Chapter 10: Battle for the Pride Lands Part 2

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Here it is, the second part of the four parts. Nothing to say about this chapter, except that I hope you all enjoy it.



Chima: Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Laval

Nova Australis: Darel

Beacontown: Jesse

Ninjago: Lloyd

The Valley: Stinky, Claudette, Runt

Equestria: Twilight Sparkle

The Snowy Mountains: Aleu

The Archipelago: Hiccup and Toothless

Mossflower Woods: Matthias

Skylands: Spyro (Missing)

The Pride Lands: The Lion Guard: (Kion, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono), Simba, Zazu

The Outlands: Jasiri


Unknown: Morgana

The Outlands: Janja, Reirei, Kiburi, Shupavu, Scar


While Janja and his Hyenas went inside the Lair, they looked around in amazement. "Hey, this place is nicer than our den." Cheezi commented with a smile. "Lots of pretty pictures too." Chungu added while admiring Rafiki's paintings. "That's far enough Janja." Kion called, which caused Janja and his Hyenas to look at him and the rest of the Guard. "Yeah, get outta our Lair." Bunga added. "You kiddin'? We just got here." Janja said with an evil grin, "Boys, scatter." Janja ordered as he and the rest of his Hyenas scrambled around the Lair.

The Lion Guard was somewhat confused, "What are they up to?" Fuli asked with a confused expression. "They must be after something in the Lair." Ono replied while flying above his friends. "I was thinking the same thing Ono." Timothy said while looking at his Egret friend. "But what?" Beshte asked. "Doesn't matter, let's round them up, and kick them out." Kion ordered with a confident expression. "With pleasure, ZUKA ZAMA!" Bunga said than yelled while chasing one of the Hyenas. "I'm actually really glad he's on our side." Timothy said while looking at his friends. "Same here." Fuli agreed with a chuckle.

After Kion gave the order, the Lion Guard split up to try to get Janja and his Hyenas out of the Lair. "Keep going boys, anywhere but out." Janja ordered as he and his Hyenas still scrambled all over the Lair. While Ono was about to dive bomb another Hyena, he spotted burning ash falling from the big hole in the roof and when he looked, Pride Rock was on fire! "HAPANA!" Ono called, which caught the Guard's attention. "Kion, we have a problem!" Ono said as he was flying over his friends.

Janja saw the entrance and saw a fire stick fall on a pile of sticks just outside the entrance. "What, Scar said nothing about a fire while we was in here." Janja said with a confused expression. "Fellas, follow me." Janja ordered as he jumped out of the Lair, but as soon as he did more fire blocked the entrance. "Janja!" Cheezi called, "What about us?" Chungu cried. Janja turned around and saw he was the only on who escaped. "Furbrains! Oh no." Janja said with a worried expression while looking at the burning entrance. "But Scar told us to go in there." Janja muttered than he realized something. "We've been double-crossed!" Janja said with a glare. "I gotta get help." Janja said as he was about to find some but stopped. "But the Pride Landers won't trust me, and I can't trust Scar's army." Janja said while thinking for a minute than had a thought. "I know who to trust." Janja said with a smile as he rushed towards the Outlands.


Back inside the Lair, Cheezi and Chungu looked at the blocked entrance. "Should we jump through?" Cheezi asked while looking at Chungu, who shook his head in response. "No, that fire's too hot, even I'm not that dumb." Chungu replied. "Hyenas, get away from the fire." Kion said, "If it doesn't hurt you the smoke will." Kion added. "Common knowledge really." Ono said, earning a nod of agreement from Timothy. "Kion, the whole Lair is filling up with smoke." Beshte said looking around the Lair. "Use the Roar to blast us out of here." Bunga said looking at Kion, who looked back at his Honey Badger friend with a confused expression. "And risk having the whole Lair collapse on us? I don't think so." Kion said. "There's gotta be another way out." Timothy said while waving the smoke away from his face. "Well we better find one soon." Fuli said after coughing. "Yeah, it looks like all of Pride Rock is on fire." Beshte said. 

After Timothy heard what Beshte said, it gave him a thought. "Kion, I have an idea." Timothy said which caused Kion and the rest of the Guard to look at him. "Do you think Ono can fly out of here and check on the animals that might be near Pride Rock?" Timothy asked, which surprised Kion. "Of course." Kion replied as he looked at his Egret friend. "Ono, fly out of here and make sure my Mom, Dad and Kiara are okay." Kion ordered. "Affirmative." Ono said as he flew out of the Lair from the big hole in the roof. "Great idea Timothy." Kion complimented while looking at him with a smile. "Just doing my role in the Guard." Timothy said smiling back.


Back with Ono, he flew above Pride Rock, which was completely covered with fire. And what was worse, Ono spotted the Royal Family at the edge, trying to avoid the flames. "Ono!" Someone called. Ono looked behind him and it was Anga, the Martial Eagle! "You're okay." Anga said while flying next to Ono. "Anga?" Ono asked while looking at Anga. "We chased off the vultures, but not before they hit Pride Rock." Anga reported. "What do we do?" Anga asked. "Kion has already given the order, we have to help the Royal Family." Ono replied as he and Anga flew to the edge of Pride Rock and landed in front of the Royal Family.

"Your majesties, are you okay?" Ono asked. "For the moment." Simba replied. "You wouldn't have any idea how to help us get down from here?" Simba asked. "No, I don't." Ono replied with a worried expression. "I do." Anga said looking at Ono than flew above Kiara. "You first." Anga said as she grabbed Kiara by the scruff with her talons. "Hey, wait! Whoa!" Kiara cried with a worried expression. "Anga, be careful." Nala said with a worried expression as well. "Always am." Anga said. "Be right back, don't go anywhere." Anga added as she landed Kiara safely on the ground.


Back in the Lair, Bunga was coughing while trying to wave the smoke away from his face with his right hand. "Kion, any ideas?" Bunga asked while trying to look at him through the smoke. "The fire is too hot to get close." Kion stated as he and the Guard went by Beshte's pool. "Kion's right, we need to wait it out." Timothy said before coughing and feeling a little light-headed, "No matter how long we need to wait." Timothy added while sitting down. "Hey!" Bunga said as he rushed towards Beshte's pool. "We could use the water from Beshte's pool to put it out." Bunga suggested as he bent down to the water and using his left hand to splash the water at the fire, but it was splashing on Fuli instead. "Seriously?" Fuli asked while glaring at Bunga. "Once the fire gets close enough?" Bunga added while looking at Fuli with a nervous expression.

"I was thinking, the water from my pool has to come from somewhere." Beshte stated with a smile. "Like somewhere outside the Lair?" Timothy asked while looking at Beshte. "Sure, the stream that leads to Lake Shangaza is not too far from here." Beshte replied while looking at his friends with a smile. Kion looked at Beshte while smiling back, "Seems like a good time to find out if it does." Kion said. "Be right back." Beshte said as he jumped into his pool and went underwater.


Back with Ono, Simba and Nala, Anga has returned with the Eagle Hadithi. "Your majesties." Hadithi said as he and Anga landed in front of Ono and the King and Queen. "Anga says here you could use a life?" Hadithi asked. "You could say that." Nala replied. Hadithi looked at Anga, "Well Anga, I think the two of us can handle one Lion." Hadithi said as he placed his left wing on Anga's left shoulder than removed it. "Who's next?" Anga asked while looking at Simba and Nala. It was quiet for a second before Simba spoke. "Nala?" Simba asked while looking at his mate with a smirk. "Excellent." Hadithi cheered, "Ready young Anga?" Hadithi asked while looking at Anga with a smile. "Always." Anga replied smiling back at Hadithi.


Back in the Outlands, Jasiri and her clan were sleeping, getting well rested for the attack tomorrow until Jasiri smelled a scent she was familiar with that caused her to open her eyes suddenly. "Janja!" Jasiri whispered as she saw Janja at a far distance. "What are you doing here? This isn't your territory." Jasiri said while glaring at him. "Yeah, I know." Janja said, "I just, uh... " Janja stuttered with a nervous expression while looking at the ground. "You what?" Jasiri asked while her glare turned into a confused expression. "I've been thinking, 'bout something you said to me a while ago." Janja replied looking back at her. "And what's that?" Jasiri asked still looking at Janja with a confused expression. "Aw, you know... Sisi Ni Sawa means 'we're the same.'" Janja replied than sang the phrase, which surprised Jasiri and made her laugh. "Well, I never thought I'd here you say that." Jasiri said looking at Janja with a smile.

"You were right, Scar don't care about us Hyenas." Janja said with a worried expression. "And what made you realize that?" Jasiri asked with a raised eyebrow. "The rest of my clan is trapped in a fire at Pride Rock." Janja replied still with a worried expression. "A fire at Pride Rock?" Jasiri asked matching Janja's expression. "The Lion Guard's trapped too." Janja added. "And you're standing here singing?" Jasiri asked looking at Janja with a glare than rushed passed him. "There's no time to lose, let's go!" Jasiri said while running off. "Uh, o-okay. Whatever you say Jasiri." Janja said as he followed her to the Pride Lands.


Back in the Lion Guard Lair, Beshte popped out of his pool. "Guys, come on, this is our way out." Beshte said looking at his friends with a smile. "Great work Beshte." Kion praised smiling back his Hippo friend. "It's a bit of a swim." Beshte stated, "So hold your breath and follow me." Beshte added. "Swim?" Fuli asked with a worried expression while looking at her friends. "Uh, guys you know me and water. We don't exactly get along." Fuli said. "Yeah, I was raised by Lions so, water isn't my thing either." Timothy said matching Fuli's expression. "Do you two rather be stuck in all this smoke?" Bunga asked while coughing. "Don't worry Fuli and Timothy, you two can hold onto me. I'll get you through." Beshte insisted. "Thanks Beshte." Fuli said smiling at her Hippo friend. "Yeah, thanks Beshte." Timothy said smiling at him.

"Uh, Kion... can we come too?" Cheezi asked while looking at Kion through the smoke. "Please?" Chungu pleaded. "I still respect the Circle of Life. Even the lives of those who don't." Kion replied which caused the Hyenas to look at each other with confused expressions. "Come on!" Kion said which caused the Hyenas to follow them. Fuli and Timothy held onto Beshte as he jumped into the water. Everyone else in the Lair followed Beshte into the water while holding their breaths. As they were about to reach the surface, the ground began to shake and it caused a cave-in, which blocked their way to the surface.

Kion tried pushing the rocks, but it was causing him to lose air. Timothy saw everyone else was losing air than looked at the cave-in with a glare. Timothy got off of Beshte and swam to the cave-in than placed his right hand on his heart, which caused the Energy Symbol and his scar to glow yellow. After that, Timothy placed his right hand on the cave-in and the rocks shattered to pieces, which surprised everyone but they didn't worry about that now. As soon as the path was clear, they swam up to the surface while Kion helped Timothy up to the surface.

When Beshte and Fuli made it to the surface, Fuli gasped for air. "See, told you this wasn't so bad." Beshte said while looking at Fuli, who was still on his back and let out a grunt. "Speak for yourself." Fuli said with sass than chuckled while looking at him with a smile. "And... thanks Beshte." Fuli said as she got off his back and shook herself dry. As everyone else made it to the surface, Bunga started cheering. "That was fun, we gotta do that again sometime." Bunga said while smiling at Kion. "Yeah." Cheezi agreed. "We should." Chungu agreed as well. "No... no never... again." Timothy said while panting, which caused Kion and Bunga to look at him. "What was that?" Kion asked while looking at Timothy. "Yeah, you placed your hand on those rocks and they just... collapsed!" Bunga said while looking at Timothy as well.

"It's a... long story." Timothy replied while still catching his breath. "But for now... I need... to catch... my breath." Timothy added. "Well, whatever it was, thank you Timothy, Asante." Kion said smiling at Timothy. "No problem." Timothy said with a sigh. "And... thank you for helping me swim up to the surface." Timothy thanked smiling back at Kion. "Hakuna Matata." Kion said than looked at Pride Rock, which was still on fire. "Oh no!" Kion said as he and everyone else saw Pride Rock.


Back with the Royal Family, Hadithi and Anga just got Simba down from Pride Rock. "Well done." Simba said with a smile while Anga and Hadithi landed in front of Simba. "Thank you Hadithi, Anga." Simba thanked. "Of course your majesty." Hadithi said with a bow. "Sorry about Pride Rock." Anga said with a frown. "It will survive." Simba said, "There had been fires there before." Simba added while looking at Pride Rock still burning. While the fire was crackling, the fire spirit of Scar was shown on top of Pride Rock laughing evilly, which shocked every Pride Lander. "Scar." Simba called while bearing his teeth out and glaring at his uncle.

Scar looked down at his nephew with a sigh, "Ah, Simba. You've managed to escape my little scheme." Scar said as he shook his head with a frown. "Too bad the same can't be said for the Lion Guard." Scar added smiling evilly. Simba was shocked after what Scar said, "Kion?" Nala said with a worried expression. "Oh, no!" Kiara said matching her mother's expression. "Timothy?" Samuel called while Lucy gasped in fear. "Guess again Scar." Kion said appearing behind the Royal Family and the herds. Ono flew towards them, "You're okay!" Ono said, glad to see his friends not hurt. Timothy rushed towards Lucy and Samuel and they hugged each other. "How did you escape?" Lucy whispered while looking at Timothy with teary eyes. "Long story." Timothy replied as he broke the hug and they looked up at Scar with a glare.

Scar looked and saw the Lion Guard were okay, "Ah, Kion, Little leader of the Lion Guard." Scar taunted, "Time for you to lead everyone out of the Pride Lands, while you still can." Scar said darkly. "We'll never surrender to you Scar!" Kion said as he glared at his great-uncle, who scoffed in response. "You don't have the power to defeat me." Scar boasted, "But if you ever care to try, you know where to find me." Scar said as he laughed maniacally while disappearing from the top of Pride Rock.

"It's like he knows what we're planning." Ma Tembo, the Elephant said with a worried expression. "Firey Lion, scary." Shujaa, the Gorilla Warrior said matching Ma Tembo's expression. "What do we do?" Hadithi asked. "Perhaps we should call off the attack." Bupu, the Antelope suggested. "NO!" Kion called while standing on a rock, "Everyone listen,  Scar's just trying to scare you." Kion said while looking at the Pride Landers. "Well, it's working." Bupu said. "If he can set Pride Rock on fire, what chance do we have against him?" Makuu, the Crocodile asked. "Kion, we do know how to beat Scar, don't we?" Ma Tembo asked while stepping forward. "Well... not exactly." Kion replied while Simba stood next to him.

"I think I can help you out there." Someone called. Everyone knew that voice all too well and when they looked they saw Janja walking in with Jasiri! "Janja?!" Kion asked surprised to see him here. "JANJA!" Cheezi shouted as he and Chungu ran towards him and started nuzzling him. "You came back." Cheezi said. "We knew you would." Chungu added. "Furbrains, shh!" Janja said as he shushed them. Kion jumped forward from the rock he was standing on and stood in front of his Hyena friend, "Jasiri, what's going on?" Kion asked while looking at Jasiri. "I know it sounds odd, but I think you should hear what Janja has to say." Jasiri replied with a smile.

"Janja, what brings you here?" Simba asked while looking at Janja with a confused expression. "I uh... I know some stuff that might be helpful." Janja replied. "Helpful how?" Simba asked getting a little suspicious. "I know how to defeat Scar." Janja replied, which caused Kion and Simba to look at each other with confused expressions. "And why should we believe you, a sworn enemy of the Pride Lands?" Simba asked.

Janja was hesitant at first, "Go on." Jasiri encouraged while looking at Janja with a smile, who didn't know how to say it. "Uh, well... " Janja started than started singing. "Sisi Ni Sawa means 'we're that same,' though I got my spots and you have a mane, at the end of the... " Janja sang until he was cut off by Jasiri. "Janja, I meant, tell Simba what you know." Jasiri said while smirking at him. "Oh, yeah yeah yeah, right." Janja said while smiling nervously. "No offence Jasiri, but it is difficult for me to believe that Janja has changed sides." Simba said while looking at both her and Janja. Makuu stepped forward until he was in front of the King and beside Janja, "Your highness, you gave me a chance when no one else in the Pride Lands would." Makuu said, "If Janja's information is useful, we should use it to beat Scar, but if it isn't then we Crocodiles will be happy to have him for a late night snack." Makuu added as he glared at Janja, who gulped in fear.

"Makuu's right Dad." Kion said while looking at his father. "If Jasiri believes Janja, I think we should as least hear what he has to say."  Kion added while looking at Jasiri and Janja. "Kion." Simba said which caused him to look at his father. "Always willing to forgive your enemies. It's a noble trait, and part of what makes you, you." Simba said while smiling at his son, who smiled back. Than, Kion and Simba looked at Janja, "Very well Janja." Simba said. "Okay. Well, Scar says that only Kion can defeat him, by using the Roar." Janja explained. "If the Roar brought Scar back, I guess it could get rid of him too." Kion suggested while looking at his father than back at Janja. "But it's gotta be the most powerful Roar you've got." Janja added which caused Bunga to chuckle. "Oh yeah, just blast Scar with the Roar." Bunga said as he punched his fists into the air. 

"And you gotta Roar inside the top of the of the volcano, so the flames of the volcano overwhelm Scar." Janja finished. "The top of the volcano?" Beshte asked if he was hearing it correctly. "Getting there won't be easy." Fuli informed. "Indeed." Ono agreed. "All the more reason to proceed with the plan to attack the Outlands." Timothy said as he walked up beside Kion, who looked at him back with a smile. "Yeah, but it's not just about defeating Scar's army, we have a plan to defeat Scar as well." Kion said as he looked at the herds with a smile. "The Hyenas will help too Kion." Jasiri said as she and Janja walked up to him. Right?" Jasiri asked while looking at Janja. "Yeah that's right, all of the Hyenas will help." Janja replied as he and Jasiri looked at Janja's clan who all smiled and cheered.

"Very well." Simba agreed than looked at his son. "Kion?" Simba asked his son, who looked at everyone who's willing to fight. "Everyone, get some rest. Tomorrow, we go into the Outlands." Kion called. "Scar and his forces will be defeated once and for all, and we will have peace in the Pride Lands." Simba added, which made everyone cheer. However, they were spied on by Shupavu and went back to the Outlands to inform Scar what se saw.


That same night when everyone was resting, Kion and Timothy were about to enter the Lion Guard Lair to rest, but Kion saw Timothy was bothered by something. "You okay Timothy?" Kion asked while looking at Timothy, who looked at him back. "Are you sure we can trust Janja?" Timothy asked with a worried expression. Kion smiled at Timothy, "Don't worry Timothy, I think Jasiri will keep an eye on him if things go wrong." Kion reassured as he was about to enter the Lair but Timothy stopped, which caught Kion's attention. "It's not that, is it?" Kion asked while walking up to Timothy, who nodded in response. "If you do use the biggest Roar you got on Scar, I don't think it'll defeat him." Timothy said.

Kion had a confused expression on his face, "What do you mean, Janja... " Kion was about to say but was interrupted by Timothy. "What if Scar told Janja exactly what Janja told us." Timothy suggested, which made Kion think about it. "Are you saying there isn't a way to defeat Scar?" Kion asked looking at Timothy with a confused expression. "I'm saying, Scar maybe planning a trap." Timothy replied, "You heard him when he was at the top of Pride Rock." Timothy added, which made Kion think some more. "Like he knows we're coming." Kion said, which earned a nod in agreement from Timothy. "Are you saying this trap could be for the Guard?" Kion asked looking at Timothy. "Either the Guard, me... " Timothy started than took a deep inhale than exhale, "...or you." Timothy replied.

Kion tried to put some thought into it but yawned. "Listen, we'll talk about this in the morning, right now we got to get some rest." Kion said as he and Timothy continued into the Lair. "And I'm glad you and your friends decided to visit us in the last minute." Kion said to Timothy with a smile. "Me and the Guard really missed you ever since out last meeting." Kion added. "And I missed you and the Guard as well." Timothy said smiling back at Kion, but Timothy's smile turned into a frown. "But me and my friends didn't come here just for a visit." Timothy admitted, which confused, "But it can wait until after the battle tomorrow." Timothy said as he yawned. "Yeah, goodnight Timothy." Kion said as he went to his spot in the Lair to sleep. "Goodnight Kion." Timothy said back as he went to where his friends were sleeping so he can sleep with them as well.

Next time on The Golden Guardian 4: Tomorrow, that battle into the Outlands begins. It'll be even easier now that Timothy and his friends showed up. So far, the Pride Landers know what they're planning but Kion and Timothy wonder what Scar is planning next? What is Scar's next plan? Will the Pride Landers win against the Outlanders? Will Timothy ever tell Kion about The Voice? Find out in the next installment of The Golden Guardian 4.

So, this chapter took longer than I thought. But anyway, it's done and that's what counts. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of this season. Have a Merry Christmas.

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