Chapter 3: Ghost of the Mountain

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Remember, there are some changes in this episode, so look out for those.



The Lion Guard: Kion, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Anga, Makini

Unknown: Cassandra


Unknown: Morgana

The Backlands: Makucha


It was daytime and The Lion Guard were still in the snow. While Kion was walking while looking around, he got hit in the face with a snowball. "Ha!" Bunga laughed while pointing at Kion, then a snowball hit the top of his head. "Ha, yourself." Kion said with a smile while running off. "Heads up." Anga called which made Bunga look up, only to see Anga dropping a snowball on Bunga's face. "Anga, no fair." Bunga complained after wiping the snow off his face.

After that, the Lion Guard were just having fun in the snow while laughing and running. Fuli was chasing Kion, Lucy was chasing Timothy and Samuel was just behind Beshte, not doing any sort of fun, until his brother threw a snowball at him. "C'mon Sam, have some fun." Timothy encouraged Samuel with a smile and a laugh. "Maybe later." Samuel replied to his brother with a small chuckle. Then when Timothy was not looking, Samuel tackled his brother into the snow with a laugh. "Gotcha." Samuel laughed while getting off Timothy. "Very funny." Timothy said while looking at his brother with a smirk.

Then when both Timothy and Samuel turned their heads in the same direction, they saw something that made them get up with complete shock in their eyes. "Woah!" Timothy and Samuel said at the same time in amazement. "What is it?" Kion asked while he and the rest of the Guard walked up towards Timothy and Samuel then looked at what they were looking at and it caused them to match Timothy and Samuel's expressions. "Poa!" Beshte said with wide eyes. "What is it?" Ono asked while squinting at the green, fuzzy stuff. "Really tall grass, or super skinny trees." Bunga replied still amazed at what he was seeing. "It's bamboo." Anga replied.

"Makini, Ono, Lucy, what do you think, should we find a way around it?" Kion asked while looking at them. "Oh, oh, I remember this!" Makini said excitingly while walking up to the bamboo. "Me too." Ono said while his eyes glowed blue, remembering Rafiki's map. "The next moja kwa moja stone to the Tree of Life is in there somewhere." Ono said. "Ono's right, we should go through it." Lucy said while agreeing with Ono and pulling out her map. "Then through it, it is." Timothy said while looking at Kion with a smile. "Yep, let's go." Kion said while he and the Lion Guard entered the bamboo forest. "And stay alert, there's no telling who or what's in here." Kion added, which caused Samuel to look around the forest with a worried expression. "Anga, keep a lookout." Timothy said while looking at Anga. "Always." Anga replied while flying above the Lion Guard and the bamboo forest.

While Anga flew, she spotted some tuliza on a rocky ledge then flew down towards the Lion Guard. "No moja kwa moja stone, but I found some tuliza." Anga informed. "Oh good, I only have a few blossoms left." Makini informed while holding the gourd, opening it and looking inside. "Where's the tuliza Anga?" Kion asked while looking at Anga. "On that ledge." Anga replied while pointing at it with her beak. Everyone looked in the same direction Anga pointed and saw the ledge with the tuliza. "I'll get it. Zuka Zama!" Bunga said while jumping from a rock to a bamboo, onto another and onto another bamboo and onto the ledge with the tuliza. "Got 'em!" Bunga called after pulling the tuliza out of the ground and showing them to the rest of the Guard. "That's great Bunga, just don't... " Lucy tried to say, but before she could finish, Bunga fell off the ledge which caused Lucy to facepalm herself. "Fall... again." Lucy finished.

As Bunga got back up and saw he still had the tuliza in his hand, he laughed with excitement. "Still got the tuliza." Bunga said to himself while about to head back to the Lion Guard. "Sonnesen Khun!" Someone said, which caused Bunga to look in the direction of that voice and what he saw caused him to make confused expression. What Bunga saw were three very furry, cute looking animals with black, white and red fur, and they were looking at Bunga with wide eyes. "Sonnesen Khun!" One of them called after gasping. "Uh, you looking at me?" Bunga asked while looking around in confusion to see if those animals were looking at someone else. "Sonnesen Khun, Sonnesen Khun!" Another one called while two other of those animals showed up. "Uh, 'song soon kuhn' to you too." Bunga replied even more confused. Then those animals started to chant that word to Bunga, who smiled in amazement. "Un-Bunga-lievable!" Bunga said to himself.

"He's here." Anga said after spotting Bunga, then the Lion Guard showed up. "Bunga, are you okay?" Kion asked while stopping and seeing those animals around Bunga. "What in the Pride Lands?" Timothy asked with wide eyes and not believing what he was seeing. "We're definitely not in the Pride Lands anymore." Fuli added. "I think they love me." Bunga said while those animals still chanted around Bunga. "They must not be able to smell." Fuli said after scoffing. Then, those animals stopped chanting and ran in different directions, which made Bunga upset. "Aw, don't stop." Bunga complained, then those animals brought him a stump to sit on, placed a flower necklace around his neck, offered bugs for him to eat and started to paint him with red paint while chanting that word again.

"Ohh, Bunga, you look so pretty." Makini complimented after seeing Bunga's new paint job. "Pretty, I think you mean tough." Bunga said while posing. "What's going on, I can't see Bunga, why is he pretty?" Ono ranted, wanting to know what's going on. "You wouldn't believe it if I told you." Samuel replied with a chuckle. "He's being painted by a pack of little... uh... I don't know what they are, but they sure are cute." Beshte replied while those animals kept on worshipping Bunga and chanting that word. "They're about Bunga's size, red fur, white marks around their eyes and tails." Anga informed while looking at Ono. "Nawaza, nawaza, nawaza." Ono said while thinking. "Oh, they must be Red Pandas. I've never seen one, but they fit that description." Ono said. "But Red Pandas are solitary animals." Ono added while looking at the Guard. "Then why is there a whole pack of them?" Timothy asked while looking at the pack of Red Pandas, who picked Bunga up and started to carry him off somewhere.

"And more importantly, what do they want with Bunga?" Timothy asked again after seeing the Red Pandas carrying Bunga away. "I don't know, but let's find out. Come on!" Kion said as he and the rest of the Guard followed after Bunga and the Red Pandas. While running, Makini stopped and grabbed the tuliza then followed the Lion Guard again.

After following the Red Pandas, the Lion Guard saw that they placed Bunga on top of a rock while still chanting that word. "Weird!" Anga said in a sing-song tone. "Yeah, I like it." Bunga said while agreeing with Anga with a smile then started to chant with the Red Pandas, which caused them to stop, and that caused Bunga to stop chanting as well. "Okay, so what's next?" Bunga asked while looking at the Red Pandas. "Uh, excuse me?" Beshte asked one of the Red Pandas while walking up to him, who got startled by Beshte. "Who are you?" one of the Red Pandas asked while looking at Beshte. "I'm Beshte, we're Bunga's friends." Beshte replied. "Who?" The Red Panda asked while looking at Beshte with a confused expression.

"Um, Bunga." Samuel replied while pointing at Bunga. "Hi." Bunga greeted while waving his hand, who the Red Panda looked at. "Oh! You mean Sonnesen Khun, the Chosen One." The Red Panda said, which caused both Timothy and Lucy to look at each other with confused expressions. "Chosen One?" Kion asked while looking at the Red Panda with a confused expression. "Oh yes!" The Red Panda replied. "Legend foretold, the Chosen One would be a gift from the sky." The Red Panda explained. "And here he is!" The Red Panda added with an excited expression. "Here I am." Bunga said while agreeing with the Red Panda, and while another Red Panda was feeding him bugs. "And none too soon." The Red Panda said. "We have been waiting for the Chosen One ever since we were forced out of our homes!" The Red Panda added.

"So, what exactly has he been 'chosen' to do?" Fuli asked while looking at the Red Panda. "To fight and defeat... the Ghost of the Mountain!" The Red Panda replied, which caused Bunga to spit out the bugs he was eating. "Ghost!" Bunga said surprised with wide eyes. "You want me to fight a ghost?" Bunga asked still surprised. "Un-Bunga-lievable!" Bunga said with an excited expression. "Where is it? Let me at it." Bunga said while standing up in a defense position and making a confidence expression.

"So... are we just gonna let them keep Bunga?" Anga asked while looking at the rest of the Guard, which excited Fuli. "Can we?" Fuli asked with a smile and looking at Kion, who looked back at Fuli with a serious expression. Lucy then walked up behind Timothy. "I mean, how annoying can Bunga be?" Lucy asked while whispering into Timothy's ear. "If only you knew." Timothy replied after chuckling.

After that, Kion went and stood on top of the rock Bunga was standing on for the Red Pandas to see him. "Hi everyone, I'm Kion and we're the Lion Guard." Kion said introducing everyone and himself. "I know you think Bunga is your Chosen One... " Kion was about to say. "He is the Chosen One!" The Red Pandas protested. "Well he's actually part of the Lion Guard, and we need to get going." Kion finished. "The Chosen One cannot leave until he defeats the Ghost of the Mountain!" The Red Panda said while standing on the rock as well. "You heard him Kion, I gotta fight the ghost!" Bunga said agreeing with the Red Panda. "Bunga, there's no such thing as a ghost." Ono said to Bunga, which caused Timothy, Lucy and Samuel to look at each other with smirks.

"No such thing as a ghost!" Someone said which spooked the Lion Guard. "Domog! Domog!" The Red Pandas chanted while looking in a different direction. "Domag, is that me too?" Bunga asked while looking at the Red Panda. "No, it's him." The Red Panda replied while pointing at the bamboo, which was parted by two Red Pandas as an old Red Panda came out of it. "I am Domog, keeper of legends." Domog introduced himself as the Red Panda, that did most of the talking, helped Domog walk towards the Lion Guard. "It is an honor to meet you, Lion Guard." Domog said while lowering his head in respect at the Lion Guard, who were surperised. "As well as you, Energy Stone." Domog added while lowering his head at Timothy, who was shocked at the fact that Domog knew he was the Energy Stone.

"How did you know we're the Lion Guard?" Makini asked after gasping in excitement. "And more importantly, how did you know I'm the Energy Stone?" Timothy asked while looking at Domog with a surprised expression. "Uh, because he's the all-knowing legend keeper, duh." Bunga replied. "Actually I heard you introduce yourselves, I was just behind that bamboo." Domog replied to Makini's question. "Oh, right. I knew that." Bunga said, which caused Lucy to do a facepalm. "And I knew you were the Energy Stone, because one of your companions came this way not too long ago and told me that you were it." Domog replied to Timothy's question, which made Samuel's eyes widen.

"It's nice to meet you Domog, but about this Ghost of the Mountain... " Timothy was just about to say. "Indeed, you must learn the legend of the Ghost of the Mountain." Domog said as a spooky piano melody filled the air as Domog began to tell the Lion Guard about the Ghost of the Mountain.

Domog: Our legend begins not too long ago,

We Red Pandas met an invisible foe.

It came and destroyed what we treasured most,

Our homes and our peace and we named it the Ghost.

Red Pandas: Ghost, Ghost, Ghost of the Mountain,

Who knows where it'll appear?

Ghost, Ghost, Ghost of the Mountain,

Has us all living in fear.

Domog: We can't return home it keeps coming back,

The Ghost won't give up 'cause it likes to attack.

Living in hiding is all that we dared,

We're tired and hungry and so very scared.

Red Pandas: Ghost, Ghost, Ghost of the Mountain,

It could be anywhere.

Ghost, Ghost, Ghost of the Mountain,

Lives behind every scare.

Domog: It's a threat that you can't see,

Who knows where it could be?

Lurking behind every tree,

Is it coming for me?

So now we wait for our hero to come,

Out of the sky like the rising sun.

He'll drive out the Ghost and act like it's fun,

Sonnesen Khun, The Chosen One.

Red Pandas: Ghost, Ghost, Ghost of the Mountain,

Who knows where it'll appear?

Ghost, Ghost, Ghost of the Mountain,

Has us all living in fear.

Ghost, Ghost, Ghost of the Mountain,

It could be anywhere.

Ghost, Ghost, Ghost of the Mountain,

Lives behind every tear.

Domog: So beware and prepare for the ghost...

Red Pandas: Ghost...

Domog and the Red Pandas: Ghost of the Mountain.

"There's only one who can defeat the Ghost of the Mountain and give us back our freedom: Sonnesen Khun, The Chosen One." Domog explained after telling the Lion Guard the legend of the Ghost of the Mountain, then Bunga laughed and agreed with Domog. "Thank you Domog, that's a very... interesting legend." Kion thanked while looking at Domog with an unsure expression. "Yeah, expecially the part where I defeat the ghost!" Bunga said after sliding in and agreeing with Kion. "But if you don't mind, I need to have a talk with... the Chosen One." Kion requested while glancing at Bunga. "Take your time, We have lived in feara for many moons, we can survive a few more minutes." Domog replied then lowered his head at the Lion Guard in respect. "Thanks." Kion thanked Domog then looked at Bunga while motioning his head to the left, which caused everyone to follow Kion a little ways away from the Red Pandas.

"What do you think Kion, can I fight the ghost?" Binga asked Kion while stopped walking. "Bunga, there is no such thing as a ghost." Fuli protested, which caused Timothy to chuckle lightly. "I beg to differ." Timothy said after chuckling, which caused Bunga to cling onto his shirt with wide eyes. "You mean to say, you saw a real ghost!" Bunga said to Timothy with a huge smile. "Yes, and it's more of a spirit than a ghost." Timothy replied. "Now, can you please get off of me?" Timothy asked Bunga, who got off of him. "But I think we should help the Red Pandas." Timothy said, sharing his suggestion to the Lion Guard.

"How?" Fuli asked, which caused Samuel to walk up towards his brother's right. "Fuli's got a point, how can we defeat something that has already been killed?" Samuel asked while looking at Timothy with a confused expression. "And don't forget, we do need to get you, Kion and Ono to the Tree of Life." Lucy said while agreeing with Samuel and Fuli. "But they're so cute." Makini said to Lucy with a cute expression. "Kion?" Beshte asked while looking at him. "I think I agree with Timothy." Kion said while looking at Timothy. "All right!" Bunga cheered excitingly. "Seriously?" Fuli asked while looking at Kion with a serious expression. "Kion, you really think the Ghost of the Mountain is real?" Ono asked with a confused expression.

"I think something's scaring the Red Pandas from their homes." Kion replied. "And whatever it is, it doesn't respect the Circle of Life." Kion added. "Kion's right." Timothy said agreeing with Kion. "Even though we're not in the Pride Lands, we're still the Lion Guard, and we defend the Circle of Life." Timothy advised which caused Lucy to make a sad expression. "Now, we're gonna find this 'ghost' and make it leave the Red Pandas alone." Kion said while making his decision clear as he and Lion Guard walked toward Domog and the Red Pandas.

"Domog, if it's okay with you, the Lion Guard will help... the Chosen One fight the Ghost of the Mountain." Kion said to Domog, who thought about it. "The legend never mentioned the Chosen One's followers helping him." Domog said. "Followers?" Fuli and Lucy asked at the same time. "But it never said they didn't." Domog added. "Why not?" Domog replied. "Go Sonnesen Khun, take your loyal followers and defeat the Ghost of the Mountain." Domog commanded. After that, Bunga started to leave while saying goodbye to the Red Pandas. "C'mon loyal followers, we've got a ghost to catch." Bunga said while leading the way, but what Bunga said caused Fuli to have an annoyed expression. "Loyal followers." Fuli said under her breath.

"Farewell Chosen One, may fortune favor you!" Domog said to Bunga while waving his hand goodbye. After leaving, Samuel noticed that an owl with brown feathers and yellow eyes was perched on a tree branch and staring at him. Samuel was skeptical at first, but thought it was just a creepy owl so he just walked along. Then the owl flew off in another direction and when it landed, it landed on someone's arm!


The Lion Guard finally made it to the mountain, but they have not yet encountered the Ghost yet. "I'm just sayin', if it's true that I'm the Chosen One, which it obviously is, then it's also true that the Ghost of the Mountain is really a ghost." Bunga said to the Guard while walking with them. "Ghost or not, we still have to stop it." Timothy said while walking. While Lucy was walking, she felt air whooshing past her so she looked but saw nothing. "What was that?" Lucy asked after grunting, which caught everyone's attention. "What was what?" Samuel asked while looking at Lucy. "You okay Lucy?" Timothy asked, but then the air whooshed past them and the rest of the Guard, which startled them.

"Keep a close watch everyone, I think we just met the Ghost." Kion said while looking back at everyone then continued walking. "Yes, finally." Bunga cheered with a smile. Then, air whooshed past Makini, which startled to pull out her bakora staff and use it has a weapon. Everyone looked and saw Makini's reaction. "Maybe it really is a ghost." Fuli said with wide eyes. "Told ya." Bunga said to Fuli, who rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Anga, anything from up there?" Kion asked while looking at Anga, who flew around the area. "Nothing." Anga replied while continuing to spot the Ghost.

While walking, the air whooshed past Beshte, which startled him and caused him to hit the wall. As soon as he did, the wall started to shake. "What's that sound?" Ono asked while looking around on Beshte's back. "Uh-oh." Beshte said while looking up and seeing an icicle falling and landing in front of him. "Everybody, look out!" Beshte called out as more icicles fell and landed around the Lion Guard. "RUN!" Kion yelled which caused everyone to run from the icicles. While Timothy was running, he spotted an icicle was about to fall on Lucy. "LUCY!" Timothy called out which caught her attention then he pushed her out of the way before the icicle could hit her.

As for the Lion Guard, an icicle was just about to hit Bunga, but he stopped just in time and it landed right in front of him. "Ha, not today falling ice... thingy." Bunga said while pointing at it and running past it. The Lion Guard ran as fast as they could to avoid the falling icicles, until Makini stopped and realized that she doesn't have her bakora staff. "Oh! My staff!" Makini said as she turned around. "Leave it, Makini!" Fuli said after stopping and looking at Makini. "But the tuliza!" Makini begged while looking back at Fuli with a worried expression. "I got it! Keep running!" Fuli said as she ran back for the staff while Makini ran toward the rest of the Guard while avoiding the falling icicles.

After making it safe and sound, the Lion Guard all panted in exhaustion. "Thanks." Lucy said to Timothy with a smile. "Of course." Timothy replied while smiling back. After that, Fuli came back with Makini's staff. "Thank you, Fuli. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Makini thanked Fuli with a huge smile on her face. "No problem." Fuli replied to Makini after handing her the staff. "Sorry, Kion." Beshte apologized to Kion while looking at him. "It's not your fault." Kion reassured while looking back at Beshte with a smile. "Yeah, Big-B, it was the Ghost's!" Bunga added. After Bunga added that part, the Ghost's air whooshing sound was heard again. "It's back!" Samuel stated.

"Circle up! Backs together! It can't sneak up on us if we're watching every direction." Timothy said, which caused everyone to form a circle with their backs together. "So, what are we looking for?" Bunga asked while looking at Beshte. "I don't see anything." Anga informed while flying above the Guard and keeping an eye our for the Ghost. "Now you know how I feel." Ono said. "We're not just looking for the Ghost, we're listening for it as well." Timothy said to everyone while trying to sense out the Ghost. After Timothy said that, Kion felt the Ghost's presence in front of him, so he jumped forward a couple of times to try to catch it, but he caught nothing. "Gone again?" Kion asked himself as he looked around for it.

As Anga looked, she saw what looked like a huge white cat like creature jumped over a rock then disappeared into the snow. "There!" Anga called as she landed in front of the Guard. "I saw it!" Anga said which excited Bunga. "Ooh! You can see ghosts?" Bunga asked Anga with a smile. "It's not a ghost. It's a big cat with white fur." Anga informed. "I only saw it because it ran in front of that rock." Anga added while using her wing to point at the rock the white cat ran over. "It might be a Snow Leopard." Ono said. "A what?" Samuel asked Ono with a confused expression. "A Snow Leopard, their fur allows them to blend in with the snow, and essentially disappear." Ono replied. "Well, even if we know what it is, we still can't see it!" Samuel said to Ono. "Indeed." Ono agreed with Samuel while trying to think of a solution, then suddenly thought of something. "Oh! We might not be able to see the Snow Leopard, but we can see where it's been!" Ono said to everyone.

"Footprints! Good thinking, Ono." Kion praised Ono while looking at him. "Fuli, let's try to catch the Snow Leopard's scent while we're looking for footprints." Kion said to Fuli while looking at her. "Right." Fuli replied. "Yeah! Ghost prints and ghost scents, here we come!" Bunga said excited which caused Fuli to sigh in annoyance. "It's not a ghost." Fuli protested while rolling her eyes. While searching for the Leopard's footprints, Kion and Fuli were sniffing the air trying to catch it's scent while everyone else followed them while trying to look for it's footprints. "No prints here." Makini said while looking. "None here either." Beshte replied behind Makini. While searching for the footprints, Samuel was getting slightly annoyed by this so he looked at a random spot on the ground then made a fake smile. "Wow! Look at this guys! No prints over here!" Samuel said kicking the snow frustratingly, which caused Timothy to look at his brother with a worried/confused expression.

As for Bunga, he was scanning the snowy ground with his eyes on all fours for footprints until he found some to his surprise. "Aha! Got 'em!" Bunga said with a huge smile. "Zuka Zama!" Bunga shouted while running and following the footprints. Lucy noticed Bunga's excitement and noticed that Bunga was following the wrong pair of footprints. "Um, Bunga! Those footprints belong to... " Before Lucy could state, Bunga bumped into Fuli which knocked him back and causing Fuli to grunt and look back at Bunga with a slight glare. "Fuli." Lucy finished with a nervous smile while walking up to the two. "Bunga! Those are my footprints, not the Ghost's!" Fuli stated to Bunga, who jumped back up to his feet then smiled at Fuli. "Aha! So you admit there's a ghost!" Bunga replied to Fuli, who grunted in annoyance then continued to sniff the air for the Leopards footprints. Bunga then looked at Lucy with a glare. "You could've given me a heads up." Bunga said to Lucy, who scoffed in disbelief. "I tried to tell you." Lucy replied, which caused Bunga to smile again. "Oh well, Hakuna Matata." Bunga said, causing Lucy to shake her head in annoyance.

After that, Kion and Fuli were still trying to catch the Leopard's scent until Kion stopped and looked at Fuli. "Find anything?" Kion asked Fuli, who shook her head in response. "Just Bunga." Fuli said glancing at Bunga, who sniffed his right armpit. "I've still got it." Bunga said smiling at Kion and Fuli while putting his hands on his hips. Kion then looked at the ground in front of him "If we can't find it... " Kion started to say while thinking then smiled while looking at Timothy. "Then maybe Timothy can!" Kion said which surprised Timothy. "Me?" Timothy asked confused. "Of course he can." Bunga said while sliding in front of Timothy. "He can just use those powers of his and track down that Ghost in no time." Bunga added then looked at Timothy. "You can, can't you?" Bunga asked Timothy, who looked back at Bunga with an unsure expression. "I'll try." Timothy replied as he raised his right arm while closing his eyes to concentrate his magic.

During his concentration, Timothy's chest and scar started glowing yellow while he started to grunt a little. "Tim, you alright?" Lucy asked Timothy a little worried. "Never... better." Timothy replied through his grunts. Eventually, Timothy's magic failed as his chest and scar no longer glowed yellow and Timothy's eyes shot open then collapsed to the ground. Before anyone can worry, Timothy raised his right hand into the air. "I'm good." Timothy muffled in the snow as he got back on his feet, with Lucy's help. "What happened?" Kion asked Timothy with a confused expression. "Yeah, I thought your powers would allow you to find that Ghost already." Bunga said to Timothy, who sighed in exhaustion. "I'll... I'll explain later." Timothy said with a frown.

"There! Tracks! But they end just ahead." Anga reported while landing in front of the Guard. Kion then turned his body to face the Guard. "Let's go, and stay close. The Snow Leopard can be anywhere." Kion whispered, earning a nod of agreement from Timothy, who then looked at Makini who was standing next to Beshte. "Makini, stay back with Ono and defend him." Timothy said earning a determined expression from Makini. With that said, Ono flew off of Beshte's back and landed next to Makini, who pulled out her staff and did some fighting moves with it which surprised Ono.

As for the rest of the Guard, Kion and Timothy were ahead while the rest followed them as they were following the Leopard's tracks slowly. They spotted the tracks going behind a snow mound to their left so Kion slowly followed the tracks, only to get pushed back by the Snow Leopard, which was invisible. Timothy tried to fight it, but got pushed back by it as well. Fuli felt the Leopard's presence in front of her and lunged at it. "Got it!" Fuli called out with both Bunga and Samuel rushing up behind her. "Got it where?" Bunga asked while digging in the snow. "Where did it go?" Samuel asked while looking at Fuli. "I don't know, it was just here!" Fuli replied while looking back at Samuel.

After that, the Leopard's mist rushed between Fuli and Bunga, who spun around in the process. "Whoa! That all you got ghost?" Bunga said after he stopped spinning and doing a fighting position. Beshte then felt the Leopard's presence rushing by him, causing him to grunt. "It's over here! Twende Kiboko!" Beshte shouted as he rammed into the snow, but didn't hit the Leopard which caused Kion and Timothy to have confused expressions at Beshte who looked at them back matching their expressions. "And... now it's not." Beshte said while looking at both Kion and Timothy.

"I got it! Anga-lenga!" Anga shouted as she tailed the Snow Leopard, making it run into a rock formation with revealed the Snow Leopard to be a female with light blue eyes and dark grey markings around her fur. "There it is!" Timothy said while looking at the Snow Leopard. Kion then glanced at Fuli and Timothy, who both looked back at him with determined smiles. "Fuli, Timothy, with me! Everybody else, on the left." Kion said as everyone surrounded the female Snow Leopard who stood in a defensive position and glaring at the Lion Guard.

"We see you now, Ghost!" Bunga said to the Snow Leopard with a smile and crossed his arms. However, what Bunga said made the Snow Leopard scoff. "Ghost? The name's Chuluun. You must be friends of the Red Pandas." Chuluun said after introducing herself while giving the Guard an evil smirk. "That's right, and we need you to leave the Red Pandas alone." Kion said to Chuluun in a serious tone. "Oh, why? I'm just having fun!" Chuluun said to Kion after chuckling at him and giving him and evil expression. "This isn't about having fun. This is about forcing the Red Pandas out of their homes." Timothy said to Chuluun with an angry expression. "Yeah!" Bunga said agreeing with Timothy. "Haven't you ever heard of the Circle of Life?" Bunga asked Chuluun, who scoffed in disbelief while looking back at Bunga. "Circle of Life? I follow my own rules. And maybe it's time I teach those furballs my most important rule." Chuluun said as she stepped towards the snow with an evil expression. "To never challenge me!" Chuluun said in a dark tone as she blinded the Guard with the snow, causing her to escape.

"CHOSEN ONE!" Bunga shouted as he jumped onto Beshte's back then jumped off and landing on Chuluun's back while covering her eyes as the red paint on Bunga got smeared off of him and onto Chuluun's fur. "Oh yeah, Chosen One's got you now!" Bunga said to Chuluun still covering her eyes as she growled. Chuluun then got Bunga off of her back then used her hind legs to kick him into the snow, which caused more paint on Bunga to smear off of him, and Chuluun ran away with an evil chuckle. Bunga lifted his head from the snow and groaned in disappointment as he saw the red paint that the Red Pandas painted on him was ruined.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Guard were looking for him and Chuluun. During the search, Timothy already found him, but he also saw a red paint trail. "Oh no!" Timothy gasped, thinking that the red paint was blood. The rest of the Guard heard Timothy's cry and when they saw what he saw they immediately rushed towards Bunga, who was still sitting up. "Bunga?" Kion asked with a surprised expression after he and the Guard stopped in front of him. "Little B! You okay?" Beshte asked Bunga with a worried expression. "I'm fine, but she ruined my Chosen One paint job!" Bunga replied as he stood up and showed the Guard that most of the red paint was off of Bunga. Both Beshte and Timothy sighed in relief knowing that it was paint and not blood. "It's just the paint." Beshte said with a smile, earning a nod of agreement from Timothy.

Then out of nowhere, Makini and Ono joined with the rest of the Guard and Makini looked at Bunga with a smile. "Don't worry Bunga, we'll stop that Snow Leopard!" Makini reassured Bunga, but he placed his left hand on his right arm with a doubtful expression. "I don't know, maybe I'm not the Chosen One after all." Bunga said while looking down. Suddenly, some screaming can be heard which alerted the Lion Guard. "Anga?" Timothy asked while looking at Anga. "Yep." Anga replied as she flew up and spotted what's causing the screaming. "It's Chuluun! She's going after the Red Pandas." Anga informed while flying back down to the Guard. "But Bunga's paint rubbed off on her." Anga added. "If the paint rubbed off on Chuluun, then that means anyone can see her now!" Samuel said with wide eyes. "Then let's get a move on. They may be able see Chuluun, but I doubt those Red Pandas can defend themselves against her." Timothy said to the Guard. "Yeah, and I got a legend to fulfill!" Bunga said with a smile as the Lion Guard went off to save the Red Pandas from Chuluun.


Back in the Bamboo Forest, Chuluun was still attacking the Red Pandas and forcing them out of the Bamboo Forest, but chose to hide instead. Chuluun noticed two Red Pandas hiding underneath the Chosen One's rock, so she tilted the rock  and that got the Red Pandas to run out in fright which made Chuluun chuckle with delight. "Hey, that's the Chosen One's rock!" Bunga said to Chuluun, who looked and saw the Lion Guard. "You'll still have to see me to catch me!" Chuluun said with a laugh as she dashed through the snow, but due to the red paint on her, they saw where she went and she left the Bamboo Forest.

"Glad that she's gone." Lucy said while looking at Timothy, who nodded in agreement. "Yes, but she won't be gone for long." Timothy stated then looked at the open area. "Red Pandas, are you all okay?" Timothy called out which caused the Red Pandas and Domog to come out, but they went to Bunga. "Chosen One, thank you for chasing off that angry cat." Domog thanked Bunga. "Did you find the Ghost of the Mountain while you were away?" Domog asked Bunga, who looked back at Domog with a confused expression. "Uh, that cat was the Ghost." Bunga stated, earning a confused expression from Domog. "But we all saw it." Domog said. "Yeah yeah, 'cause the Chosen One smeared the Ghost's fur with paint. Now you don't have to be scared. You can see it!" Bunga replied with excitement, which surprised Domog and the Red Pandas. "Oh! All hail the Chosen One." The Red Panda said with a smile.

"Now the Chosen One will rid us of the Ghost of the Mountain for good!" Domog said as the rest of the Red Pandas joined with Domog and the Red Panda, that did most of the talking. "Yes! That's what I'll do!" Bunga said with excitement then turned to face Kion. "So Kion, how do we do that?" Bunga asked Kion, who gave him a smile. "You tell me, Chosen One." Kion replied, which got Bunga thinking about what to do next. "Oh! I know!" Bunga said as he had a thought while facing the Red Pandas. "The Ghost made you live together, let's see how she likes it when you fight together." Bunga said to the Red Pandas while sharing his idea. "Everyone, follow me. Let's go stop the Ghost, together!" Bunga said as he started to walk down the path Chuluun took while chanting "Stop the Ghost! Stop the Ghost!" As Bunga did that, the other Red Pandas followed him and did the chant. "It's still not a ghost." Fuli said while rolling her eyes in annoyance, which caused both Timothy and Lucy to chuckle at that and everyone started to leave the Bamboo Forest to stop Chuluun once and for all.

Just before leaving the Bamboo Forest, Samuel spotted the same Owl again. The same Owl with brown feathers and yellow eyes which caused Samuel to make a confused expression at it. Timothy looked back and saw his brother staring at that Owl so he walked towards him. "Hey Sam, what're you looking at?" Timothy said while looking at him and placing his right hand on his brother's right shoulder then glanceed at that Owl, but once he did the Owl flew off. "That Owl is strange." Samuel replied, earning a confused expression from Timothy. Why?" Timothy asked Samuel, who looked at him. "Just before we left the Bamboo Forest to find the Ghost of the Mountain, I saw that same Owl and it was staring at me." Samuel said to Timothy, but they were unaware that they were being watched by a silhouette of a Human in the bamboo. "Maybe it was just a crazy old Owl." Timothy suggested. "Now come on, we have to catch up with the others." Timothy said as he grabbed his brother's hand and started to lead Samuel back to the Guard. However, after they left, the silhouette stepped out of the bamboo with the same Owl on it's left arm.


Meanwhile back with the Lion Guard and the Red Pandas, they were following the mountain trail while Bunga and the Red Pandas were still chanting "Stop the Ghost!" However, Bunga stopped the Red Pandas and put a claw over his lips, signling them to be quiet as they looked ahead and saw Chuluun on a bolder, how chuckled to herself while leaping off the bolder. "They'll never see me coming." Chuluun said to herself thinking that she was invisible in the snow. "Okay, there she is." Bunga said to the Red Pandas as they saw her. "We can see her coming, follow me!" Bunga said as he, the Red Pandas and the Lion Guard followed Bunga as they began to charge at Chuluun, which surprised her. "You can see me?" Chuluun asked with wide eyes. "Ha, now we got her. Everyone spread out." Bunga said to the Red Pandas as erveyone spreaded out to cut off Chuluun's escape.

"Hiya ghosty ghost. Not so brave now that we can see ys, huh?" Bunga said to Chuluun, who looked behind her and saw that the snow flakes were causing the paint on her back to wash off, which caused her to chuckle evilly at everyone. "Bravery's overrated, when you're the Ghost of the Mountain!" Chuluun said as she rolled in the snow which caused all of the paint to wash off and started to disappear again, which caused the Red Pandas to gasp in fear. "She's disappearing! She really is a ghost!" The Red Panda said with wide eyes. "Not to worry. The Chosen One will do something." Domog reassured the other Red Pandas then glanced at Bunga. "Right?" Domog asked Bunga, who looked at Kion who gave him a nod which made him smile wide that he can do it. "Right, but I need your help." Bunga said as he looked at the Red Pandas. "Keep the Ghost surrounded, the Chosen One will take care of the rest!" Bunga said as he walked up to Chuluun with a glare.

Timothy instantly knew what Bunga was going to do so he turned towards the rest of the Guard. "Um, you all might want to cover your noses for this." Timothy said to them with a nervous smile. After Timothy said that, the Guard all covered their noses with whatever they could find but Lucy and Samuel looked at Timothy with confused expressions. "Why?" Samuel asked Timothy, who looked back at him and Lucy. "Trust me, when it comes you do not want to sniff it." Timothy replied as he started to cover his own nose. Samuel and Lucy were still confused but covered their noses anyway.

Back with Chuluun and Bunga, Chuluun started laughing mockingly at Bunga. "You? The Chosen One? Really?" Chuluun asked mockingly at Bunga, who continued to glare at her. "Are you really a ghost?" Bunga asked with a smirk which confused Chuluun. "CHOSEN ONE!" Bunga shouted as he ran towards Chuluun and when he was in front of her, he turned around and let his stink out all around Chuluun, who coughed in disgust with her eyes shut. "What is that?" Chuluun asked while stepping back then falling off the cliff and landing on a pile of snow. "Chosen one!" Bunga said while facing everyone. However, the stink also got to the Red Pandas and they also coughed in disgust, but after the stink cleared the Red Pandas cheered for Bunga and started to chant "Sonnesen Khun!" while lifting up Bunga in the air.

"The Chosen One's legend if fulfilled." Domog said to the rest of the Guard. "Though it was a lot stinkier than I expected." Domog added. "Yeah, thanks for the warning Timothy." Lucy thanked Timothy with a smile, who smiled back. "No problem." Timothy replied.


Back in the Bamboo Forest, the Red Pandas were still chanting "Sonnesen Khun!" then placed him on the ground. "So, what's next for the Chosen One?" Bunga asked Domog, who coughed for a moment then looked at Bunga. "Um, well... next, the Chosen One continues on his way." Domog replied to Bunga, who frowned in disappointment. "Oh, okay." Bunga said with a sad expression. "But... you've left us with something even I didn't foresee." Domog added which made Bunga smile again. "The power of stink?" Bunga asked Domog. "No." Domog replied while shaking his head. "The knowledge that although we Red Pandas prefer to be alone... we can come together when we must. We don't have to be afraid." Domog said as he and the other Red Pandas lowered their heads around Bunga in respect.

"Oh!" Makini said in excitement which caused everyone to look at her. "What is it Makini?" Samuel asked Makini, who showed them what they were looking for the whole time they were in the Bamboo Forest. "The next moja kwa moja stone! It was here the whole time!" Makini replied while everyone walked in front of it. As soon as everyone saw it, Makini tapped her bakora staff on it which caused it to some to life and showed the Tree of Life. which everyone was amazed at. Timothy then glanced at both Ono and Lucy. "Ono, Lucy, where do we go next?" Timothy asked Ono and Lucy. "Nawaza!" Ono chanted as his eyes glowed blue while remembering Rafiki's map. "The next landmark is through the bamboo then around a big mountain." Ono replied to the Guard. "Ono's right, and we're looking for a moja kwa moja stone that looks like this." Lucy stated as she pulled out her map showing the Guard what the next landmark looked like.

"Okay, let's go everyone." Kion said as he and Guard started to head out of the Bamboo Forest. "Wait!" Timothy said to the Guard. "Let me ask Domog something first." Timothy said as he and Samuel walked up to Domog. "Hey Domog, quick question?" Timothy asked Domog, who nodded in response. "You said another comrade of mine dropped by here not too long ago and told you that I was the Energy Stone, right?" Timothy asked Domog, who nodded in response. "Yes, but she was very mysterious." Domog replied. "She?" Samuel asked with a curious expression.

"Oh yes, she was very mysterious. Especially with that Owl of hers." Domog replied to the two brothers, who they both gasped in shock. "Owl!?" They asked at the same time with wide eyes. "Yes." Domog replied to the two. Samuel had a thought that made him look at Domog. "Answer me this question, what did this woman look like?" Samuel asked Domog, who put his right hand on his chin while remembering what this woman looked like. "All I can make out of her is hair almost as black as a Raven." Domog replied, which really shocked Samuel because he knew who it was. Timothy looked at his brother confused then looked back at Domog. "Well... thanks Domog. That's all I wanted to ask." Timothy said as he pulled Samuel back to the Guard. As soon as that was over, they started to leave the Bamboo Forest finally. "Bye." Bunga said to the Red Pandas as both he and Timothy waved at them. "Fairwell Chosen One and Energy Stone." Domog said to them. "Did the Chosen One's legend mention the stink?" The Red Panda asked Domog. "Who cares? The Ghost of the Mountain is gone!" Domog replied the Red Panda as they both waved the Lion Guard goodbye.

However, as the Lion Guard left the Bamboo Forest, they were unaware that the woman with the Owl on her left arm stepped out of the shadows of the bamboo and revealed herself to be none other than Cassandra who was watching the Lion Guard with a smirk! "Now, all they need to do is go a little bit further." Cassandra said to her Owl, who flew off and started to fly after them. As for Cassandra, she whistled and a female Horse appeared out of nowhere and stopped right beside Cassandra, so she can get on her Horse. Once she was on, she grabbed the reins and then the Horse along with Cassandra started running after the Lion Guard but at a certain distance, not realizing that two other creatures were also following the Lion Guard!

Next time on the Golden Guardian Adventures: Journey to the Tree of Life; Kion, Timothy and the Lion Guard have finally made it through the Bamboo Forest and are on their way to their next landmark. However, they are unaware about the creatures that were following them. One of them is just inspecting them with an Owl and Samuel knows it, but the other creatures look like they want revenge on the Lion Guard! Will Cassandra reveal herself to the Lion Guard, or will Samuel tell them about her first? Who are the other creatures following the Lion Guard? Will their next challenge be easy or difficult at their next landmark? Find out in the next installment of the Golden Guardian Adventures: Journey to the Tree of Life.

Finally! I've managed to finish this chapter! I'm so sorry that it took so long, but now it's here for all of you to enjoy. Also, try to answer this question. Who is this Cassandra? See if you can answer it. Have a great day.

'Till the Pride Lands End.

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