Chapter 9: The Valley

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Nothing to report in this chapter, so I hope you enjoy it.



Chima: Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Laval, Liella, Eris, Cragger, Lavertus

Nova Australis: Darel, Queen Fahlga

Beacontown: Jesse, Petra, Axel, Olivia, Lukas, Ivor

Ninjago: Lloyd

Equestria: Twilight Sparkle

Skylands: Spyro


Ninjago: Pythor

Equestria: Queen Chrysalis


As Timothy and Lucy returned to the Golden Guardian Lair, Lucy told everyone what happened with her and Queen Chrysalis. Everyone was happy that Lucy told them her secret, but Twilight had a worried look on her face. After that, everyone packed up their things and were ready to visit the last piece of inner land, The Valley. King Laval wished them luck as they started off on their journey. On Laval's left was his new Queen Liella who gave him a smile, "They'll be back." Liella said trying to reassure Laval. "Yeah, I know." Laval replied as he smiled back at his queen. After smiling at each other, they took another glance at Timothy and his friends then went inside the Lion Temple.

During the journey, Timothy was walking beside his brother and looked at him, "Hey Samuel, what were you saying earlier about the symbol on my chest?" Timothy asked while walking and looking at him. Samuel looked back at his brother while walking, "The symbol on your chest means energy." Samuel said continuing where he left off, "You wielding the Energy Sword and having the Energy symbol, only means one thing." Samuel said which intrigued Timothy. "What?" Timothy asked with wide eyes. Samuel paused for a minute until he spilled, "It means, Timothy, that you are connected to the Energy Stone!" Samuel revealed which made Timothy gasp. 

Meanwhile with Lucy, she was walking with her friends, until someone nudged her shoulder. She looked to her right and saw Twilight behind her, "Yes?" Lucy said while looking at Twilight. "Can I talk to you, alone?" Twilight asked with a worried look on her face. Lucy saw the look Twilight was make and nodded in response. As soon as Lucy and Twilight were at a far enough distance from the rest of the group, they started talking, "Lucy, what do you know about Queen Chrysalis?" Twilight asked while looking at Lucy. "She tried to break my relationship with Timothy by telling me lies about him." Lucy explained. Twilight looked at Lucy still with a worried look, "But did you know that Queen Chrysalis will do whatever it takes to break that relationship?" Twilight asked with a serious tone. Lucy looked at Twilight, "What do you mean, 'whatever it takes?'" Lucy asked. "You know what I mean." Twilight replied, which made Lucy a little worried about the question Twilight asked her, "Also, how do you know about Queen Chrysalis?" Lucy asked while looking at Twilight. "It's a long story." Twilight replied.

When Lucy and Twilight were done talking, they rushed back up to the group and walked with them. For a few minutes of walking, they stopped on a hill and viewed at the land in front of them. "The Valley!" Darel said with disbelief. "It's beautiful." Twilight added. "Indeed." Lloyd said agreeing with Twilight. Timothy thought those things too, but caught a sense, like something was off. Lucy noticed and walked up and stopped beside him, "What is it?" Lucy asked with a worried look on her face. Timothy looked at Lucy with a serious look on his face, "We're not alone!" Timothy revealed as he pulled out his sword while looking behind the group. The group also turned around and looked in the same direction that Timothy was looking in.

At first there was nothing, but then three creatures came out of nowhere and each one pounced and pinned one of Timothy's friends. The creatures kind of looked like wolves, but they were not walking on two legs! The first wolf that jumped in had light-grey colored fur and he was pinning Darel. The second wolf that jumped in had beige/gold colored fur wolf and she was pinning Jesse. And the last wolf that jumped in had dark-grey colored fur and he was about to jump on Lucy to pin her, but Timothy jumped on him first and when they hit the ground, Timothy got on top of the wolf and put the sword's blade up to the it's neck. "KILL ME AND YOU WILL REGRET IT!" The dark-grey fur colored wolf said with an angry tone. "I wont kill you, if you call your wolves to stand down." Timothy said as he glared at the wolf he was pinning. The dark-grey male wolf nodded his head as he looked at his wolves, "STAND DOWN!" The dark-grey male wolf yelled, getting the other two wolves attention.

The other two wolves obeyed and let Darel and Jesse go, and just like that, Timothy let the wolf he was pinning go. Timothy's group and the wolves all looked at each other for a second until Timothy broke the silence. "Who are you three?" Timothy asked while looking at the wolves with a curious look on his face. The dark-grey fur colored male walked up and looked at Timothy and his friends. "This is my youngest brother, Runt." The dark-grey male replied, pointing at the light-grey male with his muzzle, "This is my younger sister, Claudette." The dark-male wolf continued, pointing to the beige/gold fur colored wolf with his muzzle, "And I am Stinky, leader of the Alphas and Omegas." Stinky finished, introducing himself and lowering his head in respect.

Timothy and his friends lowered their heads in respect as well, "I'm Timothy, this is Lucy, Samuel, Darel, Lloyd and Twilight Sparkle." Timothy said, introducing himself and his group to the wolves, "We were just passing through to see this beautiful land." Timothy finished with a smile. Stinky, Claudette and Runt looked at each other with a smile, "If you want, you guys can take rest in our cave." Stinky offered, "It's not far from here, you guys can take shelter and resupply." Stinky finished while he pointed with his muzzle the direction of their den. Timothy looked at his friends, who all looked at him with a smile and he smiled back at them than at Stinky, Claudette and Runt, "How can we ever thank you three?" Timothy asked as he and his friends all followed the three wolves to their cave.

Next time on The Golden Guardian 2: Timothy and his friends have discovered the last inner piece of land, only to find a family of wolves guarding their home. Timothy was excited that he has made it this far, but what will be left for Timothy in the future? Will he finally complete his journey, or will his path continues? Find out in the next installment of The Golden Guardian 2.

Again, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask them in the comments below and I'll get back to you guys as soon as I can. Have a good month.

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