Chapter 11: Battle for the Pride Lands Part 3

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Here it is, part three. I hope you enjoy this chapter, in fact, I hope you enjoyed this story because the next chapter will be the last chapter of this story. Have a Merry Christmas.



Chima: Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Laval

Nova Australis: Darel

Beacontown: Jesse

Ninjago: Lloyd

The Valley: Stinky, Claudette, Runt

Equestria: Twilight Sparkle

The Snowy Mountains: Aleu

The Archipelago: Hiccup and Toothless

Mossflower Woods: Matthias

Skylands: Spyro (Missing)

The Pride Lands: The Lion Guard (:Kion, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono) Simba, Nala, Kiara, Zazu, Anga, Hadithi, Ma Tembo, Shujaa, Bupu, Makuu

The Outlands: Jasiri, Janja, Cheezi, Chungu


Unknown: Morgana

The Outlands: Reirei, Kiburi, Mzingo, Shupavu, Scar


The sun was starting to rise in the Pride Lands while Simba, Nala, Rafiki and his apprentice Makini gaze at the sunrise. "It is time." Rafiki said while turning his head to look at Simba and Nala.


In the Lion Guard Lair, Kion, Timothy and their friends woke up due to the sun's rays shining in the Lair and got ready for the invasion in the Outlands.


At Flat Ridge Rock, every Pride Lander willing to fight met Kion and the Lion Guard there, ready to fight. While Kion stood on Flat Ridge Rock, he looked at the volcano with a confident expression. Timothy got on top of the rock with Kion, "You ready?" Timothy asked with a smile while looking at Kion, who looked at him smiling back. "Oh yeah." Kion replied. "And... whatever happens, I'm glad you're here." Kion added. "Me too." Timothy replied. "'Till the Pride Lands end... " Kion started. "With all your friends." Timothy finished as he and Kion looked behind them to look at the Guard, Lucy and Samuel, and the Pride Landers including the Hyenas. "We'll fight for what's right... " Kion started again. "Pride Landers unite." The Pride Landers finished.

After they said that. they charged into the Outlands, heading straight to the volcano. "Everyone knows the plan." Kion said to the charging herds while running, "Keep the Outlanders off us so we can get to the top of the volcano." Kion added. "That's what we'll do." Ma Tembo said. "You got it Kion." Jasiri replied. "Right." Janja agreed. "Do we have to say 'please'?" Fuli asked while looking at Bupu. "You just did." Bupu said. "And here come the baddies." Bunga said after laughing and seeing Scar's army charging at them.

The two teams collided and the battle between the Pride Landers and the Outlanders started. Ma Tembo and her Elephants rammed Reirei and her Jackals, Jasiri and Janja's Hyenas fought Kiburi's Crocodiles, Mzingo and his Vultures fought Anga and Hadithi's bird army. Three vultures were about to attack the Lion Guard but Ono knocked them out of the sky. Mzingo flew into a direction but it led him in front of Anga who struck his head with her wings and Hadithi used his talons to strike his back. "Well done Anga." Hadithi praised. "Thanks Hadithi." Anga said with a huge smile on her face.

Back on the ground, Kiburi and Makuu stood face to face, "Kiburi." Makuu growled. "Bring it Makuu." Kiburi challenged as he and Makuu started battling each other. Even the small creatures were fighting, Laini the Galago jumping from Bupu's head onto Goigoi's head, covering his eyes and Beshte's Gecko friend jumped onto one of Kiburi's Crocodiles' snouts with a smirk and crawled onto his back, which freaked him out. "Come one kiddies, you know what to do." Reirei called as her Jackal pups rolled some huge rocks onto Bupu's Antelopes and Laini's Galagoes. "Antelopes, look out." Bupu called before getting tripped by one of the rocks and hitting the ground. "SHUJAA PONDA!" Shujaa shouted as he smashed the incoming rocks while catching a huge one and throwing it back at the Jackal pups, who ran away while yipping.

While the Rhinos were charging, they were stopped by Cheezi and Chungu who were snarling at them but Janja knocked them out of the Rhino's way. "Furbrains, we're good guys now." Janja said to his two Hyenas, who got up. "Oh, right." Cheezi said. "Sorry Rhinos, we forgot." Chungu apologized to the Rhinos than he and Cheezi ran in the other direction. "Keep charging fellas, won't happen again." Janja promised than ran in the same direction his Hyenas took. One of Kiburi's Crocs were about to pounce, but Jasiri pounced first and pinned him to the ground. "You're all clear Kion." Jasiri called as she turned her head to look at the Guard, who were still charging at the volcano. "Right." Kion replied. "Lion Guard, with me." Kion said while he and the Guard, including Timothy, Lucy and Samuel headed straight towards the volcano.

While the Lion Guard were on their way to the top of the volcano to defeat Scar, they encountered Shupavu and her Skinks but they were able to beat them easily and made inside the top of the volcano, unaware that a certain Snake was hiding. Scar saw the Lion Guard coming, along with Timothy and his two friends with a non-surprised expression. "Kion, Lion Guard, welcome." Scar said while the Lion Guard stood in a defensive position in front of Scar. "What do you say Timothy, not too late to still join me." Scar said darkly, who earned a scoff from Timothy. "Yeah right, in your nightmares." Timothy insulted, earning a glare from Scar.

Bunga looked at Kion, "He does know why we're here, doesn't he?" Bunga asked looking at Kion and back at Scar, who smiled evilly. "I know why you think you're here, but destiny can be full of surprises." Scar said darkly. "Ushari, NOW!" Scar called, which caused Ushari the Egyptian Snake to jump out of his hiding place and bite Kion in the left eye. Kion grunted while getting knocked down, while Timothy grunted as well and fell to the ground while rubbing his scar. The Lion Guard gasped at the same time with worried expressions. "Oh no." Beshte said. "Ushari!" Bunga called while tackling him away from Kion. "Timothy!" Lucy called while she and Samuel rushed toward their friend but noticed he was rubbing his scar.

As for Kion, he turned to his side which revealed a scar on Kion's left left eye which made Scar laugh maniacally. "Sisi Ni Sawa, Kion." Scar said saying the phrase. "Now, you have a scar, just like me." Scar said while Kion rubbed his paw over his scar. "Sisi Ni Sawa means 'we're the same,' though you're made of flesh and I'm made of flame." Scar sang in a dark tone. "We're not the same, I'll never be like you scar!" Kion said while getting up and glaring at his great-uncle. "Ohh! Ohh! Use the Roar Kion." Bunga suggested, "Blast that guy back to where he came from." Bunga said with excitement while holding Ushari down. "You don't have the power to destroy me Kion." Scar said smiling evilly at Kion. "Don't listen to him!" Beshte said. "We believe in you." Fuli added. "You got this Kion." Timothy added while getting up.

Kion stepped up about to use the Roar but his scar started to hurt which caused him to groan and rub it, which the same happened to Timothy. "Finding it difficult to think?" Ushari asked rhetorically with an evil smile. "My venom has a tendancy to do that." Ushari added but Bunga pinned his head to the ground with his left foot. "Use the Roar Kion." Bunga encouraged. "He's asking for it." Bunga added with excitement. Both Kion and Timothy were still rubbing their scars while still feeling the pain. "You have the Mark of Evil, just like me Kion." Scar stated, which caused Kion to glare at Scar, but Timothy still rubbed his scar. "Accept your destiny, there is no other choice." Scar added. "At the end of the day we all are fire and flame, Sisi Ni Sawa, we are the same." Scar finished singing than laughed evilly.

Kion continued to rub his scar but stopped after what scar said. "Fire and flame?" Kion repeated while wind blew through his mane and hearing his grandfather Mufasa in his mind. "STAY TRUE TO WHO YOU ARE. DON'T FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE." Mufasa advised in Kion's mind. "Of course." Kion said knowing what he was going to do. "I do have another choice Scar, something only one Lion Guard leader can do to another." Kion said while looking at Scar with a confident expression, which caused Timothy to stop rubbing his scar and look at Kion. "And, what's that?" Scar asked while laughing evilly. "I forgive you." Kion replied which made Timothy smile. "You... you what?!" Scar asked with a scared expression. "But I can't judge you for everything you've done, the Lions of the Past need to do that." Kion said which changed Scar's evil expression to a scared expression.

After Kion said what he was going to say, he Roared quietly into the sky, which thundered and it showed the Lions of the Past in the clouds and they roared quietly as well, causing it to rain. "No! NO!" Scar shouted. "What? Scar's plan failed?" Ushari asked surprised. "The Roar is a curse Kion. You'll see! Sisi Ni Sawa." Scar said his final words to Kion than disappeared from the flames for good. "Stop! You can't destroy him." Ushari said while trying to get Kion for revenge. "Oh no you don't." Bunga said while going after Ushari, who hissed behind Kion but Bunga tackled Ushari and they rolled into the lava which caused them both to scream. "I've got you Bunga!" Ono called while diving into the smoke to save Bunga. A splash of lava was heard which shocked the Lion Guard, "BUNGA!" Timothy shouted with wide eyes.

There was a second of silence until Ono came flying out of the smoke with Bunga hanging on to his talons. "You can do it Ono." Bunga encouraged. "Almost... there." Ono strained and finally made it while Bunga landed on the ground safe and sound and Ono landed on Beshte's back exhausted from the heavy weight. "Way to go Ono." Beshte praised while looking at Ono. "Way to go Kion." Fuli praised while looking at Kion. Timothy placed his left hand on Kion's back, which caused him to look at him. "You did it Kion." Timothy praised. "We did it." Kion rephrased. The sound of lava was heard which caused the Lion Guard to look at the lava which showed the Mark of Evil, which Timothy glared at, not only reminding him of Strykore, but also reminded him of Morgana. The lava pool which contained the Mark of Evil dried up an the Mark of Evil disappeared. "Scar is finally gone, we've won." Kion said while looking at his friends with a smile, who smiled back at him.


As the Lion Guard exited the volcano, the Pride Landers waited for them. "There they are." Jasiri called while she and Janja ran up to them. "The Lion Guard, they're okay!" Ma Tembo said surprised. jasiri and Janja stopped in front of the Lion Guard and noticed Kion's scar. "Kion, your face." Jasiri said with a worried expression. "I'll be fine." Kion reassured Jasiri. "But more importantly... " Kion added while walking on a rock overlooking all of the Pride Landers and Outlanders. "Everyone, Scar has been defeated. The battle for the Pride Lands is over." Kion said, which made everyone cheer.

"But if Scar's gone, who's in charge of the Outlands now?" Cheezi asked while looking at Chungu. "Ooh! Good question." Chungu said. "Yeah, what about us?" Reirei asked. "If you ask me, there's only one animal that can keep the peace between the Pride Lands and the Outlands." Janja said. earning a look of suspicion from Kion. "And who's that, you?" Kiburi asked glaring at Janja. "Nope, I ain't that dumb." Janja replied. "From now on, Jasiri should be in charge of the Outlands." Janja suggested looking at Jasiri, who was surprised. "Me?" Jasiri asked surprised. "Makes sense to me." Kion replied with a smile. "Me too." Timothy agreed. 

Jasiri smiled back while walking in the rock overlooking everyone, "Outlanders, I know we can all get along here in the Outlands, just so long as we respect the Circle of Life." Jasiri said looking at the Outlanders. "And if you don't, then you'll have to answer to Jasiri's new clan, which includes us." Janja added looking at Jasiri with a smile. "Don't worry about us." Reirei said. "If Jasiri's keeping you in line, the Outlands might actually be livable." Reirei added while leaving and agreeing that Jasiri should be in charge.

"Actually, we Vultures would prefer a runoff election." Mzingo requested. "The top seven candidates would be narrowed to three, and the eventual winner requiring a majority of no less than seventy-two percent." Mzingo added than had Cheezi and Chungu growling in his face. "Or we follow the Circle of Life like jasiri says." Mzingo said with a nervous chuckle. "To the victor belong the spoils." Mzingo said while he and his Vultures took off flying. "Don't matter who's in charge." Kiburi said. "My Crocodiles can fend for ourselves, it's the Crocodile way." Kiburi added while leaving and agreeing that Jasiri should be in charge of the Outlands.


Back with the Lion Guard, they saw the Outlanders leaving, "There they go." Bunga said watching the Outlanders walking away. "Go where?" Ono asked than coughed. "Guys, what's going on? Has the smoke from the volcano cleared up yet?" Ono asked, earning a cinfused expression from Beshte. "Yeah, like a long time ago." Lucy replied. "Hmm odd, everything still looks hazy to me." Ono explained while squinting his eyes. Anga landed next to Ono and noticed his eyes were purple. "Ono? Your eyes look... different." Anga stated. "Is that you Anga?" Ono asked while trying to look at Anga, who to him looked kind of blurry. "Everything's looking a bit fuzzy." Ono said, explaining what he was seeing.

"That rescue must have taken more out of Ono than we realized." Kion stated while looking at Ono. "He did breath in a lot of smoke and ash." Fuli added looking at Kion than at Ono. "I did." Ono agreed. "And I heard volcanic fumes can be poisonous." Samuel said looking at everyone. "Samuel's right, it's called vog, common knowledge really." Ono added smiling a bit than frowned. "Don't worry Ono, we'll have Rafiki look at you." Timothy said looking at his Egret friend with a worried expression. "Yeah, he'll know how to help." Beshte agreed. "C'mon, I'll take you to him." Beshte offered. "Okay." Ono said in a down tone. "I'll be there too Ono." Anga supported. "We all will." Fuli added. "Indeed." Lucy added. "Thanks everyone." Ono thanked.

Both Kion and Timothy stopped to look at Jasiri, "Go ahead you two." Jasiri said. "We'll make sure the rest of the Pride Landers get home safe." Jasiri added with a smile. "Thanks Jasiri, for everything." Kion thanked. "Yeah, Asante Jasiri." Timothy added. "Thank you Kion and Tim. Asante." Jasiri thanked than Kion and Timothy ran to catch up to the rest of the Guard.

Next time on The Golden Guardian 4: The battle for the Pride Lands is over, but it has left with two of our friends injured, or is it three? It was seen that Timothy's scar was also hurting while he and the Lion Guard faced off against Scar! What does this mean? Is what Scar said about Kion true? What's going to happen next?" Find out in the next installment of The Golden Guardian 4.

I'm not going to lie, that was really interesting. If you have any question's, don't be afraid to ask them in the comments below. Have a Merry Christmas.

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