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Quote:three words, eight letters has different meanings, don't be fooled. :-* :-l*

"Can't run anymore." My chest burns as I force the words out of my mouth.

Am going to pass out if I take another step.

"Its not even mile yet, we are supposed to cover three miles." Grayson takes some gulps of water from the water can, he stares at me in disbelief as I struggle to breath.

"Can we at least rest." I plead, my chest rising up and down.

Am literally dying here.

"No." He says immediately. "Chop, chop"

So heartless.

I take a deep breath before getting back on my feet.

It is now like an habit, every morning by six, Grayson makes me go jogging with him, it is my first lesson. It helps in burning fats like Grayson would say, although I don't think am fat.

Am I?

"Aren't we there yet." I breath when my legs could take me no further.

"Almost, but we will stop here." He says, coming to a stop. "its much more better than yesterday."

Huh.... At last.

I sit on the carpet grass, my chest rising and falling at me each breath.

"So when are you going teach me something new." I turn to Grayson who decided to sit beside me.

I can't wait to learn something new.

"When you are able to run three miles straight, without groaning and complaining." He toss me the can of water which I hungrily devour.

"Huh." I groan, then lie fully on the ground, spreading my legs out.

My back, legs, and shoulder hurts. Let's just say my while body hurts.

"we should head back." Grayson gets off the ground then holds his hand out for me.

"I don't think I can move." I say in respect to my tired state.

I feel like a bag of rice.

"Come on, you are going to be late for class." He states, the sun was beginning to come out.

I hesitantly take his hand and he pulls me up.

The walk back to the apartment was in peaceful silence.

I take a quick shower then change into my normal comfortable clothe, my usual baggy jean and hoodie.

Walking to the kitchen, i pick up the note Grayson left on the table.

'Your food is in the fridge, make sure to microwave it before eating.'

I smile then place the piece of paper back on the counter.

"I wont." I mutter to my self.

My phone lits up and I quickly reached for it from my reading table.

It is Tin.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey sky." I hear her cheerful voice from the other side of the phone.

"Remember what today is."she added.


"what happened to today." I ask confused.

She gasp, I could easily imagine the look she has on her face. Typical Tin.

"You don't remember?" Tin asks again, this time her voice low and sad. "our traditional sleepover, we do it every year, how could you forget so easily."

I feel guilty that I had forgotten our annual sleepover.

I must be growing really old.

"Am sorry i forgot, I have a lot going on in my life right now."I quickly apologise.

"I know." She replies.

There is silence from the other side  of the phone, and I could easily guess what is going through her mind.

"It really isn't going through he the same without pipe." I state, obviously knowing the answer.

"It doesn't have to." Her voice comes out void and empty.

The sleepover isn't going to be same for sure, but.....

"See you at 8." I say before cutting the call.

A smile dance on my lips as bulb lights in my head.

Tin will be very surprised. I can't wait.

Better get ready for class.

Now where were we, I walk to the fridge, then take out my bowl of breakfast.


"Am home." The door burst open, and a familiar figure badges in.

Just on time.

"Hey Grayson, hey sky." Tin drags herself and the load of food in her hand to the kitchen.

An expected scream follows, and she steps back into the living room.

"Why is he here."

A/an: Please rate and comment. I will love to see your reviews on the book. Always love yal.ADIOS.)

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