Chapter 1: The River of Patience

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Well, it's finally here. The first chapter of the new story. Now, just like the last story of The Golden Guardian, there will be some changes, so be prepared for them. Now, as we all have been waiting for, The Golden Guardian 5!



The Lion Guard: Kion, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Anga, Makini, Cassandra

The Night Pride: Rani, Baliyo, Nirmala, Surak, Ullu, Queen Janna


Unknown: Morgana

The Backlands: Makucha

The Snowy Mountain: Chuluun

Dragon Island: Ora

The Black Rock Forest: Mama Binturong


(Previously: Kion defeated Scar and saved the Pride Lands and the Outlands, thanks to not just his Lion Guard and the Pride Landers but also thanks to Timothy and his friends from Chima. But the battle in the Outlands ended up with Ono having vog, and Kion getting a scar across his left eye, which was making him not know the difference between right and wrong, and it was also a counterpart, connected to Timothy's scar on his left eye. So, Kion, Timothy and their friends went on a very long journey to someplace called the Tree of Life to get healed. They had some encounters on the way, some were friends, some were enemies, and some were even the forces of nature itself. But they managed to make it to the Tree of Life, which is protected by a small pride of Lions called the Night Pride. They thought that the Lion Guard came to the Tree of Life to attack it, but with a little bit of convincing, the leader of the Night Pride, Rani, let Kion, Timothy and their friends visit the Tree of Life to get healed. They have made it, now Kion and Ono can find the healing they need, and Timothy can find out the mystery why the Voice wanted him and his friends to come here. But will Kion get healed before it's too late for him? Will Timothy really find out the mystery behind the Voice? Will Rani be able to trust the Lion Guard, as well as Kion?)


It was midday and the Night Pride were leading the Lion Guard towards the Tree of Life's entrance, which amazed them. "Poa. The Tree of Life is huge!" Beshte said with a smile. "Yes, it is." Rani agreed as she was in front. "It's almost as big as the Tree of Light." Samuel said with a huge smile, which kinda confused Rani. "Okay. Now, follow me." Rani said as she led the Lion Guard inside. However, just as Timothy was about to enter, he felt a really strong sense coming from inside the Tree which caused him to gasp a bit with wide eyes. After that, he heard the Voice calling from inside the Tree, which really surprised Timothy as he followed everyone else inside.

Inside the Tree of Life, the Guard saw some glowing green algae on the walls inside which really fascinated them. "Heyvi Kabisa." Kion said with wide eyes. "You can say that again." Lucy replied with a smile as Rani led the Guard to her grandmother, Queen Janna, as they came to a stop. "Grandmother. As requested, I have brought Kion, Timothy, and the Lion Guard." Rani said to Queen Janna, which caused Timothy and Lucy to look at each other with confused expressions. "Lion Guard. This is Queen Janna, Guardian of the Tree of Life." Rani said to the Lion Guard, introducing them to her grandmother.

"Be welcome here." Queen Janna said to the Lion Guard with a smile. "Thank you, your majesty." Kion said as he and the rest of the Guard bowed in respect. "My friends, Timothy, Ono and, I have come to be healed." Kion added. "Step closer, Kion, Timothy and Ono." Queen Janna said, which caused them to step forward. "You have the Mark of the Guard. You are from the Pride Lands then?" Queen Janna asked them. "Uh, yeah." Kion replied. "Indeed." Ono replied. "Actually, I'm not from the Pride Lands, but we did go with the Lion Guard from there." Timothy replied.

"And so, the Roar has returned." Queen Janna said with a smirk, which surprised Kion. "You know about the Roar?" Kion asked Queen Janna. "Of course, Kion. I take it that Rafiki sent you here?" Queen Janna asked. "Yes. Ono's eyes are hurt. And my scar... I can't control the Roar. And Timothy's scar is connected to mine, and every time I do lose control of the Roar, he gets like a reaction that hurts him from the inside out." Kion replied, earning a nod of agreement from Timothy.

"So I have heard. Nirmala?" Queen Janna called as Nirmala inspected Kion and Timothy's scars and Ono's eyes. "Nirmala is a fierce warrior. But she is also a gentle healer." Queen Janna explained as Nirmala came up to Queen Janna and whispered something in her ear. "Ono, healing your sight will be simple. But the remedy will take a few days to prepare." Queen Janna said to Ono. "Thank you, your majesty." Ono thanked with a bow and a thankful smile. "Kion, Timothy? Both of your ailments are more complicated. It is more than just the scars." Queen Janna said to Kion and Timothy.

"How complicated?" Timothy asked with a worried expression. "More than you know. Both of your healing will take time. And patience." Queen Janna replied with a smile. "Then we'd like to start right away." Kion said. "I'm sure you two would. However, in order to begin your healing, you two need to do it separately." Queen Janna said to them. "Separately?" Kion and Timothy asked at the same time. "Yes. In order for both of your scars to be no longer connected, you two need to be healed separately." Queen Janna replied. Timothy and Kion looked at each other for a few seconds then looked back at Queen Janna. "If that's the only way to get healed, then we'll do it." Timothy said with a determined expression while earning a nod from Kion.

"Good. Nirmala?" Queen Janna asked Nirmala. "Kion and I will begin today." Nirmala replied to Queen Janna. "And so, that leaves you with me, Timothy." Queen Janna said to Timothy. "Thank you, your majesty." Kion thanked Queen Janna with a bow. "Yes, thank you so much, your majesty." Timothy thanked with a smile and a bow. "This way, Kion." Nirmala said as she led Kion out of the Tree of Life. Before Kion left, he looked back at Timothy with a smile. "Good luck." Kion said to Timothy. "You too." Timothy replied smiling back as he watched Kion and Nirmala exit the Tree of Life.

"Rani. Please show our other guests around." Queen Janna said to her granddaughter. "Show them around? But I... " Rani was just about to protest. "Baliyo and Surak can handle the Night Pride's duties for now. You must continue to take on the duties that I cannot perform." Queen Janna added. "Yes. Of course." Rani replied with a sigh and a frown. "Follow me." Rani said to the Lion Guard as they followed her, as well as Lucy, Samuel and Cassandra.

"Little Makini. Please stay." Queen Janna called out to Makini which excited her. "You remember me?!" Makini asked with a smile. "Of course. Though, you were much smaller when you and your parents came here to meet Rafiki." Queen Janna said. "Yes! This is where Rafiki said I'd be a Royal Mjuzi someday! He started my training!" Makini said excitingly. "And we will continue your training here, if you'd like." Queen Janna asked, which made Makini gasp. "I'd be honored!" Makini replied. "Good. We will start with beginning Timothy's healing session for today." Queen Janna said to Makini while looking at Timothy, who was confused.

"For today? You mean... it'll take more than one day to heal me?" Timothy asked Queen Janna with a concerned expression. "Like I said before, both your and Kion's healing will take time and patience." Queen Janna recalled to Timothy. "And besides, I know you didn't just come here to get healed, Timothy. I know you also want to know about the Voice." Queen Janna added, which really shocked Timothy. "How did you know about the Voice? Do you hear it too?" Timothy asked Queen Janna as she chuckled. "No. But I have sensed its presence for quite some time. It was leading you here to find the Energy Stone of Life." Queen Janna revealed which really shocked Timothy.

"How did you know about the Energy Stone?!" Timothy asked Queen Janna as she let out another chuckle. "Who do you think put that Stone in your heart in the first place?" Queen Janna asked Timothy. "I mean, I know my parents took me to the Tree of Life before when I was a baby. So... " Timothy said then stopped as he just realized it as he looked at Queen Janna. "My parents took me here to see... you! You put the Energy Stone in my heart to save my life." Timothy said in disbelief with a smile. "Yes. And it was much harder than it looked." Queen Janna replied with a chuckle. "I... I don't even know how to thank you." Timothy said with tears in his eyes. "You can thank me later, after we start your healing." Queen Janna said. "Oh, right. Where do we start?" Timothy asked Queen Janna, ready to start his healing.


At a different part of the Tree of Life, Kion and Nirmala walk towards a river with a high cliff on the other side. "This is Dirisha. The River of Patience." Nirmala said to Kion as they stopped in front of the river. "And this is where you'll heal my scar? So, I can control the Roar?" Kion asked Nirmala. "This is the first of many steps on your journey to healing." Nirmala replied. "How long's it gonna take?" Kion asked a little anxious. "That depends on you. As Queen Janna said, you must have patience." Nirmala replied with a gentle voice.

"Look at the top of that ridge. Do you see the bright orange flower?" Nirmala asked as she and Kion looked at the top of the ridge to see it. "Yeah?" Kion replied with a confused expression. "I need you to bring it to me." Nirmala said to Kion, who had a determined smile. "I'll be right back." Kion said as he started to run off to get the flower, but Nirmala stopped him. "Easy, Kion. Arama Karo." Nirmala said. "You need to follow my instructions. First, you'll need to wait for a log to float past. Hop onto the log and ride it down the river. Once you reach that sandy back, jump off. Then take the winding path up to the top of the ridge." Nirmala instructed Kion to do.

"Wouldn't it be fast just to swim across the river? Then climb the ridge to get to the flower?" Kion asked Nirmala. "Possibly. But the fast way isn't always the best way." Nirmala said. "Where have I heard that before?" Kion asked himself as he rubbed his scar with a sigh. "Okay. I'll try it your way." Kion said as he went near the river looking for a log, but he didn't see any. "So where are the logs?" Kion asked Nirmala. "One will come." Nirmala replied. "Yeah, but how long is that gonna take? It could take days!" Kion asked getting a little impatient already. "Then we wait for days." Nirmala said as she sat down as Kion sighed. "Fine." Kion said as he sat down as well while trying to be patient.


Back with the Lion Guard, Rani took them to a high cliffside. "You might wonder what makes the Tree of Life such a special place." Rani said as the Guard gasp in awe at what Rani showed them. She showed them that they were at a viewpoint that overlooked the entire land within the Tree of Life's borders. 

"Poa." Beshte said amazed. "Wow." Anga said amazed as well as she tilted her head. "It's so beautiful." Lucy said with tears of joy in her eyes. "As you can see, the Tree of Life is home to every kind of habitat." Rani said to the Guard. "Is there a habitat in the Tree of Life that's just right for Humans?" Cassandra asked Rani. "As long as they respect the peace between them and the creatures here, Humans can stay." Rani replied to Cassandra. "Okay." Cassandra said. "Please, tell us more about the Tree of Life, Rani." Samuel asked Rani. "As you wish." Rani replied as a thrilling upbeat theme started to play throughout the air around the Lion Guard as they followed Rani.

Rani: Welcome to the Tree of Life
A wondrous mystic place
We're living life in harmony
It's what we all embrace

So if you need healing
Shelter free of sorrow and strife
You will be welcome
Welcome to the Tree of Life

Desert, forest, tundra, plain
Are brought together here
So animals from near and far
Live in peace and without fear

So if you need healing
Shelter free of sorrow and strife
You will be welcome
Welcome to the Tree of Life

Respect for fellow animals
Is all you need to stay
But no one living here
Would want it any other way

So if you need healing
Shelter free of sorrow and strife
Know you are welcome
Welcome to the Tree of Life

You know you are welcome
Welcome to the Tree of Life

The song ended as the Lion Guard and Rani were in front of the Tree of Life itself. "All are welcome here, as long as they respect the Circle of Life." Rani said to the Lion Guard. "Well don't worry, Rani. All of us respect the Circle of Life. Right guys?" Lucy asked the Guard, who all agreed with her. "Well, okay then. Let's continue with the tour." Rani said as she led the Guard to somewhere else


Back inside the Tree of Life, Timothy was sitting in a meditation pose with his eyes closed and squinted. "Are you emptying your mind?" Queen Janna asked Timothy. "I... think so?" Timothy replied unsurely, which made Queen Janna smile. "It was hard with your parents too." Queen Janna said, which surprised Timothy. "What?!" Timothy asked surprised, until he just realized that he just lost focus which made him facepalm himself along with a grunt.

"Shwari, Timothy. Rafiki said that meditating can be very hard." Makini said while watching. "Makini is right. You need to empty your mind in order to meditate." Queen Janna instructed Timothy to do. "I know, I know. I'm trying to, I am. But I don't know what I'm doing wrong." Timothy said to Queen Janna a little frustrated. "You can't empty your mind because there's a lot in it right now. If you tell us what's on your mind, that may help you empty it more." Queen Janna said as Timothy inhaled and exhaled.

"A lot of major events have happened ever since I found the Energy Sword. The death of my stepfather, meeting my parents for the first time on the verge of death, pushing away my friends, vengeance on a villain, nearly killing the Lion Guard because of a scorpion sting." Timothy said, which Makini cringed at, remembering that day. "Becoming the Wisest of the Lion Guard, keeping secrets from my friends, facing evil versions of my friends, facing my evil uncle, Strykore, he giving me the Mark of Evil, banishing my evil uncle who just turned good, closing that portal by destroying the Energy Sword, finding out that I am the Energy Stone, which led to my aunt Morgana arriving at my home, killing a best friend of mine who I looked up to as a sister, following the Voice, going back to the Pride Lands to fight Scar, which ended with Kion getting his scar and Ono getting his eyes hurt, which led to this long and dangerous journey to here to get healed, and find out why the Voice wants me here so bad." Timothy finished saying what he wanted to say.

"Is that everything on your mind?" Queen Janna asked with a gentle smile as Timothy sighed. "No. I'm worried that something bad is gonna happen here within the Tree of Life's borders. I'm also worried that the spirit of my aunt Morgana has been following me and the Guard and that we led her here. And if Rani finds out... " Timothy was going to say, saying what was all on his mind. "Rani can't do anything to you or your friends, unless I say so." Queen Janna reassured Timothy. "But what if what I said is true, and the spirit of Morgana did follow us to the Tree of Life?" Timothy asked with a worried expression. "Then, the Night Pride will defend it from her." Queen Janna replied with a smile as Timothy stood up.

"But, Queen Janna, you have no idea what Morgana's like. She will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Even if she has to kill every last creature in the Tree of Life's borders to do it." Timothy said to Queen Janna, who frowned for a second then smiled again. "Well then, thanks for letting me know. Now, try to meditate again." Queen Janna said, which made Timothy sigh as he sat back down into a meditation pose. "You sure this is gonna work this time?" Timothy asked Queen Janna. "Trust me. Letting out everything that's on your mind helps it become clear." Queen Janna said. "Okay." Timothy said as he closed his eyes, inhaled through his nose and exhaled through his mouth.

Timothy did this for a few more seconds, then all of a sudden, his scar glowed green as the green algae on the walls glowed even brighter than before, which surprised Makini. This told Queen Janna that Timothy does have a clear mind and his meditating. "Now, tell me, Timothy. What do you see?" Queen Janna asked as Timothy still had his eyes closed and seeing visions. "I see... the air from the sky. And water, raining from it. And the earth on the ground, drinking up the water that rained from the sky. And fire, from the lava which was created from earth. And that lava spouting out from the ground, and the air cooling it to make more earth." Timothy replied seeing the vision clearly.

"And what is in the middle of it all?" Queen Janna asked as Timothy still had his eyes closed while smiling. "Balance. Harmony." Timothy replied, which Queen Janna nodded to. "That's right, Timothy. Everything in the world we live in is all in balance." Queen Janna said. "Like the sun and the moon." Timothy said. "Correct. Even both life and death are in balance." Queen Janna added, which made Timothy picture that time back at the White Spike Palace when he saved Kion from the Decay Incantation using the Life Incantation. That picture made Timothy open his eyes again as he looked at Queen Janna.

"I think I know what you're saying. In order to find the Energy Stone of Life, I need to learn about both life and death first. Right?" Timothy asked Queen Janna, who smiled brightly. "Indeed. Well done, Timothy. You have completed your healing session for today." Queen Janna said which made Timothy smile. Until Timothy had stinging feeling in his head which caused him to put his hand on his head with a low grunt. "Timothy, what's wrong?" Makini asked with a worried expression. "My head is stinging. That usually happens when something bad is coming. Or it could be just a headache. I don't know." Timothy replied unsurely.

"Maybe meditating will help." Makini said. Timothy nodded in agreement as he closed his eyes again and meditated. But what he saw this time wasn't a vision, it was something that was happening now, and what he saw feared him so much that it brought him out of his meditation while gasping. "What did you see?" Queen Janna asked still in her gentle tone. "Something I wish I hadn't." Timothy replied with a serious expression, which made Makini gasp in fear. "It... It's not your aunt, is it?" Makini asked in fear. "No. It wasn't Morgana. But everyone, us and the creatures in the Tree of Life's borders are in danger." Timothy replied. "What are you talking about, Timothy? What's coming?" Makini asked.

"The predators we've faced during our journey, Makini. They've followed us to the Tree of Life." Timothy replied which made Makini gasp.


Back with the Lion Guard, Rani was still showing them around, until they heard an Owl hooting. They looked and saw the white Owl, whose name is Ullu, coming and landing on a rock which caught Rani's attention as she approached Ullu. "Hold up, everyone." Rani said to the Lion Guard as Ullu whispered something in her ear. "Tour's over. Gotta go." Rani said as she ran off which confused the Guard. "What was that?" Anga asked the Guard while flying above them. "I don't know." Cassandra replied. "I think something's up." Samuel said with a serious expression. "Same here." Fuli said agreeing with Samuel.


Back at the River of Patience, Kion sighed impatiently as he kept waiting for a long to pass by. "I could have waited for logs back in the Pride Lands." Kion said as he was pacing. "But Rafiki sent you here to be healed. Doubtless because Askari first discovered the Roar at Cikha Escarpment not far from here." Nirmala said which intrigued Kion. "What? He did?" Kion asked, until he and Nirmala saw a log floating down the river.

"Finally!" Kion said as he immediately jumped onto it but ended up falling off of it and into the river with a yell. As Kion resurfaced and saw the log floating away, he looked up at Nirmala. "Try again." Nirmala said with a smile, which made Kion groan in frustration as he swam to shore. "And we're waiting. Again." Kion said as he got up to land. "Nirmala!" Someone called as Kion and Nirmala looked to see Rani, who was running towards them then stopped. "Come quickly. We need you." Rani said to Nirmala as she ran to her.

"Do you need me too?" Kion asked. "Yes. We need you to stay here and focus on your task." Nirmala replied as she and Rani ran off as Kion just sighed and sat back down while waiting for another log to pass by.


Back with the Lion Guard, they were looking for Kion, until Anga spotted him sitting in front of a river. So, the Lion Guard went to the river to get Kion, who nearly drifted off to sleep while still waiting for a log to pass by.

"Kion!" Fuli called, which caused Kion to gasp and open his eyes as he looked at the Guard. "I'm awake." Kion replied to the Guard as they approached him. "Why are you just sitting here?" Bunga asked Kion. "I'm waiting for a log." Kion replied, looking at the river again. "Sounds fun." Anga said with sarcasm. "Ooh, yeah! It does!" Bunga said, agreeing with Anga as he laid on the ground on his belly and with his hands on his cheeks. "It's really not." Kion said to Bunga.

"Something's going on. That Owl came to get Rani, and she just ran off." Fuli said to Kion with a serious expression. "Yeah. I think the Night Pride could use some help. What do you think, Kion?" Samuel asked Kion. "They might. Come on!" Kion said as he and the Lion Guard ran off to help the Night Pride while Bunga got up. "Wait! I didn't get to see a log!" Bunga said as he followed along.

They were running, until Lucy stopped after realizing something. "Wait!" Lucy called out, which caused the Lion Guard to stop and look at her. "What is it, Lucy?" Cassandra asked. "Shouldn't Timothy know about this?" Lucy asked the Guard. "I think he's still healing with Queen Janna. I don't think we should bother him." Samuel replied to Lucy. "Samuel's right. We'll tell Timothy later." Kion said as he and the rest of them went off to the Mountain Pass to help the Night Pride, or so they thought.


Back inside the Tree of Life, Queen Janna was just sitting with a frown, while watching Makini pacing back and forth worryingly and Timothy meditating.  A few seconds went by as Timothy came out of his meditation and looked at Makini and Queen Janna. "Well?" Makini asked Timothy. "It's definitely Makucha, Chuluun and Ora. They've followed us and found the Tree of Life." Timothy explained with a saddened expression. "Is there at least any good news?" Makini asked.

"Well, while meditating, I saw that the Night Pride easily defeated Makucha, Chuluun and Ora and chased them out of the Mountain Pass." Timothy replied with a smile, which relieved Makini. "But, however, that wasn't all of the bad news." Timothy added, which worried Makini again. "What else did you see?" Makini asked. "I also saw Kion and the Lion Guard showing up to help the Night Pride, but that only made Rani angry." Timothy replied with a sad expression.

"And that's not all. Baliyo mentioned Makucha's name, which made Kion explain to the Night Pride that we know Makucha, as well as Chuluun and Ora, and that they followed us here, but without us knowing, which made Rani even more mad. And I think they're on their way here." Timothy added. "Uh oh." Makini said worryingly. "Do not fear, Makini and Timothy. I don't think it's time for you two, or the Lion Guard to leave yet." Queen Janna said with a gentle smile. "Also, see that painting over there?" Queen Janna asked, which Makini and Timothy looked at, which was a painting of a Lion using the Roar.

"That is Askari, when he first discovered the Roar of the Elders." Queen Janna explained. "I'm glad you two are here, Makini and Timothy." Queen Janna added, which confused them. "Makini, it's been some time since we've had a Royal Mjuzi. That bakora staff was hers. Before she completed her journey on the Circle of Life." Queen Janna said as Makini picked up the bakora staff. "Oh! It's beautiful." Makini said to Makini, admiring the staff. "If you like it, it's yours now." Queen Janna said. "Really?" Makini asked with excitement. Queen Janna nodded in response. 

"And, Queen Janna, why are you glad that I'm here?" Timothy asked Queen Janna with a confused expression. "Because, Timothy, a few weeks ago, I have received a vision from the Lions of the Past that the Energy Stone would return to the Tree of Life, but in a form of a Human. You." Queen Janna replied, which made Timothy gasp. "And the vision also showed me who you are, where you came from, and what I need to do to help you not only heal you, but to also help you find the Energy Stone of Life." Queen Janna added, which made Timothy smile at her. "And let me guess, every healing session I complete, I learn something new about life?" Timothy asked Queen Janna. "Yes. Like how meditating gave you foresight." Queen Janna replied. "And speaking of foresight... " Timothy was just about to say.

"Grandmother!" Someone called. Everyone looked and saw Rani and Kion enter the Tree of Life. "Rani? Is something wrong?" Queen Janna asked Rani as she and Kion came to a stop. "You could say that. Kion led an army of predators here!" Rani replied while glaring at Kion, who recoiled. "Tell me this, Rani. Would you call three predators an army?" Timothy asked Rani with a serious expression, which shocked her and Kion. "What?! How did you... " Rani was just about to asked Timothy. "I'll explain later." Timothy replied. "Anyway, grandmother, we never should have let him in." Rani said to Queen Janna while standing by her and still glaring at Kion.

"I am sorry, your majesty. I had no idea they were following us." Kion apologized to Queen Janna with a sad expression. "I doubt they will leave now that they have found the Tree of Life." Queen Janna said. "At least let me and the Lion Guard help with Makucha and... " Kion was just about to say to Queen Janna. "No! I told you! We can handle it!" Rani protested to Kion with a deeper glare and standing in front of him, which surprised and saddened Timothy a bit. "Rani." Queen Janna called, which caused Rani to recoil. "Sorry, grandmother." Rani apologized as she then stood next to Kion. "Thank you for your offer, Kion. But Rani is correct. It is the Night Pride's duty to protect the Tree of Life." Queen Janna said to Kion.

"Yeah, but it's my fault that... " Kion was just about to say. "Kion, I understand that you made a mistake, and you want to fix it. But you must help yourself first before you can help others." Timothy advised Kion with a sad expression. "Timothy is right, Kion. Now go, and let Nirmala guide you." Queen Janna said to Kion. "After all, that is why you have come to the Tree of Life." Queen Janna added as Kion sighed. "Yes, your majesty." Kion said he was beginning to leave.

Rani, still upset after what happened earlier, scoffed while rolling her eyes. "So much for wasted space." Rani said, earning a shocking expression from Timothy. "I HEARD THAT!" Kion shouted while glaring at Rani then he rubbed his scar while Timothy tried not to rub his. "Makini. I think we need some tuliza." Timothy said to Makini. "But my staff with all of the tuliza is gone in the frozen lake, remember?" Makini said to Timothy with a worried expression.

"Makini, there are some tuliza petals right by that painting right there." Queen Janna said while looking at the painting and the tuliza petals. Makini saw those too with an excited expression as she grabbed them and fed the tuliza to Kion, which calmed both him and Timothy down. "Thanks Makini." Kion thanked while looking at Makini then turned his head to look at Rani with a frown. "And I'm sorry Rani." Kion apologized to Rain. "No, it was my fault." Rani replied with a frown.

After that, Kion left to continue his healing session with Nirmala while Timothy went to the watering hole for a drink. As he was about to head back to the Tree of Life, Timothy spotted Rani walking pass him. Timothy inhaled then exhaled as he looked at Rani. "Was it really necessary for you to anger Kion like that?" Timothy asked Rani with a serious expression which made her scoff. "It's not like I knew he was going to react that way." Rani replied to Timothy with a glare. "Look, I know you're still upset about the fact that Kion Roared your brother over the mountain pass, and that the predators followed us here, but... " Timothy was just about to say. "Yes, I am. Because all of those things happened because of you and your, so-called, friends. The sooner you get healed and leave, the better." Rani interrupted angrily.

"Will you just listen to me for one minute?" Timothy asked Rani. "First of all, those 'things' we did were accidents. Kion lost control of his Roar that caused your brother to fly over the mountain pass and we had no idea that Makucha and the other two predators were following us. And second, you really need to let it go Rani. Don't let your emotions get the best of you." Timothy said to Rani, who rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Let it go? How can I after what Kion, you, and your 'friends' did?" Rani asked Timothy while gritting her teeth.

"Again, those were all accidents. And, if I recall, you and the Night Pride attacked us first!" Timothy said back to Rani while raising his voice. "Because you blocked the mountain pass with a rockslide!" Rani argued to Timothy. "Actually, that was Bunga. And it was also an accident. But never mind that." Timothy said back while shaking his head and hands. "What I'm saying is, you really shouldn't let your emotions get to you. If you do that in time, you'll probably lose everything that you know and love. The Night Pride, your grandmother, even the Tree of Life." Timothy said to Rani, who was dumbfounded after what Timothy said.

"Like you know what it's like to let your emotions get the best of you." Rani said to Timothy with a glare. "Actually, I did one time and it caused me to lose my friends. But, if I didn't then I never would have met the Lion Guard." Timothy replied, glaring back at Rani. "And if you want to talk to someone about emotions, you can talk to Kion about it." Timothy added while crossing his arms. "Really? You expect me to believe that Kion has emotions?" Rani asked with some sass.

"I don't expect you too, but Kion does have emotions. And sometimes, he lets them get the best of him too." Timothy replied. "He told me one time that when he was young, he let his emotions get the best of him and he lost control of the Roar which nearly lost his own mother." Timothy added which made Rani widened her eyes slightly. "Look, I'm not expecting you to take my words for granted Rani, I just want you to think about what I said for a little bit." Timothy said to Rani with a sad expression. "You may be the Wisest, but that doesn't mean anyone will follow your wisdom. We're all not the same, Timothy" Rani said to Timothy coldly.

"Oh, I beg to differ. I think that you, me and Kion are all the same. Sisi Ni Sawa." Timothy said which surprised Rani. "How do you know what that means, and who did you hear it from?" Rani asked surprised. Timothy, however, didn't reply as he used his left hand to touch his scar with a sad expression. "Those are questions for another time." Timothy replied as he walked away from Rani and toward the Tree of Life. Rani, however, was curious about Timothy's sudden mood change, but brushed it off as she left the watering hole as well.


Back at the River of Patience, the sun was setting, and Kion was still trying to wait patiently for a log to float pass. "Still no log." Kion said with a sigh. "Nirmala, if you'd let me do it my way, I'd have that flower and be back by now!" Kion said to Nirmala while rubbing his scar. "Let me guide you, Kion. Like Queen Janna said." Nirmala said to Kion, who kept rubbing his scar with a grunt, until his ears perked up as he heard and saw a log floating pass. "Yes!" Kion said excitingly then ran to jump onto it. "Patience, Kion." Nirmala reminded Kion.

However, it was too late as Kion already jumped onto the log, only to lose his balance again and fall into the river again. As Kion resurfaced, he spat out the water in his mouth then looked up the ledge and at the flower. "Forget it! This time I'm doing it my way!" Kion said to Nirmala as he started to swim across the river. "If you must." Nirmala said with a smirk as she jumped onto that same log but managed to keep her balance and stay on it. Kion watched as Nirmala rode the log down the stream to the sandy bank, then got off of it.

After that, Kion continued to swim across the river, which pushed him in several directions as he let out a slight yelp. "This current is stronger than it looked." Kion said to himself as he kept swimming across the river while grunting, until a seaweed grabbed a hold of Kion's back paw, which he shook off and then managed to get to the other side while panting. "This way, Kion! Follow me!" Nirmala called out to Kion as he watched her took the winding pass up the ledge, then he looked up the slope. "Straight up the slope looks faster to me." Kion said to himself as he started climbing the slope, trying to get up the ledge, but his paws kept slipping while he climbed.

"Almost there... " Kion said while straining while climbing to get up to the ledge but looked up to see Nirmala already up there and looking down at him still smirking. "How's that going for you?" Nirmala asked Kion, who kept climbing while straining. "It's going just... FINE!" Kion yelled as his back paws slipped which caused him to slide back down to the bottom, which caused him to groan and rub his scar again. Then, he saw Nirmala jump down to where he is without the flower. "Where's the flower? Why didn't you get it while you were up there?" Kion asked Nirmala with a glare.

"That is your task, Kion." Nirmala replied to Kion with a calming voice. "It's almost night. You should get some sleep while I go on patrol." Nirmala said to Kion. "Tomorrow is a very important day." Nirmala added. "Yeah? What's gonna happen tomorrow?" Kion asked Nirmala with a smile. "Tomorrow... you're going to try again." Nirmala replied.


"Ugh. 'Try again. Try again.' That's all Nirmala ever says!" Kion said to the rest of the Lion Guard then rubbing his scar as it was now nighttime, and they were in an open field near the Tree of Life. "But how is falling into a river supposed to heal me?" Kion asked the Guard with a confused expression after he was done rubbing his scar. "Sounds like fun to me!" Bunga replied to Kion. "Everything sounds fun to you, Bunga." Samuel said to Bunga. "I'm sure tomorrow will be better." Beshte reassured Kion. "Yeah. You fell into a river. Big deal." Cassandra replied.

"Kion, you can do anything you put your mind to." Fuli said to Kion. "Fuli's right, Kion. And if you can defeat an evil Lion of the Past made of fire, then you can pass this healing session, because you never give up." Timothy said to Kion with a smile, as the rest of the Guard agreed to what Timothy said. "Okay. I'll try again tomorrow." Kion said while smiling at the Guard. "Good. Now, let's get some sleep, guys. Tomorrow is another big day." Timothy said to the Guard as they all laid down to sleep for the night.

However, Timothy decided to walk a couple ways away from the Lion Guard to a nice, quiet, and comfortable location to meditate. While meditating, Timothy saw the Night Pride defeating Makucha, Chuluun and Ora again and chased them off again, while also sensing some doubt from Rani about him, Kion and the Lion Guard. Timothy meditated for a couple of minutes as he opened his eyes then walked back to where the Lion Guard were sleeping so he can get some sleep himself, while thinking about what he saw during his meditation.


When the next morning came, Nirmala yawned as she was walking towards the river of patience, while seeing Kion already up and seeing him there which surprised her. "Kion!" Nirmala said surprised. "I'm ready to try again." Kion said to Nirmala with a smile. "Excellent. And it looks like I got here just in time." Nirmala said as she and Kion saw another log floating down the river. "Patience. Patience." Kion said to himself as he waited patiently then jumped on the log while managed to keep balance on it.

"Well done!" Nirmala said to Kion with praise. However, Kion then lost his balance as he fell into the river, which made Nirmala cringe a bit. But when Kion resurfaced, he managed to grab hold of the log with his front paw. "Try again." Kion said to himself as he climbed onto the log and balanced himself on it once again and rode on it. "Good job, Kion! Now you're getting it!" Nirmala said to Kion as he rode the log to the sandy bank then jumped off it. After that, a hooting could be heard as Ullu came flying down near the ground.

"Nirmala! Rani needs you! The predators are attacking again!" Ullu said to Nirmala while hovering near her. "I'll come with you. They followed me here. Let me help kick them out!" Kion said to Nirmala, offering to help. "You're the one in need of help, Kion. Remember? Stay focused and finish your task. No matter what." Nirmala said to Kion as she then ran off to follow Ullu to help the Night Pride while Kion let out a sigh. "Stay focused. Finish the task." Kion said to himself as he did what Nirmala told him to do.


At the mountain pass, The Night Pride were seeing Makucha, Chuluun and Ora trying to get in again as Nirmala just showed up. "With Strength and Respect... " Rani started. "Night Pride Protect." The rest of the Night Pride finished as they charged towards the predators, to get them out of the mountain pass. However, as they charged towards them, they saw that the predators were going in another direction. "They're trying to go around us! Come on." Rani said as they followed the predators.

While following the predators, the Night Pride chased them to a dead end and cornered them. "Now we do it my way. We stand and fight!" Ora said with a hiss as he looked at the Night Pride with a glare. "You do it your way. I'll do it mine." Chuluun said as she jumped into a nearby tree to hide as Makucha and Ora charged towards the Night Pride to attack them, as the Night Pride fought back. Rani and Nirmala fought Makucha, Baliyo fought Ora and Surak was trying to find Chuluun in the trees as she jumped from tree to tree, trying to sneak attack on Surak.

As Baliyo took down Ora, he noticed Chuluun behind Surak which alerted him. "Surak! Look out!" Baliyo called out to Surak, which caused Chuluun to lunge at Surak, who ducked down just in time and took down Chuluun. "Nice move." Baliyo said to Surak, until Ora recovered from Baliyo's attack and bit his leg, which caused Baliyo to yell in pain. "Guys, I'm down." Baliyo called out to the Night Pride as Ora was about to attack Baliyo.

"Hey. That's my little brother you bit!" Rani said to Ora with a glare as she pushed Ora away from Baliyo and into Makucha. The rest of the Night Pride surrounded Baliyo for defense as the predators got up and glared at the Night Pride. "Nice work, Ora. Now it's three against three." Makucha said with an evil smile.


Back in the Tree of Life, Timothy saw all of this going down while meditating as he opened up his eyes with a horrifying expression. "Well?" Makini asked with a worried expression. "It's not good. The predators took down Baliyo. Now it's three against three." Timothy replied with a worried expression. "Oh no." Makini said worryingly. Timothy then felt a conflicting feeling in his heart. Part of him wants to go help the Night Pride, while the other wants to do what he said to Kion earlier, "Help yourself before you can help others."

"Queen Janna, what I said to Kion earlier, I agree with that. But I can't just stand here and let the Tree of Life get taken over by just three predators. I know my parents would want me to be safe, but I also know that they would want me to do the right thing and protect the Tree of Life, along with the Lion Guard, even if Rani doesn't agree with them, or Kion, or me. If my parents were here right now, they would agree with everything that I just said." Timothy said to Queen Janna with a serious expression. Queen Janna had her head down for a minute, before looking at Timothy with a smile.

"You know, I sometimes forget what your parents look and sound like. But, hearing what you just said, made me feel like I was actually talking to them. They have taught you well." Queen Janna said, which made Timothy smile and tear up a bit. "And you're right, Timothy. But remember, never rely on your head to tell you where to go." Queen Janna said to Timothy, who nodded with a determined expression as he left the Tree of Life.


Back with Kion, he made it to the top of the ridge with a grunt, like Nirmala instructed him to do. "Made it. Now, where is that flower?" Kion asked himself as he looked around and saw the bright orange flower on his left. Kion started to approach the flower with a smile, until he heard the Voice calling from his left. Kion's ears perked up and followed where the Voice wanted him to go, until he stopped at the edge, looked down and saw the predators surrounding the Night Pride as they defended Baliyo.

"Havi Kabisa! The Night Pride. And Baliyo's down." Kion said as he had a conflicted expression and looked at the orange flower. "Nirmala said to finish the task. No matter what." Kion said as he went to the orange flower and picked it up with his mouth. "But now I can help!" Kion said with the flower in his mouth then ran to help the Night Pride.


As for the Night Pride, they kept surrounding Baliyo while defending him from the predators, as they tried to find an opening to finish up Baliyo. Rani and Chuluun glared at each other, until Rani growled and lunged at Chuluun, who dodged her lunge and went straight after Baliyo, which shocked Rani. "Baliyo!" Rani called out as Chuluun was about to lunge at him with a growl. However, before Chuluun was about to lunge at Baliyo, Kion came out of nowhere and lunged at Chuluun in the mid-air, knocking her to the ground.

"Kion!" Baliyo said with a smile, which gained Makucha and Ora's attention as they said his name in shock. "Use your Roar thingy! Send those guys flying!" Baliyo suggested as Kion glared at the predators. "The Roar?! Forget it! I do not want to get hit with that Roar again!" Ora said fearfully as he ran away. "Some leader he turned out to be." Makucha said to Chuluun. "Forget him. Forget attacking. Kion came down that hill." Chuluun said to Makucha while pointing at it with her head. "So, the Tree of Life must be on the other side." Chuluun suggested as they both ran towards that hill.

"Surak, follow Ora. Make sure he doesn't double back." Rani said to Surak. "Understood." Surak said as he ran to follow where Ora went. "Nirmala, get Baliyo somewhere safe." Rani said to Nirmala. "And Kion, you're with me. We have to stop them from getting over that ridge!" Rani said as she ran to chase after Makucha and Chuluun. "Okay." Kion said as he started to follow Rani. "Kion! The path!" Nirmala said to Kion, who stopped and looked at the path Nirmala suggested.

"Let Nirmala guide me." Kion said to himself with a smile as he took the path. "I hope... I get there... in time." Kion said while panting as he took the path. However, he failed to see that Makucha was already up the ridge as he let out an evil chuckle. "What's so funny, Makucha?" Someone asked Makucha, who turned around and saw Timothy sitting in a meditating pose. "Oh, it's you. I should've finished you off back in the Backlands while I had the chance." Makucha said to Timothy with a glare as he growled.

"Maybe, but I'm not your fight, Makucha. He is." Timothy said as he pointed to his left, which caused Makucha to scoff. "Yeah right. I'm not falling for that trick." Makucha growled as he was about to lunge at Timothy, who was still sitting down in a meditation pose. "Well then... I made you look." Timothy said with a smirk. "What?" Makucha asked as he looked anyway and saw Kion, much to his surprise. "Kion!" Makucha said shocked. "Surprise, Makucha." Kion said as he lunged at Makucha, almost hitting Chuluun as she got to the top of the ridge as Makucha fell all the way down.

"Watch it." Chuluun said to Makucha as he dodged Kion's attack while Timothy got up and glared at Chuluun. "You missed!" Chuluun laughed at Kion. "I won't." Rani said as she tackled Chuluun, then used her back paws to push Chuluun down the ridge. "Nice." Kion said to Rani. "You too. Now, let's make sure they keep going." Rani said as she, Kion and Timothy took the path to go down the ridge.


As for the Lion Guard, they were on their way to the battle which Anga spotted. "This way!" Anga said as the Guard followed her. "Don't tell me we missed the battle again." Bunga said a bit disappointed as he ran. "Uh, actually we're a bit late. Look!" Cassandra replied as they saw Makucha and Chuluun come to a full stop as they saw them. "The Lion Guard!" Makucha said with a growl. "Hey, Makucha, Chuluun. Remember me? And my stink?" Bunga asked as he turned around and passed gas on them, which caused them to cough in disgust as they ran away.

"And don't come back." Bunga called out to Makucha and Chuluun with a smile, which caused Samuel to smile and laugh a bit. "Glad to see that you got your share of the fight, Bunga." Samuel said to Bunga as Kion, Timothy and Rani came from behind. "I guess we make a pretty good team after all." Rani said, earning a nod of agreement from Timothy.

After that, the Lion Guard went to Baliyo, to make sure he's fine. "How's Baliyo?" Rani asked Nirmala. "The venom will wear off eventually. He will be fine." Nirmala replied with a smile. "You should be more careful, little brother." Rani said as he nuzzled Baliyo. "Not my style." Baliyo said as he pulled away from the nuzzle.

Kion looked around and saw the same orange flower he got, but saw it got ruined during the battle. "Nirmala, I did get the flower. But it got trampled in the battle." Kion said with an apologetic expression. "You finished the task." Nirmala said, which surprised Kion. "Giving me the flower wasn't really the point. Though I would have liked to have a new flower to put behind my ear." Nirmala added.

"Does this mean Kion's all better?" Bunga asked excitingly. "Does it?" Rani asked, which sort of intrigued Timothy a bit. "I don't think so. There's more I have to do, isn't there?" Kion asked Nirmala. "Yes. You've taken the first step. But there's still a long way to go." Nirmala replied as Kion rubbed his scar, but then realized that it didn't hurt as he stopped. "Guess I just need patience." Kion said with a smile.

"But Timothy, you got to be all better, right?" Bunga asked Timothy. "No, I'm afraid not, Bunga." Timothy replied with a sad expression, but then looked at the Lion Guard and the Night Pride, remembering what Lucy said to him a couple of nights before, which made him smile. "But I'm not worried. I was worried for quite some time, but not anymore." Timothy said with a determined expression as he gave Lucy a nod, who nodded back with a smile.


After the battle, the Lion Guard and Night Pride went back inside the Tree of Life's borders as the sun begin to set. As the sun was setting, Timothy was at his meditation place as he was meditating. That was until Rani saw him and then began to approach him, but then stopped as she didn't know what to do, but Timothy already sensed that Rani was behind him as he let out a quiet sigh. "Yes, Rani. What is it?" Timothy asked, which sort of startled Rani a bit as she approached him. "I... just wanted to say that... I'm sorry, for what I said earlier." Rani apologized.

"You were right. I shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me. But I did, and... " Rani was just about to say. "That almost led to you losing your brother, Baliyo." Timothy said, which Rani nodded to in response. "I'm sorry, too." Timothy said, which confused Rani. "And I can understand why you wouldn't trust us after all the... mistakes me and my friends did ever since we've arrived here. And I'm sorry for the mistakes me and my friends have caused." Timothy apologized with his head hung low.

Rani then sat next to Timothy. "My grandmother is wise. I don't think she would've let you and your friends into the borders without a reason. And besides, those mistakes you and your friends made... were accidents." Rani said, which made Timothy open his eyes and look at her. " I think... I can forgive you and your friends." Rani said as she looked at Timothy with a small smile. Timothy smiled a bit as well as they looked back at the Tree of Life.

"I'm glad your brother is safe." Timothy said to Rani, who was about to say something until she noticed Timothy using his hand to wrap it around his bracelet, which surprised Rani a bit as she looked back at Timothy. "Did you lose a brother?" Rani asked, which caused Timothy to chuckle a bit. "Not really. I looked up to her as a sister though." Timothy replied. "Her name was Eris. She was an Eagle, but she was murdered." Timothy added with a frown. "Who killed her?" Rani asked. "She was killed by... someone whom I have defeated if it wasn't for my actual brother, Sam." Timothy replied.

"What was Eris like?" Rani asked, which made Timothy smile as he looked at her. "She was a lot like you." Timothy replied, which surprised Rani. "Really?" Rani asked. "Of course. I think you would've really liked Eris, too, Rani." Timothy said with a chuckle. Rani chuckled as well, until she stopped. "Well, I just wanted to say that I was sorry, Timothy." Rani said to Timothy. "Thanks, Rani. Have... you said sorry to Kion yet?" Timothy asked. "Not yet. But I will." Rani replied. "Well, later." Rani said as she walked off. "Later, Rani." Timothy said as he watched Rani walk off, then went back to his meditating, knowing that everything was going to be fine. However, he was wrong after the predators just got help from another predator!

Next time on the Golden Guardian 5; The Lion Guard managed to gain the Night Pride's trust, but trouble is brewing with the predators as they just received help from another predator that also followed the Lion Guard, just to get revenge on Bunga! While Timothy is set on another task of healing Queen Janna gave him, but it won't be her that will guide him through it. Who is the predator that will help Makucha, Chuluun and Ora? Who's gonna guide Timothy through his healing session? Find out on the next chapter of the Golden Guardian 5!

Finally. I am done with this episode. However, the next episode is gonna be a fan-made episode by me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I especially hope that you enjoy the next episode. Have a great day.

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