Chapter 2: The Accidental Avalanche

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Here it is, the second chapter of this story. You might know what to expect since you've seen this episode before, but like the last chapter, there's gonna be some changes to it. I hope you enjoy it.



The Lion Guard: Kion, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Anga, Makini


Unknown: Morgana

The Backlands: Makucha


When the Lion Guard made it to a snowy mountain, Kion decided that they should climb the mountain, but while in the middle of climbing, it was getting really steep. "Careful everybody, it gets really steep up here." Kion said while climbing along with a grunt and waited for the rest of the Guard to catch up. "These snowy mountains really remind me of home." Timothy said with a chuckle while climbing then frowned while looking down while Chima reminded him of someone that died recently.

"I don't remember having to... climb a mountain the first time I went to... the Tree of Life." Makini said while walking in the snow and grunting. "Perhaps that's because the map in the Lair showed the path going around the mountain." Ono said after his eyes glowed blue while remembering Rafiki's map. "Ono's right." Lucy said while pulling out her map to the Tree of Life. "I traced the trail back at the Lair and what Ono just said is correct." Lucy said while showing the map to everyone.

"But going over the mountain should be quicker." Kion protested while looking at the Guard. "Sure, if you can make it." Anga said with a smirk while flying over the Guard. "We're the Lion Guard." Kion reminded everyone. "One mountain isn't going to get in our... WAY!" Kion said then slipped on the snow and slid down the mountain. "Kion!" Fuli said after gasping. "I got ya." Bunga said while jumping into Kion's path. "Zuka-Za... " Bunga was about to say while about to stop Kion, but he got caught instead. "I take it back, you got me!" Bunga said while both he and Kion slid down the mountain.

Eventually, Kion and Bunga rammed into Fuli, Timothy, Makini, Beshte, Lucy and Samuel. Ono, who was on Beshte's back, got thrown into the air, but Anga caught him with her talons. "Thanks Anga." Ono thanked while looking up at Anga. "Yep." Anga replied while flying. But the rest of the Guard were still sliding down the mountain and Timothy saw that they were about to slide down a cliff. "Beshte, think you can slow us down?" Timothy asked while looking at Beshte, who looked at what was ahead of them. "I think so." Beshte replied. "Twende-Kiboko!" Beshte said while stomping his feet onto the snow, trying to cause them to stop.

Just as they were about to slide off the cliff, Beshte stopped everyone just in time. While everyone got back up, Bunga popped out of the snow with a laugh. "That was fun." Bunga said with a smile. "Good job Beshte." Kion said while looking at Beshte. "Now let's try that again." Kion added as he started to go up the mountain again. "Kion... maybe we really should just go around the mountain." Fuli suggested. "It'd take too long." Kion said while looking back at Fuli, then both he and Timothy rubbed their scars with grunts. "I'm the leader of the Lion Guard, and I say we go this way." Kion said while about to climb the mountain again. "Kion, are you okay?" Timothy asked with a worried expression while walking up to Kion, who turned back around to look at Timothy. "I'm fine Timothy, but we do need to get to the Tree of Life as fast as we can." Kion replied.

"Oh, maybe they know a shortcut." Makini said while pointing her staff at a family of Monkeys in a hot spring, which the Guard looked at. "Couldn't hurt to ask." Fuli said with a smile. "Yeah, they sure look friendly." Samuel said agreeing with Fuli. "Beshte, who are 'they'?" Ono asked while looking at Beshte with a confused expression. "A family of Monkeys." Beshte replied while looking back at Ono. "Up in a hot spring not far from here." Beshte added. "Oh, they must be Snow Monkeys." Ono informed.

"Want me to ask?" Anga asked while flying over Kion, who looked back at her. "I guess, just make it fast." Kion replied. "Yep." Anga said. "Anga-lenga!" Anga said while flying to the Snow Monkeys. "Wait a tick." Ono said, getting Samuel's attention. "What is it Ono?" Samuel asked while looking at Ono, who looked at him back. "Snow Monkeys are scared of large birds." Ono replied. "It's not because large birds try to eat them, is it?" Samuel asked with a worried expression. "I'm afraid so." Ono replied, causing Samuel to gasp and run after the Martial Eagle. "ANGA! STOP!" Samuel shouted with wide eyes, but Anga just kept on flying towards the Snow Monkeys. "Too late." Bunga said, causing Samuel to grunt in annoyance.

"Hi." Anga said as soon as she made it to the Snow Monkeys, but they all started screaming in fear. "GIANT EAGLE! GIANT EAGLE!" The Mother Snow Monkey screamed while she and her family threw whatever at Anga to make her go away. "I'm just... quit it... I... " Anga tried to explain but the Daddy Snow Monkey threw a snowball in her face, causing Anga to grunt. "Never mind." Anga said while flying away from the Snow Monkeys.

While Anga landed in front of the Guard, she had an annoyed expression. "They... didn't want to talk." Anga informed. "Did you even try asking them?" Timothy asked with a raised voice while making a slight glare at Anga, who was surprised at Timothy's behavior, which caused Lucy and Samuel to have a worried expression over Timothy. "Don't worry Anga, you didn't know those Snow Monkeys would be afraid of you." Beshte reassured. "Or were you afraid of them?" Bunga asked while walking up to Anga with a chuckle then turned around to look at the Guard. "She did fly back here pretty fast, didn't she?" Bunga asked while looking at the Guard then turned around to look at Anga, who looked down at Bunga with a glare. "But I'm sure you weren't scared." Bunga took back after seeing Anga's glare. "Why would you be? Bunch of Monkeys? You were just... " Bunga was just about to say.

"Enough joking around!" Kion said with a glare. "We need to get to the next moja kwa moja stone, now!" Kion added. "You think Kion could use some tuliza?" Fuli asked while whispering and looking at Makini. "And it looks like Timothy could use some too." Lucy whispered while looking at Makini as well. "Oh, good idea." Makini said while opening her gourd, but what she saw made her worried. "Uh-oh, we're out." Makini informed, causing Lucy to gasp softly.

After finding out they were out of tuliza, both Kion and Timothy rubbed their scars again along with a grunt. "I'm tired of all this ice and snow." Kion complained while baring his teeth. While Timothy walked on the snow, he slipped forward and hit the snow head first. "Same here." Timothy agreed with Kion after grunting angrily while shaking the snow off of his hair. "If only there was another way to get past the mountain." Timothy added while getting up, which gave Kion an idea. "Hey, we don't need to go over the mountain, we can go through it." Kion informed with a smile while looking at his friends then looked at the mountain in front of them. "Everybody, stay behind me." Kion said, which everybody did.

"He's gonna use the Roar?" Beshte asked with a confused expression. "Oh yeah." Bunga said with a smile and a laugh. "Blast a hole right through that mountain Kion." Bunga said still smiling. "Not what I had in mind." Timothy said while rolling his eyes and walked up to Kion, who was about to use the Roar on the mountain. "Kion, you know you have trouble controlling the Roar when our scars are bothering us." Timothy reminded Kion with a slight glare. "And must I also remind you that the last time you lost control of the Roar, I did a Power Burst which not only hurt my scar, but it also hurt my heart." Timothy added. "I'm fine Timothy, now get behind me." Kion said while glaring back at Timothy, who grunted angrily. "Fine." Timothy said while walking away from everyone. "But I'm standing here just in case." Timothy added while standing a few feet away from the Guard.

Kion glared up at the mountain then used the Roar on the mountain, but the clouds turned dark. At the same time Kion Roared, Timothy's Power Burst activated, which didn't hurt anyone nearby. The Snow Monkeys in the hot spring spotted the Lions of the Past in the clouds which spooked them. When Kion stopped Roaring, he looked at the mountain with a confused expression and Timothy, who's Power Burst had just stopped, fell onto the snowy ground in exhaustion. "Timothy!" Lucy called as she and Samuel rushed towards their friend, as well as the Lion Guard. "Timothy, are you alright?" Lucy asked while looking at Timothy with a worried expression. "I'm fine." Timothy replied while panting.

"Are you sure?" Kion asked while looking at Timothy. "'Cause that looked like it really hurt." Kion added. "Well, I did try to warn you." Timothy said while still panting and trying to get up, with the help from Lucy. "So, did it work?" Timothy asked while looking at Kion. "I'm not sure." Kion replied while looking back at the mountain. "What a Roar!" Bunga said after laughing. "It was so loud, I think I can still hear it." Bunga added while looking at Kion with a smile. "I, I think I still can." Beshte said while hearing a rumbling sound and feeling the ground shake. "Uh... I don't think that's the Roar." Samuel said with a worried expression. "Anga?" Timothy asked while looking at Anga. "Yep." Anga replied then flew up to see what was going on.

As Anga flew up, she saw what was causing the rumbling sound. "It isn't." Anga said agreeing with Samuel. "It's snow, sliding down the mountain." Anga informed, which shocked Ono. "Hapana! It's an avalanche!" Ono said in a panicky voice. "Everyone, take cover!" Kion said while trying to find cover. "But Kion, the Snow Monkeys are in the path of the avalanche too." Timothy said while both he and Kion looked at the Snow Monkeys, still sitting in their hot spring. "Of course, the Snow Monkeys." Kion said while rushing up to his friends. "We gotta help 'em." Kion added. "I won't be much help, they think I want to eat them." Anga said while flying over Kion, who looked up at her. "Then keep Ono and Makini safe." Kion said. "Got it." Anga said with a confidence expression.

Kion then turned to look at Timothy, "Are you alright to help?" Kion asked Timothy, who tried to stand without Lucy's help but ended up falling with another grunt. "Sorry Kion, but that Power Burst drained most of my energy, so I won't be able to help." Timothy replied while looking at Kion with a sad expression. "It's okay, just get somewhere safe from the avalanche." Kion said with a smile. Timothy smiled back with a nod, then Kion looked at the rest of his friends. "Everyone else, let's go!" Kion said while he and the Guard went to help the Snow Monkeys, Lucy and Samuel tried to find shelter for Timothy from the avalanche and Anga grabbed Makini, who grabbed Ono, and flew them into the sky. "Thanks Anga." Makini thanked while looking at Anga with a smile.

As the avalanche came down, the Snow Monkeys fled their hot spring while the avalanche chased them down the mountain. While the boy Snow Monkey was running and screaming from the avalanche, Fuli came running in and grabbed the Boy Snow Monkey before the avalanche got him. While the Father Snow Monkey was running from the avalanche, a tree was about to crash onto him but Beshte knocked the tree out of the way and blocked the snow as a shield for the Father Snow Monkey. While the Girl Snow Monkey  was running from the avalanche, Bunga grabbed her and she rode on Bunga's back as he slid down the mountain. While the Mother Snow Monkey was running from the avalanche, she spotted a boulder and hid behind it, hoping that it would protect her from the avalanche but she was wrong. As soon as the avalanche came close to the boulder, Kion knocked the Mother Snow Monkey out of the way before the avalanche got her, then Kion looked behind him and saw that the avalanche has stopped.

"You okay?" Kion asked while getting up and looking at the Mother Snow Monkey, who got up as well and looking back at Kion. "I... I think so." The Mother Snow Monkey replied while looking at Kion with a smile. "Is everyone alright?" Kion asked while turning his head to look at everyone. "We're fine." Fuli replied. "Yep." The Boy Snow Monkey added agreeing with Fuli. Then Bunga came sliding down with the Girl Snow Monkey while splashing snow onto Fuli, who didn't like it very much, and Bunga came to a stop in front of Kion. "We're ready for another ride, right?" Bunga asked while looking at the Girl Snow Monkey, who had fun sliding down the mountain. "Yeah." The Girl Snow Monkey replied while looking at Bunga with a smile. "Beshte!" Kion called, then Beshte pushed the snow out of the way. "We're good." Beshte replied while he and the Father Snow Monkey were alright. "Timothy!" Kion called while looking around. "We're alright." Timothy replied while he and his friends popped out of nowhere, while Anga, Makini and Ono landed right next to them. "So are we." Anga added.

But Anga's presence made the Mother Snow Monkey panic and hide behind Kion, "The giant eagle's back!" The Mother Snow Monkey said which confused Kion. "Hurry! Hide back here!" The Mother Snow Monkey called to her family, which they did but instead of hiding behind Kion, they only trampled him. "You're right Ono, they really don't like large birds." Beshte said after seeing what just happened. "You don't have to be scared of Anga." Kion said to the Snow Monkeys with a smile and getting off of them. "She's a nice bird." Kion added. "Okay." The Mother Snow Monkey said while looking at Anga, who gave her a look which scared her a little. "But tell her to stop staring at us." The Mother Snow Monkey requested with a scared expression. "Snow Monkeys don't like to be stared at, common knowledge really." Ono said to Anga with a shrug. "Fine, I'll remember to blink." Anga said while blinking once.

"And thank you all for saving us from that avalanche." The Mother Snow Monkey thanked, while the other Snow Monkeys to thank the Lion Guard as well. "It's just too bad that you couldn't save our home too." The Mother Snow Monkey added while looking at her and her family's hot spring, which was now covered with snow. "Mom, it's not their fault." The Girl Snow Monkey said while looking at her Mother. "There was an avalanche." The Girl Snow Monkey added. "Actually, it is." Kion said with a sad expression. "It's my fault, I caused the avalanche." Kion confessed while looking at the Snow Monkeys. "You did?" The Mother Snow Monkey asked while looking back at Kion with a surprised expression. "We thought it was the faces in the sky." The Father Snow Monkey said. "Yeah, they were roaring really loud." The Boy Snow Monkey added. "That... was me, I'm the one who Roared." Kion confessed. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to destroy your home." Kion apologized while looking at the Snow Monkeys with a sad expression.

"It's okay, there are other hot springs, apology accepted." The Girl said while hugging Kion's leg. "Aw, that's nice." Beshte said with a smile. "Oh, then I guess we can go now." Makini said while looking at Anga. "Yeah, maybe find some tuliza?" Fuli asked while agreeing with Makini then looked at Kion, who rubbed his scar again, as well as Timothy. "No, I need to make it up to them." Kion replied while looking at Fuli then looked back at the Snow Monkeys. "Don't worry, we'll find you a new home." Kion said to the Snow Monkeys. "We will?" Fuli and Timothy asked in unison. "Wait a minute Kion... " Timothy was just about to say. "Ooh! Will it have an even bigger hot spring?" The Girl Snow Monkey asked. "And lots of food?" The Boy Snow Monkey asked. "Yes, it'll have everything you need." Kion replied with a smile. "Just tell us what you want." Kion added.

"What we want in a new home?" The Mother Snow Monkey asked herself while a soft piano melody filled the cold air.

The Mother Snow Monkey: So what is a home,

Of a Snow Monkey's dreams?

Some snow and some food,

And some water that steams.

Our needs are so simple,

No need for extremes.

To find a new home,

Of a Snow Monkey's dreams.

But we gotta have snow,

No way around that.

Snow Monkeys know,

That the Snow's where it's at.

Also a hot spring,

If you find us one, please,

So, when the wind stings,

We stay warm and don't freeze.

So what is the home,

Of a Snow Monkey's dreams?

Some snow and some food,

And some water that steams.

Our needs are so simple,

No need for extremes.

To find a new home,

Of a Snow Monkey's dreams.

For food, we like roots,

And some kind of flowers.

Leaf buds and shoots,

We can eat them for hours.

The Girl Snow Monkey: Flat rocks for basking,

They don't need to be wide.

And while we're asking,

Perhaps an ice slide?

The Mother Snow Monkey: This is the home,

The Snow Monkeys: This is the home,

The Mother Snow Monkey: Of a Snow Monkey's dreams.

The Snow Monkeys: Of a Snow Monkey's dreams.

The Mother Snow Monkey: Some snow and some food,

And some water that steams.

The Snow Monkeys: Water that steams.

The Mother Snow Monkey and her family: Our needs are so simple,

No need for extremes.

To find a new home,

Of a Snow Monkey's dreams.

The Mother Snow Monkey: To find a new home,

Of a Snow Monkey's dreams.

"Is that too much to ask?" The Mother Snow Monkey asked while looking at Kion with a nervous expression. "I think we can do that, right?" Kion asked while looking at Fuli and Timothy. "I guess." Fuli replied unsurely. "Of course." Timothy replied unsurely as well. "We do help other animals." Beshte reminded everyone. "That's right." Bunga said agreeing with Beshte. "Just call us the Monkey Movers." Bunga added. "Okay, then let's get go... " Kion was just about to say, but got interrupted by the Mother Snow Monkey.

"Oh, oh, one more thing." The Mother Snow Monkey interrupted, catching Kion's attention. "No trees." The Mother Snow Monkey requested, which her family agreed to. "I thought all Monkeys love trees." Samuel said with a confused expression. "Well, we don't." The Mother Snow Monkey informed. "Trees can be homes for... large birds." The Mother Snow Monkey whispered into Kion's ear. "Anga, show 'em how nice a large bird can be." Kion said while looking at Anga with a smile. "How's that?" Anga asked. "See if you can find them a place with everything they need." Kion replied. "The closer the better." Kion added. "Okay." Anga replied then glanced at the Snow Monkeys, causing them to shudder then she flew up to find a new hot spring for the Snow Monkeys.

"I see a hot spring." Anga said "It's pretty big." Anga informed then saw it had trees and flew back to the Guard. "The spring's not far, but it's in the wrong direction for us, and... it's got trees." Anga informed while whispering. "I'm sure it'll be fine." Kion said while looking at the Snow Monkeys. "Fine?" Timothy asked while narrowing his eyebrows. "Kion, it's out of our way and it's got trees." Timothy said. "So? You heard Samuel, most Snow Monkeys love trees." Kion said then he rubbed his scar again, causing Timothy to rub his scar as well but able to maintain control over himself and look at Kion after he rubbed his scar.

"Kion." Fuli called with a worried expression. "What?" Kion asked while looking at Fuli after rubbing his scar. "Your scar's bugging you." Fuli said. "Fuli's right Kion." Timothy said agreeing with Fuli. "And remember, we don't make the best decisions when they're bugging us." Timothy added while slightly rubbing his scar. "We need to find some tuliza." Timothy added again. "I'll be fine." Kion said while glaring slightly at both Fuli and Timothy then looked at everyone else. "Follow Anga everyone, we're taking the Snow Monkeys to their new home." Kion said, which caused Fuli and Timothy to exchange worried expressions while they followed Kion to the hot spring.

"Do we have to follow the giant eagle?" The Boy Snow Monkey asked while looking at his Mother. "Don't worry." Makini reassured while sliding in. "She's really nice, and besides she's all they way up there." Makini added while she and the Snow Monkeys started to follow Anga to the hot spring.


As the Lion Guard kept on walking to the hot spring for the Snow Monkeys, they were riding on Beshte's back while giving Ono a massage. "Thank you." Ono said after sighing in relaxation. "Hey, let me in on that." Bunga said while shoving Ono out of the way and getting the massage as well. "Ohh yeah, that's the spot." Bunga said while feeling relaxed.

As soon as they made it, Anga landed in front of the hot spring and looked at the Guard. "Here." Anga said. "Okay Snow Monkeys." Kion said while turning his head to look at them. "Welcome to your new home." Kion said, then the Snow Monkeys jumped off Beshte's back and went to the hot spring in a rush. "Oh my, it is a big hot spring." The Mother Snow Monkey said while looking at the hot spring with a smile. "But there are a lot of trees." The Mother Snow Monkey added while looking at Kion with a nervous expression. "Yeah, but they're not that close to the spring." Kion said while looking at Fuli, who walked up to him, with a nervous expression. "True." The Mother Snow Monkey agreed.

"It is bigger than our old place." The Boy Snow Monkey said while looking around the hot spring. "It has herb bushes too." The Girl Snow Monkey said with a giggle while picking up the herbs and giving them to her Father. "Maybe we can give it a try." The Father Snow Monkey said while looking at the Mother Snow Monkey and eating the herbs. "Very well." The Mother Snow Monkey replied. With that said, the Snow Monkey family went into the hot spring and were enjoying themselves already.

"See?" Kion asked while looking at Fuli with a smile, who looked and smiled back at him. "The Snow Monkeys are happy." Kion added. "I guess." Fuli said. "Yeah." Timothy agreed while walking up to them. "Just as long as they don't see any... " Timothy was just about to add. "GIANT BIRDS!" The Snow Monkeys yelled in unison while some flying critters were flying around the Snow Monkeys. "They're attacking the Monkeys." Fuli said, earning a nod from Timothy. "Come on." Kion said while he and the Lion Guard went to attack the flying critters. "Makini, stay with the Snow Monkeys." Timothy said, earning a nod from Makini who went to stood over the Snow Monkeys and swung her bakora staff at the flying critters.

Kion tried to jump and hit one of the critters but he didn't hit anything, and the same thing happened with Fuli, Timothy, Lucy and Samuel. "These birds are everywhere." Lucy said after landing and looking at all of the flying critters. "There's something strange about these birds." Ono said while noticing them making strange non-bird noises. "Yeah." Anga agreed after hitting one of them. "They are not birds." Anga said while looking at them. "They're not?" Bunga asked while running then jumped off of a tree branch. "Zuka-Zama!" Bunga shouted while in the air and catching one of the flying critters. "Gotcha." Bunga said then landed on the ground and looked at the flying critter and saw it was all furry.

"Whoa hey, you're all furry!" Bunga said to the critter in his hands with a surprised expression. "Yeah, so what? So are you." The critter said while looking at Bunga with a confused expression. "Wait a tick, he's a Flying Squirrel." Ono informed with a smile. "Like I said, not a bird." Anga said while landing. "I know I'm not a bird." The Flying Squirrel said while looking at Anga. "So why are you attacking the Snow Monkeys?" Timothy asked the Flying Squirrel, who looked back at Timothy. "Attack?" The Flying Squirrel asked. "Oh-no, we thought we'd do a glide-by, and say, 'Welcome to the neighborhood.'" The Flying Squirrel explained. "Back to the trees boys, you're scaring the neighbors." The Flying Squirrel called, causing the other Flying Squirrels to stop gliding and land on their trees. "Sorry for the confusion." The Flying Squirrel apologized, earning a smile from both Kion and Timothy. "Mind putting me down now?" The Flying Squirrel asked while looking at Bunga. "Okay." Bunga replied while putting the Flying Squirrel down and he started running toward his tree. "See you little guy." Bunga said while waving his hand. "Cheerio." The Flying Squirrel replied while crawling up his tree.

"Snow Monkeys, you can relax." Kion called out while walking toward the hot spring. "They weren't birds, they were... " Kion was just about to add but when he got to the spring, he saw that the Snow Monkeys were gone. "Snow Monkeys?" Kion called out while looking around. "Makini, I told you to stay with them!" Timothy said while raising his tone and glaring at Makini, who looked back at Timothy with a worried expression. "Sorry." Makini apologized.

"Where did they go?" Beshte asked while looking around. "Maybe they're hiding in the water." Bunga suggested. "Zuka-Zama!" Bunga yelled while diving into the hot spring to see of the Snow Monkeys were in the water then popped his head out of the water. "Nope, nobody in here but us Honey Badgers." Bunga said then swam toward the rest of the Guard. "Ah, so warm." Bunga said after sighing in relaxation while swimming in the hot spring. "Jump in every... " Bunga was just about to offer.

"Bunga!" Kion said while raising his voice and glaring at Bunga, who looked back at Kion. "We don't have time for this, we gotta find the Snow Monkeys." Kion said then growled at Bunga, which caused worried expressions to appear on Fuli, Makini and Timothy. "Okay okay, but you don't know what you're missing." Bunga said while getting out of the hot spring. "Uh yes we do, we're missing four Snow Monkeys." Samuel stated while looking at everyone. "I don't see any footprints." Lucy said while looking at the snow and walking around. "And I can't track their scent." Fuli said.

"Anga, maybe you can spot them from the sky." Kion said while at Anga, who flew above him. "Yep." Anga said while flying higher to see if she can find the Snow Monkeys, which she did. "Found them." Anga said to the Lion Guard with a smirk. "They're right down... " Anga was just about to inform but then the Snow Monkeys just disappeared which shocked Anga. "What?" Anga asked herself then flew back down and landed in front of the Lion Guard. "I... I lost 'em, they disappeared." Anga informed still with a shock expression. "Then we'll find them." Kion said while looking at Anga with a glare then both he and Timothy rubbed their scars again along with a grunt, which worried both Fuli and Lucy.

"Ono, stay with Makini." Kion said while looking at Ono then looked back at the rest of the Guard. "Everyone else, spread out and look for the Snow Monkeys." Kion said. "Okay Kion." Beshte replied. "Got it." Bunga replied. With that said, everyone spread out to look for the Snow Monkeys, but Timothy was having second thoughts about Kion's choice so he followed him.

"Kion, maybe we should stick together." Timothy suggested while walking with Kion and looking at him, who looked back at him while walking. "Snow Monkeys just don't disappear, it might be dangerous." Timothy added while looking at Kion with a worried expression. "We're the Lion Guard Timothy." Kion reminded Timothy. "We can handle danger." Kion added. "Sure, when we think first, but our scars have been bugging us all day." Timothy said. "And without tuliza, you haven't been thinking clearly." Timothy added while stepping in front of Kion which caused him to stop. "As the Wisest in the Lion Guard and as your friend Kion, I really do think you should rest." Timothy suggested while placing both hands on Kion's shoulders. "I'm fine Timothy!" Kion said with a raised voice, which caused Timothy to remove his hands away from Kion. "I already told you back in the Backlands, I'm the leader of the Lion Guard, not you and I know what I'm doing!" Kion added while looking at Timothy with a glare. "Do you?" Timothy asked while glaring at him back.

"Hey!" Bunga shouted, catching both Kion and Timothy's attention. "I think I hear something!" Bunga said while running toward at what he heard, which caused Kion and Timothy to follow Bunga, who stopped and heard the Snow Monkeys screeching. "Yeah, sounds like Snow Monkeys." Bunga said while looking around for them. "Just can't tell where they... " Bunga was just about to say then disappeared, which shocked both Kion and Timothy. "BUNGA!" Kion and Timothy called out in unison while stopping. At first there was silence, but then they heard Bunga's voice. "I'm okay." Bunga called out which relieved both Kion and Timothy. "And guess what?" Bunga asked. "I found the Snow Monkeys, they're hiding in the snow." Bunga replied while looking at them. "We're not hiding, we fell in too." The Mother Snow Monkey restated. "And you're heavier than you look." The Mother Snow Monkey said to Bunga, who was on top of her.

"Everyone, this way!" Kion called out, which caused the rest of the Guard to rush toward the hole Bunga and the Snow Monkeys got stuck in. "There's a hole in the snow, near the big tree." Anga informed after landing in front of the Lion Guard. "Must be a tree well, I've heard of those." Ono stated. "Huh?" Samuel said while looking at Ono with a confused expression. "Loose snow under a tree that you can fall into." Ono replied while looking back at Samuel, who got what Ono was saying. "Oh, okay." Samuel said while smiling and nodding his head. "Don't worry Little B, we'll get you out." Beshte said while rushing towards the tree well.

As soon as Beshte got to the well and stood on the edge, more snow started to fall into the well, along with Beshte who reacted with a worried expression. "Beshte, get back!" Fuli yelled, causing Beshte to get away from the tree well before he could fall in. "We need to be careful." Ono stated while flying onto Beshte's back. "The snow around the tree well could bury them if we're too close." Ono added. "Can they climb out?" Kion asked while looking at Ono. "No, if they move at all, they might fall in deeper." Ono replied, causing Makini to gasp. "They can't move at all?" Makini asked while looking at Lucy, who looked back at her. "No, they can move, but if we're going to get them out of that tree well, they shouldn't move." Lucy replied. "Then somebody should tell them." Makini said then looked at the tree well. "Bunga! Snow Monkeys! Ono says don't move around!" Makini shouted hoping Bunga and the Snow Monkeys heard her.

"Did she say, 'Move around?'" Bunga asked while looking at the Snow Monkeys, who all nodded in response. "Okay, everybody move around." Bunga said as he and the Monkeys started to move around, which caused them to go deeper, which the Lion Guard noticed. "Bunga! Snow Monkeys! Are you okay?" Timothy asked, trying not to get too close to the tree well. "We're okay." Bunga replied. "Much better in fact." The Mother Snow Monkey added who was now on top of Bunga. "So, if we can't get close to them... " Anga said. "And they can't climb up to us... " Samuel added. "How are we gonna get them out?" Beshte asked while everyone looked at Kion, who grunted and rubbed his scar again while Timothy tried his best not to rub his scar.

"I... I don't know." Kion replied after rubbing his scar and making a worried expression then looked at Timothy. "What do you think we should do Timothy?" Kion asked. "Me?" Timothy asked while looking at Kion with a surprised expression. "It's not up to me." Timothy stated. "You're the leader of the Lion Guard Kion, you know what you're doing." Timothy added, rephrasing what Kion said to him not too long ago. "Not today I don't." Kion said while shaking his head. "You were right, I can't think clearly when my scar is bugging me." Kion added while looking down. "I can't trust myself right now, but I know I can trust you." Kion said while looking back at Timothy with a smile. "You make the call." Kion said.

While Timothy tried to thought of a solution, his scar started to hurt again so he rubbed it slightly then looked at Kion. "Thanks Kion, but I'm afraid you and I are in the same boat." Timothy stated. "I really don't know what to do." Timothy added, then had a thought. "Fuli, you should lead when me and Kion can't." Timothy said while looking at Fuli, who was surprised. "Me?" Fuli asked with a surprised expression. "Yes." Timothy replied. "And to be honest, I'd feel much more comfortable if someone, who has been on the Lion Guard much longer than me, took the lead." Timothy added. "So, what should we do Fuli?" Timothy asked with a smile.

Fuli took some time to think on what to do then came up with an idea. "Ono, could you fly over the hole and pull them out?" Fuli asked while looking at Ono. "Theoretically yes, but I couldn't lift them." Ono replied. "But Anga could." Fuli stated, which surprised Anga. "Me, no way." Anga denied. "It's the only way." Fuli said while looking at Anga with a worried expression. "Just fly down the hole, grab Bunga and the Snow Monkeys, and bring 'em out." Fuli added while forming her plan. "Sounds like a plan." Kion said with a smile. "Agreed." Timothy said agreeing with Kion. "But don't touch the walls." Ono stated while flying off Beshte and landing beside Anga, who looked at him. "And don't let them move." Ono added. "Don't let 'em move?" Anga asked. "Those Snow Monkeys panic like Zebras every time they see me." Anga said. "They won't if they know you're a friend." Beshte said. "I found them a new home, what more do I have to do?" Anga asked while looking at Beshte. "You could try smiling." Samuel insisted, which surprised Anga. "Okay, how's this?" Anga asked while she did her smile, which was an slight grin. "It's... " Samuel started to say with an unsure expression then looked at Beshte. "Poa." Beshte finished Samuel's statement matching Samuel's expression. "Okay, I'll do it." Anga accepted.

In the hole, the Snow Monkeys were coughing due to Bunga's stink. "Yeah, that's me." Bunga said. Then they looked up and saw Anga flying above the hole while giving her "smile" to the Snow Monkeys, which they screamed at. "Oh hey Anga, what's up?" Bunga said after seeing Anga. "I'm getting you out of there." Anga replied, which made the Snow Monkeys gasp in fear. "Just don't move or you'll make the hole deeper, got it?" Anga stated and asked the Snow Monkeys, which they nodded in response. "Now, I'm gonna grab you with my talons... " Anga was going to state. "Your talons?" The Mother Snow Monkey asked with wide eyes. "Yeah, and lift you out one at a time." Anag replied. "But you've gotta trust me, okay?" Anga asked. "I trust you." The Girl Snow Monkey while looking at Anga with a smile. "Me too." The Boy Snow Monkey also said. The Mother Snow Monkey looked at the Father, who nodded then looked at Anga. "I guess we all do." The Mother Snow Monkey said while looking at Anga with a smile.

"Okay, here I come." Anga said as she lowered into the hole and over the Snow Monkeys and Bunga. "Okay, Snow Monkey on top, get ready to grab my talons." Anga said. As the Snow Monkeys looked at Anga's talons and saw how sharp they were, they all had panicked expressions. "They're... sharp." The Mother Snow Monkey said with wide eyes then the Snow Monkeys started to climb out, which was causing the snow to fall and it eventually burried everyone in the hole. "ANGA!" Makini shouted with a worried expression. "Anga-lenga!" Anga shouted from under the snow then launched out of the hole with Bunga and the Snow Monkeys. "Didn't plan... carrying all of you... at once, but whatever." Anga said with some effort. While Anga was about to land, Bunga jumped and landed in front of Kion and Fuli, then the Father, Boy and Girl Snow Monkeys jumped and landed on Beshte's back, and Anga safely landed the Mother Snow Monkey on the ground then landed next to her.

"Sorry I moved, but you're the first giant bird we've ever met who's nice." The Mother Snow Monkey said and apologized while looking at Anga. "Thanks." Anga thanked while looking at the Mother Snow Monkey then the Boy and Girl Snow Monkey came and hugged her legs, which surprised Anga. "Thank you everyone." The Mother Snow Monkey thanked while looking at everyone. "But... do we have to go back to the place with all the trees?" The Mother Snow Snow Monkey asked with a worried expression. "Well... " Kion was just about to repliy, but his scar started hurting again and rubbed it until the pain went away. Timothy also felt the pain in his scar but tried his best to not rub it. "Fuli, what do you think?" Timothy asked while looking at her with a smirk. "I think Anga can find a place that's really right for them." Fuli replied while looking at the Snow Monkeys with a smile then looked at both Kion and Timothy. "And some tuliza for you two." Fuli added. "I like how you think." Kion said while looking at Fuli with a smile. "Anag, a new place for your new friends?" Kion asked while looking at Anga, who looked at the Snow Monkeys with a smile. "Yep." Anga replied.


After a little while of searching, the Lion Guard have found a new hot spring for the Snow Monkeys. When they got to it, the Snow Monkeys, Bunga, Makini, Beshte, Ono and Lucy all jumped into the hot spring and having fun while Kion, Timothy, Fuli and Samuel stood on the edge of the spring. While everyone was having fun in the hot spring, Kion and Timothy watched them then their scars started to hurt again which caused Kion to rub his again, but it caused Timothy to look at Kion with a worried expression. "They're really bugging us now." Timothy said. "I know, but no matter how bad it gets, you're on my side." Kion said after rubbing his scar then looked at Timothy with a smile. "Always." Timothy added smiling back at Kion.

"Tuliza?" Anga asked while flying by and dropping the tuliza in front of Kion, who took a bite out of the blossoms then swallowed it, which calmed him down. "Thanks Anga." Kion thanked while looking at Anga, who landed in front of him and Timothy. "Better already." Kion added. "And I think I found the next moja kwa moja stone." Anga reported which surprised Timothy. "Really, where?" Timothy asked. "Just around that slope." Anga replied while looking at the slope which Timothy and Kion looked at. "Guess we came the long way around after all." Kion said.

"Anga." The Snow Monkey kids said in unison while coming out of the hot spring and grabbing Anga's legs. "Play in the hot spring with us." The Boy Snow Monkey pleaded while he and his sister were wobbling Anga, who was just about to reply but the kids pulled and pushed her into the spring. When Anga and the Snow Monkey kids popped their heads out of the spring, Anga smiled and started to play with the kids in the hot spring.

"Should we tell everyone we need to get going?" Timothy asked while looking at Kion. "What do you think?" Kion asked while looking at Timothy with a smile. "I think... we should rest for a bit, then we should get going." Timothy suggested. "I think so too." Kion agreed then both he and Timothy looked at the hot spring. Timothy then had an idea which caused him to have a mischievous expression and walked a little ways behind Kion. Then, without a warning, Timothy ran and pushed Kion and himself in the hot spring. As soon as their heads popped out of the water, Timothy started laughing. "Oh yeah." Kion said playfully as he started splashing Timothy, which caused him and Timothy to have a splash war.

Samuel laughed while watching his brother play in the hot spring, which made him think about all the fun times Timothy had when he was younger, like before he got his scar. While Samuel thought of those moments he remembered of Timothy, he decided to wander around in the woods for a little bit. Then Samuel saw movement in the trees which caused him to rush towards that movement. When Samuel got there, there was no one here. Samuel looked around for a little bit then got pounced on from above by a hooded stranger. Samuel was able to fight off the pounce and got up and faced the hooded stranger. "Who are you?" Samuel asked while he ready for the hooded stranger's next attack, but instead of attacking the hooded stranger removed the hood and revealed itself to be a woman with short black raven hair along with a amethyst necklace and green adventuring clothes. Her left hand was wearing a black glove while her right hand was wearing a grey glove. "My name is Cassandra!" She replied Samuel's question. "And there's something I need to warn you about." Cassandra added, which surprised Samuel.

Next time on The Golden Guardian Adventures: Journey to the Tree of Life: The Lion Guard made it to a snowy mountain and got passed it with no problem. After getting passed the mountain and finding the next moja kwa moja stone, Samuel met a hooded stranger who's name is Cassandra, who has been following them ever since the Backlands, warned Samuel about something. What was Cassandra warning Samuel about? Where did Cassandra come from? And who is this Cassandra? Find out in the next installment of The Golden Guardian Adventures: Journey to the Tree of Life.

PLOT TWIST! Didn't think I was gonna do that, did ya? Well, I did and I hope you liked this chapter. Leave a vote if you know who Cassandra is and where she comes from. Have a good day.

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