Chapter 6: Secrets of the Energy Stone Part 2

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Finally, the final part of the chapter. Like I said in the last chapter, there will be some of my art in this chapter that will help you get a better picture. Plus, songs from different movies/TV shows will also be in this chapter. I hope you enjoy it.



The Lion Guard: Kion, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Makini, Anga

Unknown: Cassandra


Unknown: Morgana

The Backlands: Makucha

The Bamboo Forest: Chuluun


"Wither and Decay; End this Destiny; Break these earthly Chains; And set the spirit Free." Kion kept on chanting with his eyes, scar, mane and the tip of his tail still pitch black, which is also still causing everyone in the room to groan, cough and/or gasp for air as if they were sick. "Wither and Decay; End this Destiny; Break these earthly Chains; And set the spirit Free." Kion chanted again as a tear rolled down his left cheek from his left eye. "K... Kion... stop... please!" Fuli tried to plead while also trying to raise her head, but Kion still kept on chanting the spell while Fuli collapsed her head to the ground with a painful groan.

Timothy looked at everyone and saw that they were nearly on the verge of death. Timothy knew he had to do something so he tried to get up, no matter how much pain he felt in his body. However, as he was getting up he noticed his heart area on his chest was glowing green, which reminded Timothy the incantation he said not too long ago. After remembering the incantation, Timothy placed his right hand on his heart, which caused both his chest and scar to glow green even more as he closed his eyes.

"Flower gleam and Glow; Let your power Shine; Make the clock Reverse; Bring back what once was Mine. Heal what has been Hurt; Change the fate's Design; Save what has been Lost; Bring back what once was Mine; What once was Mine." Timothy chanted, as the dark shadow around him began to fade and went back to it's original color. As Timothy said the rest of the incantation, the original color spread throughout the room causing the black shade to disappear, which was also making everyone feel better as they began to get back up and see what was happening.

They see Timothy floating off the ground with a green aura glowing around him as he faced Kion still chanting the decay incantation. When Timothy saw Kion still chanting, he raised his arms just slightly in the sky which caused a bright light to shine from Timothy and caused Kion to stop chanting. As the light faded from Timothy, he saw that Kion's scar, mane and the tip of his tail were back to their original color which made Timothy smile as his green aura and glow on his chest and his scar to fade as well while landing on the ground.

After Timothy landed on the ground, he rushed towards Kion who was unconscious at the base of the miniature snow mountain. "Kion?" Timothy called out hoping that Kion wasn't dead, but to Timothy's surprise, Kion opened his eyes and saw Timothy which made him smile. "That was... unexpected." Kion said with a chuckle which made Timothy hug Kion knowing he was okay. "Oh, thank goodness you're not dead. As your Wisest, I shouldn't have let you read that incantation Kion." Timothy said as tears began to form in his eyes. "It's okay Timothy. None of us knew what was gonna happen." Kion said as he broke the hug and tried to stood up with some help from Fuli and Makini.

However, Timothy thought about what Kion said then glanced at Cassandra, who was making sure everyone was alright. "Maybe one of us did." Timothy said as he glared at Cassandra.


Back in the main room, most of everyone were still recovering from the decay incantation while Timothy was starring at the pictograph on the floor. "What are you looking at?" Lucy asked while approaching Timothy. "Just this pictograph on the floor." Timothy replied while looking at it then looked at Lucy. "How are you doing?" Timothy asked Lucy. "I'm good. Still recovering though." Lucy replied with a smile, which made Timothy chuckle. "That's good." Timothy said as he looked back at the pictograph on the floor.

"What are you thinking?" Lucy asked while also looking at the pictograph on the floor. "I'm thinking that the incantations are connected to me, Samuel and Kion somehow, but I'm not sure yet." Timothy said while putting his right hand on his chin still thinking. "Could the Four Trees have something to do with them?" Lucy asked Timothy, which made his eyes go wide. "Lucy. You might be right." Timothy replied while looking at Lucy with a smile. "But to figure that out then we need some answers." Timothy added as he approached his brother. "Samuel, have you seen Cassandra anywhere?" Timothy asked Samuel, who shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Who's asking?" Cassandra asked from behind Timothy, who turned around and saw her. "I am, and I have a couple of questions to ask you." Timothy said to Cassandra, who rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Well, make it quick. I still have your girlfriend to check." Cassandra replied, which made Timothy grab her right hand angrily and pulling her to the pictograph. "Hey! Watch the hand!" Cassandra said as she yanked her right hand free from Timothy's hand, but also free from her glove which revealed her withered up hand. Once Timothy turned around, he noticed how messed up Cassandra's hand was with shocked him.

"Cassandra, what happened to your hand?" Timothy asked Cassandra with a confused expression. "Nothing." Cassandra replied as she yanked the glove out of Timothy's hand then putting it back on her right hand while stomping past him. "Did the decay incantation do that to your hand?" Timothy asked Cassandra, who got tired of it as she pulled out her sword and aiming it at Timothy's throat. "I SAID NOTHING!" Cassandra shouted while glaring at Timothy, almost about to kill him instantly.

When everyone else saw that, some were either shocked or glaring at Cassandra. There was a long pause until something unexpected happened. As Cassandra was glaring at Timothy, her glare slowly turned into a sad expression as she lowered her sword and falling to her knees while sobbing, which surprised the Guard. Timothy was also surprised on what just happened which caused him to look at his brother, who shrugged his shoulders while walking towards them. As soon as Samuel was right next to Timothy, they looked down at Cassandra who was still sobbing on the floor.

Both Timothy and Samuel got down on one knee so they were at eye level with Cassandra. who looked back at both of them. "I'm... I'm sorry." Cassandra apologized with a shaky voice. "You're right. The decay incantation did cause my hand to be like this, but it was a long time ago." Cassandra said while taking off her right glove again, revealing her withered hand to both Timothy and Samuel. "So, you do know about the incantations." Samuel concluded, which made Cassandra nod slightly. "The question is, how?" Timothy asked, which caused Cassandra to get back up and lead the two brothers back to the sun and moon pictograph.

"Because if this." Cassandra replied while pointing at the pictograph which caused Timothy and Samuel to have confused expressions. "And... how is that the answer?" Samuel asked Cassandra. "Before I answer that, I believe everyone else should also listen to this." Cassandra replied as she raised her voice just enough for everyone else to hear her. After the rest of the Guard heard her, they walked towards Cassandra, Timothy and Samuel as they began to hear Cassandra's answer. "Just to let you all know that this answer is also a really long story so get comfortable." Cassandra said as Bunga got on top of Beshte's back with Ono, Makini laid her head back against Beshte's side and everyone else just sat down, ready to hear Cassandra's story.

"A long, long time ago. before any of us were born, probably when this world was still young, two pieces of power fell from both the sun and the moon."

"The sun's piece of power was called the Sundrop, which had the power to heal and give light, and the moon's piece of power was called... the Moonstone, which had the power to decay and destroy, basically the exact opposite of the Sundrop."

"The Sundrop first started off as a magical golden flower and the Moonstone took the form of an opal stone. Before the Sundrop and Moonstone fell into the world, they belonged together like yin and yang."

"Some time went on and there was someone out there trying to find the Sundrop and Moonstone, and his name was Lord Demanitus."

After Cassandra said that name, Timothy, Lucy and Samuel all smiled at each other because they already know who Demanitus was.

"Lord Demanitus and his pupils went out to find them until his pupils betrayed him and unleashed Demanitus' arch nemesis... Zhan Tiri!"

After Cassandra said the nemesis' name, most of the Guard shivered at the name while the rest had serious expressions.

"Luckily, Demanitus constructed a device to banish Zhan Tiri into another realm. However, after Zhan Tiri's banishment, the pupils, Mrs. Sugarby, Mr. Matthews and... Mother Gothel became his loyal followers and tried to think of ways to find both the Sundrop and Moonstone to free Zhan Tiri. After a couple more years of research, Demanitus wrote down everything he knew about the Sundrop and Moonstone on a single piece of scroll, but his knowledge about them were too dangerous for any one person to wield so he tore the scroll apart so that no one could have that knowledge about the Sundrop and Moonstone."

"And as for the Sundrop and Moonstone?" Lucy asked. "Oh, they were both found but used in different ways." Cassandra replied.

"The Moonstone was found, but after seeing how dangerous it was, a kingdom grew around it called the Dark Kingdom. A kingdom sworn to keep anyone away and safe from the Moonstone. As for the Sundrop, it was founded by Mother Gothel who used the healing power of the flower to keep herself young for a long time, until a nearby kingdom named Corona founded the Sundrop flower and took it to the king and queen."

"The King and Queen of Corona needed the flower because the Queen was having a baby, but she was also gravely ill. And so, the healing magic of the Sundrop flower healed the Queen and she gave birth to a baby girl with golden hair. The kingdom of Corona celebrated her birth but while that was happening, the place where the Sundrop flower had came from became enchanted and it soon became filled with Black Rocks. Rocks that grow out of the ground causing destruction wherever they go and what's worse was that those Black Rocks are connected to the Moonstone!"

Some of the Guard gasped when Cassandra said that. "Yes." Cassandra said as she continued the story.

"Since the Sundrop and Moonstone belong together, I think it sensed the Sundrop being there so it grew it's Black Rocks there to investigate the place. Anyway, on the same night and the same day the baby was born, Mother Gothel snuck into the castle and stole the baby girl after finding out that the healing power is in the baby's golden hair. The King and Queen of Corona sent out guards to search for the Princess but had no luck. As for Mother Gothel, she hid the Princess in a hidden tower where no one can find her and for her to have the Sundrop's healing magic all for herself."

"A few more years went by and the baby girl, who was named Rapunzel, grew in the tower as her hair grew longer and longer thinking that Mother Gothel was her mother, along with her Chameleon friend."

"Hey, we're also friends with a Chameleon." Beshte interrupted. "Okay... well, as I was saying." Cassandra said continuing her story.

"Rapunzel grew up in the tower with her Chameleon friend named Pascal and had the best life ever, until someone found the tower. This someone was a thief named Flynn Rider, well that was his fake name. His real name was Eugene Fitzherbert. Once Eugene found the tower and Rapunzel, she told him to take her to the flouting lights she's been seeing only on her birthday with a little interrogation, which caused him to agree to take her to the flouting lights."

"However, during their adventure to see the flouting lights, Rapunzel found out that she was the lost princess of Corona, so when she returned to the tower she and Eugene faced Mother Gothel and defeated her, but it involved with Rapunzel's hair getting cut and turned brown in the process. After so many years of staying young, Mother Gothel grew older and older until she was no more."

"After Mother Gothel's defeat, Eugene brought Rapunzel back to the King and Queen of Corona and she, Eugene and everyone lived happily ever after... that was until she snuck out before her coronation, thanks to me."

"Wait, you?" Samuel asked. "Yeah. Surprise, I actually know Rapunzel. In fact, I was her handmaiden once." Cassandra replied. "Uh-huh. Please, continue." Samuel pleaded.

"Okay, as I was saying, I led Rapunzel out of Corona before her coronation then stumbled upon the spot where the Sundrop flower once grew and saw the Black Rocks. When Rapunzel touched the Rocks, her golden hair grew back but it didn't contain the healing powers it did before and it was also unbreakable. So unbreakable that it just wouldn't cut."

"Eventually, everyone knew about the hair and that I snuck Rapunzel out, but that was also the day when the King of Corona told his daughter everything about the Sundrop flower and the Black Rocks and when Rapunzel touched the Black Rocks again, they formed a path for her to follow, almost as if they were leading her towards her destiny."

"Well look here. Following mysterious things that might lead them to their destiny. Does that sound familiar Timothy?" Lucy asked Timothy with a smirk. All Timothy did was chuckle in response while Cassandra waited for Lucy to stop talking so she can continue her story.

"So, Rapunzel, Eugene and I followed the Black Rocks and encountered some 'road bumps' while on our way there then soon enough, they led us to the Moonstone's exact location, the Dark Kingdom!"

Most of the Guard gasped at the name. "Ooh! Did you have a lot of fire sticks to help you see in the Dark Kingdom?" Bunga asked Cassandra with a smile, which caused everyone to look at him with a bored expression. "You mean torches? No, it wasn't actually dark at the Dark Kingdom." Cassandra replied with an annoyed expression. "Now, where was I? Oh, yes."

"When we made it to the Dark Kingdom, it took some convincing to let the King of the Dark Kingdom to let us into the Moonstone's chamber and then, there it was! Flouting in the air while surrounded by a Black Rock cage and saw Rapunzel started to approach it, the Stone flouted out of it's cage and towards Rapunzel, while she reached out her hand and tried to grab it. But as soon as Rapunzel was about to face her destiny... I grabbed the Moonstone before Rapunzel could."

The Guard gasped in disbelief on what they were hearing. "You betrayed your own friend, let alone the Sundrop!?" Timothy asked Cassandra, who nodded in response with a disappointed expression. "Why?" Samuel asked. "I'll get to that." Cassandra replied then continued her story.

"When I grabbed the Moonstone before Rapunzel could, I harnessed it's power and it changed my appearance. However, I meant to betray her because during out journey to the Dark Kingdom, I encountered a little ghost girl who took me to see my past, which caused me to betray Rapunzel."

"I thought if I took the Moonstone my destiny would then be revealed to me, but it didn't until the little ghost girl said that my destiny was to destroy Rapunzel, which I really didn't want to do, but I've let so much anger and hate into my head that I nearly lost what I loved. The battle between me and Rapunzel went on for quite some time until, I've made the worst discovery ever."

"Oh, boy." Makini wined with a scared expression. "What was it!" Ono said with wide eyes and in a worried tone. "Well, after mine and Rapunzel's first fight at my Black Rock tower, the little ghost girl then became flesh and bone, and when I gabbed her shoulders I saw sudden visions that told me that the little girl was none other than the demon Zhan Tiri!" Cassandra replied. "Havi Kabisa!" Kion said with wide eyes. "Hapana!" Ono said. "Un-Bunga-lievable!" Bunga also said, while everyone else had shocked expressions. "Are you serious?" Lucy asked with a shocked expression. "Yes." Cassandra replied.

"Zhan Tiri manipulated the friendship between me and Rapunzel just to get both the Sundrop and Moonstone and... it worked! When I was just about to take the Sundrop from Rapunzel, Zhan Tiri came out of nowhere and took the Moonstone from me then grabbed the Sundrop! Then, me and Rapunzel made up and worked together to defeat Zhan Tiri and reconnect the Sundrop and Moonstone into a brand new stone."

"Once the Sundrop and Moonstone was reconnected into what I like to call the 'Eclipse Stone,' it was sent back up into the heavens, waiting to return to this world again. Then, after all that has happened, I left Corona to try and find my own destiny, to see where I belong. And that is the origin of the Sundrop and the Moonstone, plus what I've been through."

Cassandra had finally finished her story while everyone was interested in it. "That was an interesting story Cassandra, but what does this story have to do with the incantations?" Samuel asked Cassandra. "Well, you see, the Sundrop and Moonstone each had two incantations. The Sundrop had the Sun and Healing incantations while the Moonstone had the Decay and Moon incantation." Cassandra replied. "And trust me, I've seen all of them first hand." Cassandra replied while thinking about the times she has encountered the four incantations.

"Ooh! Ooh! When you had those sudden visions, what kinds of visions did you see?" Makini asked with excitement while jumping up and down. "I saw multiple visions when I grabbed Zhan Tiri's shoulders, but the vision that interested me most was the one when it showed me the Sundrop, Moonstone and another object falling from the heavens and onto this world." Cassandra replied.

"And after that vision, it showed me a vision of the Sundrop and Moonstone combining their power into something else, but it was so white I didn't see what it was. All I can make out was that there were four colors shining from that object the Sundrop and Moonstone made." Cassandra added. "What were the colors?" Kion asked with a confused expression. "Hmm, it was yellow, green, blue and red." Cassandra replied.

However, after Cassandra replied that it caused Timothy to go wide eyed. "Cassandra! Those colors are the exact same colors that shine off of the Energy Stone!" Timothy revealed which made everyone's eyes go wide. "And plus, we know who Demanitus is." Lucy said with a smile. "WHAT!" Everyone shouted in disbelief. "Well, not 'know him' know him, but we've heard of him." Lucy added while trying to calm everyone down. "What! How so?" Cassandra replied, which caused Timothy to inhale then exhale as he began explaining.

"Me, Lucy and another friend of ours found a book in an old cottage a long time ago. It said that there were two Humans named Agmar and Rose. They also had a helper who was also a wizard named Merlin. Together, they discovered powerful stones throughout the world just to see what they can do. Agmar and Rose already found six, but Merlin found them another stone and it was none other than the Energy Stone, which is in my heart right now, believe it or not."

"Woah!" Everyone gasped except Lucy and Samuel as Timothy continued explaining.

"After figuring out the Energy Stone, Merlin found out that there were two other objects that fell from the heavens so he sent his first apprentice to find them and, believe it or not, but the apprentice's name was Demanitus!"

After Timothy revealed the very name, everyone was just shocked. "Wait! Are you serious?" Cassandra asked with wide eyes. "Yep. You see Cassandra, there are things that we know and things that you know. If we put them together, they might have something in common." Timothy replied to Cassandra with a smile. "Yeah. Maybe the object the Sundrop and Moonstone created was the Energy Stone." Cassandra said to Timothy while smiling back. "And I guess the two other objects that fell from the heavens must've been the Sundrop and Moonstone." Timothy replied. 

"And hearing your story kinda makes you and Rapunzel sisters." Samuel stated. "And if you wielded the Moonstone and Rapunzel wielded the Sundrop, that also kinda makes Timothy your brother since he wields the Energy Stone." Samuel added. "You know what, now that you think about it, Samuel's right." Lucy said agreeing with Samuel, which made Timothy and Cassandra smile. "I guess it does make sense." Timothy said, earning a nod from Cassandra.

"Wait." Kion interrupted as he approached the four Humans. "Cassandra, you said you were out in the world trying to find your destiny, right?" Kion asked Cassandra, who nodded in response. "Were you alone while searching for it?" Kion asked, earning a sigh from Cassandra. "If by alone from other people, then yes. But, Owl has been by my side for a long time." Cassandra replied as her Owl landed on her left arm. "So, that's your Owl's name." Samuel said while looking at Owl. "Yep. He's an attack Owl." Cassandra replied.

"Well, back to what I was saying, since you have been traveling around the world while trying to find your destiny, how about you travel with us?" Kion offered to Cassandra with a smile. Cassandra was surprised at such an offer. "I don't know. Where are all of you going?" Cassandra asked everyone. "We're going to the Tree of Life to get Ono, Timothy and Kion healed." Makini replied with a smile. Cassandra was somewhat confused while looking Ono, Timothy and Kion. "Are you three hurt? Get healed from what?" Cassandra asked the three with a confused expression.

"Well... Ono is blind due to vog he got from a volcano." Kion replied while looking at Ono. "Hmm, let me guess, poisonous volcanic fumes?" Cassandra asked Ono while crossing her arms. "Yep. Bunga was falling into lava, so I swooped down and pulled him back up to safety." Ono replied, then Kion and Timothy started rubbing their scars while grunting. Cassandra noticed that as she looked at both Kion and Timothy, who stopped rubbing their scars. "And I'm guessing both of your scars need healing as well?" Cassandra asked Kion and Timothy. 

"You guessed right. Our scars are actually counter parts to each other, which explains why we both rub them at the same time. And every time I lose control of the Roar, Timothy does a power burst." Kion replied. "And what's worse is that our scars are the Marks of Evil. If we don't make it to the Tree of Life soon, then we will no longer be ourselves." Timothy added with a sad expression. "Which will never happen, as long as we have tuliza." Makini said as she pulled out some tuliza blossoms out of the gourd and feeding them to Kion, which calmed down both him and Timothy.

"Well, it's a good thing your feeding those blossoms to Kion and not Timothy." Cassandra said, which confused everyone. "Why's that?" Beshte asked. "Because, tuliza is deadly poisonous to Humans." Cassandra replied which surprised everyone. "Really?" Makini asked with a shocked expression. "Yep. I actually discovered it last week, but was able to cure myself." Cassandra replied. "Makini, when was the last time you fed Timothy tuliza?" Lucy asked Makini with a worried expression. "I haven't fed Timothy any tuliza." Makini replied. "It's true, Makini hasn't offered me any tuliza since the start of this journey." Timothy said agreeing with Makini.

"Okay." Cassandra said as another thought came into her mind. "So, is there another reason why you all are going to the Tree of Life?" Cassandra asked, which caused Timothy, Lucy, Samuel and Kion to look at each other with guilty expressions. "Nope, just getting our friends healed is our top priority." Fuli replied with a smile. "Actually, let's not clarify that just yet." Timothy said as he looked at the Guard while rubbing the back of his head with a nervous expression. "What do you mean?" Anga asked with a suspicious expression.

"Well... there's a... Voice... and it has been... leading us... to the Tree of Life... this entire time." Timothy replied with a nervous chuckle. "Are you KIDDING ME!? What other kinds of secrets are you keeping from us Timothy?" Fuli asked angrily at Timothy. "Easy Fuli. Don't get mad at Timothy for this." Kion reassured. "How can you be so calm Kion? Did you not hear what Timothy just said?" Bunga asked Kion, who lowered his ears. "I did, and the reason I'm not surprised by this is because... I hear it too." Kion replied, which shocked the Guard. "And so do I." Samuel added while standing behind Kion.

"When were you gonna tell us all of this Kion?" Beshte asked Kion with a disbelief expression. "I didn't know, but I was going to tell you guys eventually." Kion replied. "When did you started hearing it?" Makini asked with excitement. "Ever since the Backlands." Kion replied. "The Backlands? Kion, that was nearly a week ago." Fuli said to Kion angrily. "Why didn't you tell us?" Fuli asked. "ENOUGH!" Timothy shouted as he formed a small shockwave which surprised everyone. "This is why I didn't want Kion to tell any of you. I knew if he'd tell you then you all would just feud and fight like this." Timothy explained then fell to the ground in exhaustion.

As soon as Timothy fell, Lucy instantly rushed towards him and helped him up. "The Voice is hear... because of me." Timothy said with a guilty expression. "So if you want to get angry at anyone, you can be angry at me." Timothy said with a sad expression. Everyone looked at each other then looked back at Timothy. "When did you start hearing the Voice?" Bunga asked Timothy, who looked at everyone. "It was the same day I got this." Timothy replied while pointing at his scar, which confused everyone. "Can you tell us?" Kion asked.

Timothy was hesitant before while looking down at the ground then looked back at the Guard. "It was just after I got my scar and banished my uncle Strykore in a dimensional prison. The opening of the prison wouldn't close and was sucking everything inside it. That was when I made a decision, a decision to destroy what I thought was the source of my powers, the Energy Sword." Timothy said while earning a gasp from everyone. "After destroying the Sword, the prison closed and then the Sword's pieces turned into mists then flew into my heart, and that's when I heard the Voice for the first time and then, that's when I discovered my power burst." Timothy continued.

"A year after, I was visited by another uncle of mine in a dream and he told me about the Voice. He told me to follow it wherever it leads, but if I didn't then evil will find it's way to me, which is why I think is my fault that Eris died in the first place." Timothy said as tears began to form, while the ground around Timothy began to turn dark. "And now, because of it, it has caused all of you to get angry at Kion, which is exactly why I didn't want to follow that stupid Voice in the first place." Timothy said angrily then got on his knees while sobbing.

The Guard was silent after hearing what they heard from Timothy, who continued to sob, and they looked at each other with guilty expressions. "Um... Timothy? Who else hears this Voice?" Beshte asked Timothy in his kindest tone. "So far, it's just me, by brother Samuel, Kion and two others. In fact, they're the ice statues I summon every time I do a power burst." Timothy replied as he wiped away his tears and the ground around him turned back into a white glow. "Look, Timothy. We're the Lion Guard and we help each other no matter what the problem is." Bunga said to Timothy while placing his right hand on Timothy's left shoulder.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Bunga's right." Fuli said agreeing with Bunga. "But we can't help each other if we don't know what the problem is." Fuli added with a smile. "And not only that, but we also must trust each other. I mean, isn't that was friends do?" Beshte asked while looking at everyone else. "Affirmative." Ono replied. "Of course." Makini replied. "Yep." Anga replied. "You need to stop looking at yourself as Strykore Timothy, and look at yourself as the boy who became Loyal, Brave and True." Lucy reassured while Samuel and Cassandra nodded in agreement.

"Lucy's right, Timothy." Kion said agreeing with Lucy while stepping in front of Timothy and placing his right paw on Timothy's left shoulder. "Sure you made some mistakes, but that doesn't always mean you'll be alone. You always have all of us, your friends to count on and trust." Kion reassured as a sympathetic melody filled the mane room they were in.

(The song I chose is the new Disney song "Lead the Way" from Raya and the Last Dragon)

Kion: We have a choice to build or destroy,
To fight or to come together.

Samuel: Love is a bridge and trust is a gift,
We give it and it gets better

Bunga: There is energy within the air,
And there's energy deep in your heart.

Ono: That's a legacy that you honor,
When you bring the light to the dark.

Beshte: Whatever brings us together can nevеr tear us apart,
We becomе stronger than ever.

Kion, Samuel, Bunga, Ono and Beshte: When we just trust.

Lucy, Fuli, Anga, Makini and Cassandra: Trust and believe it, you'll see that,
We'll lead the way.

Kion, Samuel, Bunga, Ono and Beshte: When we just trust.

Lucy, Fuli, Anga, Makini and Cassandra: Trust and believe it, you'll see that,
We'll lead the way.

Kion, Samuel, Bunga, Ono and Beshte: When we just trust.

Lucy, Fuli, Anga, Makini and Cassandra: Trust and believe it, you'll see that,
We'll lead the way.

Kion, Samuel, Bunga, Ono and Beshte: When we just trust.

Lucy, Fuli, Anga, Makini and Cassandra: Trust and believe it, you'll see that,
We'll lead the way.

Lucy: When you're broken, open up your heart and feel,
There's no difference, we're all family here.

Fuli: Despite all of our doubts, all our up and downs,
There is never really anything to fear.

Anga: There is energy within the air,
And there's energy deep in your heart.

Makini: That's a legacy that you honor,
When you bring the light to the dark.

Cassandra: Whatever brings us together can nevеr tear us apart,
We becomе stronger than ever.

Lucy, Fuli, Anga, Makini and Cassandra: When we just trust.

Kion, Samuel, Bunga, Ono and Beshte: Trust and believe it, you'll see that,
We'll lead the way.

Lucy, Fuli, Anga, Makini and Cassandra: When we just trust.

Kion, Samuel, Bunga, Ono and Beshte: Trust and believe it, you'll see that,
We'll lead the way.

Lucy, Fuli, Anga, Makini and Cassandra: When we just trust.

Kion, Samuel, Bunga, Ono and Beshte: Trust and believe it, you'll see that,
We'll lead the way.

Lucy, Fuli, Anga, Makini and Cassandra: When we just trust.

Kion, Samuel, Bunga, Ono and Beshte: Trust and believe it, you'll see that,
We'll lead the way.

"Timothy, I believe that you can do anything you put your mind to. As long as you remain true to who you truly are inside your heart, nothing can take you down." Kion reassured which made Timothy smile and cheered up as he stood up and stared at the pictogram at the center of the room on the ground.

Timothy: Taking my first step, I start to see myself,
Nothing I can't do.

Put the past behind, learn from Life itself,
We can start brand new.

There is energy within the air,
And there's energy deep in your heart.

That's a legacy that you honor,
When you bring the light to the dark.

Whatever brings us together can nevеr tear us apart,
We becomе stronger than ever.

When we just trust.

Everyone else: Trust and believe it, you'll see that,
We'll lead the way.

Timothy: When we just trust.

Everyone else: Trust and believe it, you'll see that,
We'll lead the way.

Timothy: When we just trust.

Everyone else: Trust and believe it, you'll see that,
We'll lead the way.

Timothy: When we just trust.

Everyone else: Trust and believe it, you'll see that,
We'll lead the way.

After the song ended, Timothy then walks towards the pictogram on the floor and stands in the center of it, which glowed white again like it did before. But as soon as that happened, the other four spots began to glow as well, but in different colors. The sun platform was glowing yellow, the leaf platform was glowing green, the star platform was glowing blue and the crescent moon platform was glowing red. Timothy saw this and when he did, he gasped while realizing something unbelievable while looking at both Samuel and Kion, who were at a safe distance away from the pictogram.

"Samuel! Kion! Trust me what I'm about to tell you! Samuel, step onto the sun platform while Kion, you step onto the leaf platform!" Timothy said to both Samuel and Kion, who were hesitant at first, but decided to do what Timothy said anyway. Samuel and Kion stepped onto the platforms they were told to stand but once they did, their platforms began to glow their color even brighter which nearly blinded everyone in the room.

After that, the bright light began to glow dimmer and dimmer until everyone can see again, and what everyone saw brought shocked expressions to everyone. What everyone saw was that there were two ice statues standing on the two empty platforms and there were four trees standing behind each platform. As Timothy looked around, he noticed that both his heart and his scar were glowing white which also stung him a bit.

After that, Timothy then looked at Samuel and saw that a strand of his hair was now yellow. Timothy then looked at Kion and saw that his scar was glowing green, which shocked the Guard. "Is everyone alright?" Cassandra asked everyone, who gave a nod or a response. "We're good." Samuel replied. "Yep. How about you Timothy?" Kion asked Timothy, who didn't reply as he looked at the ice statues and trees around him. "Timothy? Are you good?" Lucy asked Timothy, who looked back at everyone with a shocked expression.

"I think I figured it out." Timothy said as he, Samuel and Kion walked towards everyone else. "Figured what out?" Makini asked with a curious expression. "I think the Energy Stone, it's Energy Fragments, the Voice, the Four Trees, me, Samuel, Kion and the other two creatures that hear the Voice are all connected to each other somehow." Timothy replied which earned gasps from everyone. "What makes you think that?" Kion asked Timothy.

"Okay, when Merlin found the Energy Stone and brought it to Agmar and Rose, they studied it and it had a mix between four elements. Light, Life, Magic and Dark. Each element had a symbol, and those symbols are in that pictogram right there." Timothy replied as he showed everyone the symbols. "The sun symbol means Light, the leaf symbol means Life, the star symbol means Magic and the crescent moon symbol means Darkness." Timothy inscribed. "And that's not all, I think I know why the Voice is wanting us to go to the Tree of Life." Timothy said.

"Really? Why's that?" Samuel asked. "Because the Tree of Life was actually grown by the power of the Energy Stone." Timothy replied which earned another round of gasps from everyone except Lucy. "Do you even know that's true?" Cassandra asked. "I mean, think about it. Energy fragment of Life, the Life symbol, the Tree of Life. The signs are all right here in this room." Timothy replied. "Plus, it would appear that it was destined for us to go to the Tree of Life because Kion, your scar is glowing green, the same color of the Life symbol and you hear the Voice which is constantly leading us to the Tree of Life." Timothy explained.

Everyone was finally getting the picture, but had worried expressions while looking at Timothy. "Do you know what'll be waiting for us at the end of our journey Timothy?" Fuli asked while stepping forward. "No, but I'm not worried. I have all of you, and as long as we stick together as friends, nothing will take us down." Timothy said to his friends with a determined expression. "Timothy's right, and I believe in that Voice I keep hearing." Kion said agreeing with Timothy then walked forward until we was at the entrance of the white spike fortress while looking out and seeing the sunrise.

"I may not know what the future may hold for us, but I know I won't face it alone. I'm following the Voice to the Tree of Life." Kion said as he looked at the sunrise with a determined expression. "Then it's a good thing you have us." Bunga said as he wrapped his left arm around Kion's back as everyone else stood by Kion's side. Samuel then looked at Cassandra, "I take it that you're coming with us?" Samuel asked Cassandra, who thought about it for a second then smiled at Samuel. "Yes. I'm coming with you guys." Cassandra replied, earning smiles from everyone.

"Right, where are we off to today, Kion? Something good? Something bad? Bit of both?" Timothy asked Kion, who looked back at him. "Why don't you take the lead this time Timothy." Kion said to Timothy with a smile. Timothy smiles back at Kion then looks at the path in front of him and his friends. "Alright. Bit of both." Timothy said as he and everyone else exited the white spike fortress and continuing their journey to the Tree of Life, not knowing that two familiar felines were following their tails. Not only that, but there also seems to be a bit of dark-yellow magic mist following the Guard as well!

Next time on the Golden Guardian Adventures: Journey to the Tree of Life: After finding out the Energy Stone's secrets, well most of them, the Lion Guard continued their journey to the Tree of Life which the Voice is leading them to, specifically Timothy, Samuel and Kion. Also, their new ally, Cassandra is traveling along with them while trying to find her own destiny, just to make up for her past. What will the Voice and the future have in store for Timothy and his friends? What sort of destiny waits for Kion at the Tree of Life? Who and/or what is following the Guard? Find out in the next installment of the Golden Guardian Adventures: Journey to the Tree of Life.

Well, I've finally did it. Finished with part two of the two chapters. I hope you enjoy it and part one. If you do, please give it a vote and if you have any questions about anything, just ask me in the comments. Later everyone.

'Till the Pride Lands End.

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