Chapter 8: The Mystery with Lucy

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Surprise! I decided to do a surprise update today because I felt like doing it. Also, nothing to report in this chapter, so I hope you enjoy it and have a great October 1st day.



Chima: Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Laval, Liella, Eris, Cragger, Lavertus

Nova Australis: Darel

Beacontown: Jesse, Petra, Axel, Olivia, Lukas, Ivor

Ninjago: Lloyd

Equestria: Twilight Sparkle

Skylands: Spyro


Ninjago: Pythor

Equestria: Queen Chrysalis


Back on Chima, almost everyone was in the Golden Guardian Lair, looking at the holographic map, which was on the round, stone table. Timothy, Samuel, Laval, Darel, Jesse, Lloyd and Twilight Sparkle were all in the room. "The Valley," Timothy said reading the land's label and pointing to it, "The Valley is the last piece of inner land that we need to discover." Timothy added while looking at his friends. "And, why do you need to discover those lands?" Samuel asked while looking at his brother. Timothy looked back at Samuel, "Because I feel like each time I discover a new piece of land, my sword generates some kind of new power!" Timothy replied which caused everybody to be confused. "What kind of new powers are you talking about?" Twilight asked.

Timothy looked at his friends, "When I discovered Nova Australis, I got stabbed and now I got a symbol on my chest. When I discovered Beacontown, I got like a sixth sense that tingles my brain when something unexpected happens. When I discovered Ninjago, I summoned a forcefield in the arena to separate me and Sam." Timothy explained. Everyone understood but Samuel was curious about what Timothy said, "Timothy, may I see that symbol?" Samuel asked while walking up to him. Timothy nodded his head as he lifted his shirt to reveal the symbol on his chest.

(This is the symbol on Timothy's chest)

Samuel gasped when he saw the symbol, which made Timothy confused, "Do you know what this symbol means?" Timothy asked with a worried look on his face after seeing his brother's reaction. Samuel looked at the symbol for a few more seconds then looked back at Timothy, "I haven't seen that symbol for a long time." Samuel stated, "Are you sure you want to know?" Samuel added while asking his brother. Timothy looked at Samuel for a few seconds then nodded, "Samuel, the reason I wanted to discover those lands was to find out what that symbol means." Timothy explained, "So yes, I want to know what it means." Timothy added with a serious tone. Samuel hesitated, but he didn't want to upset his brother so he spilled the beans, "That symbol means... Energy!" Samuel revealed which caused Timothy to gasp.

Before Samuel could explain some more, Laval noticed something that was missing, "Wait a minute." Laval said which made everybody in the room look at him. "What is it Laval?" Darel asked with a confused look on his face. Laval looked back at everyone, "Where is Lucy?" Laval asked while looking around the room looking for her. As soon as Laval asked that question, Timothy also looked around the room, but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. Timothy made a decision and ran to the exit, "Stay here, I'm going to find Lucy." Timothy suggested as he ran away looking for Lucy.


Meanwhile with Lucy, she visited Queen Fahlga's castle to ask her a question. When Lucy entered the throne room, Fahlga was surprised, "Lucy! What a surprise." Fahlga said acting surprised. Lucy didn't buy it, "No it's not, otherwise you wouldn't have said that." Lucy said with annoyance. Fahlga saw that something was bothering Lucy so she dismissed everyone in the throne room until it was just Lucy and Fahlga. "Now darling, tell me what's on your mind." Fahlga said with a reassuring smile. Lucy inhaled then exhaled while looking at the ground then looked back at the spider queen, "Fahlga, Who are my parents?" Lucy asked while walking up to her. Fahlga's reassuring smile turned into a worried look when Lucy asked her question, which she noticed, "Fahlga, if you do know, then I want to know too." Lucy said in a serious tone.

Fahlga also gave a inhale then a exhale while looking at Lucy, "Sadly, your parents passed away when you were just a baby." Fahlga said. Lucy took a step back with a confused look on her face which Fahlga seemed to notice, "Why did you asked that question?" Fahlga asked while looking at Lucy. "Because I met someone who said that I was their daughter!" Lucy said with a confused look. Fahlga was confused as well, "What's it's name?" Fahlga asked while looking at Lucy. "'Her' actually, and her name is Queen Chrysalis." Lucy replied.

When Fahlga heard Lucy say that name, she nearly jumped out of her throne with a surprised look, "Lucy, Queen Chrysalis is not your mother!" Fahlga revealed which made Lucy gasped, "Queen Chrysalis only said that so you would fall for her lies!" Fahlga added. "Lies? What do you mean lies?" Lucy asked with a horrified look on her face. Fahlga stood up out of her throne and walked in front of Lucy, "Queen Chrysalis is a Changeling Queen who used to feed on love, but now she feeds on broken friendships by spreading her lies!" Fahlga explained. "Broken friendships?!" Lucy said repeating what Fahlga said with tears falling from both of her eyes, which Fahlga noticed. "Has Queen Chrysalis told you a lie about Timothy?" Fahlga asked. Lucy looked at the spider queen with as tears filled her eyes, "Yes, she did." Lucy replied as more tears rolled down her eyes. "Why didn't you tell him?" Fahlga asked as she sat back down on her throne. "I didn't know what to believe." Lucy replied as she started crying.

Fahlga opened her arms to Lucy, which Lucy saw. As soon as she saw her arms open, Lucy ran into Fahlga's arms to give a big hug while Lucy cried on her shoulder. "Now do you know what you must do?" Fahlga whispered into Lucy's ear. Lucy gave a nod as she was starting to calm down. They broke the hug and looked at each other, but at the same time, a scroll fell from Lucy's satchel. Lucy noticed it and picked it up. Both she and Fahlga looked at the scroll then at each other. Lucy gave a smirk as she wrinkled the scroll into a paper ball then threw it into one of Fahlga's green torches. Fahlga gave a smile to Lucy then told her to go back. Lucy gave a smile of joy then ran out of the throne room.


As soon as Lucy exited Queen Fahlga's castle, she saw someone running towards her. At first she couldn't see who it was, but then she soon realized who it was. She saw it was Timothy running towards her with a smile on his face. Lucy also had a smile on her face and ran towards him. They ran towards each other until they were three feet from each other. Lucy was going to hug him, but noticed a slight change in Timothy which made her shock, she saw he had green eyes instead of brown! Lucy instantly knew who that was and casted a glare at him. Timothy was getting nervous, "Lucy, it's me Ti... "Timothy was about to say, but was interrupted by Lucy, "I know who you are, Queen Chrysalis!" Lucy said still glaring at him saying the Changeling Queen's name.

Timothy's nervous expression turned into an anger expression as his body melted away and revealed himself as Queen Chrysalis. "You are just too clever, aren't you Lucy?" Queen Chrysalis asked with anger in her eyes. "Clever enough to never trust a monster like you." Lucy insulted. Queen Chrysalis got even more angry by the insult that she used her magic to lift Lucy in the air while choking her, "If you want your precious boyfriend to live, you must do as I say." Queen Chrysalis said in a raging tone. Lucy looked at the Changeling Queen and tried to speak while choked, "No matter... what you do... no matter what... you say... you will... never... take me... away... from... Timothy." Lucy said as she was on the verge to pass out.

Queen Chrysalis smile evilly as she saw Lucy about to die. As Queen Chrysalis was about to choke her harder, someone tackled her and let Lucy go. Queen Chrysalis looked up and saw it was the real Timothy! He didn't look happy at all, in fact he was ticked off at Queen Chrysalis. "IF YOU EVER HARM HER AGAIN, IT'S ON YOUR HORN!" Timothy said in an angry tone while pointing his golden sword at the Changeling Queen. Queen Chrysalis just nodded with a nervous smile then flew away as fast as she could.

As soon as she was gone, Timothy put away his sword and ran to where Lucy was lying with a worried look on his face. Timothy got on his knees right next to Lucy then moved her body onto his lap. "Lucy." Timothy whispered while trying to wake her up but she gave no response. "Lucy?" Timothy said again, his voice a little louder this time, but again there was no response. Timothy got even more worried as he saw Lucy wasn't waking up, "LUCY!" Timothy said for the last time while shouting. At first there was no reply, but then Lucy twitched her eyes then opened them when she heard someone shouting her name. When Lucy opened her eyes, she saw it was Timothy, "Tim... mothy?" Lucy asked with a weak voice and a cough!

Timothy was overjoyed to see Lucy's not dead so he hugged her, but Lucy groaned a little, which caused Timothy to break his hug, "Sorry." Timothy said while looking at her. Timothy kept an ranting about how he thought he'd lost her, but Lucy kissed him on the lips to make him stop talking. Timothy embraced the kiss and smiled while kissing. They broke the kiss and Lucy looked up at Timothy, "I'm not going anywhere Timothy." Lucy promised, "I'll stay and love you, always." Lucy added. Timothy smiled after what Lucy said, in fact he was so happy that Lucy is safe and sound and Lucy was happy that she is with the one she loves. Timothy and Lucy were so happy together that they kissed each other again, but they held the kiss a bit longer.


As Timothy and Lucy walked to Chima, Lucy talked to Timothy about Queen Chrysalis and what her plan was. Timothy understood why Lucy didn't tell anyone, so he stood in front of her with his hands on his shoulders, "Lucy, I understand why you didn't say anything, but next time when you're facing something alone, please tell us, because I don't want that happening to you again." Timothy said and asked as a tear rolled down his right eye. Lucy smiled as she placed her left hand on his right cheek and used her thumb to wipe the tear away, "I promise, and to be honest, I don't want that happening to me again." Lucy said with a giggle, which made Timothy chuckle. Timothy turned his head to look at the floating island of Chima behind him then back at Lucy, "Well, I guess we better start packing up for The Valley tomorrow." Timothy said. Lucy agreed with Timothy with a nod as they continued their walk to Chima.

At a far distance, Queen Chrysalis was so enraged by Timothy that she used her magic to destroy boulders and trees. Coming out of nowhere, Pythor saw the Changeling Queen having a tantrum, and he can tell why, "Let me guess, Timothy saw you with Lucy and she told him what we're up too?" Pythor guessed sarcastically, which caused Queen Chrysalis to growl in Pythor's face. "Strykore will not be happy about this." Pythor stated to the Queen, "Forget about Strykore, we'll deal with Timothy ourselves." Queen Chrysalis said in an angry tone. Pythor looked at the Changeling Queen with a sly expression on his face, "What are you suggesting?" Pythor asked while looking at the Queen. She looked at the flouting island of Chima then back at Pythor, "We'll capture Lucy, then convince Timothy to free Strykore for Lucy's life, if he doesn't then... his beloved Lucy... will... DIE!" Queen Chrysalis said then yelled as she gave an evil laugh.

Next time on The Golden Guardian 2: Lucy has finally told Timothy about her secret and he is happy, not only that she told him, but because he knows that Lucy will always be by his side. And now, Timothy, Lucy and their friends venture to The Valley, the last piece of inner land that Timothy needs to discover. Will Timothy ever find the Energy Stone? What will Timothy find in The Valley? Will Queen Chrysalis' plan work? Will Timothy free Strykore for Lucy's life? After the Valley, what will Timothy do next? Find out in the next installment of The Golden Guardian 2.

Sorry if I put too many questions, but I actually meant to type those questions. See if you can answer those questions and I'll be publishing hopefully this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The reason I want to type so early is because I actually want to be done with this story so I can get started on the next story, because I'm excited to type the next story. Anyway, have a great day.

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