Chapter 11: Journey to the Pride Lands

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Now that the two-part chapter is over, time to move on with the last two chapters. Also, nothing to report in this chapter. I guess all I can say is I hope you all enjoy this chapter.



The Lion Guard: Kion, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Anga, Makini, Cassandra

The Night Pride: Queen Rani, Baliyo, Nirmala, Surak, Ullu




It has been a day ever since the Shrine has been destroyed and Morgana has been defeated again. At that moment, the sun was rising over the horizon as Kion was in a field while looking up at the spirit his deceased grandfather, Mufasa. "IT IS A DIFFICULT DECISION." The spirit of Mufasa said to Kion with a frown. "It is. I have a duty to the Pride Lands. My whole family is there." Kion replied, frowning as well as he started pacing. "But I still have more to learn about the Roar. Especially its connection with the Energy Stone. And the Night Pride could use our help. And Rani... I mean, Queen Rani. She wants me to stay." Kion added as he stopped pacing.

"AND WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?" Mufasa asked with a warm smile. "What do I want?" Kion asked with a puzzled expression. "YES, KION. THE DECISION IS YOURS TO MAKE. YOU MUST CHOOSE THE PATH THAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU." Mufasa replied. "The path that's right for me... " Kion repeated what his deceased grandfather said as he then heard the Voice calling, which made him remember what he said to Rani the other morning which caused him to smile as well. "Thank you, Grandfather." Kion thanked as the spirit of Mufasa just nodded once in response and then disappeared in the clouds.

"Kion." Someone called from behind Kion, who turned around and saw Rani approaching. "Rani. Uh, hi." Kion replied as Rani stopped in front of him with a frown. "Have you though about what I said?" Rani asked with a concerned expression. "You mean about never being welcome at the Tree of Life?" Kion asked with a smirk, which caused Rani to laugh a bit. "That was a while ago." Rani replied with a smile. "Funny how things can change once you get to know someone." Rani added as she started walking. "Yeah, it's true." Kion replied as he walked with Rani. "We really do make a good team, Kion." Rani said as she and Kion walked side by side.

"I know. The Lion Guard and Night Pride work really well together." Kion replied to Rani as they kept walking. "Well, yeah." Rani said with a chuckle. "But, I also mean you and me." Rani added with a small blush as a slow melody began playing in the air around her and Kion. "Yeah. We do." Kion replied, blushing a little as well as the music continued playing.

Rani: How are we so different
And still so much the same?

Kion: Why do I start smiling
When I hear your name?

Rani: At times I think you could be
A reflection of me

Kion: Still there's something deeper

Both: More than what we see

There's a feeling of belonging
That's deep down inside
A feeling that's been growing
Now we just can't hide
It's a feeling somehow knowing
There's nothing to decide
'Cause when I'm with you it's clear
We're of the same pride

Kion: Seems like I have grown up
So much since I met you

Rani: Like it's been forever
But everyday is new

Kion: We had some great adventures

Rani: We also had some fun

Kion: Shame to think it's ending

Rani: Or has it just begun?

Both: There's a feeling of belonging
That's deep down inside
A feeling that's been growing
Now we just can't hide
It's a feeling somehow knowing
There's nothing to decide
'Cause when I'm with you it's clear
We're of the same pride

Rani: You have the energy
And drive to take command

Kion: You have the patience
I always wish I had

Rani: Working together
I finally understand
Having you here by my side
Will help me rule this land

Both:There's a feeling of belonging
That's deep down inside
A feeling that's been growing
Now we just can't hide
It's a feeling somehow knowing
There's nothing to decide

Kion: 'Cause when I'm with you it's clear

Rani: 'Cause when I'm with you it's clear

Both: We're of the same pride

The song ended as the sun was now fully up in the sky while Kion and Rani were nuzzling each other as they enjoyed each other's company. After that, they walked to the watering hole as they looked at the Tree of Life in the distance. "Being Queen has been more work than I expected." Rani said to Kion with a frown. "I really could use your help keeping the Tree of Life at peace." Rani added as she changed her frown into a smile. "If I've learned anything about you, Rani, it's that you don't need my help." Kion replied, smiling back. "You don't need anyone's help. You're a great leader, Rani." Kion added with a compliment.

"Thank you, Kion." Rani thanked Kion. "I want to be a great Queen someday, too. And a great Queen could use a great King. Like you." Rani added as she confessed to Kion, who had a surprised expression. "King?" Kion said, still surprised. "Kion!" Someone called out which caused Kion and Rani to look as they saw the Lion Guard approaching, as well as Makini and Timothy and his friends. "Hey, Kion." Bunga said as he approached them with a smile. "Uh, hey, Bunga." Kion replied as he smiled back at Bunga. "What's going on?" Kion asked with a confused expression. "That's what we've been wondering." Bunga replied.

"You are all healed now." Ono said to Kion, smiling as well. "The bad guys are gone." Beshte added. "And the Shrine is destroyed." Anga added. "Time to go home?" Fuli asked Kion with a smile. "I've told Kion you're all welcome to stay at the Tree of Life. That I'd like you to stay." Rani said to the Lion Guard, which surprised Timothy and his friends as they looked at each other. "Stay?" Fuli asked with a confused expression. "Kion, are you seriously thinking about staying here and not going back to the Pride Lands?" Fuli asked Kion with a concerned expression.

"Well, there's peace in the Pride Lands. The Night Pride could use our help." Kion replied to Fuli. "And Rani has become a good friend." Kion added as he looked at Rani. "So has Binga." Bunga added. "I've made lots of friends here too." Beshte added. "It is tempting to stay." Ono added. "And the Tree of Life has so much to see." Lucy added with a giggle. "Yep." Anga said, agreeing with Lucy. "And, you know what. I think the Voice was leading you guys here because of this. To stay and live a new life in the Tree of Life." Timothy said to the Lion Guard with a smile. "I don't know." Fuli replied with a frown as she let out a sigh.

That was when they heard hooting as they looked and saw Ullu flying towards them. "Queen Rani, Lion Guard." Ullu called out as she landed in front of them. "I've spotted a Cheetah making his way up the Pass." Ullu reported to the Lion Guard and Rani. "A Cheetah?" Fuli asked Ullu with a confused expression. "Mibinamet!" A distant voice shouted as it sounded familiar to Fuli as her frown changed to an exciting smile. "Azaad!" Fuli said, as well as Rani, which caused them to look at each other with puzzled expressions as the said Cheetah came running towards them until he stopped.

"Fuli. Queen Rani" Azaad said as he bowed his head in respect for Rani. "Azaad." Rani replied to him as he lifted up his head again. "You two know each other?" Fuli asked them with a confused expression. "Azaad's been to the Tree of Life before." Rani replied to Fuli with a smile. "Yes. Queen Janna herself healed Azaad after an... unexpected fall." Azaad said as he had an annoyed expression. "She will be missed." Azaad added with a sympathetic expression as he was talking about Queen Janna. "Thank you, Azaad." Rani replied with a thankful expression. "So what brings you here now? Another unexpected fall?" Rani asked Azaad.

"No, no." Azaad replied after laughing a bit. "Two travelers asked for directions, and Azaad has shown them here. Swift as a Cheetah." Azaad replied to Rani, talking in third person. "It seems they couldn't keep up." Azaad added as he slightly looked behind him. "Azaad." A voice called out. "Wait for us." Another voice called out as they sounded very familiar. Everyone looked and saw that it was the two Hyenas, Jasiri and Janja as they had tired expressions. "Jasiri?" Kion said with a confused expression. "Janja!" Samuel said with a surprised expression. "I'll stop him! Zuka Zama!" Bunga shouted as he pounced onto Janja as he got him on the ground.

"Bunga, get off of me. I'm on your side now." Janja said to Bunga with an annoyed groan. "Oh yeah. I forgot." Bunga said with a nervous expression as Jasiri gave Bunga an annoyed expression. "Jasiri? Janja? What are you doing here?" Kion asked them as he and everyone else approached them. "It's Zira. She and her pride of evil Lions are back." Jasiri replied to Kion with a worried expression. "What?!" Kion asked with a shocked expression. "Zira?" Fuli asked, shocked as well. "Oh, no." Beshte said with a worried expression. "First Morgana, now Zira. You've got to be kidding me?" Timothy said as he face palmed himself.

"Zira?" Anga asked with a confused expression. "She's the leader of some very bad Lions." Ono replied to Anga with a frown. "My dad banished them for betraying the Pride Lands." Kion said to Anga. "But you Roared those Lions all the way outta the Outlands." Bunga said to Kion. "And then they came back again, until I managed to push them back out of the Outlands." Timothy added with a concerned expression. "Yes, but they're back now." Jasiri said to them with a worried expression. "And now Zira's son, Kovu, and daughter, Vitani, are fully grown." Jasiri added. "Hate to admit it, but us Hyenas don't stand a chance against those Lions." Janja said, also with a worried expression.

"The Hyenas told me all of this. It is why I brought them here as fast as I could. And faster than they could." Azaad said to Fuli with a smile. "Kion?" Fuli asked Kion, wondering what they should do next. "It's up to the Lion Guard to stop Zira and her pride." Kion replied to Fuli as he looked at Rani with a frown. "As long as we have the Mark of the Guard, we have a duty to defend the Pride Lands." Kion added as he was now talking to Rani, who frowned as well. "I know. You can't stay here if the Pride Lands are in danger." Rani said with a disappointed expression. "Yes. And we have to go now." Kion said, also with a disappointed expression.

"Kion. I think I have to stay." Makini said to Kion. "I'm Queen Rani's Royal Mjuzi now. This is my place in the Circle of Life." Makini added. "I understand. I'm sure you'll be a great Royal Mjuzi, Makini." Kion said to Makini with a smile. "Thanks, Kion." Makini replied to Kion, smiling back. "Bye, Makini." Beshte said to Makini as they hugged each other. "We'll miss you." Fuli said to Makini. "And we'll never forget what you've done for us, Makini." Lucy added as she hugged Makini. "Affirmative." Ono said, agreeing with Fuli and Lucy. "Yep." Anga said, also agreeing. "Say hi to all the Pride Landers for me?" Makini asked the Guard with a smile. "We will." Bunga replied as he approached Makini.

"So, Lion Guard, this is goodbye. Thank you for helping me defend the Tree of Life." Rani thanked the Lion Guard with a smile. "I consider each other you a member of my pride. Fuli. Bunga. Beshte. Cassandra. Samuel. Lucy. Ono. Anga. Timothy. Kion." Rani added as she tapped everyone's right shoulder except Kion's as she stood in front of him. "I know you need to protect the Pride Lands... But I meant what I said before." Rani said to Kion, who bowed his head in respect. "I know." Kion replied to Rani with a smile. "You, and your friends, will always be welcome at the Tree of Life." Rani said.

"Thank you, Queen Rani." Kion thanked Rani. "Come on, Lion Guard, time to go." Kion said to the Lion Guard as he looked at them and then he started to run off. "Till the Pride Lands end... " Kion started as he kept running. "Lion Guard defend!" The Lion Guard finished as they all followed Kion, except for Rani and Makini as they watched them all run off as Makini waved them goodbye. "Maybe the Roar will return again. Someday." Rani said to Makini as she remembered what Kion said to her the other night.


At the Mountain Pass, it was now sunset as the Lion Guard were running through it. "Thanks for coming to get us, Jasiri." Kion thanked Jasiri as they kept running. "You've saved my family and home more than once. Just returning the favor." Jasiri replied to Kion. "Fuli, I understand that you have friends, but having Hyenas for friends?" Azaad asked Fuli as he spotted Janja, who slipped on the snow and then started scratching himself. "That seems very unlikely." Azaad added with a frown as he and Fuli kept running. "It's a long story, but they've earned our trust." Fuli replied to Azaad with a smile.

Eventually, the Lion Guard made it through the Mountain Pass as they then came to a stop. "Ono? Lucy? Still remember all the moja kwa moja stones on Rafiki's map?" Kion asked them with a confused expression. "Indeed." Ono replied as his eyes glowed blue while remembering Rafiki's map while Lucy pulled out her copy of Rafiki's map. "The first landmark back to the Pride Lands is a giant lake." Ono stated. Lucy was just about to say something, but Bunga interrupted. "Ooh, I remember that." Bunga said with an exciting smile. "Me too. It was slippery." Cassandra added as she folded her arms.

"Anga?" Timothy asked as Anga flew up and used her eyes to find the giant lake. "Got it! The lake's this way." Anga said to the Lion Guard. "If we're gonna move, we better do it fast." Timothy said to everyone. "Timothy's right. It'll take us a long time to go around that lake." Kion said to everyone, agreeing with Timothy. "And even longer to get back to the Pride Lands." Fuli added with a frown. "Um, guys. I counted the days ever since we left the Pride Lands to the Tree of Life, and thanks to the giant lake being frozen over, it took us at least a month and a half to get here." Lucy stated to everyone. "And if we have to walk around the lake to get back to the Pride Lands, that could bring us back to the Pride Lands in at least two months." Lucy added with a concerned expression.

"Two months?!" Everyone asked in shock. "That's way too long." Samuel said to everyone, still shocked. "Samuel's right. I think we'll need to find a shortcut to get back to the Pride Lands." Timothy said to everyone. "It is a shame that you all are not Cheetahs. we could go that way." Azaad said to everyone as they looked in the direction Azaad was looking in. What they saw was a mountain wall with a skinny crevice from the top to bottom. "It would be much faster." Azaad added. "Wait, you know a faster way to get to the Pride Lands?" Kion asked Azaad with a surprised expression.

"But of course. I have traveled much and know the fastest routes to all of the Great Lands." Azaad replied to Kion with a smile. "Alas, I do not think your Hippo friend would fit on the path we'd need to take." Azaad added with a frown. "Kion, if you need to leave me behind, I understand." Beshte said to Kion. "No, Beshte. Out of the question. We're not leaving anyone behind." Timothy said to Beshte with a serious expression. "Before we decide anything, I want to take a look and see. Azaad, show us the way." Kion said to Azaad. "Follow me." Azaad said as he started running towards that mountain wall as the Lion Guard followed him until they stopped.

"The fastest way is through this canyon." Azaad said to everyone. "Oh. That is a narrow path." Beshte said with a frown as Bunga measured the canyon and Beshte with his hands and arms. "Yeah, I don't think you're gonna fit through there, Big B." Bunga said to Beshte, also with a frown. "No kidding." Lucy whispered to Samuel, who let out a silent chuckle. "Is this the only way, Azaad?" Fuli asked Azaad with a confused expression. "It is the fastest way. The way of the Cheetah!" Azaad replied with a smile. "Not the way of the Hippo. Sorry." Beshte said with an apologetic expression. "So, guess we go back and take the slower way?" Janja asked everyone.

"No. If this is the fastest way, then this is the way we're going." Kion said to everyone. "Want me to do the honors, Kion?" Timothy asked Kion with a smirk as he cracked his knuckles. "Be my guest." Kion replied to Timothy, smirking back. "Everyone, stand back." Timothy said to everyone as he looked at the narrow path with a determined expression. Everyone did what Timothy said as Azaad had a puzzled expression. "But you cannot all fit. How..." Azaad was just about to ask. "Just wait. It's Un-Bunga-lievable." Bunga replied to Azaad as he led him out of the way.

As soon as everyone was out of the way, Timothy stomped his foot on the ground, raised his hands slightly in the air, and then he immediately spread them wide open. which caused the enclosed mountain walls to move away from each other until the narrow path was no longer narrow, but wide. After that, half of the group had smiles while the other half had shocked expressions. "Gotta love those powers of his." Bunga said to Azaad with a laugh. "Very well. The fast way it is." Azaad said with a smile as he walked passed Timothy and then into the wide path as everyone else followed.


After the narrow pass, the Lion Guard continued on until it was now midday as they stopped in front of a huge ravine. "We will need to cross this ravine." Azaad said to everyone. "That's deep and wide." Bunga said with a chuckle as he looked over the edge of the ravine. "Deep and wide!" Bunga shouted into the ravine as it echoed three times. "A Cheetah could just leap across. But the nearest land bridge may take days to reach." Azaad informed Kion. "We need to get back to the Pride Lands as fast as we can." Kion said to Azaad with a determined expression. "We just need to cross this ravine?" Kion asked Azaad.

"Yes. The path to the Pride Lands continues on the other side. But... " Azaad was just about to tell Kion. "That's all I needed to hear." Kion interrupted Azaad with a smile. "Ooh, ooh! Me first! Me first!" Bunga said as he raised his hand while hopping, which made Kion laugh a bit. "Okay, Bunga, you first." Kion replied to Bunga. "First?" Jasiri asked with a confused expression. "First for what?" Janja asked, also with a confused expression. "You'll see." Anga replied to them. "Yep. Just watch." Cassandra added, agreeing with Anga.

After Kion got in position, he unleashed his Roar as he summoned a mini dust devil, which Bunga jumped on as it caused him to fly with it, as Kion Roared the mini dust devil across the ravine, along with Bunga until he stopped Roaring, which caused the dust devil to disappear and caused Bunga to fall on the ground on the other side. "That's what I'm talking about!" Bunga said with a smile. "So, who's next?" Kion asked his friends with a smile. "Next? Whoa, no way I'm going across the ravine like that!" Janja said with a frown. "Don't worry, Janja. Kion's learned lots of new ways to use the Roar." Beshte reassured Janja. "Indeed. It's perfectly safe." Ono added, agreeing with Beshte.

"Easy for you to say. You can fly." Janja retorted at Ono with an annoyed glare. "Don't tell me you're scared." Jasiri teased Janja as she smirked at him. "What? Me? Scared? No way!" Janja replied with a scoff as he had a nervous expression. "Good. Go ahead, Kion." Jasiri said to Kion, who used the Roar to summon another mini dust devil for Jasiri and Janja. "Wait, wait, wait! It's just that I don't wanna fly!" Janja said with a slight yell as the dust devil carried him and Jasiri across the ravine and back onto the ground. "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" Bunga asked Janja as he patted him on the head. "It was fun." Jasiri said with a smile. "Yeah. Better than all the other times Kion's Roared at me." Janja said, smiling as well.

After that, Kion summoned another mini dust devil with the Roar and used it to carry Beshte across the ravine as well. "Poa!" Beshte said while laughing as he landed on solid ground. "Sam? Lucy? Cass? Would you three like to go next?" Timothy asked them with a smile. "You bet." Samuel replied with a chuckle. "But what about you?" Lucy asked Timothy with a confused expression. "Don't worry about me, Lucy. I'll get across." Timothy replied to Lucy as he gave Kion a nod, who nodded back as he summoned another dust devil, which picked up Samuel, Lucy and Cassandra as it also carried them across the ravine and dropped them on the ground.

"Fuli? Azaad?" Kion asked them with a smile. "We can cross the ravine like Cheetahs. Yes, Fuli?" Azaad asked Fuli with a smile. "Yes." Fuli replied with a determined expression. "Mind if I join you guys?" Timothy asked them as he stood with them. "But you're not a Cheetah." Azaad said to Timothy with a puzzled expression. "Oh, I don't need to be a Cheetah to get across that ravine." Timothy replied to Azaad with a determined expression. And then, all three of them jumped the ravine and made it on the other side as Timothy used his powers to help him jump to the other side. "So, Kion, how will you get across?" Ono asked Kion as he flew with Anga in the air.

"Timothy." Kion called out to Timothy, who nodded with a smirk. "You got it, Kion." Timothy replied as he used his powers to also summon a mini dust devil, which picked up Kion and then brought him to the other side of the ravine. "Okay, Azaad, we're across." Kion said to Azaad with a smile. "Now, where do we go next?" Timothy asked Azaad, also smiling. "This way." Azaad replied as he started running and leading the way while the Lion Guard followed after him.


After the ravine, the Lion Guard continued on their journey back to the Pride Lands as Azaad and Fuli were looking at each other with smiles, which was quite noticeable to everyone else. "Fuli sure is happy to see that Azaad guy again." Bunga said to Beshte and Lucy with a smile. "Yeah. They do, don't they?" Lucy replied with a question as she looked at Timothy with a smile, who was walking right next to her as he looked at her back with a smile as well as he and Lucy held hands. "It's like Kion and Queen Rani. They're really good friends, you know?" Beshte replied with a question as Kion was listening in on the conversation. "Yeah. Really good friends." Kion replied as he everyone else kept walking.

That was when the Lion Guard stopped in front of a dried up river. "Here we turn and follow the riverbed to its mouth." Azaad said with a smile. "How far away is it?" Samuel asked Azaad with a confused expression. "Farther than I can see." Anga replied as she was flying above the Lion Guard. "If you were all Cheetahs, we could make it before the sun sets." Azaad said to everyone. "Oh, I think Timothy and I can get us there way before sunset." Kion said to everyone with a smirk as he walked towards a dead tree. "First, we need to get this dead tree into the riverbed." Kion added. "Okay! Twende Ki..." Beshte was just about to say as he was about to push the dead tree.

"It's okay, Beshte. We got this." Timothy said to Beshte with a smile as he walked up to the dead tree then used his powers to make the rocks underneath the dead tree move upward, which caused the tree to lose its grip on the ground as it was about to fall into the riverbed in the wrong way, until Kion used his Roar to summon a mini dust devil to move it in the right position and in front of the rest of the Guard. "Poa. Guess you didn't need my help after all." Beshte said to them with a smile. "Oh, yeah! Kion's new Roars and Timothy's new powers make them a two-Lion Lion Guard." Bunga said to everyone with a smile.

"Guess they kinda do." Kion replied to Bunga with a smile. "Okay, now, we're going to ride that tree down the river." Kion said this to everyone. "But there is no river." Azaad said with a confused expression. "Not yet, anyway." Timothy replied to them with a smirk. "Yeah. Hope you two don't mind getting wet." Kion added as he said that to both Azaad and Fuli, who looked at each other with confused expressions. That was when Kion and Timothy looked at a far away mountain as Timothy put his hand on Kion's back, which caused their scars to glow green as Kion used the Roar and Timothy used his powers together to cause a lightning storm over that far away mountain.

However, the sound of thunder caused Janja to jump behind Beshte with a yelp as he covered his eyes. "Hmm, afraid of thunder, Hyena?" Azaad teased Janja with a smirk. "Me? Afraid? No way." Janja replied to Azaad as he got up and walked to where he was standing before while Jasiri was giving him a playful smirk, which caused Janja to smile innocently at Jasiri. After Kion and Timothy stopped combining their powers, they looked at the far away mountain and saw that the clouds over it was raining really hard on it. And then that water came down the mountain as it was filling up the riverbed and heading towards the Lion Guard really fast.

"Kion and Timothy made a river!" Bunga said with a laugh. "Everyone, we need you to hop onto that tree and hold tight. We're riding that tree down the river." Timothy said to everyone with a determined expression. "Must we?" Azaad asked with an unsure expression. "What? Afraid of water, Cheetah?" Janja teased Azaad with a smirk. "Azaad is never afraid. It is simply that Cheetahs and water no not get along." Azaad replied with a smile. "See? It's not just me." Fuli said to everyone. "Water's coming in hot everyone." Timothy said to everyone with a surprised expression.

"Um, isn't water usually cold?" Bunga asked with a confused expression. "Bunga, he meant that the water is moving toward us really fast." Cassandra replied to Bunga with an annoyed expression. "Oh, alright." Bunga said with a smile. "Everybody, get on!" Kion said to everyone. "Zuka Zama!" Bunga said as he and Beshte got on the tree, then Kion, Jasiri, Janja, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel and Cassandra got onto the tree as well. "Here we go." Fuli said to Azaad with a sigh as they also got onto the tree as the water was about to hit them. "Hang on, everybody." Kion said to everyone as the water hit the tree, causing it to move with it as they were riding the tree with the river while Ono and Anga flew above them.

"This is un-Bunga-lievable!" Bunga said with a smile. "You can say that again, Bunga." Samuel said, also with a smile. "They look like they're having fun." Ono said to Anga as they were still flying above the Guard. "Most of them." Anga restated as she saw Janja was hanging onto a branch, feeling seasick. "You okay, Janja?" Jasiri asked him with a smile. "I think I liked it better when Kion just used his Roar to blast us back to the... Outlands." Janja replied to Jasiri with a groan and a gag. "Thanks for finding our way, Azaad. I'm sure this part isn't much fun for you." Fuli said to Azaad with a smile.

"I do prefer my adventures to be less soggy, but I am pleased to be having this adventure with you." Azaad replied as he smiled back at Fuli, until a splash of water got them wet, but they didn't care as they just kept smiling at each other. "Isn't this great? And look at all the waves up ahead!" Bunga said to everyone as they looked ahead as they saw what Bunga saw. "Those aren't waves! That's a waterfall!" Lucy shouted with a shocked expression. "Must we?" Azaad asked with a annoyed expression, until he changed it to a shocked expression.

That was when the Lion Guard rode over the waterfall and landed on the water, making a big splash which got Ono and Anga wet, which didn't make them happy at all. After that, the Lion Guard rode the tree to solid ground as the water went away. "Looks like this is as far as we go." Kion said with a smile as he jumped off the tree. "Aw, too bad. That was fun." Bunga said to Kion. "Well, Azaad. Was that fast enough for you?" Timothy asked Azaad as he also got off the tree while Azaad and Fuli were drying themselves off from the water. "Almost as fast as a Cheetah." Azaad replied to Timothy with a smile.

"Great. Now lets keep going." Kion said to everyone as they also got off the tree and then they continued on their journey back to the Pride Lands as music started to play in the air around them as Samuel saw that they still needed to go a long way as he had a concerned smile.

Samuel: Life has a way
Of circling around
Starting your day
On different ground

As you move on
You don't slow down
As you move on
There's still new ways to go
There you go
Oh, oh, oh, oh
There you go
Oh, oh, oh, oh

Yeah you can push yourself
Try something new
Go ahead
And find your limits
See what you can do

As you move on
You don't slow down
As you move on
There's still new ways to go
As you move on
You don't slow down
As you move on
There's still new ways to go
There you go
Oh, oh, oh, oh
There you go
Oh, oh, oh, oh

Samuel sang as the Lion Guard went to some familiar places like the canyon, the marshlands, and the snowy mountain as a few days went by as they kept on moving until it was midday again as they stopped in front of a giant wall. "This is the Great Stone Wall." Azaad said as they looked at the Stone Wall, which was really big and tall. "We are not far from the Pride Lands now. But the wall is too large to climb." Azaad informed Kion. "The Cheetah way is to run around it." Azaad added. "I think I can find us another way. Or make one." Kion said with a determined expression. "Ooh, what are you gonna do, Kion? Blast a hole through it?" Bunga asked Kion with an exciting smile.

"Maybe." Kion replied to Bunga. "Yes! The Roar can do anything." Bunga said excitingly. "Bunga, Kion's Roar and my powers aren't the answer to every situation we run into. We don't even know what lies behind that wall." Timothy said to Bunga with a concerned expression. "Pfft, doesn't matter. The Roar can handle it. Right, Kion?" Bunga asked Kion. "Probably." Kion replied to Bunga as he then looked at Timothy. with a frown. "Timothy, Zira and her Lionesses may have already attacked. We need to get to the Pride Lands as fast as we can. So stand back." Kion said to Timothy.

"Okay, Kion." Timothy replied as he and everyone else got behind Kion. However, Timothy looked at Anga with a serious expression. "Anga? Mind taking a look?" Timothy asked Anga, who nodded in response as she flew up in the sky. That was when Kion started to use the Roar and use lightning strikes to hit the edge of the Great Stone Wall. "Uh-oh." Anga said as she used her eyes to see what was behind the Stone Wall. "The Great Stone Wall is holding back a great big lake!" Anga said with a shocked expression. "Stop Roaring! Stop Roaring!" Anga shouted at Kion, who continued to use the Roar. "What?" Fuli asked Anga with a confused expression.

That was when one final lightning strike caused the rocks on the edge of the Great Stone Wall to break as a huge gush of water began to leak out. "Hevi Kabisa." Kion said with a surprised expression as everyone gasped. "Everyone, stay behind me. I can handle this." Kion said with a determined expression as he was about to use the Roar again. "Not all by yourself." Timothy said as he stood right next to Kion and put his hand on his back, which caused their scars to glow green again as they combined their powers again as Kion used the Roar and Timothy used his powers to keep the water from falling through that gap on the edge.

"Oh, good one, Kion and Timothy." Bunga said to them as he went up to them. "So what do we do next?" Cassandra asked them as she went up to them as well. "Not sure, but I don't think we can... " Kion was just about to reply as he stopped Roaring, which caused the water he and Timothy were holding back together to slip a little from Timothy's hold. "Uh-oh." Kion said as he continued to use the Roar, helping Timothy keeping the water in place. As Anga was flying, she turned around and used her eyes to see some animals with a shocked expression. "The Klipspringers! They're right in the path of the water! And Hyraxes! They'll all be in danger if that water floods the valley!" Anga informed the Lion Guard.

"Fuli?" Timothy asked her as he kept helping Kion with the water. "I'm on it. You two keep doing what you're doing." Fuli replied to Timothy as she turned to look at everyone else. "Ono, Beshte, Lucy, see if you can fix the rock wall." Fuli said to them with a determined expression. "On it." Beshte replied. "Got it." Lucy replied. "Affirmative." Ono replied as they went near the rock wall as Fuli looked at everyone else. "We need to clear the valley in case the wall can't be saved." Fuli said to everyone. "Bunga, Anga, Hyrax duty." Fuli said to them. "You got it." Bunga replied to Fuli. "Anga, give me a lift?" Bunga asked Anga with a smile. "All right. Anga Lenga!" Anga replied as she picked up Bunga with her talons as they flew off towards the Hyraxes.

"That leaves the Klipspringers to us. Follow me. Huwezi!" Fuli said to Azaad, Jasiri, Janja, Samuel and Cassandra as she began to ran towards the Klipspringers. "Mibinamet!" Azaad said as she ran while following Fuli. "Let's do this." Samuel said to Cassandra with a determined smile, who smiled back at him with a nod as they ran after them as well. "But, uh, shouldn't we be saving ourselves?" Janja asked Jasiri with a confused expression. "Janja, you're one of the good guys now. Come on." Jasiri replied to Janja with a playful smile as she began to follow them as well. "All right, all right." Janja replied as he followed Jasiri.

As Kion and Timothy kept working together to keep the water in place, Ono flew up to examine the damage of the rock wall as he then flew down and landed on Beshte's back. "How's it look, Ono?" Beshte asked Ono. "Not good. Kion's Roar smashed a big hole in the Great Stone Wall." Ono replied to Beshte with a worried expression. "Then fixing the hole will be quite difficult." Lucy said with a determined expression. "Indeed. Nawaza, nawaza, nawaza... " Ono said as he was coming up with a plan, until he let out a gasp. "Yes, I got it. Beshte, Lucy, we'll need to gather all the rocks the Roar made when it smashed the wall." Ono said to them with a smile. "I think we can do that." Lucy replied to Ono with a smile. "Yeah. What's the plan?" Beshte asked Ono with a serious expression. "We're gonna use the Roar to fix what it broke." Ono replied with a smile.

As for Bunga and Anga, she let him go until they were above the Hyraxes. "Zuka Zama! Hold still, Hyraxies. Coming up!" Bunga said to the Hyraxes as he threw three of them up to Anga as he held two of them. "Coming down." Anga said as she grabbed Bunga with her one talon and then they flew off with the Hyraxes. As for Fuli, Azaad, Jasiri, Janja, Samuel and Cassandra, they were herding the Klipspringers away from the rock wall. "Go, go, go!" Azaad shouted at them. "Come on. Move it!" Fuli shouted at them. "That's it! Keep moving!" Cassandra shouted. "Keep them all running in one direction!" Jasiri said to Janja as they were running next to each other. "Sure thing, Jasiri." Janja replied to her with a smile. "Hey, being a good guy is just like being a bad guy. Except you don't try eating everything you chase." Janja added, which caused Jasiri to roll her eyes while smiling. 

As for Kion and Timothy, they were still combining each other's powers to keep the water still. "Ono, any luck?" Kion asked Ono as he stopped Roaring. "Yes, we have a plan, but we need you to keep Roaring." Ono replied to Kion, who continued to Roar as Timothy kept using his powers to keep the water still. "Beshte, Lucy, now! Start pushing the rocks into the Roar's path!" Ono said to them as Beshte and Lucy lifted up the same rocks and threw them into the Roar's path, which caused the rocks to fly with the Roar and then they stop as soon as they hit the water. "It's working! Keep pushing, Beshte and Lucy. We need enough to cover the hole." Ono said to them as they pushed some more rocks into the Roar's path.

As for the rest of the Lion Guard, they brought the Hyraxes and Klipspringers out of the valley. "The Hyraxes are safe and sound." Bunga said to Fuli. "The Klipspringers too." Jasiri replied to Bunga. "Looks like Kion, Timothy, Beshte, Ono and Lucy could use some help though." Anga said to them as they saw that they indeed needed some help. "Anga's right. I don't know how much longer Kion and Timothy can hold that." Samuel said to everyone, agreeing with Anga. "Right, come on." Fuli said as they began to head towards the rock wall.

As for Kion and Timothy, Kion was panting while still Roaring while Timothy couldn't hold his powers for much longer either. "Can't... keep going... much... longer." Timothy said while wincing as he and Kion kept trying their best to keep both the water and the rocks in place as more rocks were thrown in the Roar's path. "Hang in there for a bit longer, guys. Help's on the way." Lucy reassured Timothy and Kion as Fuli and everyone else arrived and started to help push the rocks in the Roar's path. "Okay, Kion and Timothy, the rocks are in place. Now!" Ono said to them with a smile. Kion and Timothy stopped combining their powers as their scars stopped glowing green, which caused the rocks to fall onto the hole pouring out the water as it stopped the water while some water splashed onto the Guard.

"It worked!" Ono said excitingly, which caused everyone to cheer victoriously. "Thanks, everyone." Kion thanked them with an exhausted expression. "I thought I could solve all our problems myself, but I was wrong." Kion said with an apologetic expression. "Nothing can replace the Lion Guard working together as a team. Not even the Roar. We make a great team. All of us." Kion added. "Being a good guy ain't so bad." Janja said with a smile. "You're right, Kion. About everything you just said." Timothy said to Kion with a smile. "We are a great team. And it's not because of our powers. It's because we work together as a team." Timothy added.

Kion smiled back at Timothy before a thought reached his mind that caused him to frown. "Guess we need to take the long way around after all." Kion said as he looked at the Great Stone Wall. "Do not worry, Kion. As I said, the Pride Lands are not far from here. We will be there soon." Azaad reassured Kion with a smile. After that, Azaad ran as he began to lead the way again as everyone followed him.


After the Great Stone Wall, the Lion Guard continued on as they kept following Azaad for a few hours until they came to a stop after what they saw. "Hey, this place looks familiar." Janja said with a surprised expression. "It does." Jasiri said, agreeing with Janja. "Yeah. Too familiar. Because I've only been to this place like, only two times now." Samuel said with a smile. What the Lion Guard was seeing was a rocky wasteland with a volcano in it. "The Outlands!" Timothy said with a surprised smile. "Yes. We have reached the Outlands." Azaad said, replying to Timothy. "Yep. And look." Anga said to everyone, agreeing with Azaad as she looked beyond the Outlands, and so did everyone else.

"I see it too!" Ono said with an exciting smile. What everyone was seeing beyond the Outlands was the Pride Lands and the image of Pride Rock in the distance. "Pride Rock!" Fuli said, also excited. "We made it." Bunga said with a smile. "We're almost home." Beshte said, also smiling. "Yes. The Pride Lands." Kion said with a smile, until he changed it to a serious expression. "But we can't stop now. We need to find Zira and stop her." Kion added as he said that to his friends. "Can't wait to beat her again." Timothy said with a determined expression. "Till the Pride Lands end... " Kion started as he began running into the Outlands. "Lion Guard defend!" Everyone else finished as they followed Kion into the Outlands.

Next time on the Golden Guardian 5: After hearing about Zira and her pride returning, Kion and the Lion Guard leave the Tree of Life and return to the Pride Lands to try and stop Zira and her pride. However, they are surprised after what they have seen when they returned. What has happened in the Pride Lands? Did the Lion Guard arrive in time or were they too late? Will Kion and the Lion Guard ever return to the Tree of Life again? Find out in the next installment of the Golden Guardian 5.

Well, only one chapter left until this story is done. After that, a whole new story awaits. I hope you all are ready for it, because it's gonna be a blast. Well, that's it for now, folks. See you later.

'Till the Pride Lands End...

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