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"Who are you really?" Rose had a blood bag in hand that she was sipping from.

"I'm a Salvatore." I looked up from where I sat perched on Stefan's desk chair, one of his journals open in my lap, and my legs thrown up on the desk.

He was a ripper, like me. He just hasn't learned to control it yet. He did have a version of control that was going to inevitably fail him.

Eating bunnies didn't stop the craving.

"Your brothers are pretty well known, it's hard for me to believe you didn't catch wind that they were alive. Even I knew who they were."

"Where I lived was kind of sheltered." I settled back in, flipping the page.

"Thought you moved around a lot." Her brow rose.

"I ran with a group of vampires. They weren't the social type." It was kind of ironic how no one knew what the Mikaelsons looked like, when they settled somewhere, even for a time, they threw parties like no other and had a rather lavish lifestyle.

"Damon said you had some sort of breakdown. I heard him talking to Stefan about it. You're running from someone. I know the look."

So they had discussed it. Yet neither brought it up. "Do you want a cookie?" I began twisting my ring. "For seeing things that are plain?"

"Whoever it is, trust me, they're not as bad as Klaus."

"Bold." Why couldn't I snoop into Stefan's life in peace? "Now can you leave me alone?"

The front door opened downstairs, and Rose perked up. She left the blood bag on a small table near where she was standing and moved down the stairs.

I crept over to it, and as soon as I could smell the blood, veins descended down my face. Fucking hell, that was the good kind. It wasn't from the vein, but it would do.

At least for my exercises.

Every instinct I had demanded that I tear into it.

Deep breaths, Morgan.

I picked it up, scenting the blood once more, and closed my eyes. Stop yourself. Elijah's instructions echoed through my mind. I took a slow sip, forcing the straw away from my mouth once it hit my tongue. I had to pace myself.

Instead of drinking more, something I was itching to do, the desire crawling beneath my skin, I made my way down the steps as well, where I could make out the voice of Elena speaking to Rose.

"I want to talk to Slater."

Who the fuck was Slater?

"That's a bad idea."

"No it's not."

I stood at the top of the stairs, just barely catching the way Elena crossed her arms defiantly.

"Your friend, Slater obviously has more information about Klaus, and you and Damon gave up before you got it."

"Because someone blew up the coffee shop. Came the indignant reply. "With us inside."

"There's more to learn, we just have to find a way to learn it."

Rose scoffed. "Why are you coming to me with this?"

"You owe me." Huh. Maybe she was more like Kathrine than I gave her credit for. "One word from me and Damon and Stefan would have killed you for kidnapping me."

"Or, maybe it's because you know they wouldn't want you doing this and their moonstone caper gives you the chance to sneak away."


Nik's rants always included that 'incessant rock'.

"Do they know where the moonstone is?" That might just be as valuable as Kathrine herself. I descended the stairs.

"What?" They turned to me.

"Do my brothers know where the moonstone is?"

Elena blinked. "It's trapped with Kathrine."

Shit. Of course it was. "Where are you trying to go?"

"Slater can tell us more about Klaus."

I knew more then he did. Guarantee it. "Alright. I'll come with you."

"You can't be serious." Rose put her hands on her hips.

"Safer in numbers right? Besides, who better to sneak you under my brothers' noses than their own sister?"

"Aren't you going to rat me out?" Elena seemed far more suspicious than she'd been earlier this morning.

"Take it as a sign that you can trust me." Really, I was curious what this Slater person knew. "I know how it works with... your kind."

She crossed her arms. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Kathrine kept a group of tight knit people she trusted around. I imagine you're much the same." I wasn't blind, that and Stefan's journal summed up the current situation quite nicely. "You surround yourself with people who are willing to die to save your ass. In order to be apart of my brothers' lives, I need to earn my place."

"I'm nothing like Kathrine." Elena muttered darkly.

"That is yet to be seen." Despite the fact that my first impressions were rarely wrong, her face was Kathrine's face, I had a a hard time separating the two. "So, are we doing this shit or not?"

Rose rolled her eyes, snatching the blood bag from me. "Fine. Only because clearly, I'm the responsible vampire here."

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