Chapter 7: Dragon Island

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I know I haven't uploaded an update for this book for a while now, but now that I'm on Summer break, I hope I can finish this book and the next one by the time it's over. Like the original episode, it's gonna be the same but slightly different. But, I think you're already aware of that. I hope you enjoy this chapter.



The Lion Guard: Kion, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Anga and Makini

Unknown: Cassandra


Unknown: Morgana

The Backlands: Makucha

The Bamboo Forest: Chuluun


The Lion Guard has made great progress so far as they continued following the moja kwa moja stones to the Tree of Life. After leaving the White Spike palace and now having Cassandra in the group, they were running up a hill while Kion was leading the way. "Almost there! Anga said the next moja kwa moja stone is just over this hill." Kion said while stopping and looking at his friends then continued running. "I sure hope she's right." Cassandra said under her breath. "Don't worry, Cass. I'm sure the next moja kwa moja stone is nearby." Samuel reassured while wrapping his left arm around Cassandra, who smiled a bit at him.

While running, Fuli heard a sound that made her stop. "Kion, wait." Fuli called which caused everyone to stop. "Do you hear that?" Fuli asked while everyone began hearing the sound as well. "That you, Big B?" Bunga asked Beshte while putting his ear next to Beshte's body. "I don't think so." Beshte replied. "Sounds like growling Leopards!" Makini said in a worried tone while hiding behind Bunga. "Whatever it is, it's coming from over the hill." Ono stated. Then, all of a sudden, Timothy rushed to the top of the hill and what he saw brought excitement to his face.

"Timothy! What do you see?" Kion asked while calling out his name. "You'll have to see it to believe it." Timothy replied with an excited smile. "Timothy's right. You'll see." Anga said while agreeing with Timothy and landing right next to him, which caused everyone to rush to where Timothy was standing. After they reached him, what they saw brought amazement to their eyes. "Poa!" Beshte said. "Huh. Would you look at that." Cassandra said as everyone was staring at an island with a sandy land bridge while surrounded by a huge body of water.

"See." Anga said. "Yeah. That's the most water I've ever seen." Fuli said while agreeing with Anga. "That's the loudest water I've ever heard." Bunga said with a smile. "All I can see is a whole lot of blue." Ono said while starring at it with his blurry eyes. "Lion Guard, meet the ocean." Timothy said while introducing the Lion Guard to the ocean. "Oh, the ocean! I saw this the last time I went to the Tree of Life." Makini said while remembering that moment.

"Anga, please tell me the next moja kwa moja stone isn't in the middle of the ocean." Kion said while looking at Anga then back at the ocean. "Nope. It's out there. On top of that hill." Anga replied while pointing at the island with her beak. "Thank goodness." Fuli said while Timothy sighed in relief. "And, it's not that far either." Timothy said with a smile. "Well then, let's go!" Kion said as he immediately started running. "Okay, but first... ZUKA ZAMA!" Bunga shouted as he began running and tried diving into the water, but before he did the water  receded which caused him to fall onto dry ground.

"Huh? Where'd the water go?" Bunga asked, but as soon as he asked that, the water came back as a wave and splashed Bunga as it pulled him into the water. "Bunga!" Kion called out as the rest of the Guard came down to the water. "Oh, no! Little B!" Beshte said with a worried expression. "Where is he?" Lucy asked while searching for Bunga. "Anga! See if you can... " Timothy was just about to say to Anga, but was interrupted with a laugh coming from Bunga which everyone to look at the water and see that Bunga was riding what looked like a pink fish.

"Whoa!" Makini said with some excitement. "You can say that again." Cassandra said with a smile. "What? What d'you see?" Ono asked while trying to look. "Bunga made a fish friend!" Beshte replied as everyone saw Bunga riding the said pink fish. "Hang on. I'll get you back to shore." The pink fish said to Bunga before making some clicking sounds, which Ono heard. "Those clicks sound like a Dolphin. Actually not a fish." Ono said to Beshte. "A what?" Samuel asked Ono. "A Dolphin. They're mammals that live in the water and use clicking sounds to contact other Dolphins under water. Common knowledge, really." Ono replied to Samuel, who nodded.

As Bunga was hanging onto the pink Dolphin, she was getting Bunga back to the shore while jumping and diving into the water. "This is un-Bunga-lievable!" Bunga said with a huge smile. Then, the pink Dolphin launched Bunga into the air then launched him to the shore with her tail. "Best day ever!" Bunga said after landing. After that, the pink Dolphin peeked out of the surface of the water while looking at the Lion Guard while laughing. "That was fun. Who's next?" The Dolphin asked.

"Hi, I'm Beshte! I've never met a Dolphin before!" Beshte said while introducing himself and walking forward a bit. "I'm Lumba-Lumba! And I've never met a Beshte before!" The Dolphin said while introducing herself before laughing again then swimming towards the shore. "Us Hippos love water. But I've never been to the ocean before. What's it like in there?" Beshte asked Lumba-Lumba. "Oh, it's beautiful." Lumba-Lumba replied while twirling in the water.

"Ever wish you had feet?" Bunga asked Lumba-Lumba while pointing at his raised left foot. "Nope. I don't need feet to do this!" Lumba-Lumba replied while jumping and diving in and out of the water which surprised everyone. "I was born to swim. I love it!" Lumba-Lumba said after laughing then an upbeat music filled the watery air everyone was in as Lumba-Lumba started to sing.

Lumba-Lumba: Water is where I belong
Yes, this is home to me
No need for any legs or feet
To go swimming in the sea

I'm gonna giggle and laugh
Frolic and play
Swim all around
Splish, splash and spray

And it's so much fun
To live for today
Everyone in the ocean knows
That's the Dolphin way

Diving under waves is fun
But I don't stay down there
'Cause you see I'm not a fish
Like you, I got to breath air

I'm gonna giggle and laugh

Frolic and play
Swim all around
Splish, splash and spray

And it's so much fun
To live for today
Everyone in the ocean knows
That's the Dolphin way

Ooh, Swimming all around here in the ocean

Seahorse Chorus: Here in the ocean.

Lumba-Lumba: I live a life
That's constantly in motion

Lumba-Lumba: I'm gonna giggle and laugh (Seahorse Chorus: Giggle and laugh)
Frolic and play
Swim all around
Splish, splash and spray (Seahorse Chorus: Splish, splash and spray)

And it's so much fun
To live for today
Everyone in the ocean knows
That's the Dolphin way

Seahorse Choruse: That's the Dolphin way

Lumba-Lumba: That's the Dolphin way

Seahorse Chorus: That's the Dolphin way (Lumba-Lumba: Oh yeah)

Lumba-Lumba: That's the Dolphin way

Seahorse Chorus: That's the Dolphin way

"Whoa! That was poa!" Beshte said with amazement after the song ended. "Indeed." Timothy said while agreeing with Beshte. "Yeah. And thank you for helping Bunga. But, we've gotta go now." Kion said as he and everyone else started to walk away. "Bye, Lumba-Lumba! Nice to meet you!" Beshte called out with a smile. "Bye, Beshte." Lumba-Lumba replied before chittering and laughing while swimming away and back into the ocean.


After meeting Lumba-Lumba, the Lion Guard continued walking towards the island as well as the sandy bridge. "Makini!" Anga called while swooping down and flying right next to her. "There's a patch of Tuliza plants just beyond those trees." Anga informed Makini, who smiled excitingly. "Aw, thanks, Anga! Good thing you found some too. I'm all out." Makini said while checking the gourd from her staff.

After that, the Lion Guard continued moving on, until Cassandra heard a ruckus in the palm tree right next to the Guard. "You guys, stop." Cassandra said, which caused everyone to stop and look at her in confusion. "What is it, Cass?" Samuel asked with a confused expression. "We're being watched." Cassandra replied as she pulled out her sword and pointing the tip of it at the palm tree.

"Woah! Hold on, Cassandra." Timothy said while gently putting her sword down. "We don't know if it's a threat yet." Timothy added as Cassandra put away her sword. "It's not a threat at all. Look!" Lucy called out as everyone looked and saw what looked like an aged Lemur jumping down the palm tree and blocking the Guard's way. "The madam's right. I ain't no threat." The Lemur said in an old country accent. "But, I'd better hold up if I were you. You're headed the wrong way." The Lemur warned the Lion Guard.

"I think we know where we're going." Kion said while trying to get passed the old Lemur, who got in their way again. "You ain't from around these parts, are ya?" The Lemur asked. "No, but... " Fuli was just about to reply, only to be interrupted by the Lemur. "'Cause if you were, you'd know, on that spit o' land, there be Dragons!" The Lemur warned, which made Timothy, Lucy and Samuel look at each other with surprised and confused expressions.

"Dragons? Really?" Bunga asked in an excited tone. "I don't remember any Dragons the last time I was here." Makini said. "That's because there's no such thing as Dragons." Ono said, which caused Timothy to laugh a bit. "Actually, Ono. I beg to differ." Timothy said to Ono after laughing. "Wait. Timothy, are you saying that Dragons are real?!" Ono asked with a surprised expression. "Yep, and two of them are even our friends." Timothy replied while looking at Samuel and Lucy, who nodded with agreement.

"Anga, did you see any Dragons?" Fuli asked Anga with a confused expression. "Don't know what they look like." Anga replied. "Dragons are giant, fire-breathing lizards with claws and wings. And, they come in different shapes, sizes and types too." Timothy replied. "Yep. Yet, I'm surprised that Dragons travel this far out." Samuel said while putting his hand on his chin while thinking. "Hmm. Maybe the Dragons on that island aren't Dragons at all." Timothy suggested. "You sure? 'Cause I would love to ride a Dragon and a Dolphin on the same day." Bunga said with a smile.

"Oh! You won't ride these Dragons. They'll whip you with their tails. And if they bite you, well... that's the end of that." The Lemur warned again after grunting. "Thanks, but now that we know what Dragons look like, we'll take our chances." Kion said, earning a nod of agreement from Timothy. "Yep. C'mon everybody, let's move on." Timothy said as everyone continued heading towards the island while crossing the sandy bridge. "Don't say I didn't warn ya!" The Lemur called out to the Guard as they continued walking.


After being warned by the old Lemur, the Lion Guard eventually made it to the island while walking on the beach. Kion and Timothy were ahead while Timothy noticed Kion making an annoyed expression. "Kion, are you okay?" Timothy asked Kion, who looked back at him. "It feels like we've been delayed a lot today. I just want to find the next moja kwa moja stone and move on." Kion replied, earning an understood nod from Timothy.

As they continued walking, Beshte had a thought in his mind that made him walk towards Lucy. "So, Lucy. You've seen Dragons before?" Beshte asked Lucy. "Of course. Some are nice, some are bad. and some are even friends" Lucy replied with a smile. "Poa! How many Dragon friends do you have?" Beshte asked, which made Lucy giggle a bit. "Oh, Samuel, Timothy and I have two Dragon friends. One of them is a huge Night Fury, and the other is a purple scaled teenager, who has been missing since... well, since Timothy got his scar." Lucy replied with a sad expression.

Beshte noticed Lucy's expression which made him sad as well. "You must be awfully worried for him." Beshte said to Lucy. "Yeah. A long time ago, Timothy got stabbed through the heart by a Scorpion Lord. Miraculously, he survived, but ever since that day, I just worry for him. And it got worse when his uncle, Strykore gave him a scar across his eye which you guys call, the Mark of Evil. Now, if we don't make it to the Tree of Life in time to help both Timothy and Kion... well, you know what'll happen." Lucy said as a single tear fell from her left eye.

"It'll be okay, Lucy. We'll help both Kion and Timothy, and we will make it to the Tree of Life in time to help them." Ono reassured from on top of Beshte's back. "You think so?" Lucy asked, which caused Ono to hop off of Beshte's back and land on Lucy's left shoulder. "I know so." Ono replied as he nuzzled her cheek with his head which made her giggle.

As they continued walking on the shore, Makini spotted something that made her smile. "Oh! There's the Tuliza patch up on that hill." Makini said while pointing at the Tuliza patch. "I'll pick some." Makini added as she went to the Tuliza patch to pick some Tuliza petals which made Kion sigh. "Okay. But make it quick." Kion said with a disturbed expression, which worried Timothy a bit.

"Um, Timothy." Anga said, which caused Timothy to look at her with a confused expression. "Is that what a Dragon looks like?" Anga asked while pointing her wing behind Timothy, who turned around, as well as the Guard and what they saw was a big lizard walking towards them while hissing, which made Timothy and the rest of the Guard widen their eyes. "No. Not at all." Timothy replied while shaking his head as he kept staring at the big lizard.

"What? What is it?" Ono asked while squinting his eyes. "I don't know. But whatever it is, it's big." Kion replied. "Maybe it's nice." Beshte suggested. "For some reason, I highly doubt that." Cassandra replied as she drew out her sword and glaring at the big lizard. "You shouldn't have come here. But now that you have, I should warn you, I like to play with my food." The big lizard hissed with an evil grin as he continued walking towards the Guard. "Yeah, not so nice." Fuli said agreeing with Cassandra. Then, the big lizard lunged at the Guard, who all dodged the lizard's attack.

"Hapana! It is a Dragon! A Komodo Dragon!" Ono said after gasping. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me?" Samuel asked as he glared at the Komodo Dragon, who tried to bite Kion but dodged him. Then, he tried to whip his tail at Fuli, but she jumped out of the way. Cassandra tried to swing her sword at the Komodo Dragon, but he whipped his tail at her which knocked her to the ground and then he bit her leg. "Ow!" Cassandra winced as she tried to get away from the Komodo Dragon, but her legs stopped working which shocked her. "What the... " Cassandra said while looking at her legs in shock.

After that, all of the Lion Guard were now glaring at the Komodo Dragon while Makini returned with the Tuliza petals in her hand. "Okay. I got the Tuliz... " Before Makini could finish, she screamed while dropping the petals as soon as she saw the Komodo Dragon. "What's that?" Makini asked while the Komodo Dragon snarled. "It's a Komodo Dragon." Lucy replied while glaring at it. "So, now are Dragons here?" Makini asked while still in shock. "I'm here all right." The Komodo Dragon said before hissing.

"He's not really a Dragon, he's a big lizard. But he is dangerous. Komodo Dragons have venom in their bites." Ono said with a worried expression. Cassandra groaned as she crawled away from the Komodo Dragon. "Probably should've said that first before I started to attack it." Cassandra said while still crawling. "Venom? Ha! Leave this guy to me! Zuka Zama!" Bunga said as he jumped and landed on the Komodo Dragon's head then jumping off his head and landing on the sand while facing him in a fighting pose.

"Bring it, Dragon. Your bite doesn't scare me." Bunga challenged, as the Komodo Dragon faced Bunga with a hiss. "Well, it should." The Komodo Dragon before snarling which made him drool, which Bunga noticed. "Hey, Dragon. You've got a little something... " Bunga was about to say to the Komodo Dragon while pointing at his own chin, but the Komodo Dragon lunged at Bunga who dodged his lunge as he crashed into the sand as Bunga cheered. "Nope. Try again!" Bunga said with a smile after spinning in a circle.

"Bunga! You got company." Anga said to Bunga, who looked past the Komodo Dragon and saw that there were two more coming while snarling and hissing. "Huh! What do you know? There's more than one of 'em." Bunga said still smiling. "Ora! Have you found us some lunch?" One of the Komodo Dragons asked while revealing the main Komodo Dragon's name. "Yes, my friends. And perhaps dinner, too." Ora replied to his two friends as they hissed at the Lion Guard.

"Great. Now, I'm starting to get Deja vu of facing Makucha and his Leopard friends." Samuel said with an annoyed expression while helping Cassandra. "We don't have time for this." Kion said angrily then turned his head to look at Timothy with an angry expression. "Timothy. Are your powers in tact yet?" Kion asked Timothy, who looked at his hand and tried to make a magic ball. It started to form, but as soon as Timothy started to strain, he gave up. "Sorry, Kion. It's gotten a little better ever since the White Spike Palace." Timothy replied with a tiresome expression.

"Well, then. I guess I'll have to use something else." Kion said, which worried everyone. "You don't mean... " Timothy was just about to ask. "Yes. Just stay far away from everybody when it happens." Kion said to Timothy, who nodded in response as he started to walk away from everyone. "Bunga! Get back here." Kion called Bunga, who did what he was told. "You're gonna get it now." Bunga said to Ora and his Komodo Dragon friends.

"You have nothing I haven't seen before." Ora said to the Guard. "That's what you think." Bunga said back to Ora with a smirk as he and everyone else braced themselves for whatever was gonna happen next. After that, Kion started to use the Roar to blow away the Komodo Dragons. However, as usual, as Kion used the Roar, Timothy did his Power Burst but it far away so he wouldn't hurt anybody.

Fuli opened her eyes and saw the clouds were dark and that Kion was not only blowing away the Komodo Dragons, but the whole ocean as well. "Kion." Fuli called as she got right next to him. "Kion, stop!" Fuli shouted which caused Kion to stop Roaring. "Wow! That was a big one." Bunga said while laughing. "Out of everything I've seen so far, that Roar has got to be the most amazing thing I've ever seen." Cassandra said with wide eyes. "Kion, are you okay?" Fuli asked Kion with a worried expression. "Uh... Yeah, I guess." Kion replied unsurely.

"You sure Roared those Dragons away." Bunga said, while Samuel walked up to him. "Bunga! Kion Roared everything away. Even the water." Samuel said to Bunga. "You kinda lost control again." Fuli said to Kion, who instantly remembered Timothy. "Oh no, Timothy!" Kion said as he and everybody else went to where Timothy was, who was still recovering from his Power Burst. "Timothy, are you okay?" Lucy asked with a worried expression. "Yeah, I'm fine." Timothy replied while getting back up.

While Timothy was getting up, Samuel noticed something different about Timothy's Power Burst. "Um... Tim. The ice statues have changed." Samuel said, which caused everyone to look at the ice statues which indeed have changed. Each one had a same, elder man but the creatures he was interacting with were different. "Woah! Now, that is cool." Bunga said with wide eyes then went to Anga, who was staring at the statues with wide eyes. "Get it? Cool? Ice?" Bunga asked Anga, who rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Hang on. These ice statues almost look like... moments in time." Cassandra said as she examined the statues more. "How is that possible?" Samuel asked. "It's too complicated to explain." Cassandra replied. "Have you noticed that these statues have the same person on them, or is it just me?" Makini asked while looking at the statues herself. "It's not just you, Makini." Timothy replied with a saddened tone as he approached one of the ice statues. "Because... I know who that person is." Timothy added as he looked at the ice statue of the elder man holding a dagger, scratching a young boy across his left eye.

"Who is he?" Ono asked, even though he didn't see what he was looking at. Lucy looked at the same statue Timothy was looking at with a little gasp as she comforted him. "Let me just say that... he was pretty awful." Timothy replied as he rubbed his scar a bit, as the elder man reminded him of it. "Even more awful than Morgana?" Cassandra asked while starting to feel better after getting bit by Ora. "No! Morgana killed a friend of mine. All he ever did was giving me my scar!" Timothy replied with a raised voice then getting down on his knees while weeping softly.

The Lion Guard were a little bit shocked by this as Kion rubbed his scar as well, which Makini noticed. "It'll all be okay." Makini tried to reassure while walking towards some Tuliza plants and picking some petals. "And besides, there's still some Tuliza left and... " Makini was just about to add, but heard a rumbling noise which caused her to look and what she saw made her gasp in fear. "The water's coming back!" Makini said as the water was coming back in a huge wave which made everybody else gasp. "TIDAL WAVE!" Samuel shouted with wide eyes. "We gotta run. RUN!" Timothy shouted as he and the rest of the Guard started to run away from the tidal wave, which was covering most of the island with water.

As Makini was running from the tidal wave and about to get hit by it, Anga swooped down and picked her up, which also made her drop all the Tuliza petals she was holding. "Thanks, Anga." Makini thanked Anga. "Yep." Anga replied. As for the rest of the Guard, they were running as the tidal wave was gaining up to them. "It's almost got us!" Beshte said with a scared expression. To Timothy, everything was going in slow motion as he looked at his friends and saw the terrified expressions they were making.

As Timothy saw their expressions, he closed his eyes shut as he remembered a certain Eagle friend he had who made the same terrified expression before she got stabbed. At that moment, Timothy shot open his eyes with a glare as his scar and chest glowed yellow as he let out grunt while stopping and forming a yellow force field around him and his friends, which protected them from the tidal wave.

The Guard were shocked at what Timothy was doing, and as soon as the tidal wave passed by and died down, Timothy lowered the force field then collapsed to the ground while panting. "Oh, yeah. Timothy got his powers back!" Bunga said with a laugh. Kion walked up to Timothy, who looked back at him with an exhausted expression. "Timothy, you said that your powers were still... recovering. Why did they suddenly act up now?" Kion asked Timothy with a confused expression.

"Because... water is... not my... friend." Timothy replied while still panting. "You and me both." Fuli said, which caused Timothy to chuckle a bit. "I actually have to agree with Kion. Why, all of a sudden, did your powers react now?" Samuel asked. "I think after visiting the White Spike Palace and learning some of the secrets of the Energy Stone, it's powers are starting to grow back within me." Timothy suggested. "Perhaps." Lucy said with an unsure expression.

"Heyvi Kabisa." Kion said as everyone looked where he was looking and saw that the whole island was trashed up with broken up trees and leaves. "I can't believe my Roar did all this." Kion said while looking at the destruction he had caused while Anga and Ono flew back down with Makini. "That's not all it did." Anga said while flying passed them. "Remember that land bridge you walked on to get here?" Anga asked while landing and seeing that the land bridge was now gone. 

"Don't tell me it's gone." Samuel said with a worried expression. "It is." Fuli said, which made Samuel facepalm himself. "You mean we're now stuck on an island that I created?" Kion asked with a worried expression. "Yep." Anga replied, which caused Kion to sigh as he and Timothy rubbed their scars at the same time. "Makini, I think Kion need some Tuliza." Timothy said to Makini after rubbing his scar.

"I, uh... I dropped what I had." Makini said with a disappointed expression, which then switched to a smile. "But I can pick more." Makini said as she was about to do what she said was going to do. But, after looking up the hill, she switched back to her disappointed expression while looking back at the Guard. "Or maybe not." Makini said as the Tuliza patch was gone due to the tidal wave. "There's gotta be some more around here somewhere." Kion said while looking around.

Then, all of a sudden, the Lion Guard heard some Dolphin clicks. "Is anybody out there? Hello?" Somebody asked in a pleading tone. "That sounds like Lumba-Lumba." Beshte said while remembering that voice. "It does, but it doesn't sound like she's coming from the water!" Samuel suggested. "Help! Somebody!" Lumba-Lumba pleaded again who was indeed not in the water, but on the shore which the Guard spotted. "There she is." Beshte said as he and the rest of the Guard came to Lumba-Lumba's aid.

"The tidal wave must've carried her ashore." Fuli suggested. "Oh, no!" Kion said before he and Timothy rubbed their scars. "Beshte. Oh, I'm so glad to see you. Can you help me get back in the water?" Lumba-Lumba asked after making some clicking sounds. "Don't worry, Lumba-Lumba. We'd be happy to help." Beshte replied to Lumba-Lumba. "Kion, what should we do?" Beshte asked while looking at Kion.

"Well, we could... No, that won't work. Maybe if Bunga and Samuel... That won't work either." Kion said while trying to think of something, but couldn't after sighing which caused Fuli to look at him with a worried expression. "Kion?" Fuli said to Kion while walking up to his side. "This is all my fault. I lost control of the Roar, and now, look... " Both Kion and Fuli saw the destruction the Roar caused.

"It was a mistake, Kion. What matters now is that everybody gets help. And that includes you." Fuli reassured, which made Kion feel a little better. "You're right. Thanks, Fuli." Kion thanked Fuli with a slight smile then looked at Timothy, who looked back at him. "Hey, Timothy. Mind taking charge 'till I feel better?" Kion asked Timothy, who gave a determined smile in return then looked at the Guard.

"Anga, lead Ono and Makini to the moja kwa moja stone. See if you can find some more Tuliza, too. And Lucy, better go with them just in case." Timothy ordered. "Got it. Affirmative" Anga and Ono replied as they both took off. "We'll be back with Tuliza as soon as we can." Makini said to Kion while walking away as she took the gourd off her staff. "Thanks, Makini." Kion thanked Makini. "We'll be back soon." Lucy said to Timothy while following Makini. "Okay. Stay safe." Timothy replied to Lucy, who nodded as she left.

"Now, the important question. How are we gonna to get Lumba-Lumba back into the water?" Timothy asked while thinking of something. "Easy. We can just drag her." Bunga said as he grabbed a hold of Lumba-Lumba's tail. "No wait!" Lumba-Lumba said as she launched Bunga into the seaweed with her tail. "Sorry. It was just a reflex. But dragging me across hot sand is gonna hurt. A lot." Lumba-Lumba warned.

"Any ideas?" Kion asked. "She's pretty far from the water." Fuli said seeing the distance between Lumba-Lumba and the water. "Yes. But when the tide comes in, the water will come closer." Lumba-Lumba said with a smile. "Hmm... Maybe we can dig a trench and bring the water to her." Timothy said with a smile. "Great idea, Timothy." Kion praised while smiling at Timothy. "But in order for us to do that, we need to get all this seaweed out of the way." Cassandra said as she pulled out her sword and using it to move the seaweed out of the way.

"Uh, I hope you can do it soon. That sun is really hot." Lumba-Lumba said as she felt the sun's heat. "Yeah. I know what you mean. Us Hippos burn pretty quick in the sun, too." Beshte said to Lumba-Lumba, then getting an idea. "Hey! Maybe this'll help!" Beshte said as he blocked the sun's light from Lumba-Lumba. "That's better." Lumba-Lumba said after sighing. As Bunga was trying to move the seaweed out of the way, they landed on Lumba-Lumba's back. "Ooh. That feels so much better." Lumba-Lumba said.

"Great idea, Bunga." Samuel said to Bunga with a smile. "Wait! I had an idea?" Bunga asked while looking at Samuel with a confused expression. "Hard to believe, isn't it?" Fuli asked with a smile. "Twende Kiboko!" Beshte shouted as he dug the trench while Bunga was throwing the seaweed out of the trench. "Look! Here comes the water!" Cassandra said as the water started coming into the trench. "Yes!" Beshte, Bunga and Samuel all said in unison. Timothy was smiling at his idea, then rubbed his scar which made him look at Kion, who also rubbed his scar as Fuli approached him. "Don't worry, Kion. Makini will be back with some Tuliza soon." Fuli reassured.


At a different part of the island, Makini grabbed some Tuliza plants then stuffed the petals into her gourd. "There! That should hold Kion and Timothy for a while." Makini said to Lucy, who was right next to her. "Okay. That's good." Lucy said to Makini, then looked up at Anga who was perched on top of a hill right next to Ono. "Anga, are we getting close to the moja kwa moja stone?" Lucy asked Anga. "Yep. Just past these trees and... " Anga was just about to inform.

"Uh-oh. Is that another Dragon?" Ono asked with a scared expression while squinting his eyes on what looked like a Komodo Dragon as Anga took off to investigate. "Another Komodo Dragon?" Lucy asked while getting in a defensive position. "Where? Where?" Makini asked with a worried expression as she climbed up a palm tree. "Behind those rocks!" Ono replied while pointing at the rocks.

As Anga went to investigate, she saw that there was no Komodo Dragon. "Just more rocks." Anga said, reassuring Ono and Makini while Lucy dropping her defensive position. "Oh. Sorry." Ono apologized as Makini jumped down the palm tree and landing right next to Ono. "Shwari, Ono. Don't worry. We're safe now." Makini reassured Ono as she started following Anga. "Makini's right Ono. Kion's Roar got rid of all those Komodo Dragons." Lucy reassured Ono, who flew up and landed on her right shoulder. "I hope you're right." Ono said to Lucy, who began to follow Anga to the next moja kwa moja stone.


Back down at the shore, the waves were coming in and out of the trench the Lion Guard made for Lumba-Lumba, which was coming closer to her. "Poa!" Beshte said with a smile. "Is it really working?" Lumba-Lumba asked while trying to look behind her. "It sure is." Beshte replied. "Yep. You'll be back in the water in no time." Cassandra said with a smile. "Thank you, all of you, for all your help." Lumba-Lumba thanked the Lion Guard.

"It's the least we can do." Kion replied to Lumba-Lumba. "Indeed." Timothy replied with a smile. "Here comes another wave." Beshte said while spotting another wave, which was really big. "Oh. Now that's a big one." Samuel said with a chuckle. "And it just might do it." Beshte said, hoping that it will bring Lumba-Lumba back into the water. Just as the wave crashed into the trench and washed out, the water revealed the Komodo Dragon, Ora!

"Woah! Look who's back!" Bunga said with a smile. "Who's back? Is it your friends?" Lumba-Lumba asked while trying to look behind her. "Uh... I wouldn't call a creature who bit me and paralyzed me, a friend." Cassandra replied while drawing out her sword as she and the rest of the Guard glared at Ora, who growled at them while getting up. "Lunch. Dolphin. Just the way I like it. A little on the pink side." Ora said while crawling towards Lumba-Lumba.

"Don't let him get to Lumba-Lumba!" Kion ordered as he and the Guard began to defend Lumba-Lumba from Ora. "He won't get past me." Beshte said as he was about to charge at Ora, but was stopped by Bunga. "Hold on, guys. This is a job for a Honey Badger." Bunga said. That was until Lumba-Lumba spotted Ora's friends coming out of the water while hissing and growling. "Uh, guys? A little help." Lumba-Lumba said to the Guard, who looked and saw Ora's friends showing up. "You were saying, Bunga?" Samuel asked Bunga with an unamused expression. "I take it back. This is a job for three Honey Badgers." Bunga rephrased, which caused Samuel to shake his head in disappointment.


Back up in the middle of the island, Lucy, Ono, Anga and Makini finally found the next moja kwa moja stone, which was right next to some beautiful, colorful boulders. "There it is! The moja kwa moja stone." Makini said excitingly as she tapped her staff on it, causing the painting to come to life and showing the Tree of Life. "Oh, wow. It's so pretty. Almost like a rainbow." Lucy said while gazing at the painting. "Well, Lucy and Ono. Where do we go next?" Anga asked them.

Lucy reached into her bag and pulled out her map and looked at it while Ono's eyes glowed blue while remembering Rafiki's map. "I see a cliff with a sunset behind it." Ono said while remembering the map. "Ono's right. And, there's a tall tree on top of it." Lucy said, agreeing with Ono while putting away her map. Anga then took off into the sky while searching for the cliff. "Sunset will be that way, so... " Anga said to herself while using her eyes to spot the cliff, which she did.

"I see the cliff, and the tree." Anga said to her friends below. "That's great." Makini said excitingly. "However, unless we can fly, we can't get off the island to get there." Lucy stated to Makini. "Oh, right. 'Cause we're stuck on an island now." Makini said with a disappointed expression. As Anga was still flying, she heard some hissing sounds and saw that the rest of the Guard were in trouble. "What? The Dragons are back! And they're after the Dolphin!" Anga said a little shocked. "Oh, no!" Makini said with a worried expression. "Then let's not waste any time." Lucy said with a determined expression.


Back down at the shore, the Lion Guard kept trying to defend Lumba-Lumba from Ora and his Komodo Dragon friends. "Come on. Just try and bite me. I dare ya." Bunga challenged Ora while doing a little dance. "Don't taunt him, Bunga. And you might actually get bit." Samuel warned Bunga. "Oh, yeah? Well watch this, Sam. Zuka Zama!" Bunga said as he began fighting Ora, who kept on trying to bite him but failed.

As Bunga was fighting Ora, most of the other Guard members were fighting the two Komodo Dragons while the others were protection Lumba-Lumba. "Huwezi!" Fuli shouted as she dodged one of the Komodo Dragons' bite as he bit a palm tree, which caused the cocanuts to fall and bong his head. After that, the Komodo Dragon hissed angrily as he faced Fuli and about to attack her again. "Twende Kiboko!" Beshte shouted as he rammed the Komodo Dragon and send him flying into the water with a scream.

As Timothy, Samuel and Cassandra continued defending Lumba-Lumba, they see Bunga riding Ora on his back. "Hey, look! I'm finally getting my Dragon ride!" Bunga said then laughed as he continued riding on Ora's back as he tried to get him off. Cassandra got a little annoyed at that as she face Timothy. "How do you stand that little Badger's actions?" Cassandra asked, which caused Timothy to laugh a bit. "You don't even know the half of him." Timothy replied. "And, you don't want to know that half of him." Samuel added.

While defending Lumba-Lumba, Timothy heard a grunt coming from Kion as he looked and saw him fighting the other Komodo Dragon near the water. While fighting him, Kion got hit with a big wave which knocked him down. Timothy then looked at Bunga, who was still riding on Ora's back while Ora was still trying to get Bunga off his back. "Get off me, stinky." Ora said as he launched Bunga off his back as Bunga landed next to Timothy and his friends.

"Okay, Bunga. Enough Dragon riding. Kion's in trouble!" Samuel said to Bunga as Kion was about to get attacked by the Komodo Dragon he was facing. "Oh, I got an idea." Bunga said with a smile. "Do you really?" Cassandra asked. "Yep." Bunga replied as he hopped onto Lumba-Lumba's tail. "Launch me!" Bunga said to Lumba-Lumba. "Got it." Lumba-Lumba replied as she launched Bunga with her tail, which caused him to crash into the Komodo Dragon who was about to bite Kion.

"Thanks, Lumba-Lumba." Kion thanked Lumba-Lumba after getting back up and shaking himself dry. "Thanks, Bunga." Kion thanked Bunga, who was about to get attacked by the Komodo Dragon he crashed into, but was stopped by Beshte who was standing on his tail. "I got him, Little B." Beshte said to Bunga. "That's what you think." The Komodo Dragon said to Beshte as he was about to bite Beshte, which Timothy noticed as his scar glowed yellow again. "No!" Timothy shouted with a glare as he shot a blast from his hand which hit the Komodo Dragon about to bite Beshte.

"Phew. Thanks, Tim." Beshte thanked Timothy, who was surprised that happened. "Uh, yeah... No problem, Beshte." Timothy replied. As Kion watched Timothy use his powers again, he noticed that his own scar was glowing green which shocked him as well. And then, that's when Kion realized something. "Timothy's powers only reacts whenever I use the Roar. What if my Roar and Timothy's powers are connected, just like our scars?!" Kion thought with a surprised expression.

During the battle, Lucy, Ono, Anga and Makini came back from their little trip as Anga dropped Makini onto a rock. "You should be safe here." Anga said to Makini. "Thanks, Anga." Makini thanked Anga. Lucy then looked at the seaweed which gave her an idea. "Anga, I need you and Ono to grab some seaweed and drop them over the Dragons' eyes." Lucy said to Anga. "Got it. Affirmative." Anga and Ono said as they grabbed the seaweed and flew off. "But, Lucy, what are you gonna do?" Makini asked Lucy, who looked at the battle with a determined expression. "Help our friends." Lucy replied as she joined the battle.

"Go, Anga! Go, Ono!" Bunga cheered for Anga and Ono as Ora picked Bunga with with his jaws and started to shake him around. As Anga and Ono were flying with the seaweed in their talons, Anga spotted a Komodo Dragon attacking Beshte as she swooped down. "Anga Lenga!" Anga shouted as she dropped the seaweed over the Komodo Dragon's eyes, which was a perfect opportunity for Beshte to knock him into he water.

As Ora kept shaking Bunga with his jaws, he stopped as soon as Bunga started talking. "Hey! Don't talk with your mouth full... of me." Bunga said as he passed gas into Ora's mouth, which caused him to caugh and let go of Bunga. "Ono, now!" Anga said to Ono as they flew above Ora. As soon as Ono let go of the seaweed, they covered Ora's eyes. "I cannot see." Ora growled after coughing. "Did I get him? Did I get him?" Ono asked Anga while flying next to her. "Yep." Anga replied.

As Ora kept trying to get the seaweed off of his eyes, Lucy started running right towards him. "My turn!" Lucy shouted as she used her strength to push Ora into the water. "Nice one, Lucy." Timothy said to Lucy as he walked up to her. "Thanks, Tim." Lucy replied as she pecked Timothy on the cheek. "Kion! Look what we found!" Makini said to Kion as she showed him the Tuliza petals in her hand. Kion bent his head down and chewed on the Tuliza petals and swallowed them, which relaxed both him and Timothy.

"Thanks, Makini." Kion thanked Makini. "Feel better?" Fuli asked Kion. "Definitely." Kion replied to Fuli then looked back at Makini. "Did you find the next moja kwa moja stone, too?" Kion asked Makini. "Yes. But Lucy says we need to get off this island to get to the next landmark." Makini replied to Kion with a sad expression. "The that's what we'll do." Kion said with a determined expression. "How are we gonna do that?" Fuli asked Kion with a confused expression. "Leave that to me... " Kion replied to Fuli as he stopped and looked at Timothy who looked back at him. "And Timothy." Kion finished.

"Say, what now?" Timothy asked Kion, who approached him. "Listen, I've noticed something which I think you need to hear." Kion whispered to Timothy. "Okay. What is it?" Timothy asked Kion while whispering back. "When you used your powers, my scar glowed green. And that made me realize something. Your powers have only been reacting every time I used the Roar." Kion replied to Timothy while whispering. Timothy instantly caught onto what Kion was saying as he had wide eyes.

"Are you saying that your Roar and my powers are connected, like how our scars are connected?" Timothy asked Kion still whispering. "Yes. And that's how we'll get out of here." Kion replied as he then looked at the Guard. "Lion Guard! Lumba-Lumba! We're getting outta here." Kion said as Timothy stood right next to Kion. "Ooh, yeah! Here we go!" Bunga said as he thought what was gonna happen next. However, as the Lion Guard were glaring at the Komodo Dragons, Kion and Timothy looked at each other and nodded as they turned the other way abd ran in that direction.

"Uh, Kion, Timothy, the Dragons are back that way." Bunga said to Kion and Timothy, confused on what they were doing. "Timothy, what are you doing?" Samuel asked Timothy, who didn't answer as both he and Kion stopped as they were a short distance away from the Guard. "You ready?" Kion asked Timothy, who gave him a determined smile. "As I'll ever be." Timothy replied as he placed his right hand on Kion's back. As soon as he did that, both his and Kion's scar began to glow their color again as they glared at the water.

And then, Kion began to Roar at the water as Timothy reached out his left hand towards the water. As Kion Roared, the clouds were not dark, but rather white as Kion's Roar and Timothy's powers combined caused the waters to part, which was also causing the water to reach all the way up to Lumba-Lumba as she laughed. "Yes! Thank you!" Lumba-Lumba dove back into the water while chittering.

Kion continued Roaring and Timothy using his powers to keep the waters to part as they formed a land bridge. "Un-Bunga-lievable!" Bunga said in disbelief. Cassandra slowly approached Samuel while staring at what was in front of them. "Did you know Timothy could do that?" Cassandra asked Samuel, who shook his head in response as he was in disbelief himself.

"Now, let's go!" Kion shouted to the Guard. "Yeah. I don't think we can hold this for long!" Timothy shouted as he and Kion started running onto the land bridge. "You heard them. Let's go! Huwezi!" Fuli shouted as she and the rest of the Guard started following Kion and Timothy through the parted waters and onto the land bridge. "Anga, am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" Ono asked Anga as he was flying right next to her. "Yep." Anga replied to Ono as the Guard continued running and following Kion and Timothy as they continued using the Roar and powers to keep the waters apart.

However, as they were running, they were being watched by Ora and his two friends. "They cannot get away that easy." Ora said in frustration. "'Easy?'" One of the Komodo Dragons asked while looking at Ora. "Come on. Get them! Get them!" Ora ordered as he and his two friends began to follow the Lion Guard, who have made it to the other side of the land bridge. "Oh, no. They're coming this way." Cassandra said as she saw Ora and his Komodo Dragon friends following them.

After that, Kion stopped Roaring and Timothy dropped his left hand as they both panted while their scars stopped glowing. "Not... for long." Kion said while panting, earning a nod of agreement from Timothy as he panted as well. As soon as Kion and Timothy stopped combining their Roar and powers, it caused the waters to start falling which worried Ora. "That is not good." Ora said as he and his two friends got his by the waters as they combined back as there was no longer a land bridge.

"That might be your best Roar ever, Kion." Bunga said to Kion. "And that might be the best thing we've ever seen with your powers, Timothy." Lucy said to Timothy. "Actually, to be honest, Kion and I actually combined the Roar and my powers for the waters to part." Timothy confessed to everyone. "Well, as long as we're all still alive, that's pretty... slick." Bunga joked as he held up a piece of seaweed, which caused everyone to groan at Bunga's bad joke.

"Anga? Ono? Lucy? Do you three know where to go from here?" Timothy asked them. "The next moja kwa moja stone is by a tree on a big cliff." Ono replied. "With a sunset behind it." Lucy added as Anga flew up. "That way." Anga said while pointing her beak at the big cliff with the tree. Timothy looked at the big cliff with the tree as he gasped with wide eyes. "Guys, I've seen that cliff before!" Timothy said to the Guard as they looked back at Timothy with surprised and confused expressions.

"You have?" Samuel asked Timothy. "Yes. Sam, Lucy, remember that boat we used when we were trying to get to the Pride Lands?" Timothy asked Samuel and Lucy, who both nodded in response. "Well, our boat is practically near where that big cliff is!" Timothy said to them. "We can stop there, stock up on some food and water and even rest there for the night. Since it's already sundown." Timothy suggested, then looked at Kion. "Of course, if you agree to this, Kion." Timothy said to Kion, who thought about it for a minute then looked back at Timothy with a smile.

"I knew I made the right decision when I named you the Wisest, Timothy." Kion replied to Timothy, who smiled back at him. "Well, let's go." Kion said as he and the Guard started to head toward the big cliff with the tree. While on their way, they ran into that elder Lemur again, who spotted them while jumping out of his tree. "Ah, well? I was right, weren't I?" The Lemur asked the Lion Guard.

"Yeah, you were right." Kion replied with a smile. "And, they did not breath fire, or have wings." Timothy added, which caused the old Lemur to laugh. "Told ya so. There be Dragons on that land." The Lemur said after jumping while Bunga approached him. "Not anymore." Bunga said to the Lemur, who looked back at him with a confused expression. "Huh?" The olde Lemur questioned. "The Lion Guard got rid of 'em. See ya." Bunga said while waving goodbye to the Lemur as he and the rest of the Guard started walking again.

While walking, Lucy noticed that Beshte had a glum expression as she slowed down a bit so she was next to him. "Hey, Beshte, are you okay?" Lucy asked Beshte with a sad expression. "Yeah. I... I just wish I'd had a chance to say goodbye to... " Beshte was about to reply until he and Lucy heard some clicking noises from the water. When they looked at the water, they see it was Lumba-Lumba making those noises. "Lumba-Lumba!" Beshte said with an excited expression.

"Bye, Beshte. Bye, everybody." Lumba-Lumba said while waving her fin at them. "Bye, Lumba-Lumba." Beshte replied as some of the Guard waved back at Lumba-Lumba. "Thanks for saving me." Lumba-Lumba thanked before giggling and diving into the water. "You know, Big B and Lucy. I think she's the nicest Dolphin we've ever met." Bunga said to Beshte and Lucy. "Same here, Bunga." Lucy replied. "Yeah, well, she's also the only Dolphin we've ever met." Beshte replied to Bunga after chuckling. "Oh, yeah. That too." Bunga said as he, Beshte and Lucy began following the Guard again to the big cliff.

As they kept on walking, Timothy had a stinging feeling in his head which caused him to look behind the Lion Guard, which Kion noticed. "Hey, Timothy, you alright?" Kion asked Timothy, who looked back at Kion. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, Kion, my head was just hurting a little bit." Timothy replied as he looked behind the Lion Guard again while having a strange feeling that he and the Guard were being followed.


After reaching the big cliff and finding the next moja kwa moja stone, the Guard eventually made it to the boat Timothy, Lucy and Samuel used quite some time ago and used it to sleep in. However, while sleeping, Timothy was tossing and turning while having another one of his dreams, or rather a vision.

(Timothy's P.O.V)

I woke up in that strange dark room again and then I started hearing voices which was really confusing me. "The Tree of Life. We're almost there!" I heard Lucy say excitingly. "Lion! Who are you?" I heard a female voice ask. "I'm so sorry. It was all my fault." I heard Kion say. "You really shouldn't let your emotions get to you." I heard myself say. "Do you have any idea how long I had to wait, just to take this creature's soul, just to get my revenge on you?" I heard a voice I never wanted to hear again. It was Morgana's voice asking that, which made me wake up.

As Timothy woke up, he panted heavily as he was thinking about what he had just heard. "Were those voices from the past, or the future?" Timothy asked himself. After he asked that, Timothy looked around and saw that the Guard were still sleeping. "Oh, well. I guess I'll figure it out sooner or later." Timothy replied to himself as he laid back down and slept again, not knowing that he and the Guard were now being followed by three familiar creatures!

Next time on The Golden Guardian Adventures: Journey to the Tree of Life: The Lion Guard are continuing their path to the Tree of Life and have made another enemy. Kion and Timothy soon realized that the Roar and the Energy Stone's powers can't work without the other, since their scars are connected. As they continue getting closer to the Tree of Life, Timothy get's more of his visions, but only briefly. Where's the Lion Guard going to go next? Could Timothy's visions be visions of the future? Find out in the next installment of Next time on The Golden Guardian Adventures: Journey to the Tree of Life.

Phew. I'm finally done with this chapter. Well, after this there's the desert, then Flamingo beach, then the forest, then the other forest, then a frozen lake, and they're finally there at the Tree of Life. All of you already know the places they're gonna go, so might as well say it here and there. Well, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me. Have a great day.

'Till the Pride Lands End.

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