Chapter 12: Long Live the King

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This is it, everyone. The very last chapter of this story, and of the Lion Guard series. I know the last episode of Season 3 of the Lion Guard is called "Return to the Pride Lands" but I decided to give it another title instead. Also, there's gonna be two songs and a reprise in this chapter. Well, that's all I gotta say about this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.



The Lion Guard: Kion, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Anga, Makini, Cassandra

The Night Pride: Queen Rani, Baliyo, Nirmala, Sural, Ullu




It was still midday as the Lion Guard, Azaad, Jasiri and Janja were running through the Outlands, trying to reach the Pride Lands. "No time to slow down. We need to stop Zira and her evil Lions before they can harm the Pride Lands." Kion said to his friends as they continued running. "You got it, Kion." Timothy replied to Kion with a determined expression. "We're all with you Kion." Jasiri said to Kion with a frown. "Jasiri?" A familiar voice called out, which caused everyone to stop and look up as they saw another Hyena walking out of a cave, which turned out to be Jasiri's sister.

"Madoa!" Jasiri called out her sister's name with a smile as Madoa jumped down to her, as well as two other Hyenas, who were Cheezi and Chungu. "Janja!" They said out of excitement as they tackled Janja to the ground. "We thought we'd never see you again." Chungu said to Janja with a smile. "Oh, come on, fur-brains. We wasn't gone that long." Janja replied with a slight smile. "Madoa, do you know where Zira and her Lions are?" Kion asked Madoa with a worried expression. "They went into the Pride Lands, not long after Jasiri and Janja left to find you." Madoa replied, which shocked nearly everyone. "We don't know what happened after that. We promised Jasiri we'd stay away from Zira, so we've been hiding." Madoa added.

"It's okay. You did the right thing." Jasiri reassured her sister with a smile. "But if Zira's Lions are still in the Pride Lands, something's up." Fuli said to Kion with a frown. "Agreed. We need to get to the Pride Lands and find out what's happened, ASAP." Timothy said, agreeing with Fuli. "Yeah. And we'll need as much help as we can." Kion said, agreeing with both Timothy and Fuli. "My Hyenas will be happy to help." Jasiri replied to Kion with a smile. "I do say." Another voice called out, which caused everyone to look up as they saw the Vulture, Mzingo, as well as two other Vultures, flying down and landing in front of Jasiri.

"Is that you, Prime Minister?" Mzingo asked Jasiri with a smile. "Prime what?" Samuel and Cassandra asked with a confused expression. "Prime Minister Jasiri. Welcome back." Mzingo said as he bowed before Jasiri in respect. "Your presence in the Outlands has been greatly missed." Mzingo added. "Mzingo. Kion needs our help to ensure peace in the Pride Lands. Would you and the Vultures join us?" Jasiri asked Mzingo with a smile, as Mzingo turned to look at his two other Vultures. "All in favor of rendering assistance to Kion as per Prime Minister Jasiri's request." Mzingo said to his Vultures. "Aye." The two Vultures replied. "The ayes have it. We Vultures would be honored to help." Mzingo replied to Jasiri.

"Thank you, Mzingo." Kion thanked Mzingo with a thankful smile. "Everyone, let's go. Till the Pride Lands end... " Kion started as he ran off while leading the way. "Lion Guard defend!" Everyone else finished as they ran as well while following Kion.


After going through the Outlands, The Lion Guard and some of the Outlanders made it to Broken Rock as they were almost there to Flat Ridge Rock, which marks the border between the Outlands and the Pride Lands. "Kind of weird leading an army of Outlanders into the Pride Lands." Fuli said to Kion with a smile as they kept walking. "Yeah, I hadn't thought of it like that." Kion replied to Fuli, also smiling. "It's always best to keep our spirits high even in the darkest of times." Timothy said to Kion and Fuli. "You're right, Timothy. But what if Zira's pride is still... " Kion was just about to reply to Timothy with a question as he frowned.

"Kion!" Anga called out as she flew above the Lion Guard while using her eyes to see something. "I see a strange Lion on Pride Rock. Dark fur, green eyes." Anga said to Kion. "That's Kovu, Zira's son." Jasiri said with a worried expression. "I'd like to meet Kovu as well. He still owes me." Timothy said with a slight glare. "Anga, is Kovu by himself?" Timothy asked Anga. "Yes. No sign of the Royal Family." Anga replied to Timothy. "You think we're too late?" Fuli asked Kion with a worried expression. "No, we can't be." Kion replied, not wanting to believe it. "But if Kovu is at Pride Rock, it means... " Jasiri was just about to say to Kion.

"It means you Outlanders don't stand a chance." A voice called out from on top of the ridge. Everyone looked and saw five Lionesses looking down at them with smiles and smirks. "It's Zira's daughter, Vitani, and her Lionesses." Jasiri informed Kion as they glared at them. "That's right, Hyena. And we won't let you invade the Pride Lands." Vitani replied to Jasiri with a determined smile. "Shabaha, Hyenas. Kazi, Cheetahs. Imara, Hippo and Humans. Tazama, keep watch." Vitani said to her Lionesses while saying their names. "The Lion and Human with the Marks of Evil are mine." Vitani added with a malicious grin. "Till the Pride Lands end... " Vitani said as she started to go down the ridge. "Lion Guard defend!" Vitani's Lionesses replied as four of them followed her while the other one stayed on the ridge.

"Lion Guard?" Lucy and Bunga asked with a confused expression. "What in the Pride... " Kion was just about to say, until he got tackled to the ground by Vitani, which caused Timothy to push Vitani off of him with his powers. "Hey! You mess with my friends, you mess with me!" Timothy said to Vitani with a glare as he stood in a defensive position. "Come and get it." Vitani replied as she got up and growled at Timothy.

As for Beshte, he glared at one of the Lionesses, who was Imara. "Twende Kiboko!" Beshte shouted as he charged at her. "Musuli!" Imara shouted back as she also charged at Beshte. As soon as they charged into each other, they were pushing each other while trying to overpower the other.

As for Bunga, he, as well as Janja, Chungu and Cheezi, were facing another one of the Lionesses, which was Shabaha. "Ha! Got you now." Bunga said to Shabaha with a smirk. "That's what you think. Bila Hofu!" Shabaha replied, smirking back as she grabbed Bunga with her mouth and then threw him at Janja as they landed on the ground. Shabaha then laughed maniacally at Chungu and Cheezi, which caused them to run away. "Wow, kinda like her style." Bunga said with a smile. "Yeah, she reminds me of you." Janja replied to Bunga with an annoyed expression.

As for Azaad, he was chasing after another one of the Lionesses, which was Kasi as she was avoiding his attacks. "Mibinamet!" Azaad shouted as he tried to pounce on Kasi, but she dodged his attack which caused him to land and fall on the ground. "Ha! Too slow." Kasi said to Azaad with a scoff. "I'm not." Fuli said with a smirk as she started chasing after Kasi. However, the last Lioness, Tazama, was keeping watch on top of the ridge as she saw Kazi was being chased by Fuli, until she looked ahead of them and saw a tree. "Kazi, tree." Tazama called out to Kazi, who listened as she headed for the tree. "Haraka, haraka!" Kazi shouted as she jumped onto one of the branches. Fuli tried to get her from the tree, but failed to reach the branches. "Thanks for keeping watch, Tazama." Kazi thanked Tazama with a smile.

"You see that?" Anga asked Ono as they were watching the battle from the sky. "Indeed. Vitani's so-called Lion Guard has the same strengths as the real Lion Guard." Ono replied to Anga. "And it gives me an idea." Ono added as he looked at Mzingo and the Vultures, who were flying behind him. "Vultures, try to distract the Lioness keeping watch while Anga and I help Kion and Timothy." Ono said to the Vultures. "Capital idea." Mzingo replied to Ono with a smile. "All in favor?" Mzingo asked his Vultures. "Aye." The Vultures replied as they and Mzingo began to dive down towards Tazama. "Vultures, attack." Mzingo said to his Vultures as they began to attack Tazama, who noticed them. "Hiyo Kali!" Tazama shouted with a shocked expression.

Back with Vitani, she just knocked Kion to the ground as he got up and growled at her. "Anga Lenga!" Anga shouted as she and Ono dived down to try and attack Vitani, but she dodged their attack, which gave Kion the opportunity to knock her down. Just as Vitani got up, she was just about to attack Kion again, until Timothy used his powers to lift Vitani slightly off the ground and then he pushed her away from Kion and back onto the ground. "I've had just about enough of this." Timothy said with a glare. "Me too. Everyone, get behind me." Kion called out to everyone, which they did. "All yours, Kion." Timothy said to Kion as he stood behind him as well.

Kion growled at Vitani, who got up as well as she growled back as her Lionesses regrouped behind her. Kion was just about to unleash his Roar on Vitani and her Lionesses, until... "Kion, no, stop!" Someone called out to Kion, who instantly recognized that voice as he looked around until he saw another Lioness on top of the ridge, who was actually his sister. "Kiara?" Kion called out to his sister with a smile. Just as Kiara was coming down the ridge, the Lion, Kovu was following her, which Kion noticed. "Kiara, look out. Behind you." Kion called out to her as he glared at Kovu.

"Wait, Kion, don't." Kiara said to Kion as she ran until she was standing in front of her brother with a determined expression. "Get out of the way, Kiara." Kion said to her, still with a glare. "No, Kion. You don't understand. Kovu has joined our pride. So has Vitani and the rest of Zira's pride." Kiara informed Kion as Kovu joined in. "They... They have?" Kion asked with a confused expression. "Yes." Kiara replied with a smile. "Kion? It's been a long time." Vitani said to Kion with a surprised expression. "You look different with that scar, and surrounded by Outlanders." Vitani added.

"Vitani, what's going on here?" Kovu asked his sister as he walked up next to her and Kiara. "Yeah, I'm confused too. What's going on here?" Cassandra asked with a confused expression. "We heard Zira was gonna attack the Pride Lands. Where is she?" Kion asked with a confused expression. "Zira has completed her journey on the Circle of Life." Kovu replied with a sad expression. This confused the Lion Guard and Outlanders as they had confused and surprised expressions. "She has?" Kion asked with a surprised expression. "Come to Pride Rock, Kion. We'll explain everything there." Kiara said with a sad expression. "Okay." Kion replied to Kiara and then he turned around to look at Jasiri, who was looking at him back with a smile.

"Jasiri. Asante. Thanks again." Kion thanked Jasiri, smiling back. "Anytime, Kion. If you ever need help, you know where to find us." Jasiri replied. "Leading the Outlands, as you were always meant to." Kion said as he and Jasiri gave each other a quick nuzzle and then stopped as Jasiri and the rest of the Outlanders ran back into the Outlands. Kion smiled as he watched them run into the Outlands. "Come on. Let's head back." Kion said to everyone as they all began to walk back to Pride Rock. However, Timothy realized that Kovu was walking right next to him as he looked down at the ground with a slight glare, not wanting to look at him. Kovu looked at him though and realized who he was as he had a surprised expression.

"Timothy?!" Kovu said in shock as he looked at him, but Timothy still had his head down with a slight glare. "Yes. I'm a bit surprised that you still remember my name." Timothy replied to Kovu as he dropped his glare a bit. "I always remember the regretful things I've done, and what I did to you was definitely regretful. I'm sorry." Kovu apologized with an apologetic expression. This caused Timothy to finally look at Kovu with a surprised expression. "If there's anything I've learned in my lifetime... it's that everyone deserves a second chance." Timothy replied as he gave Kovu a slight smile as Kovu smiled back at him. After that, they continued walking with their friends out of the Outlands and into the Pride Lands, trying to get to Pride Rock.


Everyone eventually made it to Pride Rock as they saw Kion and Kiara's parents, King Simba and Queen Nala, standing at the edge of Pride Rock. "Mom! Dad!" Kion called out with a smile as he ran towards them. "Kion!" Nala said back as she and Simba smiled to see their son return as they all ran towards each other and gave each other a hug. "Welcome home, son." Simba said to Kion as he and Nala broke the hug. "But your scar." Nala said with a worried expression. "I'll always have it. But the venom is gone. I'm healed." Kion reassured his parents with a smile as the rest of the Lion Guard showed up behind Kion.

"So, the journey was worth it?" Simba asked the Guard with a smile. "Indeed. I got my sight back." Ono replied, also smiling. "And my scar is no longer connected to Kion's." Timothy added. "The Tree of Life was Bing-credible. I mean, un-Bunga-lievable." Bunga said as he messed up his wording. "And we met lots of amazing new animals." Beshte said. "Not just at the Tree of Life, but also during the journey as well." Samuel added as he looked at Cassandra, who looked at him back. "Yeah, we did." Fuli said, agreeing with Samuel as she and Azaad looked at each other as well.

"And who are they?" Nala asked with a smirk as she noticed Cassandra and Azaad. "I am Azaad." He replied as he introduced himself with a bow. "And I'm Cassandra." She replied, also introducing herself also with a bow. "Cassandra helped us on our journey to the Tree of Life." Samuel said to the King and Queen. "And Azaad helped us get back to the Pride Lands." Fuli added. "Thank you, Cassandra and Azaad." Simba thanked them with a smile. "It was my honor, Your Majesty." Azaad replied, bowing again. "Mine as well." Cassandra replied, bowing again as well.

"But not everyone has returned." An approaching voice called out from behind the Lion Guard, who looked and saw it was Rafiki who was approaching them with a serious expression. "Makini is not with you." Rafiki said to Kion as he noticed that Makini was not here. "No. She decided to stay." Kion replied to Rafiki. "Yes. Queen Janna... " Timothy was just about to add, until Rafiki laughed with a smile which interrupted him. "Queen Janna was right. She was certain Makini's rightful place would be at the Tree of Life. Just as I was certain Makini's role would be here, in the Pride Lands." Rafiki said to Kion and Timothy.

"And you know what, I think we all found something special at the Tree of Life." Timothy said as he gave Kion a smirk, which Kion nodded to in agreement as he knew who Timothy was talking about. "But when we heard Zira was headed for the Pride Lands, we came back as fast as we could." Kion informed his parents with a frown. "So, what happened?" Kion asked them with a confused expression. "Rafiki?" Simba asked Rafiki with a frown. "Yes, yes, this way. You will see." Rafiki told everyone as he began to walk away.


At the base of Pride Rock, everyone surrounded Rafiki, including Kiara and Kovu, as Rafiki was telling the Lion Guard what happened in the Pride Lands. "After Timothy used his powers to send Zira's pride out of the Outlands, Zira devised a new plan to take over the Pride Lands." Rafiki started explaining as was using the paintings beside him to explain what happened. "Zira raised me to believe that Simba was our enemy. But after I got to know Simba and Kiara, I knew she was wrong." Kovu explained as he smiled at Kiara. "So Zira led an attack on the Pride Lands herself. But Kovu and I tried to stop her. We said we didn't need to fight because, as Lions, we are one." Kiara explained. "Vitani and the other Lions saw it was true, but Zira refused, and in the end, it destroyed her." Kovu explained. "After Zira was gone, Simba welcomed us into his pride." Kovu added as they got done explaining everything.

"And one day, Kiara and Kovu will be Queen and King of the Pride Lands." Simba added as Kiara and Kovu smiled at each other. "We really did miss a lot." Kion said with a smile. "You did, and we have missed you. All of you." Nala replied to Kion as she said this to the rest of the Lion Guard as well. "And we are not the only ones. Look." Rafiki said with a laugh. Everyone did look and they saw Bunga's uncles, Timon and Pumbaa and Beshte's Dad running towards them. "Bunga, your back." Pumbaa called out with a smile. "Uncle Timon! Uncle Pumbaa!" Bunga called out with an excited smile as he rushed towards them. "Dad!" Beshte called out, also with an excited smile as he also rushed towards him as well.

"My baby." Timon said with a laugh as he and Pumbaa gave Bunga a big hug, as well as Beshte and his Dad. "It always feels good to return to the Pride Lands. Eh, Simba?" Rafiki asked Simba as he bonked his head with his staff. "Yes, Rafiki." Simba replied as he gave Rafiki annoyed expression.

After that, the rest of the Lion Guard decided to relax and enjoy their return to the Pride Lands. Anga was flying around the Pride Lands, watching every animal grazing happily, until she ran into Hadithi the Eagle which made her really happy. Bunga was with his Uncle Timon and Uncle Pumbaa as they were munching on some grubs at Hakuna Matata Falls. Ono was hanging out with a mother Hamerkop and her daughter, Ona at their nest. Beshte was hanging out at with his father and his pod, as well as the Elephants and Crocodiles at Big Springs, until the young Elephant, Mtoto came running to Beshte as they gave each other a hug. Fuli was running around the Pride Lands with Azaad until they stopped on a mountain that overlooked the Pride Lands as the sun was also setting, until they were approached by Baboons, which annoyed them but Fuli did her best to smile at them. Timothy was hanging out with Lucy, Samuel and Cassandra as they were walking around the Pride Lands until a pack of Galagos jumped onto them, which caused them to fall on the ground, until they all laughed at what just happened.

And finally, it was nighttime at Pride Rock as the Spirit of Mufasa was smiling down at Kion and his family, who were smiling back up at him until he disappeared in the clouds. After that, everyone went inside the den to sleep, but Kion stayed outside as he sat down and looked at the stars, especially the four bright starts that formed a diamond he and the Lion Guard found during their journey to the Tree of Life. Kiara noticed this as she went over to him and sat down next to him with a smile. "Looking at stars, Kion?" Kiara asked her brother.

"Yeah. Those four stars helped us find our way to the Tree of Life." Kion replied to his sister as he kept looking at them. "Seeing you with Kovu reminded me of a friend I made there." Kion added with a smile. "A friend? Ooh. What's her name?" Kiara asked with intrigue. "Rani. Queen Rani." Kion replied, still smiling. "Oh. A Queen?" Kiara asked with a smirk. "She's smart, brave, but also kind. A great leader. You'd like her." Kion replied, describing Rani. "Sounds like you do, too." Kiara replied, still with a smirk.

"You miss her, don't you?" Kiara asked as she saw Kion's expression changed to a sad expression. "Yeah, I do." Kion replied with a frown. "Maybe you can go back to the Tree of Life someday." Kiara reassured her brother. "Yeah." Kion replied with a smile. "I think Mom and Dad would understand." Kiara added as she and her brother looked up at the four stars. "Maybe." Kion replied. That was when Kion heard the Voice going off as he listened to it. "Well, goodnight, Kion." Kiara said as she got up and headed towards the den. "Goodnight, Kiara." Kion replied with a smile as he watched his sister walk into the den.

Then Kion heard the Voice going off again as he looked in the direction it was coming from. So, Kion started following the direction the Voice was coming from as he left Pride Rock and it led him to Flat Ridge Rock. However, the Voice didn't stop is it kept calling Kion to follow it as Kion had an indecisive expression. "It's calling you, you know." Someone said from behind Kion, who looked behind him and saw it was Timothy as he sat down next to Kion. "I know." Kion replied to Timothy as he looked in the direction the Voice was calling.

"Where is the Voice trying to lead me?" Kion asked Timothy with a frown. "Where do you think the Voice is leading you?" Timothy asked Kion back with a smirk. Kion thought about it as he had a smile. "I think it's leading me back to the Tree of Life. Back to Rani." Kion replied, until he changed that smile into a frown. "But as the leader of the Lion Guard, I have a duty in the Pride Lands. I honestly don't know what I should do." Kion added as he looked in the direction the Voice was calling. "Whatever you decide, Kion. I know you'll make the right decision." Timothy reassured Kion with a smile as he put his arm on his shoulder. "Because I also believe the Voice is leading you and the Lion Guard back to the Tree of Life. And leading you back to Rani." Timothy added.

Kion looked back at Timothy with a smile as Timothy just let out a yawn. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Kion. Goodnight." Timothy said as he got up and walked off. "Goodnight, Timothy." Kion replied as he watched Timothy walk off. Kion then looked back in the direction the Voice was calling from as a soft piano melody played in the air around him as the Voice kept on calling him.

(The song I decided to add to this chapter is YouTube video I found called "If Elsa Sang 'How Far I'll Go'" )

Kion: There it is, that Voice I hear it
Everyday, every minute
Is it only in my mind?

Something, in the wind and within me
Telling me something's beginning
The feeling's so undefined

Every breath I take
I can feel inside
Every move I make
Something isn't right
I know my place
But I want to chase
Every song it sings

There's a song playing out from the Tree
It calls me
And no one knows just how it goes
Though the past left behind and the future
Beyond me
Are still unknown
If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go

I know every corner of the Pride Lands
Love my family and Pride Lands
Cherish the years gone by

But gone are days of looking out on the Pride Lands
Now I look over the Pride Lands
Lost in the open sky

When did it begin?
How did I just start
To forget myself
And to play this part?
Where did I go wrong?
Where do I belong?
What is wrong with me?

There's a sound ringing strong from the Tree
It's roaring
And I don't know how far it goes
And it seems like it's almost in my reach
I am souring
I wanna know...
Know what lies out there
Can I find you there?

There's a song playing out from the Tree
It calls me
And no one knows just how it goes
And I know if I don't go wherever

It's leading
I'll never know...
How far I'll go!

Throughout the song, Kion wondered around the Pride Lands and then he stopped right in front of Pride Rock with a glum expression, until a green glowing orb showed up out of nowhere, which caught Kion's attention as he followed it until they made it to Flat Ridge Rock. After that, the green orb floated around Kion for a second then it flew into him, which caused him to be surrounded by green mists as they showed Kion the Tree of Life and Rani. After that, the song ended as the green mists suddenly disappeared into thin air as Kion stood there, panting as he smiled.


It was morning now in the Pride Lands as the Lion Guard woke up as they were heading to the Lion Guard Lair. "So you think the Lair's changed much since we've been gone?" Beshte asked the Guard as they made it to the entrance. "Why would it?" Fuli replied Beshte with a question. "Ooh, I bet the grubs that I hid are still there." Bunga said with an exciting smile. "Come on, Lion Guard." Kion said to his friends with a chuckle as he and the Lion Guard entered their Lair. However, as soon as they entered they saw something completely unexpected. "Vitani?" Kion asked with a confused expression.

What the Lion Guard saw was Vitani and her Lionesses in the Lion Guard Lair. "Kion, what are you doing here?" Vitani asked Kion with a confused expression. "What am I doing here? What are you doing here?" Kion asked Vitani back. "I'm the future King's sister. It's my duty to lead the Lion Guard." Vitani replied to Kion as she approached him and his Guard. "Vitani, I'm the future Queen's brother. We have the Mark of the Guard, and I have the Roar. We're the Lion Guard." Kion said back as Bunga showed his Mark of the Guard. "Yeah, that's right." Bunga said with a glare as he agreed with Kion.

"We'll see about that." Shabaha retorted as she glared back. "Seriously?" Fuli asked, also glaring. "Yes, seriously." Kasi replied to Fuli, glaring back. "Lion Guard! Lion Guard!" Someone called while entering the Lair. Everyone looked and saw it was Laini, the leader of the Galagos as she stopped in front of Kion and Vitani. "Yes?" Kion and Vitani asked Laini at the same time. "There's an emergency at Mbali Fields. We need your help." Laini replied with a scared expression. "Sure, Laini." Kion replied. "No problem. We'll... " Vitani was just about to say, but it only ended with Kion and Vitani growling at each other with glares.

"Come on, you two. Wouldn't it be fair if we all go?" Timothy asked the two leaders as he stood in between them with an annoyed expression. "Yes, all of you. Come right now." Laini begged. "We'll all go, then we'll figure this out. Okay?" Kion said to Laini as he asked Vitani. "Okay." Vitani replied to Kion. "Laini, show us the way." Vitani told Laini. "Follow me." Laini replied as she started running out the Lair. "Till the Pride Lands end... " Both Kion and Vitani started as they followed Laini. This confused the two Guards as they looked at each other. "Lion Guard defend!" The two Guards finished at the same time as they followed Kion and Vitani.


At Mbali Fields, Laini led them to the emergency, which was the Zebra leader, Thurston stuck in a hole on the side of a small mountain. "Right over here, see. It's an emergency." Laini cried. "There's an emergency? How dreadful." Thurston said on the other side of the hole. "We're back in the Pride Lands, all right." Fuli said with a smile. "Does this happen a lot in the Pride Lands?" Cassandra asked Samuel while whispering. "I don't know." Samuel replied as he shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, guys, you know what to do." Kion said to his Lion Guard. "That's right. Lion Guard to the rescue." Bunga said with a smile as he grabbed Thurston's tail.

"Except we're the Lion Guard." Shabaha retorted as she glared at Bunga. "Oh, no, you're not." Bunga retorted back at Shabaha while approaching her, also glaring back at her. "Oh, yes, we are." Shabaha retorted back as she and Bunga kept on bickering at each other back and forth. "You've got to be kidding me?" Timothy asked with a slight glare as he pinched the bridge of his nose while letting out a sigh. "Deep breaths, Timothy. Deep breaths." Lucy reassured Timothy in a calming tone. After hearing that, Timothy started to inhale and exhale until he looked at Lucy with a smile.

"Thanks, Lucy." Timothy thanked her as he then approached the trapped Zebra leader. "Zebra, have you tried using your back legs to get out?" Timothy asked Thurston with a smile. This caused Thurston to actually use his back legs to get out, until he eventually did. "Why, thank you, Human. I haven't thought of that." Thruston thanked Timothy with a smile. Seeing Thurston free caused Shabaha and Bunga to stop bickering at each other as they had surprised expression. "Oh." Shabaha said surprised. "He's out." Bunga added, also surprised. "No thanks to us. We can't help anyone if we keep arguing." Kion said to Vitani. "You're right. So why don't you and your friends leave things to us now?" Vitani asked, which caused Kion to give her an uneasy expression.

"We're not gonna do that. Our team is the Pride Lands' best." Bunga replied to Vitani. "Our team is the best." Shabaha retorted at Bunga with a glare. "Everyone stop!" Timothy shouted at the two teams. "Kion's right. There's got to be a better way to solve this without arguing." Timothy said, agreeing with Kion as he put his hand on his chin while thinking. "Excuse me." Thurston said to everyone, as they all looked at the Zebra leader. "If you really want to see who's the best, you should do it the Zebra way." Thurston said to them. "And what's that?" Anga asked Thurston with a confused expression.

"You have a competition." Thurston replied to Anga with a smile. "We Zebras find the best Zebra by seeing who can panic and run the best." Thurston added. "Timothy?" Fuli asked him. "It does sound weird, but I think he's right." Timothy replied to Fuli. "I think the only way to solve this is if we have a competition." Timothy added. "Yeah, we can do the big test of the original Lion Guard setup in the Lair." Bunga said with an exciting smile. "Bunga, that wouldn't be fair." Ono said to Bunga with a slight glare. "And why wouldn't that be fair, Ono?" Samuel asked with a confused expression. "Because our Lion Guard already took that test." Ono replied to Samuel.

"Alright. So, how do you wanna do this, Ono?" Timothy asked him. "Both Guards could compete in a series of new challenges to see which team is the best." Ono replied to Timothy with a smile. "Does that seem fair to everyone?" Timothy asked the two Guards with a smile, which caused Kion and Vitani to look at each other. "Seems fair. The Pride Lands does deserve the best." Vitani replied with a smile. "Yep." Anga said, agreeing with Vitani. "She's right." Beshte said, also agreeing with Vitani, as Vitani's Guard also agreed. "Okay. Let's do it." Kion said with a smile. "Lion Guard versus Lion Guard." Bunga said with a smile after chuckling. "Huzzah. I'll spread the word. The Battle of the Lion Guards." Thurston said as he ran off to spread the word.


At a different part of the Pride Lands, Thurston has spread the word of the Battle of the Lion Guards, which caused every Pride Lander, even the Royal Family, to come and see it. "Pride Landers. Welcome to the Battle of the Lion Guards. Kion's Guard will compete with Vitani's to see which team is the best." Rafiki announced to the Pride Landers with a smile as Kion, Vitani and their Guards showed up behind Rafiki. "There will be one test for each traditional Lion Guard role, the Fiercest, Bravest, Fastest, Strongest, and Keenest of Sight." Rafiki added, stating the roles of the Lion Guard. "And as the Pride Lands' Smartest and Wisest... " Rafiki was just about to say as he looked at Ono and Timothy, who were standing next to him.

"Ono and I will be the judges." Timothy announced, finishing what Rafiki was gonna say with a smile as Ono flew over to the Guards. "Whichever Guard loses their challenge will get to set the rules for the next one." Ono stated the rules to the two Guards as he then landed. "Vitani, as leader of the challenging team, your Guard will have first choice." Ono said to Vitani. "Okay, Strongest first." Vitani replied to Ono. "Imara?" Vitani asked her Strongest Lioness. "To prove who is Strongest, Beshte and I will have to push a rock across Chakula Plains." Imara announced while replying to Vitani.

"Pfft. Beshte could do that in his sleep." Bunga said with a scoff while smirking. "A rock... with an Elephant on it." Imara added with a determined expression, which caused Beshte to have a confused expression.


At Chakula Plains, the challenge was already set in place as two rocks with two Elephants on them were set in front of Beshte and Imara. "I don't know how I let you talk me into this, Ma Tembo." One of the Elephants complained to the other. "Oh, Zito, hush. The contest is about to begin." Ma Tembo replied to the other Elephant. "Indeed." Ono said, agreeing with Ma Tembo as he flew by her and landed in front of the two contenders. "Imara, Beshte, first one to push their rock to that tree wins." Ono stated to them as he pointed to the tree, which was a quite far as everyone else was over there. "On your marks, get set, push!" Ono said, which immediately started the contest as Imara and Beshte went to their rocks and started pushing.

"Musuli!" Imara shouted as she pushed her rock. "Twende Kiboko!" Beshte shouted as he pushed his rock. As Imara and Beshte kept pushing their rocks, Beshte was beating Imara as he was up ahead while Imara was falling behind a bit. "You'll need to do better than that if you want to best Beshte." Zito said to Imara, who stopped pushing and listened to the Elephant. As for Beshte, he kept on pushing the rock as everyone at the tree was cheering for him. "Beshte, are you all right?" Ma Tembo asked Beshte with a concerned expression. "I'm okay. Just a little hot." Beshte replied as he kept pushing, but that was when Ma Tembo noticed something.

"Beshte, you're getting sunburned! You need to protect your skin." Ma Tembo said to Beshte as she noticed him getting sunburned. "Oh. You're right. Be right back." Beshte replied as he stopped pushing his rock and went off to cool off for a second in a mud pool. However, as he got out, he saw that Imara was beating him. "Ha-ha. We're winning." Zito said with a smile as Imara kept pushing the rock he was standing on. "Twende Kiboko!" Beshte shouted again as he continued to push his rock, but it was too late as Imara has already pushed her rock and Zito all the way to the tree. "Yes!" Imara shouted and laughed triumphantly. "Vitani's Guard wins the first event." Timothy stated to the Pride Landers with a smile.

"Sorry, everybody." Beshte apologized to his friends as he approached them with an apologetic expression. "I started to get sunburned, and... " Beshte was just about to add. "Don't worry, Beshte. We're just glad you're okay." Kion reassured Beshte with a smile. "Yeah. Besides, Fastest is next, and I get to pick the challenge." Fuli said to Beshte with a smile. "Yes. No matter how fast they may be, they cannot defeat the Fire of a Cheetah." Azaad added while agreeing with Fuli.


At a different part of the Pride Lands, everyone got together for the next challenge. "Fuli has chosen the challenge for the Fastest. She and Kazi will race through the canyon, loop around, and return here to the finish." Ono stated to everyone as Fuli and Kazi lined up at the starting line. "On your marks, get set, run!" Ono shouted, which immediately started the race. "Huwezi!" Fuli shouted as she started running. "Haraka, haraka!" Kazi shouted as she also started running, while all the Pride Landers were cheering for them. During the race, Kazi was beating Fuli as they went around the loop full of obstacles and she was nearing the finish line.

"You had your chance. Now, I've got you. Huwezi!" Fuli said to Kazi after laughing as she managed to pass Kazi and win the challenge. "Fuli wins!" Timothy announced with a smile. This caused Kion and his Guard to cheer for her as Fuli approached her friends. "Great job, Fuli." Kion said to Fuli with a smile. "There was never a doubt." Azaad also said to Fuli with a smile. However, Kazi approached Vitani's Guard with a defeated expression as Timothy also approached them. "Don't worry. Remember, Keenest of Sight is next." Timothy reassured Vitani's Guard with a smile. "And with Fuli's win, it's Tazama's choice." Ono added as he perched himself onto Timothy's shoulder.


At a different part of the Pride Lands, everyone gathered around for the Keenest of Sight challenge, which was right in front of a big cave. "On your marks, get set... Seek!" Ono shouted, which started the contest as the two Keenest of Sights, Anga and Tazama started off into the cave. "Anga Lenga!" Anga shouted as she flew into the cave. "Tazama will find where that Galago's hiding in no time. She can see in total darkness." Vitani said with a smile. "Oh yeah? Well, Anga can see in total not... dark... ness." Bunga said back at Vitani, which caused Fuli and Samuel to give him dirty expressions.

Inside the cave, Tazama and Anga were wondering around the cave while trying to find that Galago. "Which way?" Anga said after sighing as she couldn't see where to go in the cave. However, as Tazama was looking around, she used her eyes to see where to go in the dark. "Hiyo Kali!" Tazama said with a smile as she jumped into a dark area.

Back outside the cave, Kion squinted his eyes while trying to look inside the cave. "Anyone see them?" Kion asked as he kept squinting his eyes. "Nope. Too bad Anga's not here. She could see if she was coming." Bunga replied with a smile. Cassandra was just about to say something to Bunga, until Samuel covered her mouth with his hand as he had a bored expression. "Don't even try." Samuel said to Cassandra. After a couple of seconds, Tazama ran out of the cave with the Galago leader, Laini on her back. "Tazama found me. She wins." Laini announced as Tazama stopped in front of Vitani's Guard. "Now we're back in the lead." Tazama said to her friends.

After that, Anga flew out of the cave and landed in front of her friends. "Too dark. Sorry everyone." Anga apologized to everyone. "It's okay, Anga." Kion reassured Anga. "Yeah. 'Cause now, it's time for the Bravest." Bunga added as he had an exciting smile.


At a different part of the Pride Lands, everyone gathered around again for the Bravest challenge. "Now, for the most un-Bunga-lievable test of all. First, we run through Maumivu Thorn Patch. Then we cross Urembo River. And then, we go up Makundu Cliffs. First one to grab the baobab fruit at the top of the tree wins." Bunga stated to everyone with an excited smile. "Scared?" Bunga asked Shabaha. "Pfft. Never. Looks like fun." Shabaha replied with a scoff while smiling back. "Okay then. Ono, call it." Bunga said to Ono as he and Shabaha got in positions. "On your marks, get set, go!" Ono shouted, which started the race as Bunga and Shabaha immediately took off running as they ran through the thorn patch.

"Go, Bunga, go!" Timon cheered with a smile. "You can do it!" Pumbaa also cheered, also with a smile. While Bunga was running under the thorn patch, Shabaha was hopping on top of the thorn patch as she made it to the other side, until she was met with a river full of growling Crocodiles which caused her to stop. "Gotta be braver than that, Shabaha. Zuka Zama!" Bunga said to Shabaha with a laugh as he jumped onto the Crocodiles until he made it to the other side of the river. After he did that, he started to climb the cliff until he made it to the top. After he did that though, he sat down and looked at Shabaha. "Bila Hofu!" Shabaha shouted as she jumped all the way to the other side of the river while laughing maniacally.

"She is brave." Bunga said with an impressed smile. And then, Bunga climbed the tree and grabbed the baobab fruit, until the branch he was standing on broke as he fell and landed on the grass, below the cliff as the baobab fruit landed on him. "I still win." Bunga said with a wobbly tone as he got up, until he fell down onto the ground.


At a different part of the Pride Lands, which was near Pride Rock, everyone gathered around for the last challenge. "After adding up the results of the last four challenges, it's a tie." Timothy announced to everyone with a smile. "Yes, and now, it all comes down to the Fiercest." Ono added while agreeing with Timothy as he landed on a rock. "And, Vitani, it's your choice." Ono said to Vitani. "I call for a mashindano!" Vitani announced with a determined expression, which caused everyone to gasp in shock. "Oh, yeah. Kion will win that one for sure." Bunga said with a smile as he started to chant the word "mashindano," which was causing everyone else to chant that word as well.

"Vitani, you don't stand a chance. You haven't seen everything the Roar can do." Kion warned Vitani with a concerned expression. "I don't need the Roar, Kion. I'm Fierce enough to lead the Lion Guard without it." Vitani replied to Kion with a glare. "Lead without the Roar?" Kion asked with a surprised expression, which reminded him of what someone said to him back at the Tree of Life. "ONLY ONE WHO IS WILLING TO LET GO OF THE ROAR COMPLETELY CAN TRULY MASTER IT." Askari said in Kion's head as he said the last four words he said. "You're right, Vitani." Kion said to Vitani, who was surprised as Kion's reply as he looked at the chanting crowd.

"Everyone." Kion said to them, which caused them to stop chanting. "By choosing to face me even without the Roar, Vitani has proven to be the Pride Lands' Fiercest." Kion announced to everyone, which caused Vitani to smile at him. "Vitani and her team have won. They are the Pride Lands' new Lion Guard." Kion added with a smile. This news caused Vitani's Guard to cheer out of excitement. "Vitani, as leader of the Lion Guard, you'll need the Mark of the Guard. And the Roar." Kion said to Vitani as he put his right paw on her left shoulder, which caused the Mark of the Guard to appear on her shoulder.

"The Roar?" Vitani asked Kion with a surprised expression. Kion nodded once in response as Vitani stepped up before everyone and unleashed the Roar, causing the crowd to cheer. After that, the Mark of the Guard began to disappear off of Kion's and his Guards' shoulders. Timothy even lifted up his right sleeve to see his Mark of the Guard disappearing from his shoulder as he sighed sadly. "I'm sorry, brother." Samuel apologized to Timothy with a concerned expression. "It's okay, Sam." Timothy replied to Samuel with a smile. After that, they began to hear a thundering sound from the sky. And when everyone looked, they saw a bright flash in the clouds, and when the bright flash disappeared, the spirit of the first Lion Guard leader, Askari appeared in the clouds with a smile.

"KION." Askari called out to Kion. "Askari." Kion replied as he looked back at Askari with a smile. "YES, KION. YOU HAVE DONE WELL." Askari said to Kion. "Askari. He was the leader of the first Lion Guard." Ono said to his friends with a disbelief expression. "Anga, you seeing this, too?" Bunga asked Anga, also with a disbelief expression. "Bunga, be quiet, please." Lucy said to Bunga as she also had a disbelief expression. "BY LETTING THE ROAR GO, YOU HAVE TRULY MASTERED IT." Askari said to Kion, still smiling. "Yes, Askari." Kion replied to Askari while smiling back at him.

"But, I'm not leader of the Lion Guard anymore. Why would I need the Roar?" Kion asked Askari with a confused expression. "THERE IS ANOTHER PLACE THAT COULD USE THE ROAR'S HELP. AND I DO BELIEVE THAT YOUR WISEST MEMBER MENTIONED TO YOU WHERE AND WHO THE VOICE WAS LEADING YOU TO." Askari replied to Kion. "The Tree of Life. Rani." Kion replied with a surprised expression. After that, the Mark of the Night Pride appeared on Kion's right shoulder. "Everyone, want to join me helping Queen Rani and the Night Pride?" Kion asked his former Lion Guard with a smile.

The former Guard agreed to join Kion, as well as Timothy and his friends as the Mark of the Night Pride also appeared on their shoulders. "Tree of Life, here we come." Bunga said with an excited expression. "But Kion, what does it mean to have mastered the Roar?" Vitani asked Kion with a confused expression. "Watch." Kion replied to Vitani with a smirk as he stepped forward a bit, got in position as his scar glowed green as he then unleashed his Roar. Kion was using the Roar to literally lift Pride Rock into the air, which made everyone literally shocked. Kion then used the Roar to gently put Pride Rock back down on the ground. "Hevi Kabisa." Vitani said with a smile as she stood right next to Kion.


After that, it was sundown in the Pride Lands as Kion was looking in the distance with a determined smile as familiar music began playing in the air around him as he heard the Voice calling him from the direction he was looking at.

(This is the Reprise of the last song Kion sang)

Kion: There's a song playing out from the Tree
And it calls me
And know one knows just how it goes
And it seems like it's telling me where
I'm meant to be
We go without strife
To the Tree of Life

Every breath I took
I have felt inside
And the move I made
I know it is right
Now I've made my choice
To follow the Voice
And every song it sings

Hear the song playing out from the Tree
It calls me
And yes, I know just how it goes
With the Roar and the Voice blowing
Just right behind me
And soon I'll know
How far I'll go!

At the beginning of the song, Kion and Timothy gave each other a hug as they turned around and saw that the former Lion Guard, the Royal Family, and the Pride Landers were ready to follow them to the Tree of Life. After that, Kion immediately started running where the Voice was calling him as everyone else followed him while also running. Through out the song, they all visited the Great Stone Wall, the dried up river, the ravine and the path that used to be narrow as a few days passed. Near the end of the song, it was midday as Kion saw in the distance the Mountain Pass, the entrance of the Tree of Life as the song ended there when Kion began to run towards the Mountain Pass.


Inside the Tree of Life's borders, it was sunset as the Pride Landers and the inhabitants of the Tree of Life, including the former Lion Guard and the Night Pride, all surrounded the Tree of Life as Rani was standing on a rock while looking at them with a smile, until she noticed Kion approaching as she looked at him. "Queen Rani?" Kion said as he smiled back at her. "Kion. I'm glad the Roar has returned to the Tree of Life again." Rani replied to Kion. "I'm especially glad that the Voice has brought you and your friends back as well." Rani added. "This time, to stay." Kion said. "I'm looking forward to ruling the Tree of Life with you." Rani confessed, still smiling. "We'll rule it together." Kion replied, smiling back.

After that, Kion also stood on the rock as Makini approached him while holding a baobab bowl filled with blue paint. As soon as Kion lowered his head, Makini dipped her thumb into the paint and smeared it onto Kion's forehead. After she did that, Kion raised his head to look at Makini with a smile as she let out a slight giggle and then she turned to look at the crowd of animals. "Animals of the Tree of Life, friends from near and far, it is my honor to present... King Kion!" Makini announced. This caused all of the animals to cheer for Kion as they all smiled at him.

"My best friend is a King! Un-Bunga-lievable!" Bunga said to Binga with an exciting smile. "You know, King Kion, he's as fierce as a Penguin." Penguino said to Thurston with a proud smile. "Yes, I taught him all he knows." Thurston replied to Penguino, smiling back at him. As Kion was hearing all of the cheers, Rani stood right next to him as they looked at each other with smiles. "We're gonna make a great team." Kion said with a smirk. "We already do." Rani said, smirking back at him. "Ready?" Rani asked. "Yes, I am." Kion replied as both he and Rani let out their roars as King and Queen of the Tree of Life

At the back of the cheering animals, Timothy was looking at Kion with a such a proud smile. Until he heard the Voice calling from behind him as he looked in the direction it was calling from. Thanks to the bracelet Timothy got from Eris, he understood the Voice as he looked in that direction as he changed his smile to a sudden saddened frown. Samuel also heard the Voice, which caused him to look at his brother. When Samuel noticed the expression on Timothy's face, he approached him with a concerned expression. "What's wrong, bro?" Samuel asked his brother

"Nothing. It's just that... well... " Timothy said as he was a bit hesitant to say. "What?" Samuel asked, now with a confused expression. "Well... our work here is done, Sam." Timothy replied to Samuel, still with a sad expression. Samuel was confused at first, until he realized what Timothy meant as he also had a sad expression. "Are you saying that... " Samuel was just about to ask. "Yes. The Voice is now leading us... away from the Tree of Life." Timothy interrupted his brother as he replied. "We should at least say goodbye to Kion and the Lion Guard." Samuel said to Timothy in a serious tone. "We can't. They're busy at the moment." Timothy replied as he and Samuel looked at the former Guard.

Timothy was right, the former Guard were talking with everyone else while Kion was talking to his family. "I'm sure Kion will understand why we left. He hears the Voice too." Timothy reassured Samuel with a slight smile, until his smile changed into a frown. "Now, find Lucy and Cass. We're gonna be leaving shortly." Timothy said as he went off to begin packing his things. All Samuel did was just stand with a shocked expression, until he decided to do what Timothy told him as he went off to find Lucy and Cassandra as some light music began to play.

(The last song I decided to add is actually a background song called "The Call" from the movie The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian)

(0:00-0:29): Kion just got done talking with his family as he just then heard the Voice as he looked in the direction it was calling from. However, when he did, he saw that Timothy and his Human friends were nowhere to be seen in the crown, which confused him at first, until he had a thought in his had that caused his confused expression to change to a sad expression.

(0:30-0:50): Timothy, Lucy, Samuel and Cassandra had their packed things as they were already walking towards the Mountain Pass. However, just as he was about to walk through it, Timothy turned around to take one last look at the Tree of Life with a sad expression. After a couple of seconds, Timothy turned back around as he and his Human friends walked through the Mountain Pass. However, as soon as they made it to the other side of the Mountain Pass, they turned around and saw something behind them as they had surprised expressions.

(0:51-1:11): What they was was Kion, Rani and the former Lion Guard, as well as Makini, which caused Timothy and his friends to smile. Timothy started to give the former Lion Guard some goodbye hugs as he smiled at them, starting with Makini then Anga then Ono and then Beshte.

(1:12-1:45): Timothy continued to hug the former Guard as he hugged Bunga, well actually, Bunga jumped onto Timothy which caused them both to land on the snow as they let out a small laugh until they hugged each other. After that, Timothy then hugged Fuli and then Rani. And finally, Timothy saw Kion as they were looking at each other with smiles, until they eventually hugged each other, which caused everyone else to join in and do a group hug as they held it for a couple of seconds. After that, they broke the group hug as Timothy and Kion broke their hug as well.

(1:46-2:15): "I'm glad my friends and I went on this adventure with you and the Guard, Kion." Timothy said to Kion with tears in his eyes. "Me too. We're gonna miss you, Timothy. I know I will." Kion replied to Timothy as he wiped away a tear that was rolling down his left cheek. "And I'll miss you too, Kion." Timothy said as he and Kion gave each other one final hug for a few seconds until they broke it. "I'll miss all of you, as well." Timothy added as he looked at the former Lion Guard with a smile. Timothy then looked at Rani with a smile. "Protect Kion for me?" Timothy asked Rani with a smirk. "Will do." Rani replied with a chuckle. "Goodbye, Timothy." Kion said to Timothy. "Goodbye, Kion." Timothy replied.

(2:16-2:36): After that, the the Humans began to head towards where the Voice was leading them while the former Lion Guard were heading back through the Mountain Pass as Timothy and Kion followed their groups.

(2:37-3:13/end): As the two leaders were following their groups, Timothy and Kion looked back at each other with smiles as they kept looking at each other for a few minutes, which to them felt like an eternity. After that, Kion was the first to break I contact with Timothy as he turned around and followed his Queen into the Mountain Pass. Timothy continued to look at the Mountain Pass for a couple of seconds until he also turned around and followed his friends to wherever the Voice was leading them next.


...OR IS IT?

Finally, this story comes to an end, and so does the Lion Guard series. But don't worry, Kion will be back in the future stories. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this last chapter, and this whole story. I really enjoyed writing it for you all. However, I think I'm gonna take a break from writing because of my Senior Year coming up. I hope to see you all in the future. Anyway, goodbye my friends. Until next time...

Till the Pride Lands End...

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