry me.

Laval and Liella danced while singing and when they both sang the last verse, they both kissed each other in the lips for a second then they broke the kiss then Laval looked at Liella, "Liella?" Laval asked while looking into her eyes. "Yes Laval?" Liella answered while looking back at him with a smile. Laval smiled back and held her right paw, "Liella, you are the most amazing lioness I have ever met, I love you with all of my heart. Will you rule the Lion Tribe by my side as a queen?" Laval said and asked while still holding Liella's right paw. Liella was surprised at first, but she took in what Laval just asked her and smiled excitingly, "Yes Laval, I would love to rule by your side as queen." Liella replied as she hugged Laval, "And, I love you too." Liella added she broke the hug and kissed Laval again. Laval and Liella enjoyed the rest of the day together as well as Timothy and Lucy.


Night time came and Laval was in his room looking out his window until he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw Timothy standing there, "Hey Tim." Laval said with a smile. "Hey Laval." Timothy said back. As Timothy walked by Laval's left side, he saw something different about him and saw what it was. "Did you ask her yet?" Timothy teased with a smirk. "Oh shut up." Laval replied while playfully punching Timothy's left shoulder with his right paw. "But yes, I did ask her." Laval added. "And?" Timothy asked waiting for an answer. "She said yes." Laval replied with a huge smile on his face. Timothy couldn't help but smile at the fact that Laval now has a queen. Laval looked at Timothy with a smile, "Thanks for the advice Timothy, it really helped." Laval said as he hugged Timothy. Timothy hugged Laval back with a smile, "No problem." Timothy said back.

Laval broke the hug and laid on his bed, "I am so glad Liella is feeling better from that sickness." Laval said as he closed his eyes. Timothy just realized something from when he met Jesse and the Order of the Stone, which Laval noticed when he opened his eyes. "What is it Timothy?" Laval asked while sitting up and looking at Timothy. Timothy looked at Laval with a serious look, "Didn't Liella say she doesn't remember how she got the sickness?" Timothy asked. Laval nodded his head in response. "But that's impossible." Timothy said, "The Wither Sickness' symptoms doesn't include memory wipe according to Jesse!" Timothy revealed. "What are you saying Timothy?" Laval asked with a worried look on his face. Timothy looked at Laval with a worried look as well, "Someone gave Liella the Wither Sickness, she's just too afraid to tell us!" Timothy revealed.

Next time on The Golden Guardian 2: Laval has finally told his feelings to Liella, but Timothy believes that someone gave the Wither Sickness to Liella. How did Liella get the Wither Sickness? Was it someone who gave the sickness to Liella? Will Liella reveal who gave her the sickness? Find out in the next installment of The Golden Guardian 2.

Dun dun dun! Who do you think gave Liella the Wither Sickness? Also, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. See you later.

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