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Slater's apartment was nice.

The dead body in the middle of it, not so much. "He's not gonna be much use." I tapped him with my boot. Couldn't have been gone for more than a day.

"What now, Elena?" Rose crossed her arms.

"Maybe what he knows is in his computer." She gestured to it. "We need to get into it."

I began snooping around as they continued to bicker, this guy seemed like he was right out of college.

A newbie vampire.

Hardly the all knowing nerd we were looking for.

A rapid heartbeat got my attention, and I went to find it. Did he keep a live blood bag? That's what Kol used to do, if he didn't kill them off first.

Now he lay in a coffin.

Those things gave me the chills. I hated that Klaus had one made specifically for me. It was a special one that didn't require a dagger to trap me inside.

Marcel had one too. He was the favorite so it'd never been touched.

Though Klaus was going to be pissed when he found out Marcel didn't die in New Orleans.

Maybe I could use that to my advantage?

I opened a door to find a girl quivering in the corner, she squealed when she saw me, hiding behind her arms like it would protect her. "Hey, guys?"

"What is it?" Rose rounded the corner, stopping short when she saw the same thing I did. "Oh, stop that."

Like magic, the facade dropped and the girl straightened. "Rose."

"That's Slater's girlfriend. She's only with him because she was hoping he'd turn her." She muttered with disdain.

"Girlie, immortality isn't what it's cracked up to be."

"You're a vampire too?" The girl wiped at her tears.


Her eyes widened. "Not Morgan Mi-" The words were hardly out of her mouth before I'd snapped her neck.

Couldn't let those pesky little secrets out. No matter how small the risk.

"Why did you do that?!" Elena had apparently joined the party. "She might have known how to contact Klaus!"

"I thought this was an information gathering mission." I crouched down, inspecting the body. The girl was easily in her mid to late twenties. Some of the bones in her neck had torn through the skin, blood began to pool beneath her, and I felt the veins descend.

Fucking hell.

Deep breaths Morgan.

"You're not newly turned..." Rose eyed me. "Usually only they have that kind of reaction."

"What of it?" I couldn't help but snap. "Maybe I've been desiccated. That'll cause a sensitivity to the smell of blood."

"Stefan's eyes do that..." Elena crossed her arms.

"Genetics are a bitch, hun."

Rose frowned. "No, it's something else."

"My question is, why is little miss suicidal trying to summon one of the oldest vampires in history." I stood, setting my hands on my hips. "Or are we going to gloss over that in favor of looking for problems that aren't there?"

She glanced at Elena. "I've already taken care of that."

"What did you do?!"

"So, mind answering while we wait?" Rose ignored her, apparently much more interested in me.

"What do you think this is? I don't know you. Don't respect or trust you. I sure as hell am not going to go into detail about anything you think might be going on with me." I moved further from the body and the blood and the veins started to recede. Damn it all the hell.

"Its just, I've asked a few friends of mine. They'd never heard of Morgan Salvatore."

"That means nothing-"

"But they had heard of Morgan Mikaelson, everyone has. The girl with the butterfly tattoo."

That made me freeze.

"Some say she was a ripper."

"Sounds like she's real fun at parties."

"Wait. Why change your name?" Elena's brow furrowed.

"That's suggesting that me and this Mikaelson girl are the same person. Which is insane. I was just telling Rose here that I ran with some vampires that kept to themselves. They didn't even go out in the sun."

"They weren't day walkers?" Rose's eyes flickered down to my hand.

"Nope, but I happen to appreciate the sun." I spun my ring around on my finger. "And a witch owed me a favor, hence the daylight ring."

"Why'd you separate from them?"

"Why not? Vampires aren't pack animals. It was time to move on." Granted if Nik finds out I left, I'd get the dagger. Though if I had it, then Elijah didn't.

We shared it.

Or at least, that's what I assumed. We were never daggered at the same time.

Elena blinked. "You really don't have any sort of loyalty?"

"Sure, to those that earn it. But this isn't a question of loyalty."

"That still doesn't explain why you're running from them." Rose's brow lifted.

"The leader was cruel in his punishments, and his word was law. I did something that broke those rules, so I ran the second his guard was down." Elijah didn't know, but once he did... even he wouldn't save me from Nik's wrath.

Not this time.

The front door opened, and there was a rush of air. Just for a split second, I believed it would be one of the Mikaelsons. They lived for the drama, after all.

"Time to go." Damon appeared.

I let out a breath at the sight of him.

"About time." Rose huffed.

"Sorry, was a tad busy dealing with Kathrine." He rolled his eyes and grasped Elena's arm. "Morgan, you followed her?"

"Don't go all 'disappointed big brother' on me. I stopped the little martyr from killing herself." I gestured to the body at my feet. "Digging into Klaus is a bad idea."

Can't say I fault Kathrine for running. She was smarter than most, I could give her that.

"I'm not going anywhere until I've made a deal with Klaus." Elena tried to wrench her arm away, but Damon held firm.

Oh, she was dead, even if she weren't the doppelgänger. People don't make deals with him.

They plead for his mercy, and maybe he deigns to spare their miserable life. I'd certainly seen it enough.

"You don't get to make decisions." Damon hissed. "Especially when they're this stupid."

"I'll meet back up with you guys, I have something I need to take care of."

"Woah, woah. We're not separating now." Damon moved to block the doorway, using his grip on Elena to his advantage. I was well and truly trapped. "Who knows what alarms this stunt triggered."

"Move out of my way."


"Damon. You don't want to play this game with me."

"Why?" The challenge was clear, and he didn't like it.


Again, he denied me.

"Just remember, you asked for this."

Damon didn't have the opportunity to question it before I'd snapped his neck, and he crumpled. I likely wouldn't have that opportunity again. He'd expect it.

But for the current circumstance, it worked.

"Ladies..." I stopped over my brother's body and sped out.

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