Chapter 7: Escape and Emotions

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There are going to be songs in this chapter from another movie, so look out for that. Also, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.



Chima: Timothy, Lucy, Laval, Liella, Eris, Cragger, Lavertus

Nova Australis: Darel

Beacontown: Jesse, Petra, Axel, Olivia, Lukas, Ivor

Ninjago: Lloyd, Twilight Sparkle, Spyro


Ninjago: Pythor, The Black Serpent


In a different section of cells, called the victim cells, Lucy was held in a cell, hiding in a corner, in the dark. Lucy looked around to try to find a way out of here, but there wasn't, and what's worst of all, she doesn't know where Timothy is and she misses him already. "Don't worry Tim, I'll get out of here and find you as soon as I can." Lucy said to herself, or so she thought.

In front of Lucy's cell was another cell that was completely dark inside, but out of that darkness was a pair of green eyes, looking directly at her. Lucy noticed those eyes right away and got startled by them, "Who are you?" Lucy said trying to act tough, but was actually scared. The creature with the green eyes laughed, but the laugh sounded sounded like a female, "After all these years, I've finally found you." She said in an exciting tone, but was also distorted, "I'll help you find, 'Tim' was it, and get you and your boyfriend out of here." She continued.

Lucy didn't buy it so she asked her a question, "Do I know you?" Lucy asked. The creature did a chuckle then looked at Lucy, "No, when a child is born they don't know much things," The creature stated, "but a mother knows best!" The creature finished, which caused Lucy to do a huge gasp!


Back in the Champion cells, Lloyd, Twilight, and Spyro just got done telling Timothy about The Black Serpent. Timothy was surprised after what his new friends told him, "Wow! he sounds almost impossible to defeat!" Timothy said in a surprised tone. "Oh yes, and no one has ever defeated him before." Lloyd said. "And anyone who is defeated by him is put to death." Twilight added, which made Timothy gulp. "Yep, and now we wait until it's our turn to fight him." Spyro said, "Because no one gets in and no one gets out." Spyro added.

After Spyro said what he wanted to say, he started humming. Timothy looked at Spyro with fascinated eyes, as if he heard that song before. Then it clicked Timothy on where and when he heard that song before. Lloyd and Twilight, on the other hand, heard him hum that a thousand times and were getting annoyed by it, "Spyro, why do you hum that over and over again?" Lloyd asked. Spyro looked at his friends, "My mentor sang it to me, it helps me remember that no matter where I go, I'll always come back home to him." Spyro explained. Twilight was interested, "Will you sing it for us, please?" Twilight asked.

Spyro was hesitant, but decided to do it anyway, "Alright, I'll do it." Spyro said as he cleared his throat and started singing.

(The song I chose is called, "Once Upon a December" from a movie called Anastasia)

Spyro: On the wind

Cross the sea

Hear this song and remember

As soon as Timothy heard the first few words, he knew he heard that song before and decided to sing along.

Spyro and Timothy: Soon you'll be

Home with me

Once upon a December

When Timothy sang that last part, Spyro was surprised, "How did you know my mentor's song?" Spyro asked. Timothy remembered where and when he heard that song, "My father sang it to me, he sang it to me and Laval while we were growing up." Timothy explained. "Wow, my mentor said that that song belonged to his family for a long time." Spyro explained. Lloyd and Twilight were really interested, but Timothy was curious, "What is your mentor's name?" Timothy asked. Spyro looked at Timothy and breathed in and out, "His name is Eon." Spyro replied.

As soon as Spyro said that, Timothy was really shocked on what he just heard, "Did you just say, 'Eon'?" Timothy said in a shocked voice. Spyro looked at Timothy's reaction, "Yeah, do you know him?" Spyro said and asked in a curious tone. "No, but I know of him." Timothy explained. "How?" Twilight asked. Timothy breathed in and out then looked at his friends, "Eon, is my uncle!" Timothy explained, which caused his friends to gasp, but Spyro was really freaking out, "EON IS YOUR UNCLE!?" Spyro asked while yelling in shock. As soon as Spyro said that, snake guards came into the room and opened Timothy's cell door and grabbed him and took him to the arena. "I hope you survive." Lloyd said, which caused Twilight and Spyro to nod in agreement.

Timothy a taken to the arena, there he was face to face with The Black Serpent! Timothy was about to pull out his sword, but Pythor started speaking, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Chima's champion, The Golden Guardian!" Pythor introduced, which caused the crowd to boo at Timothy, "And I give you our champion, The Black Serpent!" Pythor introduced, which caused the crowd to cheer for The Black Serpent.

Timothy got annoyed by that and just ignored it. "CONPONENTS, DRAW YOUR WEAPONS." Pythor shouted, which Timothy and The Black Serpent did, but when Timothy pulled out his sword it glowed like crazy. Timothy heard the whispers of the sword and after he did, they shocked him to the bone. "CONPONENTS... FIGHT!" Pythor shouted, which caused The Black Serpent to charge at Timothy, but Timothy placed his sword into the ground, which caused a forcefield between him and The Black Serpent. The Black Serpent struck the forcefield, but it did nothing, so The Black Serpent looked at Timothy through his mask, "WHY WON'T YOU FIGHT ME?" The Black Serpent shouted. "Because I'm not going to fight a hero." Timothy replied.

The Black Serpent just laughed, "I'm no hero, I am Ouroboros' champion!" The Black Serpent said with a laugh. "No your not, you were a hero, but these snakes made you think your not." Timothy said. The Black Serpent was confused, "How do you know?" The Black Serpent asked. Timothy looked at his fighter as a tear dropped from his left eye, "Because my parents told me through my sword." Timothy explained, "And they also told me that you are... you are their son, which means you are my brother." Timothy continued.

The Black Serpent was shocked, but was unconvinced, "If you are, in fact my brother, prove it." The Black Serpent demanded. Timothy knew what to do, so he cleared his throat and smiled at his fighter.

(here comes the song again, but I improved it)

Timothy: On the wind

Cross the sea

Hear this song and remember

Soon you'll be

Home with me

Once upon a December

You are lost within the storm

Don't fret, I'll keep you safe and warm

Figures held us gracefully

Across our memories.

Dancing bears

Painted wings

Things I almost remembered

And a song

Our parents sang

Once upon a December

Now you are lost within your mind

Don't worry, it is you whom I will find

I will free you peacefully

And return your memories.

Far away

Long ago

Glowing dim as an amber

Things our hearts

Used to know

Things they yearn to remember

And a song

Our parents sang

Before Timothy could finish, The Black Serpent took off his mask and revealed himself to Timothy, which caused Timothy to take down the forcefield, and Timothy and his brother held each other's shoulders.

Timothy and Samuel: Once upon a December.

As soon as they sang the last part, they both hugged each other, "It is you." Samuel whispered into Timothy's ear. Timothy started to tear up, "I'm so glad I found you." Timothy said in a joyful tone.

But their reunion was short lived when snake soldiers jumped out of their seats and surrounded Timothy and Samuel. "I really hope you got a plan." Samuel said while putting his and Timothy's backs together. "Actually, I didn't think that far ahead." Timothy admitted while he and Samuel got into defensive positions.

Before the snakes made their move, a huge explosion suddenly happened and the smoke was green, and from that green smoke stood someone that Timothy never thought he'd see again. "LUCY!" Timothy shouted in a joyful tone. "TIMOTHY!" Lucy replied in the same tone as Timothy's. They ran towards each other and gave each other a hug. "I thought I'd never see you again." Timothy said as tears started to form in his eyes. "I'm fine, just fine." Lucy said as she broke the hug.

Samuel stood from behind and smiled, "When did you two meet?" Samuel asked with a smirk. Timothy and Lucy looked at each other with a smile then at Samuel, "It's a long story." Lucy replied. "Yeah." Timothy added, "Samuel, this is Lucy." Timothy said introducing Lucy to his brother. "Nice to meet you Lucy, but the prisoners are still trapped in their cages." Samuel said pointing at the cells. "Right." Timothy agreed, "Samuel, you get the heroes out of their cages." Timothy said giving the order to his brother, "Lucy, you're with me, we have to get these snakes out of here for good." Timothy said giving the order to Lucy.

"Actually, there are victim cells right next to where the explosion just happened," Samuel pointed out, "I think Lucy should get the victims out to safety." Samuel suggested. Timothy was hesitant at first, but he saw Lucy nodding her head in agreement with Samuel. "Okay." Timothy agreed, "Lucy, go get the victims out of their cages and away from this place, while I hold the snakes long enough to give you more time." Timothy said giving the order. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and separated to do what they were told.

Lucy ran straight towards the victim cells and freed everyone from their cells, including the creature she was talking to, "Thanks, my child." The creature said while giving Lucy a hug. "No problem, mother!" Lucy said with a smile, "Also, who are you?" Lucy asked with a confused look on her face. The creature just gave a smile, "For now, all you need to know is that I am the Queen of Changelings." The creature said, "Now go." She added, letting Lucy go, which Lucy did.

As soon as Lucy left, the changeling queen's reassuring smile turned into an evil smile. "Is the bait ready?" Someone asked from behind the queen. The queen turned around and saw it was Pythor! "Yes, it's like what you said to me, 'To kill a snake, you go for the head,' and we do that by destroying relationships." The queen said, "Everything is going according to plan, I'm so glad he told us that his nephew was going to be here." The queen added. Pythor smiled evilly, "Yes, like that plan to give that lioness the Wither Sickness!" Pythor revealed, "But now, the rest of his plan rests on your shoulders, Queen Chrysalis!" Pythor added saying the queen's name, who gave a nod with an evil smile!


Outside the lost city, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Lloyd, Twilight and Spyro found a spot on a hill where they can rest. "Man, it's great to finally be free from that dreadful city." Lloyd said while laying down. "Tell me about it." Samuel said agreeing with Lloyd. "If we're going to make camp here, we better get a fire going." Timothy suggested. "Way ahead of you." Twilight and Spyro said in unison. After they said that, Twilight used her magic to gather enough fire wood and to put them in a pile while placing stones around the wood. As soon as the fire wood and the stones were placed, Sypro did a huge inhale, and when he exhaled, he blew fire out of his mouth and onto the wood. Everyone was amazed after Twilight and Spyro worked together to build a fire in five seconds.

A few minutes went by and Spyro and Timothy were talking about Eon. Spyro got to the point where he thinks Eon maybe keeping secrets from him about not only his dragon ancestors, but also about Strykore! "What makes you think that Eon is keeping secrets from you?" Timothy asked with a confused look. "Because every time I bring it up around him, he always makes up excuses or changes the subject like he doesn't want to tell me." Spyro explained, which Timothy understood. "Maybe there's a reason why he's keeping secrets from you." Timothy suggested. "Maybe, but I still want to know what happened to my dragon kind." Spyro said. "Maybe Eon will tell you when the time is right." Timothy suggested. "Maybe." Spyro agreed, "Also, what do you know about Strykore?" Spyro asked, which caused Timothy to have a surprised look. "Okay Spyro, I don't even know where to start, but let me try to explain." Timothy said as he starts explaining what he heard from the book he found in the cottage.


As for Lucy, she went for a little walk away from the camp and into a field, surrounded by giant boulders, waiting for someone. "Hello, daughter." came a female voice from behind Lucy. She turned around and saw Queen Chrysalis walking towards her. "Hello, mother." Lucy replied. "Perhaps it is time for you to know who I am." The queen said, "I am Queen Chrysalis." Queen Chrysalis added, introducing herself to her daughter. "Now, let's talk about that boy you like." The queen suggested. "Mother, we more then like each other." Lucy explained, "We... we love each other." Lucy added as a smile appeared on his face.

[the second song I chose is called, "Mother knows best (reprise)" from Tangled]

Queen Chrysalis: Love each other please Nightshade, that's demented

Lucy: But mother my na...

Queen Chrysalis: This is why you never should have left

Darling this while romance that you invented

Just proves you're too naive to be here

C'mon now, you love each other, now really

Look at you, you think that is impressed?

Don't be a dummy, come with mommy, mother...

Lucy: NO!

Queen Chrysalis: No? oh, I see how it is.

Nightshade knows best

Nightshade is so mature now

Such a clever grown up miss.

Nightshade knows best

Fine if you're so sure now

Go ahead and give him THIS!

The Queen sang as she pulled out a scroll that showed what the symbol on his chest meant!!!

Lucy: How did you...

Queen Chrysalis: This is why he's here

Don't let him deceive you

Give it to him

Watch you'll see

Lucy: I will

Queen Chrysalis: Trust me my dear

That's how fast he'll leave you

I won't say I told you so

Now, Nightshade knows best

So if he's such a dreamboat

Go and put him to the test.

Lucy: Mother wait!

Queen Chrysalis: If he's lying

You'll come crying

"Mother knows best."

As soon as Queen Chrysalis sang her high note, she vanished into the fog, leaving her daughter alone. As Lucy looked at the scroll that her mother gave to her, she began to wonder if being with Timothy was a mistake. She didn't know what to do, so she put the scroll into her satchel and headed back to camp.


Back at camp, Timothy was just about done talking about Strykore, also his uncle. "And that is why Strykore turned evil." Timothy finished. "Because of a scar across his eye?" Lloyd asked. "Yep, pretty much." Timothy replied. Samuel noticed something from where he was standing, "Hey, where's Lucy?" Samuel asked. When Samuel asked that, Timothy looked around and saw she wasn't anywhere to be found. "LUCY?!" Timothy shouted, calling out her name. Just then, Lucy came out of nowhere, running towards the group while panting, "I'm here, I'm here." Lucy said while gasping for air as she came into a complete stop in front of Timothy. Timothy smiled and hugged Lucy, "Where did you go?" Timothy asked while holding Lucy's arms, but Lucy moved her arms back, "Nowhere." Lucy replied as she walked passed Timothy, heading straight for Chima. "Okay?" Timothy said.

Timothy turned around to look at his friends, "Guys, I think you should come along with us, for safety measures." Timothy said. Everyone gave a nod, but Spyro walked up to Timothy, "I better head back up to Skylands, I just got one hundred of my best friend's messages, because my phone is on the fritz." Spyro explained, "Later guys," Spyro said while looking at his new friends, "Thanks for saving my tail Tim." Spyro thanked while looking at Timothy giving him a hug, "Anytime." Timothy replied while breaking the hug. Spyro took one last look at his friends then flew off, "SPYRO AWAY." Spyro shouted as he took lift off. As for everyone else, they started to catch up to Lucy and head to Chima.

What they didn't know was that Queen Chrysalis was standing at a certain distance away from Timothy and his friends, while smiling evilly, "Everything is going according to plan master." The Queen said to herself, "Soon, once this relationship is broken, I will use my daughter to bring you back, Strykore!" Queen Chrysalis revealed as she did an evil laugh.

Next time on The Golden Guardian 2: Timothy and his new band of friends head to Chima, wondering what to do next. They have only one more piece of inner land to discover, "The Valley." Lucy is hiding a secret from everyone, including Timothy. While Queen Chrysalis and Pythor work together to ruin the relationship between Timothy and Lucy. Will Timothy find out what Lucy is hiding? Will he figure out about Queen Chrysalis and Pythor's plan? Will they be able to free their master, Strykore? Find out in the next installment The Golden Guardian 2.

Well, this took a lot of typing to get this chapter published. Tell me your thoughts on this chapter. Stay tuned for the next installments.

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